New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here!

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Myke, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. Brosian

    Brosian Member

    Hi, add me if you want. VF5FS.
  2. TMO421

    TMO421 New Member

    Hi, I am new here. I am trying to get into VF. I have always liked the game and played the hell out of VF4Evo's quest mode, but I never learned the game (or any fighting game) to the point where I could enter a competition. I am obsessed with VF5FS rn and I am trying to get more people in my area to pick it up as well. The main thing I like about the series is that everyone on the roster (to me anyway) seems very fun to play. Like there are no characters that I will avoid playing with.
    Ares-olimpico and Dreamboat like this.
  3. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Welcome! You got that right, everyone on the roster is really fun, and viable! Which area are you in? Try out the match making forum or local scene threads to see if there's anyone around to play with. Otherwise you can try online match-making here or on Virtua Revival.
  4. l i v e f a s t

    l i v e f a s t New Member

    My name is Paul and I'm a little late to the party but I've always thought this game was sick and I'm trying to play as MUCH as possible. I'm from Central Massachusetts and don't have a way to play online but I'm so down to grind this game with anyone who wants to play.

    Honestly almost all of these characters speak to me in one way or another but I'm most interested in Jean Kujo, Kage Maru, and Lau Chan.

    Let's play a lot!
  5. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    Can you get to Boston?
  6. l i v e f a s t

    l i v e f a s t New Member

    I've been going to BP on Friday nights for Tekken, my main game. I saw a VF set up there two weeks ago.
  7. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    yup that was me :LOL:
    l i v e f a s t likes this.
  8. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    just sent you a link to the discord server. i know how to use all 3 of those characters and i'm happy to help you get rolling.
  9. Hi there everyone.
    I'm Alan,call I'm 31 years old and originally from from south east of England but now I'm currently residing in the countryside of north east England.
    I did wanted to join this site a while ago but I had problems signing up and whenever I messaged the site owners, I got no response.
    jimi Claymore likes this.
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Hi there, when and how did you message the site owner (me)? I'm usually pretty responsive when it comes to helping out users with login or registration issues. In either case, glad to see that you've sorted things out, and welcome!
    Black Tiger Of Death likes this.
  11. It was back in 2011, a VERY long time ago.
    I tried to click the register button but it wouldn't work so I sent an email but it was from my old email address, I can't remember the name of my old email but yes I'm happy to finally be here :D
  12. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    That's awesome! I'm glad you found a local offline scene! Welcome to the forums.
  13. Talchild

    Talchild Member

    Hey everyone. I just recently got into Virtua Fighter, recently as in playing it for the first time just this year. I'm an animator, and one of my favorite animators/game creators Fumito Ueda retweeted an article late last year about how VF's animation was revolutionary back in the day. I had just bought a 360 (to play some last gen games I missed), and so decided to download the demo of VF 2 to try it out and was blown away.

    Ive had an on/off relationship with fighting games for awhile. Ive always loved the animation in 2D fighting games, always been a fan of martial arts, and lots of my friends play fighting games, so I've always wanted to like them. But everytime Ive tried to get into one, Ive just been so put off by how much homework I have to do before enjoying the game.

    It's funny, a friend of mine played a lot of VF5 back when it first came out, and while I usually like to try the fighting games my friends play, I completely avoided that one because of how complex and difficult to get into it was. But when I finally played it I found it the most intuitive and easy to pick up and play fighting game outside of Smash and Soul Calibur. It's actually made me learn to finally appreciate other fighting games more, as through it I feel like Ive for the first time really been able to naturally and enjoyably learn the fundamentals without being overwhelmed by gimmicks, and massive execution-intensive combos that other games make (or at least market as) the cornerstones of their gameplay.

    After VF2, I played VF3 and then VF4, wanting to see how the series evolved in sequence (I know that might be weird), and I've only gotten the chance to play a few matches of multiplayer with VF3tb. Want to pick up Final Showdown for PS3 soon, and maybe enjoy some matches?

    I'm probably not the most traditional fan, but I really like this series and hope to be a part of this community.
  14. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Welcome aboard! I think it's cool that you found the series specifically because of the animation, because you'll find a lot of us think the animation in VF is second to none!
    Hope you enjoy the game, and it's especially cool you're seeing the evolution all the way through the current release.
  15. MagiSestren

    MagiSestren New Member

    Hi guys!

    Just recently got myself a PS3, specifically to play VF5 FS and found out about this site, so I'm registering in hopes of making it easier to get some matches going :)
  16. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Welcome! Seen you posting in the discord too. Check out the match making threads for local scenes, then hit up chat box for online too.

    I'd also advise the wiki and dojo for learning basics and character specifics! This is the best resource for learning vf bar none!
    MagiSestren likes this.
  17. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Hi guys. I'm beanboy and I'm new here.:)

    I play Virtua Fighter, Soul Calibur (dreamcast) and
    Street Fighter 2 games etc.

    I was planning on joining this forum, for a long time now
    but was a bit skeptical at first, and held back. :p

    But after a long time, today, I decided to join forum.
    Nice to meet you all. :D
    PurpGuy, IcKY99, oneida and 5 others like this.
  18. Mech

    Mech Well-Known Member

    Rodney and Homestay's wife carried me to victory at the team tourney.
    Tricky, PurpGuy, IcKY99 and 6 others like this.
  19. LuxerHusku

    LuxerHusku New Member

    Hello, the name’s Luxer.

    A Tekken fan that later became a huge fan of 3D Fighters, including Virtua Fighter. It’s a shame most 3D Fighters came and went, but I am happy to see that the subgenre is still going strong.

    As for Virtua Fighter, I’m getting in more into the game cause it’s very fun and the characters are pretty memorable. Not to mention the music in these games just scream SEGA to me. Hope to see this series revive with a new game or give us a collection of 1-5 for current systems with online compatibility. Anything would be nice.

    But it’s nice to be here.
  20. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    glad to see you here too. Groups of us still play online and even locally depending on your location. Wednesday nights on xbl tends to be popping.
    jimi Claymore likes this.

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