need help practicing combos

Discussion in 'Jacky' started by jongoo, May 23, 2012.

  1. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Why you keep repeating yourself, it's not a bug?

    Somone can correct me if i'm wrong because I can't find it in the system pages but the 1f delay in moves like [9][K] is there so the game can tell if you meant to input that or a jumping attack like [9_][K]. This doesn't apply to inputs like [9][K]+[G] so you won't lose the 1f.

    Also, pretty sure that combo works on Aoi whichever way you input the last move?
  2. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    I tried it Jacky vs Jacky earlier, and it does not work without K+G. The timing is tight, you really need to buffer it, and that 1 frame makes all the difference.
  3. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I love new players trying to tell old player who know the system what's what. Dude just take the information in instead of trying to say it's wrong. I agree that the K+G feature is kinda strange and I'm sure there is a good rational behind it. I believe it has something to do with the fact that from neutral position it takes the game a second to know what button command you mean to use. Due to the buffer window rules 9K+G comes out a frame faster than 9K because the game knows for that character you are hitting all the buttons that are possible so it doesn't wait 1 frame to see if you are going to press the G or not.

    It's the same concept where if you use P+K+G to P from a neutral position you will get the P to come out 1 frame faster than if you just used P.
  4. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Yeah Tricky.... im wondering the same fucking thing.
  5. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Just posting to confirm what Seidon and Feck and others said.
    If a character has an attack with input up direction+kick, that move will execute one frame faster if you press [K]+[G] instead.

    Examples, Pai [9][K]+[G], Jacky [7][K]+[G], Sarah [7][K]+[G] etc.

    These moves are even listed in the movelists as one frame faster execution than the version without G. This is not a bug but an intentional feature of the game system. If you dont press G, the game will spend one frame figuring out whether you want this move, or a standard jump (which is accomplished by keeping the kick button pressed; for example [9]+[K](hold). Pressing kick+guard will avoid this.
  6. jongoo

    jongoo Active Member

    Wow, suddenly a lot of replies! Thanks guys! I'll have to refer to this every time I hit training the next few days.

    Plume, what you said makes a world of sense but...iaigeri combos look so cool, I can't resist working on it. On the other hand, I'm still terrible at the game and winning is the best so yeah, I should heed you advice lol.

    As far as my progress with the combo itself, it's been slow. There were times (at most 2)when I got streaky and landed it a couple times in a row but that's about it. I used various tricks but none got me to the point where I started doing it consistently. I'll have to try the stuff you guys mentioned.

    From match vids, it seems like in FS, it's more useful in combos? From the combo list for vanilla I have, I haven't seen any iaigeri followups to CH smash upper for instance. But I've seen it in matches. Unfortunately, my skills can't even reliably test stuff like this haha.

    One last question. I find the cpu on hardest difficuly very challenging. I mean, I don't throw break (or ETEG) so I know I'm really hurtin myself there but even still. Sometimes, I get embarrassingly high clear times. But I kinda feel I should at least be able to beat it without losing before I start hitting up online (which I already do occasionally). Your guys' thoughts on this? Oh, and I will try and make ETEG a habit, probably with the release of FS.
  7. jongoo

    jongoo Active Member

    One more question while I'm at it. How do you guys confirm CH?
    I read you gotta look for the yellow flash but I find this difficult, especially when the hit source is obscured by the back of the body or even on certain stages that have less than optimal lighting. Is this the best way or do you guys look at the animation? I wish you could randomize normal/counter in the dojo.

    Oh, and sorry, I know I'm making this the "help yet another VF5 noob thread".
  8. avok23

    avok23 Active Member

    I was say this last week and some guy made it sound like i was stupid.
    Jacky is far from beginner friendly since more than 50% of his combos require counter hit. The only way you can get that down is by ANTICIPATING not REACTING.

