New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here!

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Myke, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. Sonic The Fighters

    Sonic The Fighters Well-Known Member

    Yeah as Kruza said, wait for the Xbox Scorpio maybe, or get a Xbox 360. It's cheap ($70-$80), great console with great games, and VF5FS on 360 is the best console version imo.

    Let's go :0
    emperorshadox likes this.
  2. emperorshadox

    emperorshadox Well-Known Member


    Hello, Kruza

    And many thanks for the advice. A new XB1 console coming out ? I didn't even know about this.

    I will google it now.

    I hear that the free PSN service is shutting down in 5 months.

    Is this true ? If so then I will definitely get the New XB1 100%

    I think I've had enough of SONY's pick and choose mentality.

    XB1 is simply the best console for fighting game enthusiasts.
  3. emperorshadox

    emperorshadox Well-Known Member


    I'd have gotten a 360, but the D-pad is total junk. I used to have an XB 360 and already have VF5 FS on it, so it is very tempting.

    But this new XB1 console (Scorpio ?) is looking 100% legit.

    Oh by the way GG's last night with @Ares-olimpico

    Your Lion Rafale worked me to the point where I almost sold my PS3 this morning.

    I got juggled like a leaf floating in the air.


    He even made my Lau chan look like a docile domestic kitten LOL

    N.B.: I'm in the process of creating a legit discord VF group which will be live next week. I'll drop an invite for all of Y'all!

    Last edited: Apr 1, 2017
  4. Ares-olimpico

    Ares-olimpico Well-Known Member Content Manager Lion

    It is not How Hard you Hit, but How Hard You Can Get Hit and Keep Moving Forward
    See you FIGHTER
    emperorshadox and jimi Claymore like this.
  5. WolfKing

    WolfKing Well-Known Member

    Add psn id: HotRod666 I'm always online!
    emperorshadox likes this.
  6. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    On August 15, 2017, we will be discontinuing the service on the following devices:

    • PlayStation 3
    • PlayStation Vita and PlayStation TV
    • All 2013, 2014, 2015 Sony Bravia TV models
    • All Sony Blu-ray player models
    • All Samsung TV models
    Additionally, 2016 models of Sony Bravia TVs will be discontinued on April 1, 2017.

    At least everyone now will be on one network. It's not like we have japan/koreas internet infrastructure to make PS3 viable for online play.
    Hate it/love it, at the end of the day it's going to happen.
    emperorshadox likes this.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    You forgot to mention that it is only discontinuing the playstation now on all those devices and not the online service.
    emperorshadox likes this.
  8. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    I didn't forget! I just wanted to sway players to one system. Thanks a lot!
    emperorshadox likes this.
  9. Poise

    Poise Member

    I'm Hella new, secondary goh main Vanessa. Gt :The Poise Demon
    I've been getting smacked since i started,getting better tho every game. I'm on most of the time so hmu
    WolfKing and emperorshadox like this.
  10. WolfKing

    WolfKing Well-Known Member

    Add me and get obliterated. HotRod666
    emperorshadox likes this.
  11. Poise

    Poise Member

    I've heard of an arrogant wolf clan in this community, I'm down tho
  12. DieCobros

    DieCobros New Member

    Hey everyone! I've played most of the games in the VF series, but I've put a considerable amount of time in the past into VF4 Evo's Quest mode. I rarely played against other people and just stuck to fighting the AI, which means I haven't really learned much about the mechanics. I got myself a PS3 recently, and with that, Final Showdown. and I'm looking to learn the game a bit. I don't have any mains/secondaries yet, I'm just messing around with the roster to see who'd be a good fit. Looking at some of the videos I've seen here seems to be fairly helpful thus far. I have no idea how active the game is online so I figured posting here would help find some sparring partners. My PSN is the same as my username here, feel free to add me.
    emperorshadox and oneida like this.
  13. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    Feel free to add me, i'll accept it the next time im on. Also, where are you from
    emperorshadox likes this.
  14. DieCobros

    DieCobros New Member

    I'm in the States. Chicago, IL more specifically.
    emperorshadox and oneida like this.
  15. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    alright yea, that'll be good. Im in stl MO. drop me a friend request and ill accept it whenever I go back home from college.
    emperorshadox likes this.
  16. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    i know someone looking for offline VF in chicago if you're interested
    emperorshadox likes this.
  17. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    you couldnt possibly be referring to cmoney, right?
    emperorshadox likes this.
  18. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    naw there's a guy in the discord group who wants to learn VF and lives in Chicago
    Stl_Tim and emperorshadox like this.
  19. emperorshadox

    emperorshadox Well-Known Member


    Absolutely amazing battles last night.

    Your Wolf is a complete and total menace.

    Almost made me list my PS3 on Ebay.


    Jacky is upgrading at the mo! ;)

    I'm trying to get a couple of us in a room battle for an all out VF battle fest.
    jimi Claymore and WolfKing like this.
  20. WolfKing

    WolfKing Well-Known Member

    Ha ha as you would say "get ready for the next battle!"
    Bring it on! Let's fight more!
    emperorshadox likes this.

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