Discussion in 'Arcade' started by KiwE, May 21, 2004.

  1. StoneColdSerb

    StoneColdSerb Well-Known Member

    Oh dear...

    Here we go, all KiwE wanted to do was share some intel and somehow this thread managed to degenerate in yet another utterly pointless VF-is-teh-ownage-but-DoA-has-like-sooo-much-better-grafix-and-a-reversal-techizzel.

    This is a website dedicated to VF, so it understandable that, at least to a degree, its members may display a bias towards that game over others. If they didn’t, well, they probably wouldn’t be hanging out on

    Nonetheless, preference of one game over another should not preclude a decent discussion, something Saurian previously lamented (although his/her post did not contribute anything of value either, so it was pretty useless, too. It’s easy to complain boyo, constructive criticism is an entirely different ballgame).

    It is beyond me how anybody could be sad enough to even entertain, if only for a second, the thought that choosing one fighting-game over another would make him superior to players of the other game(s). What is that supposed to be? Gamecism? Give me a break.

    What all these discussions do is make us as a community look extremely silly. I normally don’t even bother checking out threads the likes of SC2 < VF < DoA < CvS2 < Caprice’s ass. This one was supposed to simply provide some new FT pics so I ended up seeing this discussion.

    At the end of the day, whether we play VF, DoA, any of the Capcom or SNK games, SC, Guity Gear or whatever else, we should be happy that we have found a hobby that we happen to enjoy.

    To me fighting games combine the strategy and tactics of a classic boardgame such as chess with hand-eye co-ordination worthy of astronauts (Mind you, flying to the moon is probably easier that consistently pulling off Akira’s knee or some of the more difficult CvS2 custom combos).

    At the moment (basically since I bought it last July) 4 Evo has been my game of choice. Until then I had played loads of CvS2 and DoA 3. Before that SC was the game my Dreamcast saw the most of and since childhood I had always been giving Hyper Fighting and Samurai Shodown II loads of play. There was even a time when my life was dominated by MK2. Even today, when I play mainly 4 Evo, I still enjoy a session or two of KoF 2k2 as well as MotW on the Dreamcast. The same goes for CvS2 and GGX2.

    Most people on this site have at one point or other decided that VF was the fighting game series that catered best to their taste. I know I have. This, however, does not stop me to appreciate the design details and character of MotW or the deliberate and tactical pace of SSII.

    I do enjoy playing as well as watching a good DoA3 game for the sheer dynamic and grace of the fights and more than once have I wished that Leon and Bayman could somehow be transported to VF along with the forest stage and the location specific (throw) damage and animations.

    I still load up GGX2 and practice ball formations with Venom thinking that I might be the one to come up with the single uber-ball-formation-from-hell-with-the-super-ownage-and-hidden-fatality.

    The same goes for CvS2 where there is always another groove to master, another combo to try, another character to pick up. The same is true (minus the grooves) for KoF. Though I don’t find a lot of time these days, I still practice my staple combos somewhat regularly and try out new ones when the 2D child in me awakens. And whenever I return home we bring out the old SNES for some Hyper Fighting whoppin’, with the old snes controller and all.

    Though I have never even played it myself I enjoy the insanity of watching 2 competent MvC2 players go at it and one of those days I will get around to give SC2 some more attention to learn how to play Raphael.

    Stop putting down those games you at some point, for whatever reason (lack of availability, human comp, console etc.), did not choose to play.

    Never once has anybody been converted through (often inaccurate) criticism of their chosen game (or any other item for that matter). Instead, pointing out the good aspects of your game of choice may just awaken their curiosity enough to give it a try and from then on anything is possible.
  2. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    [ QUOTE ]
    SgtRamrod said:

    If anyone deserves to get mounted by an angry troll, it's Virtua Pai with that stupid signature. What "Revolution?" Is a mentally challenged army planning to takeover the world?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    -What you say is not funny...its very much insulting. My signature has nothing to do with which fighter is better or any such stupidity. My signature refers to Revolutionary/evolutionary changes being made to 3d online play. I dont see anything wrong with that unless you thought Doacentral was going to start a revolt against all fighters, which would be obsurd.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Really, I have no beef with with VP. I was just making a joke about his signature, which I do think is silly to put up on the VF website. It provoked me. It provokes us all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    -If you have no beef with me, Than why do you feel the need to belittle me in your post. If you had a problem with my Signature, you could have pm'ed me and I would have Kindly discussed what it meant and why I chose to put it there.

