Neko Dojo's 2AFC Approach

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Sep 16, 2013.

By akai on Sep 16, 2013 at 10:44 AM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    For those seeking to learn and improve on their VF play, there are many good resources already available. For example, video tutorials and the VFDC Wiki. However, textbook-like resources that allow people to follow chapters sequentially for effective understanding is sorely lacking. The Neko Dojo team, the makers of Virtua Wrecker 5 Final Showdown and many other videos showcasing very damaging setups, presents their textbook-like resource 2AFC Approach (see below for Table of Contents).


    The goal of 2AFC Approach (Two-Alternative Forced Choice or what VFers might know as "nitaku") is to make players think of most situations as a choice between 2 actions. However, the overall message the Neko Dojo team wants to impart to beginners and intermediate players are:
    The 2AFC Approach is an ongoing work. It is unique for having both a Japanese and English text version. Not only is it a beneficial resource to new players, but it also contain valuable information for experienced players. What I like about 2AFC Approach is that it builds on preexisting resources with additional information. So check out Neko Dojo's 2AFC Approach! I will update the Table of Contents below as more blog entries are posted.

    2AFC Table of Contents
    (last updated June 20, 2015)​
    2AFC Approach: Preface
    1. How to Reduce Input Lag (English / 日本語)
    2. General Properties of Attacks (English / 日本語)
    3. Attack Analysis (English / 日本語)
    4. Advantage and Disadvantage (English / 日本語)
    5. Top Tips for Command Input
    6. Attack Levels
    7. Training 1 (English / 日本語)
    8. General Strategy: Collision Detection (English / 日本語)
    9. General Properties of Foot Stance (English / 日本語)
    10. General Properties of Throw
    11. Fuzzy Guarding
    12. Catch Throws and Guard Breaks
    13. High Throws at Large Advantage

    About the Neko Dojo Team
    The Neko Dojo team is composed of Hokkaido VFers: Academi-ya who writes majority of the text and manages their blog and Nachi Nozawa who edits majority of the videos. In addition, KEN KEN sometime helps with the making of the videos. Neko Dojo was originally created by Academi-ya in 2003 for Virtua Fighter 3 to 5. In 2010, he created the current blog for Final Showdown. Due to increasing workload, Academi-ya took less of the center stage on the blog's contents. However, seeing a lack of a textbook-like resource available, and that the success of that resource would require a seasoned player with knowledge of the VF system, he decided to write the 2AFC Approach.​
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2015


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Sep 16, 2013.

    1. Myke
      Table of contents updated with High Throws at Large Advantage - Part 3.
      academi-ya likes this.
    2. academi-ya
      Hi, Myke
       Thank you for always for your correspondence even though you're busy.

    3. academi-ya
      Dear @Tricky,

       I have the deepest respect for your work of 'The Tricky Flow Practice Mode' on youtube.

       We put links from our blogs to your video with all my feelings of gratitude.

       VFMP, VF Intelligence Agency and ref.6 in Neko Dojo

      Last edited: Aug 21, 2015
      MakiLeSushi and Tricky like this.
    4. Tricky
      @academi-ya aw thanks man! I am so glad that enough of the video was saved that it was useful! Since I'm having issues with my computer streaming, I will just record these neko dojo read throughs then upload the recordings on to youtube.
      academi-ya likes this.
    5. Tricky
      @academi-ya I have been wondering, can this concept of recovery apply to Eileen's cancel strings that only combo on counter hit? For example if I get a Counter hit on either [1][P][+][K] or [3][P] or even [4][P][+][K] I can combo it into a guaranteed cancel move of [2][3][6][K][K][K] or [2][1][4][P] or [2][1][4][K][+][G]; however, on block my attack with not combo at all. I think there is a way to use this input buffer technique to make hitchecking this move for CH's easier, but I'm not sure if I'm right or not. DO you know?

      What I have found that works like the setup you show with jean is eileen [4][3][P][+][K]. You can buffer [2][3][6][K][K] then press [2][P][+][K][+][G] ![K] to get either a combo into the triple kick or if you whiff Eileen will interrupt into her low split move which will keep you safe from launches. This works well because this move works on NH unlike the other moves I mentioned which are only good on Counter hits.

