New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here!

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Myke, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Too many new users to welcome everyone individually. Hope to work with everyone to build a better and larger VF community [​IMG]
  2. KyouG

    KyouG New Member

    Hello folks, newcomer to VF5. I played VF2 on the Saturn as a child, but haven't had much of a chance to play the series since. Hoping to learn the ins-and-outs of Final Showdown and maybe even participate in any Montreal gatherings that may happen.

    Hope to play both the long-standing members and newcomers online in the meantime.
  3. Striike_Reaper

    Striike_Reaper New Member

    Hello fellow gamers, I'm new to VF5FS but not to the series although i played on and off but decided to get serious with this release, main is Jean and my sub is Kage/Jacky

    My PSN is : SuB-STRiiKER
    i would love to play some of you folks and learn a thing or two :p
  4. jinogre

    jinogre Member

    I'm an ATL based player, I'm fairly new to VF so I have a long way to go. I main Lion who is the only character I play right now, I'm thinking of my secondary being Jean but I haven't decided yet. Right now I only play on PS3, my tag is "jinogre" soon I'll also have FS on 360 my tag on there is also "jinogre" if anyone wants to get some games in feel free to add me whenever. If you play Lion gimme some tips!!!!!
  5. erythrii

    erythrii Member

    Heyo! Long-time lurker here, but been playing since VF4e, though pretty inconsistently up until a couple months ago when I started taking VF5 more seriously. My main is Aoi and without a sub, but currently dabbling with Shun (I like tricks). I don't think I'm past beginner yet because I still make lots of stupid mistakes and need much more practice on things like evading and cancelling and with matches against other players. Any tips are welcome. Looking forward to some good fights!
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2013
  6. SGDub

    SGDub New Member

    Hello everyone. I'm new to VF in general, my only experience with 3D fighters is Soul Calibur; I come from a SK/KOF background and been playing for the last 2 days and having a lot of fun.

    XBL : o Summy G

    Still learning the basics but I'm willing to play anyone who wants to play.
  7. BlondieVF5

    BlondieVF5 Well-Known Member

    I'm not exactly new to, but I'm new to VF5 =). Wanted to drop in and say Hi to all the people that knew me from back in the day, and also a lot of the new people too. Looking forward to adapting to the game and possibly building a decent scene here in florida again =).
  8. Vysetron

    Vysetron New Member

    Hi, I'm Vysetron! Most of my fighting game experience comes from Street Fighter. I'm pretty much totally new to VF, and have never really made an effort to get the hang of a 3D fighter before. VF is fantastic though, really looking forward to spending more time on it. So far I've been messing with Lau the most, but I can't call anyone my main yet, too early.

    See you around!
  9. Des_Delaghetto

    Des_Delaghetto New Member

    Hey everyone, I'm Desmond. I'm apart of the administration team at which is a USA KOF community site.

    I currently live in Twin Cities, Minnesota.

    I've been dabbling in VF games since the first game, and I had vf2 for Sega Saturn back in 96. I've always had respect for VF over other 3D titles because I'm more of a 2D fighter.

    I primarily play KOF (with a little Melty on the side) but I'm very interested in learning and playing more VF5:FS. It's a great game, it's addicting, and it's worth learning and enjoying.

    I hope to play with many of you on PSN and discussing strategies. [​IMG]
  10. Slade

    Slade New Member

    Slade here. Haven't played VF since probably... VF3 at the arcade like.. 15 years ago? Or whenever. lol And I had no idea what I was doin anyways.

    Heard nothin but good things about VF5 FS, so I figured why not at least try it out. Plan on buyin it on XBL, and learning the game. Hopefully I can be decent enough to at least compete in tournies.

