New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here.

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Valtiel, May 14, 2007.

  1. GenuineThomas

    GenuineThomas Member

    i'm a french new player on xbox360, just saying hello there.
    I try for now to learn goh, and i just got crushed on live /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    coming from the soulcalibur world, which is quite different^^.

    I'm really having a hard time to even being able making my character do what i want - even with a hori stick - then i may focus more on tactics /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    see you all.
    i'd like to play people from europe mainly, because it still lags a bit from united state & other far away countries.
  2. SkatanMilla

    SkatanMilla Well-Known Member

    I know the wait has been long, for some of you it might have been almost impossible to endure it. But no worries, I'm here now!

    Seriously though, as a DoA4 player who's done quite well (2nd at WCG 2007), it felt like a natural step to start playing VF5 as soon as it got released for the X360. I've been interested in it since it's arcade release way back, and I even played some VF4:Evo, but the low competition back then didn't appeal to me at all.
    However, with VF5 alot of competition seems to have sprouted up here in Stockholm, Sweden, so I'm gladly spending my hours on VF5 now.

    My main character is Eileen, she's fun to experiment with and I can still see that there is a long way for me to go with her before I can even start saying that I know how to play her.
    She's got so many mixups with her wari, and her stun game seems very good aswell, though, I have noticed a lack in mids that cannot be sidestepped.
    Sooner or later I will get to playing with Aoi aswell, because her fighting style has always appealed to me due to her heavy reliance of mindgames. And yes, I do see the irony of a DoA player picking a character with reversals =P

    Anyway, my gamertag is "i freyja i" feel free to add me, as long as you don't lag /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  3. CUR715

    CUR715 New Member

    Hi everyone! My first post on here, so i thought this thread was the best place to start.

    I've never played a VF game before, but for some reason i felt the urge to buy VF5 for the 360, along with a Hori stick, and the official guide book (which isn't a patch on some of the threads in this here forum).

    Anyway, i've not put a great deal of man-hours into it yet (too many games, not enough time), but i've finally decided on Aoi as my character of choice - something about her just 'felt' right.

    Looking forward to getting some online matches under my soon as i feel confident enough. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    Until then, i'll peruse all the newbie guides, and practice, practice, practice. LOL!

  4. Druec

    Druec New Member

    Hi I'm Druec, I've been playing fighting games since i've been playing on games consoles (too long), I play pretty much all the major 3D fighting games going. However I last play VF (pre VF5 anyway) when VF2 was in the arcade lol, for the last year or 2 I've mainly been playing DOA4 (mostly online) and have learned alot about fighting games from that. Infact anyone from DOAC could well recognise my tag and this is my XBL tag name should anyone want to add me. I like to play any 3D fighting games (especially online as I haven't got a local scene) so anyone who wants to play either VF5 or DOA4 can hit me up on XBL.

    Oh yeah nearly forgot, I play as Sarah - basically I always play the blonde lass on any fighter so you can probably work out which character(s) I use in each game lol.
  5. KokoBananaMan

    KokoBananaMan Member

    Hey, everyone, this is my first post on VFDC /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Virtua Fighter 5 is the first Virtua Fighter I've ever gotten into. I know I played another one on arcade a few times a looong time ago. I just remember Shun Di and fighting on some island.

    I couldn't get into VF5 the first time I tried it at my friends house on PS3. I didn't know anything and it just didn't seem fun to me, but I played it a few months later with a different friend and we immediately got into it. I can't stop playing it since lol Especially since it's on 360 and has online now /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    My GT on XBL is KokoBananaMan and I play as Goh. I sometimes use Shun Di though :p But right now I'm trying to perfect Goh. If you face me in the morning (7am-11am Central), I tend to have some kind of "curse" where I can't even beat the simplest of opponents at that time /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif So don't think I suck lol After 11ish, I start getting my groove back and take down everyone :p

    Well, hope to play you all soon and get some good matches on XBL
  6. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone! Sup and how are you guys? ^_^

    Well anyways, I'm a big fan of fighting games. Been playing them ever since I was lil and the VF series has become my most favorite. So far I have played all the VF games except for kids and I didn't get serious till VF4.

    I'm not the greatest player out there and I know I need to improve. I probley could get better if I could get some of my friends into the series but so far no luck. But i'm glad they added online cause I think it would help me get used to human opponents, even though online isn't perfect. Maybe one day i'll join a tornament when I feel ready lol.

    Oh, and the characters I play are Aoi (main) and Vanessa (secondary). I would try to play another but I think 2 is good for now lol. Espeically since I haven't fully mastered the ones i'm using right now.

    Anyways, if u guys would like to play me, my gamertag is SilentNephilim. I mostly play Player matches cause I don't really like to deal with rank but every now and then I might try a rank match. Hope to play some of you guys soon. Have a great day! ^_^
  7. Quadroflange

    Quadroflange Member

    Well I think the signature says it all really. I'm from England, I've never played this game or any of the previous iterations before last week, but I have to say it makes a welcome change from FPSs. Oh, and I'm a bit shit at it!!
  8. Cricket

    Cricket Member

    Hi, I'm Cricket. I'm 35 years old, graphic designer by profession, and I live in the Western Chicago suburb of Downers Grove.

