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Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Valtiel, May 14, 2007.

  1. Teben

    Teben New Member

    I've picked up Goh. His design is killer and I love the balance he has between strikes and throws.

    My wife has taken to using Eileen since she managed to customize the character to look like herself. Eileen looks pretty fun, so I might either take her up as a second or Brad.
  2. BodomSoldier

    BodomSoldier Active Member

    Bodom Soldier (my GT) here. Played VF4/Evo single player but now that online's available, I'd like to get some competition. I'm picking up Brad and live in Northwestern USA (Washington)!

    GT is Bodom Soldier... always looking for games anywhere between 7-10pm PST.
  3. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    My Story

    I'm a longtime 2d fighting game person- mostly SS, ST, and KOF.

    I served in the military 2003-2007. I had nine months with no internet or much else other then a PS2 to entertain me. The first game I got was VF4 Evo. I didn't buy another game until I was almost out (which was Guilty Gear, which I hated- no flames please.)

    Still, I enjoyed what I saw, though I got worked by the two people who knew how to play that I saw.

    I discovered Kaillera shortly after that, which was a godsend, since no one knew how to play fighting games where I was at.

    I heard about VF5 after getting out, saw the PS3 exclusive, but said $600 wasn't worth it. Shortly after I heard about 360 version with online. Kaillera made me realize online could be done well (though it isn't in the public servers). I said I was going to wait for that. I did.

    This past week has been the most fun I've had with a fighter since well, ever. I'm actually inspired again- the past few years I was going through the motions on new games- as they weren't inspiring me. Yeah, I'm sucking all over again, but I'm learning- I can tell. If I play someone consistently I get better each time I face that person.
  4. Duckguin

    Duckguin Active Member

    My story is boring so I won't write it.

    But let's just say that I'm new to VF, but really want to learn it. I'm digging that I can play online (I'm not social, and I don't have friends that are into VF), so I imagine you guys will all get a chance to smash the snot out of my well-dressed Pai eventually. I'll be the dude with the mic on the other end laughing.
  5. Nothing too exciting to tell here. Long time 2D fanboy, really got into 3D with Virtua Fighter 3. I'm always looking forward to getting my rear end handed to me by new and exciting people.
  6. chuck_no

    chuck_no Member

    Ok, the name's Norris. I can say that I've never been big on VF on account that its so underground (and because i refuse to use a joystick). But XBL has really brought me into it. I'm always looking to play anyone who's willing to give out playing tips or whatever. GT: Chuck No, Lets Play!
  7. Supreme

    Supreme Member

    I'm a long time DoA player, and a sucky Helena user.

    Did choose Pai because she reminds me a bit of Helena with her Bokutai and stuff. Gamertag is in my Sig. I look forward to some matches!
  8. Rekano

    Rekano Member

    Yo, Im from the SoulCalibur pool. (although I've lurked and peeked into several other fighters.)
    With VF5 on the 360 and Online Play added, + my current inability to travel has sold me VF5.
    Brad is my main, and I scrub around with Sarah.

    gamertag is in the sig, quick note. I am not home much during nights as my job has me on lock from 9pm-5:30am/8am (est) but I am usually on in the mornings when I get in and on nights I have off.
  9. Warcri

    Warcri Member

    You can find me on XBL under Warcri. I'm in the Military, stationed in Puerto Rico. I'm a long time Tekken player, 12 years strong as a Nina master. I just made to switch to VF5 for the 360 and I must say damn what have i been missing. This game is way more tech then Tekken. I LOVE IT!!!! Even though I am sucking big time right now (3-9 Ranked Games). I refuse to put this game down. The first time in years I am getting blisters.

    At first I didn't like the game because the people i play against just choose easy characters with easy strings. After learning Aoi they don't even play me anymore I'm left with only online play for my competition.

    Yes, I made my choice to play with Aoi. I can kind of interchange my Tekken skills with with Nina to Aoi. I love to stop a player's flow with reversals. There is nothing better then to see a great player just stand there because they just got reversed and now their flow is gone, LOL, Greatness!!! So Rushers look out!!!
  10. sasuka

    sasuka New Member

    was up every one idk wat im doing hehe u can find me in my profile
  11. sasuka

    sasuka New Member

    io how i play these game?
  12. Naudin3D

    Naudin3D Well-Known Member

    Hello Im a pure Pai player here. Im from the asshole land of tekken. It feels good to play a game were I don't have to counter pick. Well I needed this breath of fresh air. I hope I can meet some of you in person at NEC. I'll be there for Tekken and Virtua Fighter. See ya!
  13. RobynLiquorstorz

