New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here.

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Valtiel, May 14, 2007.


    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    For me evo was the better of the 2. Alot of good memories and alot of new stuff and crazy unlockable's. It also had alot of things it could train you at.
  2. DammyG

    DammyG Well-Known Member

    vf4 evo has a lot that vf5 doesn't but it was the 2nd VF4, It is probably best to compare VF4 with VF5 and VF4 evo with the updated VF5 on XBOX 360.
  3. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member


    It's wonderful to see all the new faces around with the advent of VF5 online. I hope you find the VF community to be a place you'd like to stay. Feel free to post in this thread, say hello, and tell everyone about yourself.
  4. Story83

    Story83 New Member

    hi~ i fell in love with VF after i bought my own copy of VF4Evo. I thought the training mode was the best thing ever made~
    but i stopped playing =( i think we started playing naruto haha.

    but i always told myself if vf goes online, i'll play it.. since i can play other ppl often.. couldn't wait till the 30th so i bought the ps3 version already haha.

    i played jacky in vf4evo... but now i thought of playing goh.. but then i want to counter ppl and aoi looks fun..

    crap.. cant decide who to play.... help~

    question #1
    well, i want to choose a top tier character (female if possible) for my main... however, vf seems balanced and finding an OP character seems hard..

    question #2
    how do i convince my friends to play vf5... any brainwashing techniques? ... they are SF3 fans so... hehe.... burn all copies of sf3?

    also i live in socal, so if anyone wants to meet up and play let me know.. my xbox gamer tag is "Story83" ... I will be playing a lot of Call Of Duty 4:Modern Warfare (tested this game for more then 500 hours =( ) - Ace Combat 6 - have it.. haven't tried online..

    does anyone want to sell their copy of SF anniversary collection in socal? looking for a xbox version... (going to use it to bait my friends to my house.. then swap the game to VF ^^)
  5. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Well just play all chars and then pick the one u like the most.

    About getting your frinds to play it. Mostly it will only work if they like martial arts very much and don't get frustrated easily.
    Tell them about how nice the fights look, how realistic the animations are. That it feels like you'r playing a jet li/jacky chan movie. First show them the nice attacks the chars can do. Let them buttonsmash against each other. It's very important that if your skill in VF is pretty good that you don't play them at first. Tell them that VF is one of the most complex fighting games. That it takes long to learn but you are willing to teach them everything you know. And by playing it they can learn selfdiscipline and improve their concentraition. Also that Virtua Fighter rewards with really awesome fights if a certain skill level is reached. I got 1 friend to play VF this way. But you need to know if they are determined players, if they just play for fun for a short ammount of time and are not interested in playing a game longterm then don't try too to convince them.
  6. Story83

    Story83 New Member

    ah ty, dang vf5 doesnt have the training stuff they used to have in vf4evo??

    crap... i feel like there are important parts of the game i forgot... or maybe i haven't... how would i know?
  7. Attorney4Hire

    Attorney4Hire Well-Known Member

    Some of you guys are really lame. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/eek.gif
  8. Story83

    Story83 New Member

    dont understand but w/e.

    hehe i think i like eileen... but her moves seem really repetetive..
  9. ChrisRed

    ChrisRed Member

    just a quick hello, im a total new player to the world of VF, so im looking for any help anyone has to offer, i play online on 360 most nights so feel free to add me if your new like me, or if your a pro who has some good tips and tricks you would like to share, then add me also
    thanks guys
  10. Ratnad

    Ratnad New Member
    Start reading up on the system right away. Its probably gonna feel really stiff and "slow" at first. My advice is try out all the characters you want and find someone you take to and try to stick with them until you get the basics down. Then work on their more advance strategy.

    I'm pretty sure you want to go online right away but its probably gonna be RUFF if you've never played VF before. Just try to get used to the whole system, watch videos on youtube(or wherever) and go through training mode if you have trouble with something. This game is VERY rewarding as you get pretty much what you put into it. Good luck and dont be afraid to ask any questions. Everyone is new at some point and the great people on this forum will be more than happy to answer any questions /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  11. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    welcome to the boards. Hope to get some games with you soon /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  12. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Pick a character, find a friend, play VF?
  13. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    Maybe Story83 is a girl? Probaly not.
  14. boondock18

    boondock18 Member

    I am also going to be new to the series for the most part come the 30th. I have played some virtual fighter. I loved vf4evo on the ps2, I just didn't really have the time to put any work into it. I'm a street fighter guy, and so it was kind of tough for me to get use to. I had no idea about this site until I just clicked on a vf5 thread at

    I'm starting to learn the joys of competitive gaming. Where I live the arcade scene was never really big. I don't think I've actually seen a virtual fighter game after the second one.

    I recently bought the doa4 stick to play on, I'm guessing it will work just fine for this game as well.

    anyway my gamertag is boondock18, if anyone wants to play, or just give lessons. I look forward to learning a new fighting game finally after... well street fighter
  15. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Tiiight, liking that new people are interested in it before it even fully drops. Welcome doods, enjoy it.
  16. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure how you all read "lame" and "maybe is a girl" into the original post - I think Story83 just wants to choose a top tier character (female if possible).

    Story83: Choose Pai. Top-tier and female.
  17. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    vids and this forum will be a great source of information for you when starting up. I still look at vids of others and of myself. It really helps your game so that you can replay fights in your head imagining what you would have done in that situation. here are some vids of my PA crew and my subscriptions also are some of the best vf5 vids on youtube it's all good
  18. boondock18

    boondock18 Member

    Yeah, you guys are surprisingly accepting to all of us new people. The internet is usually a place to trash on them. You can't read a post at like the boards with out being called a "newb." and considering the reputation this game has for being completely hardcore only, its refreshing to know I shouldn't have to worry about playing assholes online.
  19. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    just so you know, picking a top tier character in VF doesn't necessarily make you an automatic winner. sure, you can get away in 3S by picking chun li, but that doesn't really apply here. although there is tier list in VF, the gap in between each character is small or rather insignificant. my advice is to just pick a character you are interested in learning and stick to him/her until you've become comfortable with the basics. and yes, VF is FULL of basics. still trying to learn them all myself. ENJOY! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    but if u MUST insist on a female, pick sarah! SHE'S HOT! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  20. boondock18

    boondock18 Member

    Seeing a video of Wolf doing the stone cold stunner was enough for me to decide I want to play as him.

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