    -I dont see how stating that there will be a "fighting game revolution @ Doacentral" is going to provoke you or anyone else..Considering the revolution( as in a great change and not in some type of revolt) is the online Aspect that is being included into the doa Franchise. Would it have been so hard for you to ask me what it meant?
  3. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    VP: The way your sig is written, it does kind of sound like you're toting DOA on a pedestal above VF. Which is totally fine and I have nothing against it, but that's the impression I get.

    I personally like VF's rings because nothing gets in the way of the fight. There's no real tactical advantage for one player who's closer to a extra-damage spot or whatever, it's just you and the other player. That style is perfectly acceptable for DOA, but VF is more of a simulation of a 'martial arts tournament' with pretty backgrounds to me. DOA's like a no holds barred wacky fight with crazy, incredibly unrealistic moves. That doesn't mean it's not an entertaining game.

    VF5 will look nice. VF4 FT is just SEGA making money. Don't think that FT is going to be the last iteration of VF's good graphics. VF5 will come in a few years, probably when the PS3 comes out. I'm sure that VF5 will have a lot of new graphical concepts as well as new gameplay concepts implemented. VF3 style stages were taken out for what reason? Probably because people complained that it didn't cater to tournament play. Maybe they can make it work? We can only wait.
  4. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    That's it VirtuaHairPAI, the gloves are coming off, bitch...just kidding. I was just having a little fun with you. Proselytizing about another 3d fighter on VFDC might not be the best idea, but I really don't care. Take it easy.
  5. Nolte

    Nolte Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    On the rings issue....VF3's rings were aesthetically pleasing and fun for casual play, so it would be great if sega made either 2 sets of rings or simply some tournament-style and some landscape.
  6. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    I agree. Maybe Sega will have that in VF 5.
  7. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    [ QUOTE ]
    SilentEmpire said:

    On the rings issue....VF3's rings were aesthetically pleasing and fun for casual play, so it would be great if sega made either 2 sets of rings or simply some tournament-style and some landscape.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I totally agree 100% . I love the fact that for tournament reasons VF's rings are equall so both players start at the same advantage/disadvantage, but for fun I would love some uneven stages and exploding panda's with Taka dancing in a gogo cage. Grah , I got lost there for a second. Having terrained stages would be just like having the small ass pool stage in VF4 and Evo . Its never played in tournaments but it is just for fun
  8. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Srider said:
    Yeah, I think it's mostly your own taste. I prefer the VF
    stages better myself also.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    DoA and vf rings aren't even in the same league, the mere hint that VF rings are as good as DoA rings means you are a sega fagboy and deluded from reality.
    And for all you fuckers who cheer for VF rings are design for "tournaments"; do you realize 99.99% of the matches you play are for fun and casual? Real bright.
  9. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    hahaha Shang just wants me to go to Boston and play with him.
  10. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty competitive when I play actually... just because there are fun and casual matches doesn't mean that I want to be at a disadvantage because I happen to start closer to a pillar than my opponent. Then again, you can move so....

    VF stages suit VF. I don't think it would be smart to implement elephants or 100 story drops into VF. That's a DOA thing and it should stay in DOA.
  11. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    KTallguy said:
    VF stages suit VF.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It is comments like this make that you a sega fagboy. VF gameplay is what.. intense, complex and exciting? The stages are nothing like that.. they're just plainly BORING... The only variables are: wall, no walls, breakable walls. Does anyone actually know which stage is larger than which? VF4 stages are a fucking disgrace with pathetic bgm, and the graphics suck compare to DoA. Only a sega fagboy would argue otherwise.
  12. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Then your gonna fucking moan about Wolf or Akira being at disavantage on a certain stage..
    Your hypocrisy is always the same /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  13. YuuKun

