New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here.

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Valtiel, May 14, 2007.

  1. MoDo

    MoDo New Member

  2. ruiisu

    ruiisu Member

    LoL. Nah you were right man. When it means crouching it literaly says "while rising from a crouch" which is under the normal moves

    "while rising" is under the jump attacks

    yo tony: i got your PM (funny thats also my nickname) im in Doral by Dolphin Mall. Keep in touch and we can meet up.

  3. UrkAngiJordi

    UrkAngiJordi Member

    Hi, I'm not new, but I hardly ever posted here until now. Looking for all you players online.
  4. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    So the jumping attacks do say While Rising?

    im super confused now
  5. ruiisu

    ruiisu Member

    Yes they do! LoL!
  6. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    LMAO, they do, i just checked. I KNEW there was something.

    The problem is that they don't say it for all characters. Hence Myke calling me out. for some it just says mid air. I just checked Gohs list and it says while rising.
  7. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I have not played you so I don't know if for true you are a masher or not but what being a masher means is you're not taking into account being a disadvantage or are thinking of things your opponent can do to counter what you're doing. A vet against a masher will always win because a true masher won't be able to adapt to the things the vet will throw at them countering their mashing tactics. You're posting here so you're prolly not a masher or if you are you won't be for long ;-). That said if you want some work fighting against eileen ask me for a fight anytime I'm pretty good with her.
  8. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    Here's my introduction. I now have VF5 and having played online a few times, I now realize that a over 90% win percentage with over 1000 matches and a Champion ranking in QUEST MODE, doesn't mean shit on XBL. I don't really know how to play this game.

    So now I joined this site to possibly learn how this game should be played. I have basics down and have been platying VF pretty consistently since the original. But I haven't had human competition for over a decade now and I pretty out of the loop as far as stategy goes. What's worse is I have some inherintly bad sequences burned into me because I know the quest's ai tactics.

    I seemed to have faired pretty well against good players, oddly enough I have to biggest problem with mashers in that I never have to deal with anyone wildly swinging in the past. Which tells me I have a lot to learn.

    I am primarily a PAI player (I chose her back in VF1 cuz she was the closest things aesthetically to CHUN LI). I realzie there is a wealth of information to pull from here and look forward to getting deep into it. But if anyone wants to do some friendly training matches to show me what's up I would appreciate it.
  9. ruiisu

    ruiisu Member

    I'll take you up on your offer. Eileen is the next character that I want to pick up. Im currently focusing on Pai but I love Eileen and after watching some of what she can do I wanna learn more.
  10. Hobbitos

    Hobbitos Member

    All, I am new to VF.COM. I am happy this great game has an awesome site like this. I am presently playing GOH and am 40 wins and 100 + losses online (1st Dan). I am used to EVO so I am adjusting to his changes. Also I have not played in about 10 months. But so far so good.

    I am getting better at handling the new moves I have not seen in EVO. Players seem to be abusing some of the new properties. I am catching on and my wins are increasing.

    No excuses - but the xbox controller sucks hard. My hand is starting to hurt after an hour of playing. Anyone know of a fighting pad coming out for the 360?

  11. Karoshi

    Karoshi Member

    Use a stick!
  12. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    The Hori EX2 stick is working wonders for me. It's about the price of the game but it's worth it as far as I am concerned. Imagine Guitar Hero without the guitar? This game was meant to be played with a stick.
  13. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    I put this at the end of someone else's introduction thread and wasn't sure if would be seen there so I am putting it up here. Hope no one minds the double post too terribly.

    Here's my introduction. I now have VF5 and having played online a few times, I now realize that a over 90% win percentage with over 1000 matches and a Champion ranking in QUEST MODE, doesn't mean shit on XBL. I don't really know how to play this game.

    So now I joined this site to possibly learn how this game should be played. I have basics down and have been platying VF pretty consistently since the original. But I haven't had human competition for over a decade now and I pretty out of the loop as far as stategy goes. What's worse is I have some inherintly bad sequences burned into me because I know the quest's ai tactics.

    I seemed to have faired pretty well against good players, oddly enough I have to biggest problem with mashers in that I never have to deal with anyone wildly swinging in the past. Which tells me I have a lot to learn.

    I am primarily a PAI player (I chose her back in VF1 cuz she was the closest things aesthetically to CHUN LI). I realzie there is a wealth of information to pull from here and look forward to getting deep into it. But if anyone wants to do some friendly training matches to show me what's up I would appreciate it.
  14. JackyB

    JackyB Well-Known Member

    I can't remember if I on here or not..I am normally Phillyfanboy, but the name has already been someone with my e-mail, but a diffrent password? Regardless, for the shake of getting on here and adding to the comm. I'm going to use this account..and forever wonder if I was member back, when I played VF:4 and VF:4 Evo.. and I used a different pass.
  15. Divine

    Divine New Member

    Hey. Just dropping in to say Hi. if anyone wants to hit me up online my GT: Divine Life. But don't except a real challenge... yet! I am trying to learn Brad. Any advice is welcome. Thanks in advance. I probably be on for a while tonight if anyone wants to hit me up.
  16. Hobbitos

    Hobbitos Member

    Got it! I will get s stick.

  17. Onslaught

    Onslaught Well-Known Member

    The hori stick is trash. They're buggy, cheaply made, overpriced, etc. . . get a real stick or just mod your dpad. Ironically there are some decent hori 360 pads.
  18. anbujustin

    anbujustin Active Member

    hey whats up man i just started too /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif my gamer profile is anbujustin add me up man!
  19. anbujustin

    anbujustin Active Member

    hey guys my gamer profile on xbl is anbujustin /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    i just started playing so im still messing around with the characters to try to find the style i want. I used to play sc in the arcades that i worked at but that was a longggg time ago haha and havent got serious about another fighting game. I played some sf 3 because my friend got into it and that was fun. Never thought vf was hardcore until i found this site and actually looked at some vids and read up on the game system. Now i bought the game and im hooked! so please any advice is welcome and add me up on xbl guys!
    oh and ive been playing some cod 4 hhahaha that game rocks so hard.

  20. Black_Ant

    Black_Ant Well-Known Member

    Welcome. I'm still new myself, but I can still welcome you. I have seniority over you HA.

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