New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here.

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Valtiel, May 14, 2007.

  1. T_Kang

    T_Kang Member

    Haha, stupid internet can really mess up sometimes! I am determined to learn this game, so thank you for your welcome. I really hope that VF:FS comes out on console (and hopefully Ver.A as a DLC patch?). Because that would totally wake up the community back again.

    What if Sega never releases FS over here though? [​IMG]
  2. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    We do what we've been doing for a few years now.

    Play VF5
  3. T_Kang

    T_Kang Member

    And I'll be stuck with no opponent [​IMG]. I've made a Montreal VF Thread and there were no replies even though views just keep on going up.
  4. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Ok, you guys have to stop this. No more secret emails and subtle hints, the suspense could kill me [​IMG]
  5. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Yall can throw me invites or whatever for some games. I'm always down to sqaub for a bit. Even if you see me on another game, 85% of the time i'll come through. Just gimme least 10-15 to finish up. I'll try to message you an 'ok' or 'can't' soon as I can after I get an invite.
  6. Touch

    Touch New Member

    Hi everyone. I registered the other day but decided to just lurk around for awhile before I posted anything. I'm new to the VF series and have no idea what's going on. [​IMG].

    I recently wanted to get back into 3d fighting games and I have always wanted to learn to play VF but never actually got around to it. Though, now I have made it a mission (goal) to learn to play the game.

    Anyway, my 'name' is Touch. Looking forward to talking to everyone and playing some matches (whenever I buy some more Live)
  7. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    yay! welcome to VFDC [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  8. 9thGenHero

    9thGenHero Member

    [​IMG] whats up everyone, diehard Virtua Fighter fan since the beginning, out of MD just outside Washington DC, getting back in the game, I love all video games and most fighting games, still , VF is king
  9. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    Hi 9thGen! Welcome to VFDC! Check out the Maryland/D.C./Virginia thread for offline meets in the Match Making forum.
  10. 9thGenHero

    9thGenHero Member

    Thanks AkiraZero!! Definitely will check them out!!

  11. blueeyedtasha

    blueeyedtasha Member

    hi i'm new to vfdc, my main is sarah and i havent got gold but play against my hubby. i came on here to learn tips on how to improve myself as a fighter... xx
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  12. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Hi Tasha, check out the Sarah forum for general threads and questions or check out the grey bar at the very top on the left. Commands is frame data (advanced), Combos is....combos (very useful) and the VF5 guide is general info on ur char.

    Something else useful is the system wiki. Which covers...everything [​IMG]
  13. blueeyedtasha

    blueeyedtasha Member

    thankyou diggery... will have a look at those in a moment.
  14. VSJanitor

    VSJanitor New Member

    Finally got around to trying the game out and visiting the forums to dive right in and get some Knowledge downloaded, Shoutouts to Seidon
  15. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    What's happening, mate!? Welcome to VFDC. Now that you've officialy joined you're now top 7 in Scotland at VF and top 30UK by default!
  16. TheFightingGamer

    TheFightingGamer New Member

    Um. . . Hey guys. I'm The Fighting Gamer and as my name suggests, I like fighting games. (Wow, that was bad.) Actually I love fighting games. I've been playing 'em as long as I can remember, and not just mainstream ones either! (Although I can't work a joystick to save my life, so no tournaments.)

    Anyway, I've been getting back into Virtua Fighter after my 7-year hiatus after playing VF2 on my PC. I main Jacky cause he's fun to play (and cause I'm a noooooooob) and at the moment I'm, well, crap. I'm pretty sure every single member on this forum could whip my ass. But I'll be damned is several-hundered beating keep me from enjoying a good fight! (Truth be told, I prefer a loss over a win any day, you learn something with each defeat. Now, whether you implement that into your playstyle is a different story. . .)

    This post is getting pretty masochistic so I'll just stop myself there.

    I'm the Fighting Gamer. Let's enjoy a great showtime! [​IMG]
  17. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    Hmm looks like you go the balls! Welcome to VFDC! ^_^
  18. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    hey everyone, new to this site. it looks like a really cool place to chat about VF games. [​IMG]

    a little about myself, i first got into VF with VF4 for PS2. it was a really fun game, although i didn't own it (my brother owned it and i played that one). i didn't have my own VF game until VF4: Evolution, which i got many hours of playing time with.

    i used to use Jacky as my main and Aoi as my secondary, but as i moved on to VF5 and played more and actually learned tactics like throw escapes and other things, i started using different characters. i used Kage for a short time, then Wolf, then Akira. now, after many hours of practice with both, i main Lion and use Jeffry as my secondary, although i may eventually start maining Jeffry depending on what i can do with him.

    i really love this series, and i hoped that Sega would announce a home version of either Rivals or Final Showdown at E3 this year, but i was disappointed. to be honest, the only two announcements i wanted were of a VF5R (or FS) home version or NHL 12, which was guaranteed anyway. i got my hopes up and they were shot down, and for that i was incredibly disappointed in Sega. [​IMG]

    however, against my better judgment, i bought their new VF5 OST off CDJapan. hearing the new stage themes only pumps me up for playing more VF every single time i put the CD in my PS3. so at least there's that. maybe if Sega notices the CD sales being high, they may consider releasing FS or Rivals for PS3. even if it's just in Japan for PS3, i'll import it if i have to.

    i hope to join in on some discussions later this week. [​IMG]
  19. MidnightRunner

    MidnightRunner Member

    Hey, guys. I'm new to this site (and VF in general) but I'm looking to step up my game because it recently piqued my interest after I saw the Pre-beat Tribe Cup footage. This game is a blast to watch at high levels, in my opinion.

    I've much experience in other fighting games (read: Street Fighter) but in the past year or two I've made a few friends who share my FG interests and have taught me to appreciate and understand other games such as Tekken and (more recently) Mortal Kombat 9.

    I picked up VF5 Ver. B at my local Gamestop for a mere 7 dollars! I've been enjoying it so far (I love playing Eileen!), but I'm having trouble teching throws and utilizing proper defense, as I'm not used to everything be minus a gajillion on block :p

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!
  20. smince82

    smince82 Well-Known Member

    hi im smince82 i only found out about this site the otherday i didnt relise it existed lol anyway i have bn playing for about 2 years now , thought i might as well join in. i also use my girlfreinds account angelawood83 but she hates vf so if you see her on vf its me. marlyjay thanx for telling me bout this site. also good games to blossy, player7, the wetland, happyfreind lau, cooladdy and king ov vf although king ov vf has to be the hardest person ive ever played (rock hard) lol please repley ppl so i wont lose interest thanx bye

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