    I originally got into VF in college when it first came onto the scene in the early 90's. Almost every weekend I would head up to Erie, PA (I'm originally from PA) and attempt to hold my own with a group of regulars at the Millcreek Mall arcade.

    Since then, career/life demands and miscellany of getting older have kept me from playing VF as much as I'd like. However, I do still enjoy it and I look forward to enriching my knowledge and experience here.
  9. Sluggeegee

    Sluggeegee Member

    Hello,I'm new to the game and still not used to the flow of the game. I'm looking for some good players to beat the bad habits out of me, I guess. I did play VF4:Evo for about a year or so but it was never really against anyone, just the computer in quest mode. If you wanna play me, I don't mind at all. My gamertag is in my sig.
  10. ultrasinc

    ultrasinc New Member

    Hey, Aussie 360er here. I'm the kind that prefers to know my stuff before i get involved

    You know, VF is so unpopular in Australia... Can never find people into VF... Its Tekken all over here :cry: So thus i joined here

    I DOA4, SC1&2, GG, VF5 and T5 (only due to popularity... i despise the Tekken series), though usually against CPU.

    I BEAT DURAL ON Very Hard!!! CONSISTENTLY!!!... using Pai's /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif, /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif, /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif... Not very proud...

    Then a CPU Lau slaughtered me using the same thing :cry: *sniff*...
  11. Zimny

    Zimny New Member

    Heya guys! I'm Zimny, I live in Japan, and I just started playing VF this week. I played VF4 with my friend a few times in the states, and there are VF5 cabs all over the place here. Always fun stuff (I'm originally an SF player)

    I've only played VF a few times, so I'm still finding out who I like, but I'm enjoying Brad and Pai Chan so far. I'll experiment more with others to see how I feel before I buy a card though.

    This community seems really friendly, and I certainly look forward to the hospitality!
  12. NestenOK

    NestenOK New Member

    Just a crappy Eileen player from Norway here, with hopes of getting better :)And this place looks like a nice place to learn the ropes.
  13. illWill166

    illWill166 Member

    Hey all, ill Will here from NYC, been playin' VF Since pt. 1 but didn't get into it till 4 and EVO came out. I like playin' with every char but Kage is my "go-to" guy...


  14. Newborn

    Newborn New Member

    Hey wussup ladies and gents. The names newbornathlete, pro Doa4 player, but retired now being that I found a better fighting game, that actually takes some skill. Was getting tired of Doa's randomness anyway. Uhh, my main was Hayabusa/Jann Lee(Depending on matchup/opponent) in Doa but for VF ive grew found of Kage's play style and abilities. Im growing real fond of the game and I hope that I could have the chance to play more experienced players so I can have my learning improve. Being that I know VF has a larger learning curve than Doa and to tell you the truth I am excited that there is a game out that rewards the people to people who actually train and put hours into the game. And thats somthn I can digg.

    Just like to add, im voting for VF5 to be entered into WCG but now my only question is which version PS3, 360, or Arcade. But hopefully somthn comes up where there will be a patch so that all the versions can run on. But look to hear my name more because I plan to become one of the better US players like I have for Doa. But see you all on the battlefield....

  15. ChickenWarrior

    ChickenWarrior New Member

    I am a Tekken refugee. Please do not Judge me. Akira is my boy. I'll be on Xbox live soon. Just bought an Xbox for this game. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  16. RobynLiquorstorz

    RobynLiquorstorz Well-Known Member

    it's still the only game i've played at all on my elite.
  17. ZombieKnowledge

    ZombieKnowledge New Member

    Sup everyone, I've been playing VF casually since day one (hated on VF3 though) and I'd really like to step my game up. The goal is to dominate with Sarah, at least for now; I got no idea who else I'd like to learn, maybe Brad.
    Playing online is a mixed bag: sometimes I get chumped by lag nonsense, most of the time I fight total noobs, and a few times I've been rocked by those who know what they're doing. So I'd like to play more of the third group. Screw my win/loss record, I just want to get better.
    My gamertag is ZombieKnowledge.
  18. ChickenWarrior

    ChickenWarrior New Member

    Haha small world /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  19. RedSonRising

    RedSonRising Well-Known Member

    Sup all .. first VF since VF1 and VF2 waay back when.. was playin DoA4 on XBL for a couple years but never really got any good at anyone but Christie (A/A+).. had to get VF5 so my friend down the street would own me everyday..

    loving the game, cept for the fact that losing a tourney just cost me a tv just now. seriously, i need anger management classes or something.. i literally just beat my tv unconscious..

    cracked the top in two places and busted the tube.. shake it a lil and youll here glass shifting around in the back.. fortunately theres an HD tv upstairs..

    anyway.. if you catch RedSonRising on Xbox Live be gentle, i think im only a 9th ryu and i flip out pretty bad when i lose.. (thankfully i mute myself so most ppl have no idea how crazy i can really get)

    gl all and thank for the tips
  20. PrecisionGrab

    PrecisionGrab New Member

    new to virtua fighter. using wolf as main. dislike lei-fei's offensive flurry..

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