New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here.

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Valtiel, May 14, 2007.

  1. toastcrumb

    toastcrumb Well-Known Member

    Hi all!

    I'm a new Akira player in London, UK. I've dabbled with all the previous VFs with very little success, but I'm looking to take it a bit more seriously now. I know I'm in for a tough time starting at the bottom with Akira. I'm putting in the work and will continue to take my beatings until I get good!
  2. Dash

    Dash Member

    Hey all. I've been browsing these forums for some time and just now decided to start posting. I recognize many of the posters here as I still have their bootprints engraved on my ass. Let me just say I wear them all like a badge of honor.

    Yep, I'm that noobish Blaze player that randomly hops into your matches. If I don't say much, it's because I usually mute my mic and turn down the volume when I play. I'm sure most of you know why. So if I don't respond to your "Good fights" or whatever, It's not because I'm a rude bastard.

    Anyway, let me clear something up right off the bat. I know I suck, that's why I'm posting here. I actually want to learn more about the game and improve, as I love playing it. So, when I go about browsing rated matches, I usually fight with people I know are better than me. If for some reason I win, I WILL make it a priority to rematch them (which usually results in a sound beating). And If I get my ass handed to me, I'll try to play them again also. For that, my win:loss ratio has suffered and I've been ranked down several times. But I really don't care about stats, points, and titles! I just want to learn from the best of you.

    Thanks guys, and I look forward to becoming part of such a great community.

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Dash you are more of what we need on this site people that are willing to learn from there losses. It reminded me of when I was new to the community and that I had to learn more than just moves but the set ups, combos, etc,. It started with an event out in So Cal, then went to finding local players, and even an event in Colorado. Not only will you grow from playing online and learning from the site but going to gatherings and tournaments will also help your game.
  4. willcrushyah

    willcrushyah Member

    hey wasup ya'll. Basically vf5 is my first virtua fighter and i love it . Im still learning in this game but i do enjoy playing online against good people or poeple who just enjoy playing. gamertag is dagreatwill if any one wants to kick my butt feel free to try xD.
  5. Hostile_Evil

    Hostile_Evil Member

    well hello im new woot woot, anywho i cant tell wich charicter to use just yet. I come from a heavy tekken and doa backround and nevery really played VF all that much. IM so happy though that the 360 has recived such a great fighting game (doa sux balls i know but what else did the 360 have lol) and i cant wait to be a really good fighter.
    SOme people i use:
    is my best because idk shes so unpredictable but yet has a great juggle game
    he is so amazing but i have lost agin and agin so im not fur sur3 if ill stick with him.
    being a tekken fan she plays a little like Auska which happens to be my best tekken char.

    thx for this form it has help me alot and i know it took alot of someones time to put in those combos for aoi and i thx u for doing so>!
  6. Dai_Akira

    Dai_Akira Member

    Hello everyone. New to the site but not to VF. Actually, I play Tekken more and am now just coming back to VF. Will have an X-box 360 soon. I look forward to playing you guys online.
  7. RisenGlory

    RisenGlory Active Member


    Hey, I'm new to VF, but already love this game (XBOX360 on line version). If anyone catches me on line(SN: Risen Glory) feel free to say hi or spar. I play with Lei Fei.
  8. ShenlongBo

    ShenlongBo Member

    Hey whattup, ShenlongBo aka II AxxesS II (gamertag) here. A pal of mine hooked me up with this site after I picked up VF5, so I guess this is just me getting started. I played a little bit of 4Evo, thought it was pretty dope, but didn't really get into it much for lack of interested competition nearby. Now that Virtua Fighter's online, though, that all gets to change.

