New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here!

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Myke, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. Stone_Drum

    Stone_Drum Member

    Hello, Lei-Fei only player here! VF5 was actually my introduction into actually getting serious about fighting games. Needless to say, I sunk so much time and effort into lei-fei that I am quite good with him. I do pretty well online.

    Long live VF, the best fighting franchise in the world : D
  2. newplayer5555

    newplayer5555 New Member

    i have never played vf before and i just bought vf fs and love it.i wanted to know can any 1 help me get good with goh.I have learning/reading disabilaty so dojo mod dosnt help me much.i can speak fine.i had 1 person help me with lion and i win 70 percent of matches with him now. i am new so if any 1 can help me with goh my xbox tag is killshot5555
  3. ken81

    ken81 Member

    Hi everybody, I am new to the forums. I've been lurking since many years (yes!) but decided to make an account only now. I've started with vf4:evo on ps2 then played some vanilla vf5 but dropped it as there was no online on ps3 so I played many years of tekken, and boy, is it nice to be back to Vf after all the crap I went through with T6.
    Anyway, I am from Italy and I play Akira , my psn ID is Ken81.

    Have good fights,
  4. Cope25

    Cope25 Member

    Hi everyone.

    I just bought VFFS last night off PSN on impulse I suppose. Never played a VF before this, as I thought it looked "too bulky" if that makes sense. So far I'm liking it, and realize I was wrong, thanks to Eileen and a few matches online getting my butt whooped in a very fast manner, which is ironic as I thought it was a slowish game prior to playing.

    I've always been a Tekken and Street Fighter type of guy. The combos and juggles always interested me, giving me hours and hours of my life trying to learn more and more complex moves to have at my disposal. However, since I got out of the Military, Tekken and SF has lost its' flair. I can't play Tekken 6 online at all due to lag, SFxT is perfect online, but I don't find it as fun as it use to be. And the fact it's a 2D fighter doesn't hold me like it use to these days. I prefer a little realism, I suppose.

    So that's why I'm here. Looking into this series, and maybe check out the Dead or Alive series as well. Guess in short, I'm burned out of the mainstream fighters and looking for something more than who can juggle the longest like in Tekken and SF.

    So, if you see me online, ( copestic23 ) be gentle! Only having two buttons to attack with is very different than what I'm use to.
  5. SegaManAU

    SegaManAU Member

    Hey everyone,

    Long time reader, first time poster! =)

    Been playing VF since VF2 in the arcades. Not very good at it even after all these years!

    I have been playing again since getting VF5:FS. Loving it so far. I also own a VF2 arcade machine in very good condition.

    If anyone wants to play me on Live my GT is SegaManAU. Look forward to chatting to you all.

  6. MrTorture

    MrTorture New Member

    I've never really played VF, just a bit as a kid on my Sega. I started playing/watching fighting games because with SF4 at the end of 09, saw it come out, and thought.. where was sf3?

    Been playing fighting games since then with a few breaks in between. I got VF5, checked out a couple characters, and fell for Brad. Hope to get better, and keep playing.

    Anyways, Hello, hope to post/read more here and get better.
  7. biZArre_Logic

    biZArre_Logic Active Member

    Thank you for the introduction! I own both a 360 and PS3. I'll probably download VF5:FS for PS3 after I get my EightArc arcade stick. I've grown to accustomed sticks to go back to pads.
  8. shadow9794

    shadow9794 New Member

    Hello everyone. I have been playing vf ever since the original vf 4. I currently main jacky/lion and i am an ok player except the fact that i cannot sidestep properly to save my life. I play on ps3 and my psn is shadow9794. If anyone is interested in helping me please do not hesitate to add me.
  9. Masta_Kaka

    Masta_Kaka New Member

    Yo guys. I'm kinda new to the VF series, as VF5FS is my first ever VF game. I'm attempting to main Brad and I suck at doing almost everything. My PSN is Masta_Kaka if anyone wants to help me get better.
  10. saxdawg00

    saxdawg00 New Member

    Hello, ex-Tekken player here looking to get into VF. I've dabbled in it before, but never gave it a thought until I started watching some youtube gameplay. Looks like the type of gameplay I will like!
  11. Mlai

    Mlai Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone.

    Played VF2, but officially ditched 2D fighting and went into 3D fighting with VF4evo. Played other 3D fighters (Tekkens, DOAs, SCs), but VF4evo's unrivaled training mode and quest mode made me a VF devotee. If Sega wants new VF players to sink in, the game **needs** VF4evo's training mode and quest mode. Otherwise players will just treat it as a game of the month.

    Only have PS2/PS3, so VF5FS is my first chance to be online. Exactly ZERO players in Singapore, surprisingly (I do check almost every night). I mainly end up playing Europeans and Americans for some lagtastic matches. Will try the Ranked matching tonight, now that I hear that's where the players are.
  12. Johnesie

    Johnesie New Member

    Hello everyone,

    I am a new VF player. I try to learn the game playing Jean.