    I'm pretty much completely new to this game, so I'll do my best. Looking forward to any potential online comp, since I highly doubt there's any scene whatsoever in my area. lol
  11. breaker22

    breaker22 New Member

    Hello everyone! I've been playing video games since the launch of the Atari 2600. Long story short: Sega fan since forever. If it's Sega, it's for me. Dabbling in VF, since I seen the original arcade cabinet in a pizza shop at the local mall around 1994?? 1995?, can't remember. Any way, i want to start studying, and get a bit better at it. If you see me on Xbox live feel free to give any advice while I'm button mashing on Final gamertag is breaker22..friend me!
  12. FenixCade

    FenixCade Member

    Hey guys, been playing VF since VF2 on the PC, really got into VF when I borrowed VF4: EVO and currently enjoying the hell out of Final Showdown. Looking forward to being a part of the VF community!
  13. sgarcia103

    sgarcia103 Member

    been a fan since VF2 on the saturn. currently in japan and had the privilege to play VF5FS before it came to the consoles. I hope more people would give this game a chance.
  14. Twiggywales

    Twiggywales Member

    Twiggywales here (Xbox tag)

    Totally new to the game and learning shun di, I'm primarily a soul calibur player main is maxi there. Hope to see you all around. If anyone has some tips on learning this game and in particular shun I'd love some advice, thanks.
  15. Dae

    Dae Member

    Hey everyone. I'm Daemondym, and I'm fairly new. While I love fighting games, I haven't really played much Virtua Fighter. I owned VF5 for the Xbox, but never really got deep into it. A friend of mine who plays Yomi (a card game simulatig a fighting game) was talking about being hype for the new version of VF5, so I pulled it out and fell in love with the simple execution and deep complexity of the system.

    I'm currently maining Lau on XBL, and will be posting in his forum about some of my strategies and experiences.

    Great to meet all of you!
  16. Snowgoons

    Snowgoons Member

    Hello VFDC. I've been playing VF5:FS the past couple of days and I haven't liked a game this much in about a decade I'd say, give or take, fighting or otherwise. I played the original VF and VF2 when I was a kid, so I was really excited to hear it was coming to X-Box Live and PSN. I've played around 200 games or so including player matches and lost almost all of them, I think I've won half-a-dozen games, maybe, however this is the only game I actually have drive to improve at, so I will, this site seems like it will make the process much smoother.

    I don't really have a main yet, as I've been switching a lot. I went from Wolf - Brad - Jean - Akira - Vanessa - Kage - Vanessa(lol) - Goh who I'm fairly certain will be my main.

    I know this is getting long winded but I just wanted to say this is the only fighting game I've ever played that I haven't worried about how popular/overused or "cheap" a character is, that has stopped me from picking characters in past games.
  17. FakeSypha

    FakeSypha Active Member

    Hi everyone. I'm Sypha or FakeSypha, it's the same. I'm a DOA player. Nothing special, tho. I'm quite new to the series, learning the basic and stuff. I have played VF5, but mostly offline since I couldn't get people to play with.
    So anyway, a friend and I bought VF5FS and so far we're having some fun. I main Vanessa (or try, at least).

    I was looking for a place in which I could get some info about VF5FS, so here I am [​IMG]
    I'll be lurking more than contributing, tho.

    See ya around!
  18. filipin0man

    filipin0man New Member

    Hello everyone!

    My name is Anton, I'm from California and my gamertag is DRS filipin0man. I'm regarded as one of the best Roses in Street Fighter 4 and I used to be a Dead or Alive 4 player back when it was the only fighting game out.

    I decided to try out Virtua Fighter because I'm in love with all fighting games; I feel that each game that I decide to play leads to a better foundation of my passion for fighting games.

    I hope I don't get made fun of because I'm a '12er' haha.

    Also, I'm really enjoying and I'm getting the jist of things fast in VF5FS; I play Aoi because of her 3 point counters, parries as well as her similarities mostly to the free cancelling of DoA.

    I hope to stay her for a long while [​IMG].
  19. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Welcome everyone. Again too many to welcome everyone individually. Glad to see new faces registering and old faces (BlondeOne) returning to VFDC [​IMG]
  20. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    Howdy! New to VFDC but I've been playing mainly since VF4. I'm on PSN: BeastyEG. Looking forward to learning from everyone!

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