New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here.

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Valtiel, May 14, 2007.

  1. WhatIsUpPPL

    WhatIsUpPPL New Member

    sup people!! basically started out on the 32X and always thought it was more awesome then the rest of the shit out there cause more or less i thought they were doing the real shit, back then i got very much into jacky chan.
    but got really attached to VF when 4 came out. FS is gonna be sick as hells and yeah... representin' the American NW!
  2. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz

    Well, I am not completely "new" to VF and this forum, but... I do not think that after that 4 years I was not here, anyone remembers me anymore [​IMG]

    Basically about me... I am 30, I am from Czech republic and I have game-loving (unfortunately only RPGs) wife and (nearly) 3 childrens to care for. I successfully finished my law studies some 7 years ago only to start working in gaming industry. I stay there for some time, and then I started translating books (SFaF) and TV series profesionaly; and now (because of that stupid recession) I was forced to stop doing what I love and start doing what it is needed in order to take care about my family, so now I am working in IBM as "IT specialist". More "ITroll" I am, but who cares? [​IMG]

    I fall out for VF after VF2 for PC comes out. Then I switch to VF4 on PS2, dodge for some Tekken 4/5 tournament experimenting only to get back to VF5 after it comes out.
    Unfortunately, I do not have Xbox360 and it somehow happens that in late 2008, all other VF players from my area (well... From my whole country, I am afraid) stop playing one after another. With noone to play with and no online option on PS3 version, I quit VF too. But with new VF coming in and with online play opened, I am really exciting to come back. I even managed to convince one of two closest players (and friends) of me to come back with me!

    So... Hopefully I will be here (and in the game) back again, enjoying the game I fall in love with some unbelievable 15 years ago (damn, am I really THAT old?).

    PS: My best VF experience? E3 2007. I was there as gaming journalist and I test VF5 heavily. But mainly I met with SoCal players (are they still active?) and... They take me out for some great dinner and then nto local arcade, where I played VF4FT with them. Till today (and it is 6 years!) I keep the last gaming tolen (or however it is called) in my pocket to remember that day... And especially that great people I met there.
    Is Plague still active VFer?
  3. Aoiscrub1979

    Aoiscrub1979 Member

    Well I'm not new to vfdc (join date 2004) but I haven't logged into VFDC since 2005. I've lurked it for years though.

    I joined this site in 2004 because I played Vf4evo and wanted to see if I could meet players in my area. To no avail though. I skipped Vf5 and now I'm back. Just downloaded Vf5 from Xbox live at arcade so I wont be totally clueless when FS comes out.

    I currently reside in Atlanta but will be moving to Seattle for a one year contract next month.

    Trying to level up in this game and play some solid stuff.

    P.S.: To the guy who PMed me in 2007 looking for some games, my bad if you're still around lurking. Lol.
  4. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Welcome to the new VFDCers and welcome back to the returning VFDCers!
  5. slutzinc

    slutzinc Member

    Greetings from Norway!

    After browsing the site for the past few days, I decided to register and hopefully pick up a few things to improve my game.

    I got into fighting games when I bought Tekken 3 for the PSX. Admittedly, I had little to no idea what I was doing, but I had fun with it, picking up some basic combos after a while. Then, when I got the PS2, I picked up Tekken Tag Tournament. I learned some good pairings and strings and got to enjoy beating my friends. At the time I had a man-cave in our basement, so it became a gathering place for my friends where we had countless evenings playing TTT against each other. Good times.

    After reading Official PS2 Magazine's review of Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution I knew I had to pick it up. What pulled me to it was the training mode. And, man, was I not disappointed. Just after a few days in the dojo I had picked up things I wish every fighting game would teach as common basic knowledge. After trying out different characters I gravitated towards Lei-Fei. Taking time in the dojo taught me the basic combos, but most importantly got me in the mindset of trying to spot opportunities for other combos and strings. I spent hours a day looking at what stance this combo would lead to, and what options I had. It was just mind-blowing to me. "This is what a fighting game should be!" I remember thinking. And I've been a VF fan ever since.

    Now, the downside for me was that it was next to impossible to find someone to play against. I showed VF4 to some friends, but the skill gap that resulted from me having time to study and they just playing casually at my place made it not that fun in the end. I hope that VF5: FS and bringing online play to the PS3 will help me improve my game, as it means I can find someone to play against.

    So, that's my story.

    On a different note: I have some experience with FPS communities — COD in particular — and my first impression from the VF/fighting game community is that things are much more friendly here. I watched some of Iplaywinner's streams and was surprised to note how friendly the environment was. Seeing LA Akira giving tips to the guy (I don't remember his name) he beat in the final was just so great for me. The one thing I hate from the COD community is the whole "get owned, n00b!" attitude and general asshattery that comes from a lot of players.

