Discussion in 'Arcade' started by KiwE, May 21, 2004.

  1. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter Ultimate......nooooo

    Actually, VF gfx in the arcade is much much better than the ps2 conversion. Most of the people in the US doesn't realize this because they are so used to seeing the game played on the ps2. In fact, after seeing the DOA ultimate trailer, DOA may let you interact with the background and it's more expansive than the VF stages. I personally think from the pictures posted, FT's stage gfx are much more photo realistic compared to the DOA stages. It fit the atmosphere of VF much much more appropriately that way I think. No complaints from me on FT so far, I just can't wait to see how it plays.
  2. Kageh

    Kageh Active Member

    Re: Bitch please.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zero-chan said:


    Now we just need Rich to pop in.

    [ QUOTE ]
    And no, I've been in VF since 2.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So do you deserve a placard or something?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Holy shit... Rich... THAT'S what this thread is missing.

    What name does he post under? Is he even around anymore?

    Josh, stop embarrassing yourself. Listen to your sempai. I've got seniority on you! :p
  3. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    WTF is this.

    [ QUOTE ]
    GLC said:

    And who seriously cares about DOA4... except lunatics like virtuapai? Someone else?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    -Why was my name brought into this bullshit. If you have a problem with Shadowdean wanting better graphics in Vf4... complain and bitch to him, I have nothing to do with this and I would like to remain out of it unless I involve myself. I don't know why you had to put me on blast n shit. What your doing is some lil kiddy shit and if you dont realise it, its very tacky.

    -Nice Find Kiwe, FT looks damn good If you ask me. I wouldn't expect a big leap in Graphics intill Vf5 is released.
  4. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF is this.

    Hey... go fuck yourself. Also, make sure you give birth to more "DOA gave tech rolling to VF" articles. They're so interesting! I actually cared for a minute there.
  5. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF is this.

    [ QUOTE ]
    GLC said:

    Hey... go fuck yourself. Also, make sure you give birth to more "DOA gave tech rolling to VF" articles. They're so interesting! I actually cared for a minute there.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    - /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif I know the truth hurts. Your sarcasim and worthless combacks does wonders for your ego. Its a pleasure to know that you read a lunatics article.
    Whats next, your going to make an account @ Doacentral to get insider scoop from V-Pai.
  6. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    Wolf's old knee? Well, if you have the choice between the Evo knee, and the old knee; and you pick the old knee (for obvious reasons); do you get some sort of handicap? Otherwise, if you are able to swap key moves such as the ones already mentioned; I see some balancing issues in FT.
  7. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    Can I get a WTF? too?

    I'm with VirtuaPAI on this one...why did you just start takin pot shots at him too?
  8. Raptor1017

    Raptor1017 Well-Known Member

    Back to the stages

    Interesting how Sega's decided to make the stages even simpler looking than they were in the very beginning, but they still look nice. Strange that they took out Sarah's lightning, since that was a nice bit of flash to the stage. I'm really interested in seeing how Lion's and Pai's stages will be changed, since those were the most dramatic changes (and i wonder if their new stages will be based off their Ver C or EVO stages) and I'm also hoping stages like Shun's and Van's, which got shafted last time, will look much different.
  9. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    Re: Back to the stages

    [ QUOTE ]
    Raptor1017 said:

    Interesting how Sega's decided to make the stages even simpler looking than they were in the very beginning, but they still look nice. Strange that they took out Sarah's lightning, since that was a nice bit of flash to the stage. I'm really interested in seeing how Lion's and Pai's stages will be changed, since those were the most dramatic changes (and i wonder if their new stages will be based off their Ver C or EVO stages) and I'm also hoping stages like Shun's and Van's, which got shafted last time, will look much different.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    -When you remove such detail(The stage still looks pretty damn good) it usualy means they are using the power for something else. The change in backgrounds may indicate higher polygon usage for the characters. better yet, it can be used to modify other stages(like the ones you mention).
  10. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Back to the stages

    LOL, who knows what they did, they might not even have removed the lightning, it may just be a random or dyanamic detail in the backgrounds. So far most people here on vfdc have not seen the game in action, let along the final version. It's pointless to make any speculations on what the final version is going to be like except for the information that has been released.
  11. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Re: Back to the stages

    [ QUOTE ]
    Raptor1017 said:

    Interesting how Sega's decided to make the stages even simpler looking than they were in the very beginning, but they still look nice. Strange that they took out Sarah's lightning, since that was a nice bit of flash to the stage. I'm really interested in seeing how Lion's and Pai's stages will be changed, since those were the most dramatic changes (and i wonder if their new stages will be based off their Ver C or EVO stages) and I'm also hoping stages like Shun's and Van's, which got shafted last time, will look much different.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My guess is that they'll probably let you choose between the two versions of the stages, that seems the most logical thing to do for this game.
  12. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    [ QUOTE ]
    maddy said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good to see Wolf's old knee in action.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Totally, positively agreed.
  13. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    People, Shadowdean is so right..

    I'm no one's lawyer, but he didn't even whine...
    Only an asshole wouldn't understand what he wrote.. People were talking about the xbox port. That's why he said that compared to DoA3's stages, VF's ones suck a big fat lot, and he's not even whining about VF's stages.

    Actually, he's whining about the way this thread started. What the fuck is that title? As if the graphics were that great... If you tell me: "The new stages have a nice design and photo-like graphics (or whatever that's called), as background (same crap used in GT4, I guess that's what PS2 developers need to resort to, so they can get realistic graphics...)" then I would accept it.

