New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here.

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Valtiel, May 14, 2007.

  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Welcome back to the site tocuh.
  2. MayorMcFilthy

    MayorMcFilthy Member

    New to the site, played VF5 on Xbox when it first released, but didn't really take fighters very seriously back then. Looking to make myself more competitive these days. I'm mostly playing Eileen, hoping more players get into the game w/ FS, can't wait for Evo this year.
  3. Manjoume

    Manjoume Well-Known Member

    Welcome Mayor, I'm about in the same boat as you. I'm hoping to get better at VF as well. I'm sure that FS will bring in new people and bring some old back as well.
  4. ViolentDjango

    ViolentDjango New Member

    Hey folks. ViolentDjango here.

    New to the site, just picked up VF5 after years of being away from the series, never got to try 5 but figured I'd give it a whirl since I heard VF5FS is dropping on consoles.

    I will say, I grew up on Virtua Fighter. VF and SC were the two fighting games I spent the most time playing and I have to say that VF5 is probably one of the most amazingly nostalgic things i've touched lately. I can very honestly say if VF5FS becomes a big tournament game that I'll drop just about everything else for it -- I've rediscovered my childhood favorite! [​IMG]
  5. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Welcome ViolentDjango - hopefully your experience with VF5 and VF5FS will be a memorable one.
  6. jongoo

    jongoo Active Member

    Hey everybody! I've been a fan of fighting games since SF2. I played VF since 2 for Saturn but just casually. Only after I got BlazBlue did I start playing fighters seriously (spending lots of time in practice). I dropped that game after awhile, then focused on SSFIV.

    I want to focus on a 3D fighter now and preferably one that doesn't feature bears, cyborgs, and raptors so VF5 it is. I played VF5 a lot back when it came out for 360 but hardly practiced or studied the mechanics. Ended up with about a 30% win rate [​IMG]

    With the release of FS soon, I've been preparing by going back to VF4E's training and playing vanilla 5. I use Jacky and am interested in learning Goh as well. Hopefully I'll have some good matches with some of you in the near future. Now to tune in to Shadowloo Showdown for some FS....
  7. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    Infamous Geezer
    Welcome jongoo! VF`ers are a nice bunch most the time [​IMG] They will give you feedback on the matches. There is a wealth of info on here and if you`re not shy people will chat on mic and show you some nice things the game has to offer. Enjoy.
  8. Someone

    Someone Active Member

    Hey all, just joined. Really hyped for FS.
    I have been a guest here for some time but i though this was time to join.
    Been playing vf since the 4 one.
    My fav vf is 3.

    My mains are: jacky and kage
    So yeah, hope to see you guys later.
  9. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Welcome, Someone
  10. YoniMacaroni961

    YoniMacaroni961 New Member

    zup every1 psykokilla961 here. i was an adventur gamer in 11 years untill i tried Virtual Fighter 1 and then i thougt damn what iv been doing withe my life :p
    in VF i only use Kage well and iv not tried and characters cuz ain no body swag as Kage <3
  11. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Welcome YoniMacoroni - there are a few other Norway players that visit the site.
  12. Shinzu921

    Shinzu921 Active Member

    Well, hello everyone! =)

    I'm sooo glad to have landed on this site, where the best 3D fighter on the planet is admired as a piece of art as it is.
    I'm new to this site, but not to VF, as I started playing the original VF back in the arcades during the 90s and then when it came as a bundle with my SEGA Saturn; been a fan ever since.
    I've got all of AM2's efforts (yes, even VF Kids XD) and I certainly hope to learn a lot from all of you guys
    If there is one thing for sure when it comes to VF, is that you are always learning something else from it, nothing comes for granted.

    Thanks for reading.
  13. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Welcome to vfdc, man! Hope you enjoy your time here [​IMG]
  14. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Welcome, all you new peeps.
  15. KarnF91

    KarnF91 Active Member

    Hello everyone. Came across this site to get ready for FS. I'm somewhat new to VF, I played 5 for a short while on PS3 a few years ago. I liked it but didn't get too serious into it. I can't wait to give FS a try.
  16. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    To the new comers, welcome! And don't forget to 2P when in doubt.
  17. Genxa

    Genxa New Member

    Hi guys~
    Genxa here, mainly an SF player for many years, but had my hand in Tekken also.

    With the release of VF5FS, I really want to pick up this game!
  18. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    Infamous Geezer
    Welcome Genxa!
  19. BeyondDeath

    BeyondDeath Member

    Sup everyone. I grew up playing games like SF2, Killer Instinct, Mortal Kombat but have never played VF before. These days I mainly play SSFIV, SfXT, Skullgirls and a bit of Tekken. Real hyped for Final Showdown!
  20. Tomoe

    Tomoe Member

    Hello there! [​IMG] I became a VF fan/player when I played VF4, then with VF4evo, and now VF5 (ps3). Now, I'm looking forward to VF5Fs's downloadable version for PS3. [​IMG]

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