    YuuKun Well-Known Member

    lets just hope DOAU's elephant doesn't do the same freaking animation and sound everytime you hit it, how annoying could that be. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif having steps and high level platforms is great fun for casual play, but what if the lower levels will give you disadvantages? and higher levels will give you higher priority in hits? i remember i used to piss people off by hiding behind a pillar in tekken4, although you can break it, it will also break the rythem of a fight, same goes with seeing the same (DOA style) falling sequences and jumping to the next platform to fight your opponant, great the first few times but *yawn* after that. /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

    the VF4:evo levels is great the way they are, although Sega has to improve the realism on the stage (FT looked close ish), it'll be great to have a change in weather conditions during a match, the sound of environment like wind and animals (birds), shadow of clouds pasting by, and a few more locations on the same level/environment.
  14. Ryo Yamazaki

    Ryo Yamazaki Active Member

    I like the FT stages, I think they look pretty good. So fucking sue me.

    Anyways, the stages could do with some background additions, perhaps animals or even people (like PS2 TTT). Even a small bird flying past the camera at the beginning of the match would be something.
  15. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Shang, so what changes did you want to see in FT? We don't even know if the music will change or maybe there will even more stage effects in the new version. Nevertheless, I think everyone is curious on what kinds of things you want to see so as to not think that VF stages are "boring"
  16. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Let's put it this way... VF4 would be a better game if sega took out VF4 stages and replace them with DoA3 stages, square by square, pixel by pixel.
  17. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    For me at least, I've never played VF in DOA stages, so I don't know how much it will affect the way I see the game, but I have to agree that there are things they can add to the VF stages. I think that VF4, being that you are always fighting on the square ring, prevents them from implementing many of the things that makes DOA stages "more exciting." Things like fighting in puddles, being thrown into missles, etc. At the same time, however, many of those little touches are mostly unwanted in VF gameplay. So excluding those things, many of the DOA stages, when you take out things like interactivity, multi levels, dynamic walls, the stages itself isn't so interesting anymore. Like the stage where they are fighting infront of this gate to a temple. What's so special about that? It's just like Aoi's stage. So looking strictly at the graphical prowess, excluding all those things that makes DOA different than VF. To put it another way, when you constrict DOA stages down to VF style standards, the screens seen thus far of Final Tuned, they look much much much more photo realistic than DOA stages.

    Real life locales are never as over the top as presented in DOA. VF stages does a much better job presenting itself as something realistic looking. That pretty much boils it down to your preference.

    Just take a look for youself
    DOAU Stage Example

    VF:FT Stage Example

    It's not a matter which one is "actually" better. It's like trying to determine whether a BMW looks better or a Mercedes. I prefer the gfx of FT after I compared the points that matter between the two games. If VF had gameplay like DOA, then of course, DOA stages are immensely more fun. That is not the case, however, because the two games are drastically different. So like myke said before, you really can not compare the two unless you deconstruct things into comparable points. So as what I've said before, I think at least for me, I like the VF stages more after having done so. If that makes me a Sega Fagboy, then oh well. I just remembered that you bought the Ipod Mini. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  18. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shang said:

    Let's put it this way... VF4 would be a better game if sega took out VF4 stages and replace them with DoA3 stages, square by square, pixel by pixel.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Stop talking out of your ass again & again b/c you know that ideal won't work. Besides if Srider was a fanboy he would be playing DOA instead of VF. VF being having the fews of the Fanboy populations & besides being gay isn't part of my playing style.
  19. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Graphic style is subjective. Yes DOA looks nicer than VF in some ways, but I like the way VF looks in other ways. It's all opinion.

    I just don't think DOA stages will suit VF style gameplay. In VF you want the ability to move around in a wide space, with nothing in the way. If the gameplay is designed from the ground up to cater to lots of obstacles in the environment, then there might be more options for interacting with the environment, like using obsticles as a shield, rolling backwards over tables, etc. That's true environmental interaction, IMO. Not just, oh the table is in the way, I must avoid it.

    I think that would be pretty bad ass if there was a fighter where environments came into play a lot more. Just very difficult to balance.
  20. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Team Sega Fagboy:

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