New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here.

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Valtiel, May 14, 2007.

  1. CoreyFearless

    CoreyFearless Member

    Personally I'd use Jacky as my main. All the characters are cool and all, but no one has the swagger and moves like my boy.
  2. ChrisRed

    ChrisRed Member

    i decided to play as pai, allmost at 1st dan in quest, gone through command list quite a few times, can get through hers in about 6 mins (top online score on XBL is 4mins odd o_O im realy enjoying playing as her. the thing that annoys me though is people who constantly block, wait for me to finish a combo then chuck out a nice throw. i try doing this myself, but when it comes to the throw, i allways end up geting hit. ah well thats the name of the game i suppose, practice
  3. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    In general we are only hostile towards people who claim that they know something but dont.

    Welcome to /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  4. Rampag3

    Rampag3 Member

    I suppose I should introduce myself to the forums as well lol.

    Hey everyone, my name is Rampag3(man I wish Rampage was available lol..). A little about myself I suppose, I love any kind of fighting game I can get my hands on, from Street Fighter to Soul Calibur to Melty Blood, if its a fairly popular fighting game odds are I have played it. Even though I have played Virtua Fighter since VF2 came out, I never really got into it that well. I was thinking about getting more into the game once 4 came out, but I heard stories about how unforgiving the community is and saw some bad apples on other websites as well (you know, the ones who go "YOUR FAVORITE FIGHTING GAME SUCKS BECAUSE ITS NOT VIRTUA FIGHTER!).

    However, after reading these forums a bit I found it to be quite the opposite, everyone here seems pretty friendly. I eventually started to wait with much anticipation for VF5, I loved how balance the game supposedly is, as I am one who cannot stand the idea of only 3-4 fighters being good and the rest being not good enough to play seriously. My interest in this game only grew more and more as I started to appreciate the art of a fighting game(thanks to street fighter 3 mainly). While I was at work with nothing to do(its hard to tutor if no one needs it lol), I started watching videos of my favorite character: Brad. There was a player named Itoshun who caught my eye as a seriously skilled player, and I started watching his videos and trying to find which moves had priority, which moves were good pokes, and overall just what was safe and what wasn't.

    Well, VF5 has finally come out now, and I am damn near in love with this game. I love the fighting system in this game, it has a pace that is both fast paced and furious, yet slow and methodical. I love how my losses are not because the other character was "higher tiered" than myself, but instead because he outplayed me.

    Well I suppose I should stop rambling so much, but its nice to meet you all. Feel free to add my xbl tag and invite me for a match sometime :eek:.
  5. Ophidios

    Ophidios New Member

    I'm new. Hi.

    I got really into VF when 4 dropped, then I carried that love over to Evo (all on the PS2 version). I, however, have no immediate community near me, nor friends interested in VF. I learned to get really good at smashing the PC, and that's about it.

    VF5 came out for the 360 (FINALLY!), and I picked up a copy and a Hori stick and was happy to start rolling online with real humans for once. And, as a result, I knew well ahead of time that I was going to need to really take my game up to the advanced level in order to compete with seasoned REAL people, instead of pitiful CPU AI.

    So I'm here. Hay.
  6. Gooombay

    Gooombay Active Member

    I'm new here too, haven't touched a VF since VF 2. Loving VF 5 so far, and I haven't even tried many fighters. My gamertag is the same as my name here, feel free to add me to your list if you want a fight. I will admit I am not that good yet, but if any other new fighters want a match it should at least be close.
  7. DecimalPoint

    DecimalPoint Member

    I've been lurking this forum board ever since I purchased the game (a few days ago), and I will admit that you guys know what you're talking about. I more or less understand the basic and advanced concepts respectively -- as I've played DOA4, which has a somewhat similar array of characters, but I've never took the initiative to delve into forum boards outside of At any rate, I'm a Lei-Fei user. Some of you may have played against me, others might have not. I'd just like to announce that even though I'm not the best technical fighter -- I do seem to be rising through the ranks rather quickly (50 something).

