Need help figuring out Taka...

Discussion in 'Brad' started by JackRyanForPope, Aug 22, 2012.

  1. G_A

    G_A Well-Known Member

    Started to search some wall combo a bit, the maximum I could do is
    [4][K] (Wall Stagger) Ducking[K]+[G] [9][P]+[K] [4][4][P](BT) [2][P] [3][P]+[K][P] for 113DMG on both stance.
    [3][P]+[K][P] can be replaced by [4][P][K]

    [2][K]+[G] (Wall Stagger) [4][6][K]+[G] [9][P]+[K] [4][6][P]+[K] [1][P]+[K] [3][P]+[K][P] for 108DMG on both stance (well, this one may allow the opponent to recover from stagger in time, didn't properly checked).

    Some random notes :
    [K][P][K] is NC on CH (mC or MC)

    [2][P]+[K][P][6][P] is NC :
    • on CH (mC or MC) -> leaves Taka at -5
    • if Taka is crouched ->Taka falls down (sometimes the second P can whiff while being too far, but [6][P] may still connect if the opponent doesn't recuperate from stagger) Can be followed by [3][P]+[K][P] for a total of 67DMG.
  2. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Your last combo has been added to the combo list, G_A. I'll hold off on the others, especially that sweep combo. I don't think the stagger guarantees much, if anything. [6][P][+][K] isn't fast enough from what I've tested, though maybe a jab is. I'll toy around with angles and foot positions before making a decision.

    A natural combo list will be added soon.
  3. G_A

    G_A Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I don't have any good recording device to check if the wall stagger is possible to recover or not.
    The only perfect way to check it would be to film it and see if the following move hits before the joystick get red, right?

    That's why i preferred to clearly mention the moves that cause it. It's better to consider only the following moves as a combo for the moment.
    I just focused on finding what would be the best combo to do after provoking a WallStagger from a Mid or a Low move.

    By the way, do you know if frames advantages stacks with a Wall Stagger ?
    For example, could it be possible that 4K (CH) Slipping P+K would not be guaranteed anymore because a Wall Stagger ?
  4. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    It's always guaranteed when it causes a wall stagger on any hit. The same goes for [4][P].
  5. G_A

    G_A Well-Known Member

    I poorly worded my question.

    In fact I wanted to know if guaranteed frames stagger were dependent of the move (and counter or not) that cause it, or if it was always the same number of frames.

    If it's the last scenario I couldn't find that info and it would be easier to determine if a wall combo is guaranteed or not.

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