New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here.

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Valtiel, May 14, 2007.

  1. Nuclear_Nikki

    Nuclear_Nikki Well-Known Member

    I'm new to VF. My main character is sarah but I'm still a noob.
  2. XeroLive

    XeroLive Member

    Hello, I'm a gamer from Kuwait.

    I enjoy playing fighting games in general but my favorites have always been The King of Fighters and Virtua Fighter series.

    Although I'm not an entire noob when it comes to VF, I've been studying the game's mechanics since the console release of VF5 on the PlayStation 3. I used to play VF since the first one through to VF4 EVO with very limited knowledge of the game because of how intimidating it was for me back then, but it's all good now.

    I started off with El Blaze because of his simplicity (and Lucha Libre is just too awesome!) but then mained Akira when I felt that I had a better grasp at controlling the character and the game, overall.

    Anyways, I've ordered VF5 Online for the Xbox 360 last night and should arrive soon, I hope there are still some players playing it online nowadays. Quest mode A.I. is great but playing against live opponents is way more enjoyable. [​IMG]

    Since I live in Kuwait I fear of lag issues with American players (though by all means I'd play with them for fun, regardless of latency) but I seem to have acceptable ping with European players in other fighting games such as SSFIV:AE and Tekken 6. I hope the net code would give me an experience resembling that of the aforementioned games.

    I've rambled long enough, many apologies for the long post and hope to see and contribute to this community in the future!

    Oh, and Sega needs to port Final Showdown to consoles already. :p
  3. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the VFDC CherryBlossom and XeroLive! [​IMG]
  4. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    Welcome y`all.
  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    @XeroLive - There's still a good few EU players around, you're better off asking for games on the shoutbox here though. Can end up waiting for a while if you jump on the game looking for matches.

    Anyway once your game arrives send me a friend request, i'll be happy to play you [​IMG]
  6. XeroLive

    XeroLive Member

    @Beligerent_Feck - Thanks for the heads up! I'll be sure to let you and the others know. [​IMG]
  7. ocelote_mx

    ocelote_mx New Member

    Well, Hello everyone, total Virtua Fighter n00b here.

    I have to say I had done some research about Virtua Fighter 5 in the past but never really got to buy the game. It wasn't until Fuudo won the EVO2011 SSFIV 1st place that my interest for this awesome franchise sparked up again (and the fact itself that I like Fuudo).

    The only VF I have played is the VF5 demo on Xbox. I'm a 2D fighter player and aside from Soul Calibur 2, I have never been interested in nor played any other 3D fighting game.

    I also have been informing myself from all the current "issues" in the VF community, mostly throughout this site. Things such as the fact that there are many VF5 versions out there; the fact that SEGA has not released the updated versions outside of Japan; and most importantly, the fact that the VF community is (sadly) very small.

    Well, in an effort to learn and play one of the most respected, and from what I've read, complex fighting games, I join this community and declare myself a VF fan. I have yet to buy the game, thing which I'll probably do in the following 10 days.

    There are so many things I want to do in this game. I heard that mastering the system and characters takes more dedication than other fighting games. For instance, what character would you recommend me to use? I'm usually the kind of guy who likes to play with underused characters. My favorite SF character is Makoto... I like those kind of characters, the ones that people never use, the ones with unique fighting styles. I saw that VF5 has a girl called Eileen... she got my attention.

    Anyways, I'm from Mexico but I go to college in the USA. Nonetheless, I have never met anyone who plays VF. Hopefully, once I buy it I'll be able to introduce it to my friend which only plays SF as myself... just a little effort to spread this game out.

    Well, that was quite a lot but it makes me feel much better now that I have joined this wonderful site. Congrats to everyone that keeps the VF community alive.
  8. XeroLive

    XeroLive Member

    Hello, ocelote_mx and welcome to VFDC.

    I think when it comes to picking a starter character try a character that will initially help you learn the basics. I don't pick Eileen though but I think Jacky could be a good start. Once you got everything down switch to a character that best fits your style.

    It's hard to compare Makoto to the VF cast though but based on your description I think Goh might interest you.

    Anyways welcome aboard, I just recently joined myself and hope to see more people jump into the VF community.
  9. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Jacky is good for beginners. Sarah is not used too much and is technically (accordingly to the tier list based on frame data) the worst. Although the game is very balanced so it doesn't really matter who you pick to a large extent. Eileen is A-tier and very strong, but tbh you should pick who you feel comfortable with and who you enjoy using. It'll be a lot easier to learn the game if you're enjoying it.

    Oh and welcome to the site [​IMG]
  10. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    As a beginner, pick up the characters you feel comfortable is much more important than comparing the tier list.

    If you like heavy characters, Jeffry is good and easy to start with. On average, Jacky, Lion, and Kage are good choices as well. However, it still depends on what you prefer:)
  11. ocelote_mx

    ocelote_mx New Member

    Thanks, I just looked up Goh's biography... he seems evil, haha. Thanks for the advice. I do hope as well that the VF community grows.

    Thanks... I didn't know Eileen was A-tier. I sincerely just decided to main her because I like her looks. I feel I will enjoy using her.
  12. ocelote_mx

    ocelote_mx New Member

    Well, I saw that Fuudo uses Lion. That got me kind of interested in the character... but I heard his voice-acting sounds retarded? Plus, I don't know, does he have a cocky personality?
  13. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Well, I think VF has less retarded characters comparing with any other fighting game. Additionally, their personalities won't affect their performance during game play:)
  14. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    hello im new and i play vf5 on xbox360. one question, how do you keep your conroller configuration when you are playing online? everytime i play online it changes to default and i get whooped bad cause that is not my configuration.
  15. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Did you change the player 2 config as well as player 1?
  16. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    i only have one controller.

    someone help me cause i like this game.
  17. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    You can do both from the options menu. The player 2 configuration refers to when you play on the right (player 2 side) as opposed to the left (player 1 side). When you join a match you will be on player 2 side, when you host a match you will be on player 1 side.
  18. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    thank you.
  19. NastyNote

    NastyNote Member

    Hi guys! Im new to VFDC, so I figure I should introduce myself.

    Im no stranger to fighting games. VF has always been one of my favorite fighting franchises. I was into VF5 online, but I never got super involved with it (didn't join any VF forums, didn't attend any tournaments, ect.) like I did with Tekken 6. Now that VF5FS is coming to game systems, this is a game I am willing to (re)pick up and play more seriously.

    I typically play evil characters, and grapplers. Can anyone guess what evil grappler I play in this game?

    Look forward to playing with you guys!
  20. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

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