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Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2

Discussion in 'General' started by Leonard_McCoy, Oct 30, 2010.

  1. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    Actually, I find it even more than that. Anime adaptations of manga usually turn out too slow with their unmercifully dragged-out narration style to bear, and animation usually seeming lazy and uninspired (or "half-assed-because-it's-famous-and-will-sell-anyway"). Combat in Narutimate series, and especially Ougi animations, always seemed to me as anime *should* have looked... if it wasn't largely a bland, corporate bitch*.

    That game IS beautiful and seems very polished... I guess I'm just disappointed it seems to have ceased - essentially - to be a fighting game (anymore). Yesterday I've noticed that even shishirendan guys essentially decided it's hopeless, and they were there trying to squeeze some fair, competitive scene out of the series from the start [​IMG] .

    *except for the Naruto vs Sasuke fight at the waterfall. THAT WAS WHACK and basically all I could ask for from a "anime ninja duel" topic [​IMG] .
  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I'm confused, are you saying Naruto vs Sasuke fight at waterfall was good or bad? I think that was the best fight in the whole show!
  3. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    My nephew has the game and brought it over, he's pretty good at it and I played it some online and watch him play cats.

    I dig the anime show. He got me watchin it. The games aight, I don't like all that subsitution stuff too much though. I mean dam combos are almost pointless, but at the same time it would suck to always get hit that many times and not be able to do nothing about it. At least it uses some chakara I guess. Even though you get hella opportunitys to charge it up.

    They need to take that awakening stuff out of ranked matches imo lol. That fuckin Itachi cat is hella cheap when he's in that. Sucks when you're whoopin somebody and they get rewarded for it and be able to go into some crazy special mode on you where you can't even block their moves or get out of the way of a lot of stuff (depending on who they are).

    I think some moves could have had a lil more umph to em when they connect. I can't think of any off top, but I know some moves have a hella BOOM impact when they hit and some don't really even make a sound. Being able to cancel your chakara dash woulda been cool. Couple more special moves for the characters woulda been dope to so you wouldn't have to do the same two (the Y,B and Y,Y,B) over n over.

    It's a cool lil game though, especially if you watch the show n what not. I plan on doing the story mode sometime. I got my nephew living with me for a while so i'll have a chance to mess with it.
  4. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    That was indeed the best fight of the show - and one of the best fights in anime I've seen, period.

    It also made the overall bad quality of Naruto anime even more apparent in contrast [​IMG] . The games were pulling off the "spirit" of those duels a ton better.
  5. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    Sorry, Griever, as much as I'd love to, but I'm still on my 360...
  6. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Well, yeah, the awakenings are a bit OP. You can only use your Jutsu (not Ultimate Jutsu) and cannot use assists. On the upside, you cannot be thrown and can only be hit by normal Jutsus as well. UJ and Team Jutsus will simply bounce off of you.

    The "overpowered" part comes in, when you are against a character who goes into Dragon Ball mode when in awakening. Naruto is a good example. Shooting the shit out of some Kamehamehas and Big Bang Attacks. If you survive, you can finish him off, otherwise you're screwed, and really fast for that matter.
  7. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Sounds like they at least tried to balance the awakening modes, since US1 had no such restrictions.
  8. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    What Is Wrong with UNS2

    After a bit of play-testing for a couple of weeks now all I can say is that Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 is little more than eye and ear candy. Apparently, the developer team had no competent game balancer on board making playing this game on a competitive level ultimately obsolete. Quite the contrary: you'll be repeatedly pissed off when you choose your favorite characters over the top tiers as you'll lose over and over again regardless of your in-game "skills" -- it's simply a dead end.

    Just to sum it up, my top-five list of the most broken stuff in Ultimate Ninja Storm 2:
    1. Substitution Jutsu! Being able to substitution-jutsu every kind of offense -- be it a throw, a jutus, or combos, you name it -- at the expense of only the tiniest amount of chakra flushes the whole fighting system down the drain. Whoever attacks first, loses. And you don't even have to spam the block button if a turbo controller can do that for you.
    2. "KnJ Canceling!" How about connecting a substitution jutsu into an unbeatable Ultimate Jutsu? With UNS2 you can do just that, with a select cast of characters only.
    3. God tiers! The game's huge roaster of more than 40 playable characters is so highly unbalanced that you've got no chance to put up a solid fight with mid-tier chars.
    4. Awakenings! Alright: Let's assume you've nailed your newbie opponent with your best stuff, draining away his health bar considerably. Be proud of yourself, but it's still game over for you as soon as he activates his Awakening mode. Of course, only some characters have solid Awakenings, unfortunately, most likely, not yours.
    5. Broken stages! In the face of the core mechanics being broken, this may just seem like something minor. It's still noteworthy, though, that on some stages (Orochimaru's Hideout; Training Field) you can push your opponent outside the map making him unreachable for your jutsus.
  9. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Re: What Is Wrong with UNS2

    The first reason was why I hated the dragonball game on the xbox.