    RobynLiquorstorz Well-Known Member

    howdy folks. name's tj, gamename is robyn. long-time VF fistbeater, first-time poster. i'm a bitter old punkrocker who's rounding damn-close to 40, and i've been fighting VF since the arcade days of VF1. played the hell outta VF2 and FIGHTER'S MEGAMIX on saturn, a small but enjoyable amount of VF3 on DC, and i worshipped at the alter of 4 and 4-EVO on ps2. started as a pai-kid, switched to shun for a while, and went back to pai for 4 & 5.

    i just discovered this site last week, when trying to talk myself out of spending the money that i spent today. that's right, after buying a 60gb PS3 back in june, a good year or so before i'd really planned on getting one, SOLELY because it was killing me that somebody, somewhere was playing a home version of VF5 that i hadn't touched. seriously, for the first month, it was the only game i had. but by the time i'd taken pai to 10th dan, and had an "over 80%" win ratio against the AI and my two human friends i played the PS3 version with, i was seriously twitching to start playing it online. and i just couldn't bring myself to wait until a possible 5-EVO with online for PS3 that may or may not ever see the light of day. so today, i nabbed an elite, a pink second controller, and a copy of VF5-ONLINE. and this coming from a cat who'd NEVER had any real interest in owning either xbox system. i mean, sure, there are good games on both, but i never have enough time to play the games i already have, and there's STILL probably 75 ps2 games i NEVER got to try that i'd always wanted to. but, for the 2nd time this year, i spent hundreds of dollars in a day simply to play an even better version of VF. and after just a few dozen battles, i can't say i regret it. this is such a gas, actually having to work for wins, losing more than winning, feeling the stress of fighting competent opponents who's styles i don't know inside and out. i am in fist-beater-heaven.

    other than the random nano-flashes of freeze-up that pull me out of the moment, i have almost no complaints yet. and what a gas that you get 50000g to buy gear before you even start a quest. way to make jumping straight online even easier and more fun. hopefully, this finally lets me begin a long and beautiful friendship with the 360.

    anyway, just wanted to say "hi" right out of the gate, i'm sure you'll be seeing more of me here AND on xbox live. if you see me, fight me, teach me, and make me a better player by beating my a$$ to a pulp so i learn what not to do next time . . .


    <span style='font-size: 8pt'>(and just as an aside, if my luck in these things hold true-to-form, there'll be a downloadable patch to make the ps3 version online by the end of the year, totally negating my need to spend mad-cash today, and my need to learn to adjust to this oversized brick ya'll call an xbox controller! trust me, when i bought the ps3, i said to my girl; "you wait, me buying one now means there'll be a price-drop announced in a month" but in fact it only took 3 weeks. this (and many other reasons) is why i have the words "kill me" tattooed on the inside of my lip. you just watch . . . THIS is MY luck!)</span>
  14. RobynLiquorstorz

    RobynLiquorstorz Well-Known Member

    oh yeah, tell me a little about yourselves. it'll help me assimilate to a new board, and it'll make fighting you more fun online. well, at least i'll have a better idea of who's $h#t-talking at me . . .
  15. RobynLiquorstorz

    RobynLiquorstorz Well-Known Member

    d'oh, i totally started a thread intro-ing myself and asking for y'all to do the same, and now i see this thread.

    man, that's about the lamest thing a new cat can do on a board: not read enough of the board to NOT make his first post asinine.

    see ya in the VS. mode . . .
  16. Gooombay

    Gooombay Active Member

    I am a new VF player, but I would be happy to meet up and play online. Gamertag is Gooombay. I play as Kage exclusively so far, but once I get him down good I'll try someone new. I was doing better, took a couple days off, then went 1-5 in ranked matches last night. Now I am like 29-34 or something. Anyway, I'll play you later tonight if you want. I am on West Coast time, and should be on around 8 pm.
  17. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    The online feature really is awesome... I hate playing the CPU when I can jump online and actually play skilled people. The level of competition on XBOX LIVE is surprisingly good, in my opinion. I'm soooo happy with this game it's ridiculous. This is definitely the best game out for xbox360. Bioshock was incredible, but being a fighting game super-fan, I think this game is, by far, the most fun. The fighting system and characters are as deep as the Abyss. I don't even know how they made a game with this much depth, it's literally incredible!
  18. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    No worries. I merged your thread in with this one. Welcome to VFDC.
  19. SS8

    SS8 Well-Known Member

    I'm on XBL Scuba Steve IIX, I played from DoA 4 but never picked up the Virtual Fighter Series until now. I played Bayman and Spartan in DoA4 so I chose Jeffry, could have chosen Wolf but way too far in the blue to turn away.
    I generally suck as Jeffry and I'm a n00b who you may pwn b/c I can't seem to Offensive step worth a ****. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  20. RobynLiquorstorz

    RobynLiquorstorz Well-Known Member

    danke, i'll do my best to have better forum-etiquette

    i won't promise to be so polite and honorable online, though . . . /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

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