Neko Dojo's 2AFC Approach

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Sep 16, 2013.

By akai on Sep 16, 2013 at 10:44 AM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    For those seeking to learn and improve on their VF play, there are many good resources already available. For example, video tutorials and the VFDC Wiki. However, textbook-like resources that allow people to follow chapters sequentially for effective understanding is sorely lacking. The Neko Dojo team, the makers of Virtua Wrecker 5 Final Showdown and many other videos showcasing very damaging setups, presents their textbook-like resource 2AFC Approach (see below for Table of Contents).


    The goal of 2AFC Approach (Two-Alternative Forced Choice or what VFers might know as "nitaku") is to make players think of most situations as a choice between 2 actions. However, the overall message the Neko Dojo team wants to impart to beginners and intermediate players are:
    The 2AFC Approach is an ongoing work. It is unique for having both a Japanese and English text version. Not only is it a beneficial resource to new players, but it also contain valuable information for experienced players. What I like about 2AFC Approach is that it builds on preexisting resources with additional information. So check out Neko Dojo's 2AFC Approach! I will update the Table of Contents below as more blog entries are posted.

    2AFC Table of Contents
    (last updated June 20, 2015)​
    2AFC Approach: Preface
    1. How to Reduce Input Lag (English / 日本語)
    2. General Properties of Attacks (English / 日本語)
    3. Attack Analysis (English / 日本語)
    4. Advantage and Disadvantage (English / 日本語)
    5. Top Tips for Command Input
    6. Attack Levels
    7. Training 1 (English / 日本語)
    8. General Strategy: Collision Detection (English / 日本語)
    9. General Properties of Foot Stance (English / 日本語)
    10. General Properties of Throw
    11. Fuzzy Guarding
    12. Catch Throws and Guard Breaks
    13. High Throws at Large Advantage

    About the Neko Dojo Team
    The Neko Dojo team is composed of Hokkaido VFers: Academi-ya who writes majority of the text and manages their blog and Nachi Nozawa who edits majority of the videos. In addition, KEN KEN sometime helps with the making of the videos. Neko Dojo was originally created by Academi-ya in 2003 for Virtua Fighter 3 to 5. In 2010, he created the current blog for Final Showdown. Due to increasing workload, Academi-ya took less of the center stage on the blog's contents. However, seeing a lack of a textbook-like resource available, and that the success of that resource would require a seasoned player with knowledge of the VF system, he decided to write the 2AFC Approach.​
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2015


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Sep 16, 2013.

    1. Ares-olimpico
      In my personal attempt to improve my game i'm traslating 2AFC Approach to my Language, El Español.
      I would happy if this translation apear here
      Now almost six chpaters has been translated in a notebook. I can re-type it.
      Whats is the best way?

      academi-ya likes this.
    2. academi-ya
      Hi @Ares-olimpico,

       Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with your language. However, you can use all of figures and videos in our articles. I'm extremely happy if you operate El Español web site. Please let us know the address of the new web site, which is our one hope.

      jimi Claymore likes this.
    3. Ares-olimpico
      My question is: can I upload my translation in this web site?
      appear beside English and Japanese like this (Español/English / 日本語)
      The web site is a nice idea but i don't have time now.
      (Español=Spanish, sorry for my English)
      Kruza and academi-ya like this.
    4. academi-ya
      Ofcourse, you may. However, the 2AFC Table of Contents has been updated by an editor of VFDC. You had better to get permission from the editor, @Myke.

      I look forward to your articles.

      Kruza likes this.
    5. Myke
      I'm more happy to update the Table of Contents with additional links for the Spanish translation.
      academi-ya, Kruza and jimi Claymore like this.
    6. academi-ya
      BlackGeneral, G0d3L and jimi Claymore like this.
    7. academi-ya
      Last edited: Sep 26, 2015
      Unicorn, BLACKSTAR, G0d3L and 3 others like this.
    8. Myke
      Hi academi-ya, you mention this is "Chapter 75" but in the table of contents we only have chapters 1 - 12 so far. What happened to 13 - 74? :)
      academi-ya likes this.
    9. academi-ya
      Hi Myke,

       According to your reasonable question, table of contents has been updated in Neko Dojo. 2AFC consists of 10 strategies (74 chapters), and Strategy for Final Showdown, 3AFC, is outside the reach of 2AFC. However, Japanese version of 'Strategy for Final Showdown' is the most important and popular article in our blog. Therefore, for a long time, the article translated into English has been desired by some readers of our blog.

       I am very sorry for causing confusion with my mistake. I wish to update ‘14th chapter of 2AFC Approach’ one of these days.

      Last edited: Sep 27, 2015
      jimi Claymore and MrAnnual like this.
    10. Tricky
      Hey @academi-ya I tried to look for ways to use this with Eileen and I came up with this:

      Do you know how the game chooses your inputs for strings when you press extra buttons after the first attack?
      academi-ya likes this.
    11. academi-ya
      Hi @Tricky,

       I apologize for the delay in the reply. I think that the system has a very complex structure: You are requested to see chapter 2.

      Tricky likes this.
    12. Tricky
      @academi-ya No problem for the delay, I missed you buddy! Thanks for the link to the chapter2. It helps. I'm still not sure why the game lets me input 6P+K, P+K and actually accepts that as if I inputted 6P+K, P. But if I do 6P+K, P+K+G it doesn't read that as a P and the string stops.

      Another strange situation is when I input my PP string versus 4PP string. If I input P, P+K, P I will get the PP to come out in the game. However, if I use 4P, P+K, P I have to use very fast timing or else I will not get 4PP and instead only get 4P.

      I do not understand why the game prioritizes these kinds of strange inputs.
      academi-ya likes this.
    13. Ares-olimpico
      Somebody explain me the 11-7 Section, Side turned Crouching ? "After recovery phase of side hit or guard, the player exposes side for 12 frames period" for all characters?
      Tricky i have a similar problem executing Taizan Acchou 43p+k to bounce the oponent before 66p+k i need to cut the string with G. I dont have the solution but 2 hypothesis
      1 Due Eileen equips Enkou yurin and th system can't choice 4ppk and second P is late or ignored
      2 something related whit the chain window
      academi-ya likes this.
    14. Tricky
      :) I'm glad you noticed the issue too! I looked into it a little yesterday in dojo mode and I found the following useful 2-in-1's (calling it an OS isn't really capturing the technique accurately).

      4K ~3P+K (to give your 16frame 4K on throw whiff & 43P+K on block) The game reads your 4K as the initial 4 in your 43P+K.

      Due to command move overlap and input chain window or what ever you call it you can replace 4K with any of the following 4 directional choices: 4P+K, 4K+G, [4P+K+G should work but didn't test], qcb P+K, qcbP [they'll block it if they throw whiff but this is useful for other reasons outside scope of this post].

      Other things to note: 4P+K can be followed with only a K input, not a P+K input (or K+G/P+K+G) if you want to get the full string 4P+KK. However, 4K+G can be followed up with a K+G input to still get the followup K to come out. In this case you can not use P+K or P+K+G to get the followup punch.

      Knowing all this helps you know which moves you can choose to use a the 1first choice and which moves you can easily put as your 2nd choice attack to cover the situations you're dealing with.
      academi-ya likes this.
    15. Tricky
      I'm finding this 2-in-1 technique for inputting commands to be highly useful for strengthening Eileen's mixups way more than I initially thought.
      academi-ya likes this.
    16. Ares-olimpico
      Movements of Aoi with sundome option like Jousei Ryusenshou 44p+k can evade throws like fake kick? or kusanagi?
    17. Kruza
      Ares-olimpico likes this.

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