    I'm not that great at this particular game yet, but I'm getting my bearings and really starting to enjoy it. I'm a "play to win" competetor through and through, but win, lose, or draw, I know how to have a good time. I'm interested in playing against people of all different experience and skill levels, so if you're looking for a match against an up-and-coming (hopefully "respectable") Lei-Fei, hit me up.
  9. Neobeast

    Neobeast Well-Known Member

    Good to see you made it, man. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif You'll like it here.
  10. TheGreatOnizuka

    TheGreatOnizuka New Member

    What's up all. Not much to say about myself. I hail from northern Virgina and I been playing fighters since the original SF II. I played some VFevo but I'm pretty new to this. Right now I'm playing with Vanessa, but I hope to be fairly good with several players. Anyway I'm just looking for good games and good competition.
  11. Ryanloop

    Ryanloop Member

    Hey everyone RyanLoop here. I played Evo a bit and didn't do too bad in the only Seattle tourney we had here. I'm also a Tekken and SC player but I havent played much since the Seattle scene died off . Anyway, trying to get back into the game and re-learn Jacky but Ive had a hard time getting matches on live with people that know what they are doing. if there are any Jacky players out there that would be willing to take some time and show me whats up that would be awesome! My tag on live is Ryanloop. I look forward to getting some good matches in with this community!
  12. Pikachu

    Pikachu Member

    Hi everyone I'm Stephanie. I used to play Virtua Fighter 2 a long time ago (but I wasn't into it since I was little.) Aside from playing Virtua Fighter 5, I like playing DOA and MVC2. The characters I use are Eileen, Pai, then sometimes Jacky/Lion (I want to get better with him). My GT is: Efinistic.
  13. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Hi, people. I've played Virtua Fighter since the original on the Saturn, i'm still no good at it though haha. I used to be a big fan of one on one fighting games but they are rare these days. I've been a member on here before but I forgot the username and figured it would be easier to make a new account.... anyways, I mainly use Akira although I have a lot to learn.

    Is there many xbox live players on these forums? Be nice to get some decent matches, i'm not learning anything from the n00bs i've fought so far.
  14. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    For all of the new people, feel free to add me. My tag is in my sig
  15. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I'll add you later tonight when i'm on. I think I could take that "Worst Akira out there!" title in your sig, haha.
  16. MogKnight

    MogKnight Member

    My name is MogKnight and I'm... an Alcoholic. >.>;

    I recently got VF5 :3 Enjoying every bit of it, been playing VF since VF4: Evo. I was mostly a Lion player but then I switched to Akira. I like to call him Angry Mans... >.>

    Anyways, my 360 Gamertag is MogKnight Prime. Unfortunately, the only arcade that had VF is gone <.< So I don't know where to get any local competition any more. ;_;

    But, I hope to learn a lot during my stay here. @_@ Feel free to add me and challenge me whenever!
  17. Pikachu

    Pikachu Member

    I'll add you in a bit.
  18. C1REX

    C1REX Well-Known Member

    Hi everybody.
    I started play this game 2 days ago.
    I bought the game 3 weeks ago, but after 2 minutes of playing... ring of death. :|

    I used to play SC on competitive level.
    Recently i played DOA4 online as Spartan. Casuals.

    I'm sorry for my english.

    My Gamertag: C1REX
    Please, help me improve my Jeffry. : )
  19. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    Hello everybody. I picked this game up about a month ago. I've never actually gotten hard into Virtua Fighter, only screwed around a little with one player mode on 3tb and Evo. I've actually been playing Tekken for two years, but I decided to try VF in the offseason and I love it.

    I play Goh online, and occasionally screw around with other characters. You want to help me get higher than this plateau of craptitude I'm stuck on, throw me an invite! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  20. Smoke_Mi_Pope

    Smoke_Mi_Pope Member

    Evening ladies and gents

    Had VF5 for couple weeks now after getting soooo bored of doa4. Seeing as I like a drink and am a bit older than the usual fighting fan it seemed only right to pick up shun and neck some virtual wine.

    Been stalking these boards anonymously for couple of weeks now but done the quest thingy so out and about to get my ass kicked now online.

    Feel free to add my tag I'm on quite a bit at mo as work is quiet this time of year.

    GT: Smoke Mi Pope

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