    With that being said, I’ve received a lot of messages stating that I’m a “button masher” because I use the p+p+p string, followed by p+p, down k, down p+k, down k, and up and punch (which leaves the opponent with a quarter of their health if they don’t block any of the hits). I also use a lot of charge attacks to stagger my opponents, which require me to turtle a bit. To make a long post short – if you don’t like challenging a player with the aforementioned strategy, I’d advise you not to play against me in a ranked match.
  8. ruiisu

    ruiisu Member

    Hi everyone...been playing fighting games all my life that I can remember. VF one and two were great on my saturn, skipped on 3 and rocked VF4:Evolution till I got in to Tekken 5. Got VF5 yesterday with the Circuit City deal and im hooked all over again... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Hope to see some of you online! Im getting my but handed to me as I relearn everything concentrating with Pai, Brad, and Eileen. Good Luck and Have Fun to all!

    P.S. does anyone know what to do in the training command time attacks when it asks you to do a "(while rising) + button" move? I mean how do you knock yourself to the floor to do them? Thanks!
  9. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    rising means jumping
  10. Karoshi

    Karoshi Member

    Obviously I'm new to the forums, though i've been a fan of the game since it's beginnings. I like to bust out VF Remix when I get all nostalgic.
    A friend who directed me towards here likes to dismiss that he's "hardcore" about VF although I deep down, I'm sure he is.
    Anyway, I look forward to playing with everyone here!
  11. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Fulaani, do you just make stuff up when replying to people? Have you ever read a command list? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/eek.gif

    While Rising means while rising from a crouch position. So, go to a full crouch, release to neutral so that you begin standing, and complete the command.
  12. Substandard

    Substandard Well-Known Member

    He just seems to spam one-liners.
  13. JuliusRage

    JuliusRage Member

    Yo, this is ya boy Julius Rage.
  14. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    I couldve sworn the midaid punch and kicks say while rising in dojo mode, I don't know how I messed that up :S they just say 'midair.'

    Sorry, I guess I was just tired. With the kage thing I messed up because I was thinking of the command traning and the move right before the one the poster was talking about was a roll where you have to press down or up.

    i have read a command list, been through it for some characters tons of times. I really just made an honest mistake. Pulled an allnighter with organic chem and spectometry and I guess I needed some sleep. so please dont blow this up as if im intentionally misguiding people.
  15. ruiisu

    ruiisu Member

    Fulaani thanks for the tip you were actually right. They are part of the jumping attacks command set.

    Competing online is such a bish! Auugh! Keep getting destroyed and cheaped and even lucked out of soo many wins. Some fool even disconnected his xbox on my promotion win... :mad: I think im stuck back at 6th kyu!

    Im the best in my little island (circle of friends) and now im facing an ocean and world of people ready to eat me alive x_x
  16. MoDo

    MoDo New Member

    hey all. i just got virtua fighter 5 for the 360 and im loving it. this is my first VF too. i hail from games such as all street fighter games and mortal kombat (not the 3d crap). won a few local arcade street fighter tournaments, but that was way back.

    i must say this game is very deep and im picking it up very fast. im like 50-20 games online with lion now.

    i found this site by accident, was searching for online ladders/tournaments. maybe you guys can guide me to the right direction. i see that xleague tournament, but its euro, i live in canada :(.

    also if you guys can give me some tips that i wouldnt know, that would be awesome. i know most of the basics that every noob should know. i have beaten people online with 5-10 times their lose ratio and im 50-20(roughly), so i think i know what im doing.

    if anyone wants to play, my live ID is evilmodo
  17. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    OMG! Myke was WRONG! How could that be? heh heh /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  18. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Ruiisu, what part of Miami are you in?
  19. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Nah I checked and I was wrong, i don't klnow why dude said I was right cause I wasn't.

    man this is confusing haha.
  20. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

    Welcome! Who do you play as?

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