    People just straight up mashing A. You can even see them doing it but there's nothing you can do about it.

    I liked to use Tien in that game but he was shit. When people would start telling me the game was balanced I'd pick Vegeta and literally let htem beat the crap out of me until they ran out of Ki and then infinite them when they couldn't teleport anymore.

    I never expected much more but, still. I hate it when a fighting game is broken on such an obvious level.
  10. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Re: What Is Wrong with UNS2

    K so I'm never listening to you fucklets again.

    Game is ass
  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Re: What Is Wrong with UNS2

  12. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Re: What Is Wrong with UNS2

    Lol, don't worry, you can trade it in xD

    Seriously though. I have learned one thing: When it comes to anime games, never trust ANYONE but yourself. Unless you love the series, don't buy the fucking game, it's gonna suck. [​IMG]
  13. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Re: What Is Wrong with UNS2

    Fucking Games suck and i don't need to buy to know that lol!!!
  14. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: What Is Wrong with UNS2

    I recently got this game and I have enjoyed working the tricks and possibilities. Havent found anything yet in offline or online to consider this game truly broken, although I have encountered some pretty strong tactics. Not sure if they dont have answers though. all in all it has been enjoyable so far. Anyone wanna spar sometime?

    Some questions: How do I activate the team-ultimate?
  15. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Re: What Is Wrong with UNS2

    If you'd like to play on PS3, just let me know.

    To activate a team Ultimate, you need to have the team in full compatibility mode. To do so, you need to use your companions/assists, until the meter below your character's avatar fills up.
    When it's full the first time, the other teammates will help you (guard you, throw kunais, attack). When it's full the second time, the whole HUD on your side will be in flames. This means that you can now perform a Team Ultimate (the time is limited, the full compatibility mode will disappear after a while).
    To do so, just pres Triangle (or whatever else you use for Ultimates) 3 times, and then 'attack button'. [​IMG]
  16. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: What Is Wrong with UNS2

    Thank you for responding. Unfortunately, I have naruto UNS2 on xbox, which goes for pretty much all my console games these days with the exception of rockband3.

    Additionally, my ps3 finally broke down. So even if I would buy the game for ps3 and would be willing to grind open the storymode to unlock the characters, I dont have working ps3 at the moment. : / I will propably get a new ps3 at some point though, because I still want RB3 and have tons of DLC for it.
  17. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Re: What Is Wrong with UNS2

    Too bad. On a side note: you don't need to go through the story mode to unlock the characters. You can collect points by playing online, or offline against people. Win or lose, you will still earn points. Once you reach a certain amount, a new unlockable item is, well, unlocked [​IMG]
  18. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: What Is Wrong with UNS2

    How exactly does minata's teleport work? Its one of the few characters I havent unlocked yet, and its getting very annoying in online. He just seems to teleport the entirety of the arena and slam me with rasengan or somesuch.

    There are some characters that are more difficult to deal with than others:
    - Deidara (I think this is very common, Deidara projectile spam), although there has been so far only one deidara in online that I felt I couldnt find a chink in his spam to fight back.
    - Kiba spamming fang over fang (possibly THE most troublesome attack besides minata)
    - Sage Naruto, although I felt that I could keep the fight pretty even, its when I started experimenting to find the correct moments to fight back when I got demolished.
    - both versions of Sasuke are annoying, both because of the jutsus.

    I used to try to play with Neji, but now that I have unlocked all but 2 characters I have switched to Sasori (deidara, Itachi as support). When opponent knows what he is doing, it seems that projectiles can be beaten.

    I remember one time an online opponent beat me with Sakura of all characters and avoided basically all my projectiles from Sasoris awakening and overall almost all my attacks. These cases make me think that its not as hopeless as people often make fighting games out to be when they first try.

    Got any tips against the above problem characters?
  19. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    UNS2 is outright broken. And if we believe the development team, they don't care a lot about it. They have proven that they are incapable of crafting a good fighting system. Those teleports into unblockable Ninjutsu spamming (Sage Naruto, Kiba, etc.) are just one part of the broken system. Some character can completely win a game by just standing on one spot while blocking and jumping a bit here and there. Ugh...

    Vs. Deidara: Jump + Shuriken Spam
    Vs. all other strong chars: Don't attack first
  20. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Err what? What unblockable jutsu?

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Some character can completely win a game by just standing on one spot while blocking and jumping a bit here and there. Ugh...
    I havent got a clue what youre talking about.. You need to elaborate a bit.

    What information

    Against deidara spam: Try to run sideways (dont even need to jump) and let your projectile assists blast deidara. Then close in when he is down. Just have to play around his assists, but you can see the meters, right?

    I have to admit that I havent really tried all characters agaist the "broken" ones, and Sasori is not without weapons against projetilespammers although his attacks tend to be on the slow side. Neji would own deidaras awakening with repeated Eight trigrams heavenly spin, and you can have Hinata as support too to do the same. I think that also works against Itachis susano-o.

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