    I am always pleased to play and chat on XBL, and i need some serious training and advice.
  13. Phoenix117UK

    Phoenix117UK Member

    Hello all.

    Like many here I'm a completely and total newbie when it comes to Virtua Fighter, the only other fighter I play at a competitive level is Tekken (which you probably guessed from my avatar).

    I picked up VF5FS a couple of days ago and, while I'm loving the feel of the game, I'm still learning a lot of the basics and fundamental aspects at the moment. I've been using Aoi the most since she's the character I feel the most comfortable with at the moment, but with such a limited understanding of the game its hard to say who I'll end up using later on.

    Anyway, nice to meet everyone, I'll be sure to stick around and I'm sure this place will be a great resource to help me get more competent at the game.
  14. solidshark

    solidshark New Member

    Greetings, new to VFDC, not new to VF though. Play most fighters, especially 2D ones like KOF. Played most VF versions (minus VF5 ver. B or C). Looking to take FS seriously.
  15. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    Infamous Geezer
    Hi biZArre_Logic and Phoenix117UK. I`ve played you both on PS3. I`m getting a bit better on controller. It was fun playing you guys see you soon.
  16. Grull

    Grull New Member


    I'm kinda new to the site, but not new to VF series whatsoever.
    Played alot VF4 Evo with Griever, from whom I got this site address.

    Nice to meet you all.
  17. TekSpitFire

    TekSpitFire Member

    Hey all, I've been a long time fan of VF since the early days when I used to play (VF1 or 2) with my brother. I took a break from fighting games after that and didn't really pick it back up until VF4 Evo on the PS2. I used to come here often to lurk and get strategies when playing my friends. Hell, I'm pretty sure I even registered at that time, but it doesn't matter now.

    VF5 for the Xbox was a lesson in anger management for me. I was often good enough to compete, to get to the final round of a match only to CHOKE and lose a game I should've won. I played with Aoi and Goh. I even lost matches against obvious scrubs who would spam the same string over and over again, that was so frustrating.

    So, now I'm back with VF5 FS and it seems easier to me now. I've been kicking butt with Aoi, but Goh is still giving me trouble online, I can't seem to get his moves down right.
  18. Megaton_Rich

    Megaton_Rich New Member

    yo wassup, new to the site and vf5fs is the only vf game i really played and ever found myself wanting to play everyday almost, i play on both ps3 and 360 but i mainly play it on 360
  19. Kunicaps

    Kunicaps New Member

    Hi everybody,

    I'm Kunicaps a French player of VF5FS. I played a lil bit of VF5 but not enough to have a decent level. I'm more a Street Fighter player, even if my level a this game is not good enough to [​IMG].

    I main Taka Arashi

  20. LunaSlave

    LunaSlave New Member

    Hey there [​IMG] Totally new to this board, just thought I'd introduce myself. I am just getting into VF more deeply for the first time with VF5FS.

    I used to play VF1 and 2 back in the arcades a fair bit, but I was sorta clueless about how to actually play. I played VF3 a few times in the arcade at college, and I have VF4 Evolution for PS2 but for some reason I dropped it after a very short time. Same goes for vanilla VF5 for PS3 - I bought it on boxing day a couple years ago, thought to myself 'I'm a 2D player, but of the 3d games, VF always seemed more interesting to me than Tekken, Soul Calibur or DOA, so I'm gonna try to get into this'

    Horribly disappointed to bring the game home and quickly discover that there was no online mode, and I ended up quickly dropping it [​IMG]

    Not this time, though. I've decided to actually give my attention to the game, especially after watching the recent UltraChen episode that helped me to understand the 'flow' of the gameplay more. I was always trying to play it with a 2D fighter fundamentals mindset, and it was enough to beat random friends and people at the local arcade back in the day, but now I understand that won't work [​IMG]

    Unfortunately, I've run into a bit of a snag. I've been messing around in the tutorials and such, learning the characters a bit (thus far I'd say that Kage and Eileen seem to appeal to me the most, Goh seems interesting too) and I've been reading up on the basic flow of the gameplay, the rock-paper-scissors of it, nitaku, etc etc - and I decided that I was impatient and wanted to play a little online, partially to show off my costumes, as silly as that sounds, that sort of customization really adds something for me [​IMG]

    Unfortunately, something seems to be wrong - I can't connect to anyone, ever (i'm on PSN) When I try, it just disconnects after the 30 second countdown, if I search for a match worldwide, and if I try to do one that's just same region, I get an error message and it boots me out of online mode.

    I hope this doesn't end up being another Virtua Fighter that I can't play online [​IMG] But even if it is, I figure I'll at least take the time to learn the game as best I can under the circumstances and not let it collect dust like the other VF games I've purchased over the years. Hopefully I'll even get to play some of you sometime and you can kick my noob ass at it. I'll keep trying to connect and will see what happens.

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