    Try Getting used to smash upper [3][3][P] ( aka [​IMG][3][P]) since it launches. I am new like you so I only bother with counters that put me at significant advantage ie I can take a sip of coffee and still have time to combo of it.

    Despite all that, when its a real match i don't try anything difficult cos whiffing is the worst thing in the game.
  9. avok23

    avok23 Active Member

    I am not disputing the fact at hand i am just saying that the programming /code is flawed. thats all i am saying. DHC glitch was an important factor in MvC but yet it remains a glitch. If your game manual describes a move as [7][K] and never says anything about [K]+[G] then it must be unintentional there fore a bug.

    The price they pay for leniency but it makes 100% sense.
  10. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    ...but the code is not flawed, the way jumping attacks and moves with similar inputs work is intentional.

    You read the manual right? Ever notice that it fails to tell you 90% of VF5's system mechanics? If we're going by your logic then 90% of the game is one massive glitch [​IMG]

    The manual doesn't say anything about Jacky's [7][K] btw, it doesn't have move lists for the characters at all. No idea what you're talking about [​IMG]
  11. avok23

    avok23 Active Member

    ... well this certainly isn't helping jongoo get any better at execution.
  12. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    I agree. everyone here understands that this is not a bug or programming error so we can now move on.
  13. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Aside from the flash and the sound, its easiest by looking at what your OPPONENT is doing during your move.

    A simple example is Jacky [1][P][K], a low-high string. This can be a dangerous tool to throw out without being able to hit check. Most players are able to react to the first punch (regardless if it actually HITS or its blocked) and crouch in time to punish the whiffed high kick.

    Although, this move will combo on any counter hit. So if you see your opponent doing a move (i.e a high punch, or throw) WHILE 1p is executing, let the kick rip and score a knockdown.

    Interesting tidbit: I had no clue you could hit check [P]+[K][P] till last month...
  14. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    I can see and react to the yellow pretty well, and it mainly comes from just practice and technique. You can practice in-match by really paying attention to your CH confirms, and even give yourself an in-game goal (like "I will hit confirm at least 75% of my CH into optimal combos/resets"). Techniques in my mind are things like buffering directions for CH combos, and not pressing the corresponding button if the move doesn't CH. This essentially speeds up your move input and gives you more time. There are more techniques and just plain muscle memory to learn.

    If you're still having trouble, you can be relieved to know that FS has much more visible flashes of blue and yellow on both characters.
  15. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    Counter hit effects are somewhat different in FS...I think the yellow flash is gone. Instead there's like ...lots of wind... a mini storm... perfectly realistic [/sarcasm] to show you that it was a counter hit.

    Personally I do the same as Cozby, look at the other character and see if they were attacking while my attack was about to hit.
    Others prefer to look for the flash or listen to the sound. I think it's a matter of preference.

    In FS I will be looking for the other character's attacks and also the storm-like effects at the same time because one can be better than the other in different situations.

    ...That's with the assumption that I'm right about the windy thing being a CH indicator.
  16. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    No, the yellow flash is still there. It's actually a lot brighter and more noticable. It's accompanied by fluid flying off your opponent. I think hitchecking for CH will a bit easier in FS.
  17. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Yep yellow and blue flash are still there in FS, I find checking for CH any other way is unreliable.
  18. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I usually pay attention to counterhit only in case of floats or obvious hit effects (like head crumple off Jacky 4PP second hit CH), and judge counterhit from the height that opponent flies to.

    I personally suck at looking at the counterhit flash, maybe its my eyes or something, cant see the color very well. This means that I cant react very well when a non-knockdown hit hits as counter, like a basic punch (in vanilla VF5 counterhit means the difference whether you can fuzzy getting hit by basic punch or not).
  19. jongoo

    jongoo Active Member

    Holy shit guys, I just watched the Gamespot "Now Playing: VF5FS" where Myke and some chick introduce the game and in the dojo there is reaction setting: normal or counter hit!!!!
  20. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member


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