    New design, "re-vamped"...okay, that's all nice... but GREATER GRAPHICS??? WHERE??... The arcade always looked like that. Unless you were comparing the arcade's graphics with PS2's graphics... Sometimes you guys forget how brilliant the Naomi (lol, well written?) is compared to the PS2's graphics engine.

    If VF4: FT comes out on XBOX I won't buy it. I don't care anymore about games that require a lot of dexterity and time to spend on, if you can't even play against other people on the net...

    Side-Note: Someone talked about VF's animations being worst than DoA's... WRONG.. DoA3's animations are brilliant.. DoA3 has more moves, better animations, intuitive (anti-button-masher, more than vf actually..) gameplay, requires technique (not much...the learning curve is quite small), and on stages and characters are the better ever seen (you could expect that from the same team that made Ninja Gaiden..).

    Besides that, when DoA ultimate comes out, it will allow for Online play (right?.. Or will that only be able on DoA Online??), thus kicking VF's players right in their tiny nerdy balls.

    I was caught in the "VF-Shiny-Trap", which usually makes people who play think they are smarter/better just because they actually play a game that's harder to play than the others. But honestly, I play VF rather nicely (I don't..I just manage to do everything anyone else can..besides that I never played against a human opponent so..), and I hate it now.

    Let the kindergarten flaming begin!!! MUAHAH! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  14. Saurian

    Saurian Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    You people make this site one of the worst I have ever come across, the players make or break web communities - the discussions here are shallow and boring.

    After lurking for quite a while and posting very rarely, it's safe to say that there's absolutely nothing for me here as the voices of the decent players are drowned by the lesser skilled who only know how to bitch. This site is such a huge resource for VF info and yet all you lot can do is bitch about graphics - it's sad.
  15. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    It was pretty Inevitable how VFDC is turning out. As soon VF4 became more popular this site became a huge attraction to people who dont know much about the game and dont take the time to learn it properly but post stuff like "HOW DO I GET A GOH'S SHINY THING" and "LOOK AT THIS AMAZING COMBO THAT I FOUND BY JUST PRESSING [P]" and expect to get a answer who then bitch and moan when they get flamed. It's a shame that the people who used to post here when i first took the time to learn vf dont really post anymore instead i'm stuck with reading some guys stupid posts on DOA and how much better he thinks it is then vf. Please please mods do your jobs and start banning some people or lock this thread.
  16. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Nashi said:
    Side-Note: Someone talked about VF's animations being worst than DoA's... WRONG.. DoA3's animations are brilliant..

    [/ QUOTE ]
    What the fuck are you talking about? Do you realize you are a fucking moron?

    And Saurian, nobody cares about your "i lurked longtime i'm fed up therefore i have a point" post. Do everyone a favor: SHUT THE FUCK UP and go back to lurking.
  17. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Bye bye then m8.

    Since you hate VF now I take it we won't be seeing you anymore (or is it just a long break this time aswell and coming back with a new nick / avatar again?) so bye. Don't even come back to see the reactions you (hope to) make.

    Sorry but you have always been reactionseeking and sought conflicts; wether it's amercian hatred / thinking everybody here's an idiot or you lying / being controversial in martial arts threads / whatever. I hope nobody gives you the reaction you're desperatly seeking when typing what you just did (your post is flawed on so many points) but I don't think you will be greatly missed to be honest this time either. I wish you luck in your life.

    Now the question is; am I at the right board? Like honestly; one would think this was or something similar - it's up to the point that I simply can not understand this anymore. I mean, like, wtf? You almost can't say anything positive / post a news item about VF without getting flamed. Am I missing something

    Saurian; I definatly can't agree with you at the discussions here being shallow (I mean, look at some of the discussions that are conducted pretty maturely in the general forum) - in fact in many cases I think they are the opposite.

    Archangel; basicly agree to your post. A tempban / ban system at this site is almost a myth (like the lochness!) by now. Take Nashis post: He says that he hates the game and then spews how much it in his opinion sucks compared to DOA - why would anybody want him here? I mean, it's not like he's here cause of the game right?

    About the newcomers I wouldn't be so harsh: Imo the best thing would be if you upon registration got a confirmation email which clearly (almost layed out as a dojo - very graphicly) showed you how to get to the search (and use it). To click on the characters nicks on the left side - how to get to them and check out your movelist etc. How to use the "virtua fighter 4" link to see the quest items etc.
    That or don't allow anyone who's registered to the site to post within a week - forcing them to try and find their info on their own at first. Then if, still did a really RTFM post you would get a small tempban or something. A system like that would probably take care of alot.

  18. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Chill PKG
    Re: Some more info.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Xbox port, doa3, ps2 developers, arcade graphics, dexterity, vf online, doa animations, tiny nerdy balls, VF-Shiny-Trap, vf sucks

    [/ QUOTE ] Do you have ADD?

    The graphics seem good enough for an update. If it was a true sequel then I would understand the disappointment, but the graphics don't look outdated so what's the problem?
  19. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    My spare time as of late has been very restricted (what with school and E3 and stress and work and all that), but I so miss killing the trolls. Let's fix that with some good ol' Mike-Toole styled:


    By the way, Reno has the BEST AVATAR EVER. *salute*
  20. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    [ QUOTE ]
    By the way, Reno has the BEST AVATAR EVER. *salute*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!! /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

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