      So the whole thing ends up being this:
      [4][3][P][+][K], (buffer right away before animation of attack) [2][3][6][K][K], [2][P][+][K][+][G], (react to if the triple kick combo started or to the split), ![K] (hit the last just frame of the kicks if you hit).
      academi-ya likes this.
    6. academi-ya
      Hi @Tricky,

       I'm sorry, to the best of our knowledge, there is no articles about that.

        As mentioned in chapter 2, increase or decrease of the amount would be observed if the attack hits or is blocked. However, there would be potential dispute arising from the lack of clarity as to which [4][3][P][+][K] is classified in a type of attacks: increased or decreased? You are requested to compare total frames of hitting [4][3][P][+][K] with that of blocking it.

    7. Tricky
      Yes To the bolded part.
      academi-ya likes this.
    8. academi-ya
      Hi everyone,

       Chapter 13-4, High Throws at Large Advantage 4, has been posted on Neko-Dojo.


      The key message is that
       It would be wise of you to consider whether to do Throws or not if the opponent could return the attack by using Fake Kick.


      Stl_Tim, Tricky, Myke and 4 others like this.
    9. Myke
      Table of contents updated with High Throws at Large Advantage - Part 4.
      academi-ya likes this.
    10. Tricky
      I always wondered how to use this stuff! Thanks for the very useful frame table. I had no idea how I could calculate the exe on a cancel like that. You've just given me ideas for how to figure out the answer to some other questions I've had. Thanks again!
      academi-ya likes this.
    11. Tricky
      @academi-ya I made a video going over 13-4

      Your stuff is at the start, then I did some regular matches. I thought I broke the stream up but it didn't quite work out that way.
      academi-ya likes this.
    12. academi-ya
      Hi Tricky,

       I'm on a business trip. Please wait a moment now. I hope that you will understand this situation.

      Last edited: Aug 30, 2015
      jimi Claymore and Tricky like this.
    13. Ares-olimpico
      Can i use fake kick to induce a "succefull of nothing" evade in advantage?
      academi-ya likes this.
    14. Tricky
      I forget the formula but you would be a massive advantage if your opponent evaded your fake kick.
      Ares-olimpico and academi-ya like this.
    15. YOMI
      IIRC I tested this once with Wolf's K~G, you can cause a succesful evade with it even on a neutral situation, but it's fairly difficult as you have to cancel it in the last few possible frames for it to work.

      EDIT: Re-tested, you did not need to cancel it in the last frames, any time will cause a succesful evade.
      Last edited: Aug 31, 2015
      Tricky, Ares-olimpico and academi-ya like this.
    16. Ares-olimpico
      The successful DM is 23 frames formula must be like this
      advantage + 23 - fake kick duration = total advantage
      why i can hit Sarah with Souji Senpu (20 frames) on a neutral situation in free training?
      academi-ya likes this.
    17. Tricky
      you need to record yourself doing the fake kick into your 20 frame move, play the recording, and you as the player evade and get hit. This assumes that you are using the right frame advantage before the fake kick is used. Hope that makes sense.
      academi-ya likes this.
    18. Tricky
      No problem, I totally understand. I look forward to your next chapter!
      academi-ya likes this.
    19. academi-ya
      Dear @Tricky,

       I have the deepest respect for your work of 'Tricky Eileen Live Stream' on youtube.

       We put links from our blogs to your video with all my feelings of gratitude.

      VFMP, VF Intelligence Agency and ref.9 in Neko Dojo

      Tricky likes this.
    20. academi-ya
      Hi everyone,

       An advance screening of a movie for chapter 14 has been posted on Youtube.

       In the video above, the control of Player 2 (Lau) was performed by the same command input using Record 1 of training mode: [P] > [6][P] > [3][2][3][G] > [4][6][P] > [6][P][+][K][+][G].

      Myke, EvenPit, MakiLeSushi and 2 others like this.

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