    Are my first impressions wrong, or is the fighting game community in general more friendly than other gaming communities? Or is this just something in particular for the (somewhat) small VF community?
  6. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Yeah, I think it seems more civilised here because the community is quite small compared to bigger games like SF4 etc. We still do have a little drama here but you should be fine, welcome to the forums slutzing.

    Really enjoyed hearing how you got into VF btw [​IMG]
  7. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Hi slutzinc - welcome. Not sure how far apart you are from Oslo, Norway, but I think ChiefGutti and Anarkira lives around there. I believe Anarkira is planning a launch party so you might want to get in contact with him.

    I'm not sure if we are more friendlier than other communities, but like any communities we have a good side and also a bad side to us. Stay long enough and you will find out about them [​IMG] . Best to judge it yourself than to hear it from a bunch of VF-biased opinion members!
  8. slutzinc

    slutzinc Member

    Cheers! Well, as you say I'll find out soon enough. But it did at least make really great first impression.

    Air distance between Mo i Rana and Oslo is about 730 km. (455 miles.) Thanks for the tip, but I know I won't be able to afford the plane ticket at this time. Still, I'll make sure to get in touch with them at some point.
  9. Chinsilver

    Chinsilver Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone,

    Im not new to Vf at all but finally decided to register here. My first game was VF3 and since then no other fighter has come close for me (although i like SC and DOA, tekken not so much) havent played VF5 in any way, shape or form with my last game in the series being VF4 EVO.

    Greatly anticipating VF5FS and have watched tons of VF5R/FS vids to familiarise myself with the basics.
    If anyone wants to add me my gamertag is ChinTitan for PS3.
  10. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Welcome Chinsilver. I think once the game is out, more PS3-only users will come by to share their gamer tags.
  11. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    Hey, new people.
    If you're learning how to play the game, have read a good part of the system pages but you're not quite sure how to turn the theories (I lack a better word) into practice, could you read and post something in this thread?
  12. CoopGui

    CoopGui New Member

    New to VFDC but not to Virtua Fighter. Haven't played since VF2 Sega Saturn version and have no idea how to play. I am really looking forward to VF5FS and will be playing on psn.
  13. Roguelike

    Roguelike New Member

    Guess I should fill this out. New to VF, played a ton of Tekken 3/4, and now mainly try to keep up in MK. Love 3D fighters (even though I can't juggle for anything), but it's a sentiment not really shared with the local group here lol.
    Currently playing around with Sarah as she feel really simple to move around with.
  14. Stumbles

    Stumbles Member

    hi, still learning VF
    Just played VF5FS at couchwarriors R2 and loved it
    Planning on maining Jean
  15. Ry4n4t0r

    Ry4n4t0r Member

    I've always been a huge fan of Virtua Fighter because I'm really into the gameplay action as well as customizable items that make each character more intensely appealing. My favorite characters are Jean Kujo, Goh Hinogami, Jacky Bryant, Kage-Maru, and Lei-Fei
  16. mosque

    mosque New Member

    Hey guys! just registered. my first vf was 2. first one i really got into was 3 with my older brother who also pointed me to this site. decided to join for vf5fs.
  17. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    CoopGui, Roguelike, Stumbles, Ry4n4t0r, and mosque - welcome!
  18. ZeroSoul

    ZeroSoul New Member

    Hello everyone, VF player from NY. I have been playing VF since #1 in the arcade days and fell in love with it. When I heard about VF5FS releasing it just made me so hype.
  19. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    Infamous Geezer
    Welcome ZeroSoul!
  20. immortal

    immortal New Member

    hello, i'm Brent from the Fort Wayne, IN area. i'm old (turn 33 later this year) so i remember playing VF, VF2, and VF3 casually in arcades. bought VF4 Evo late in it's life span for PS2 and bought VF5 immediately on 360. i've always enjoyed it casually.

    just went to UFGT8 and got in some good time with the new FS final version that will release to consoles in 1 week. actually got to play the real arcade version of FS one time briefly in Japan in September 2011 so there's a fun fact. but anyway i'm really hoping to get into VF more this time around as a tourney competitor. my main game is old school SSF2T (Super Turbo) but i do enjoy some of the new games and some i just don't.

    got to meet some cool VF folks while at UFGT8 (Denkai and SH_TM) and i already knew Shag from ST for many years! they gave me some good pointers and compliments on what i'm doing and got some matches with them. i'll be competing in FS (and of course the ST tournament of legends) at Evo this year so i hope to meet some VF folks. wish me luck! [​IMG]

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