New VF4 screenshot bonanza

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Guest, May 3, 2001.

  1. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    C'mon guys, don't we pick flat stage like 99% of the time anyway? Akira's, Jacky's, Taka's, Sarah's and Shun's?
  2. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Heh...we definitely do. Mostly, it is always flat - cause many people bitch when certain combos don't work cause of terrain.

    <font color=red>Jyunen hayaindayo!</font color=red>

    <font color=white>adam</font color=white><font color=red>YUKI</font color=red>
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    It's not only undulation, look at the rings they all look the same, 4 corners with or without fence. Okay maybe VF4 will have great new features. But for my taste there are to many features from VF3 which will be taken out .....hope that Taka will still be there. I don't remember a VF Game making so much changes in comparison to his prequel. Okay maybe you have to break oldl structures to create something new , but i really liked the ideas in VF3 considering realistic and different enviorments.

    Well June is around the corner, and looking at the amount of different stages, VF could be ready for that time........
  4. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    I agree with Pic n Ice.

    Right now, seems like people are bitching about the fact what is learnt in vf3 *cannot* be carried over to VF4.

    And as Ice commented, every single time I play vs mode, flat stages are selected 80% of the time.

    BTW, did we forget to mention VF4 is a'NEW' game?

    <font color=red>~~~SummErs' 'enemy SPODED, enemy DOWN~~~'
  5. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I hope I'm not being included in the "people who are bitching about vf4 not being vf3" group...

    I think the game sounds like it's going to be cool with the new ideas and system elements.

    Anyone who's played this game since before 3 knows that you have to start over again with each new version. I think it's exciting, it levels the playing field again.

    But I have to say I hope they do have some uneven terrain. I've never understood why people want to only play on flat stages. To me, it's like removing part of the game. I love using the slopes. It keeps me on my toes in terms of what's possible at any given moment. It also lends much more to the atmosphere IMO; the spaces seem so much more alive, like I'm really in a space. With no slopes, stages like wolf's and Jeff's aren't possible. I don't want to be always fighting on a box/in a cube that's on top of another environment. But, we don't know yet, so...

    I'd like to hear from people who prefer playing on flat stages, if anyone wants to comment.

  6. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    I remember when I first started to play vf3 on a *casual* basis, I did not even notice the difference in the terrain from one stage to the other.

    Not because I am SOOO BLIND not to see the difference,'s because it never ever affected my gameplay.

    It was until when I started to experiment with combos n such, that's when the difference became sparkling clear to me.

    Yet, at the end of the day, after logging abt a few hundred hrs in the game, I still do not think terrain affects my gameplay one bit.

    Of course, that's just my view. Some people might be so in love with the terrain concept, they will never ever choose flat stages.

    Plus, some stages while do have uneven terrain, it's not such a*big diff*. (Kage, Aoi, Sarah, Jacky)

    But u're right though. Having the terrain kind makes the area look 'alive'.

    I guess, sole reason why I pick flat stages is so I dun have to listen to " u're lucky, terrain was against me" comment.

    <font color=red>~~~SummErs' 'enemy SPODED, enemy DOWN~~~'
  7. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    great wall is the coolest stage - terrain, cool background, actual world location, ringouts (but not too many), flying over the wall! awesome.

    <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by uk_kid on 05/07/01 08:04 AM (server time).</FONT></P>
  8. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Personally I had hoped to see varied terrain make a comeback, but I can see why AM2 may have decided to go back to basically flat stages.

    I remember AM2 originally intended for Taka to be a highly specialized character...and even in OB, he was. He had to be played very differently with and against. In TB, however, Taka was changed so that he could be played more similiarly with and against the other characters. I later recall in an interview with Suzuki that he said he didn't want any one character to be too different from the rest.

    At first, I found the comment puzzling since I thought that was one of the beauties of VF...there were no Shoryuken duplicates; each character had a considerable degree of specialization and hence learning curve. However, the more I play the game the more I'm starting to agree with Suzuki; it's a pain to play against a certain character in a way that's different from fighting everyone's an annoyance.

    It is, for example, annoying for me to rely on b+K -> big pounce with Jeffry against Taka, just as I'm sure it's annoying for Taka to deal with. Against a good Taka I'm forced to use the b+K if I want to win.

    Perhaps this is the sort of thinking that went behind slopes. People simply don't like to deal with it. I personally don't mind slightly varied terrain like Lau's stage, Wolf's stage or the cave stage, for example, but I have to admit I hate playing on something like Lion's, Pai's and even Kage's stages. One is forced to play very differently on those stages, and so most of the time players seem to have an implicit understanding not to pick those stages.
  9. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Nice points, Jeff.

    I certainly hope Taka is kept in the game though. I do like the amount of variety, personally (though my experience is with TB Taka, not OB, so that's probably why Taka feels easier to adjust for me--that I'm a TB generation player).

    However, on the subject of terrain. I certainly prefer varied terrain and overall shape of the arena. I used to always pick flat arenas because I mostly trained on them and knew what I was capable on them. Playing on Pai's stage would cause my Lion to miss a lot of OTB hits that I usually rely on for range and added damage. However, I really prefer varied terrain these days. Gives me more to think about, though I've just barely started thinking about position as much as I do now. I like the variety for how much it affects everyone's decisions and strategies. I really like the variety, but my tastes have shown that I tend to prefer games that are "slower" in the way that varied vs. constantly flat terrain provides. My preferences for VF3 series, Street Fighter 3 series, and Quake 2 (among the other two "faster paced" Quake games) leaves me with the impression that it's an appeal to me... more factors, "more thinking," more room to adjust certain variables, etc....

    In the end... I guess the VF4 transition sort of reminds me of the Quake 3 transition... Focus is on what is commonly called (though I tend to misunderstand the context often) "faster." Quake 3 became the combat oriented game with a fast pace that was Quake 1, with some new stuff in it. VF4 seems to be going towards the "VF2 roots" which I take it as being faster, tightly focused on the direct variables. I'm guessing that flat arenas will put a "directness" in VF4 that the designers may have felt were diverted in VF3. Combat will be faster, less room for concern after experience of "awkward mishaps." A little less "thinking" and a lot more acting and reacting, up-close and personal combat.

    I'm also guessing the charge moves are there in hopes of preventing an abuse of defense (though VF's defense system seems to be the core of the whole series to me). Speaking of which, when I heard charge attacks, Soul Calibur popped into mind immediately (same with having to push a bit more to get the ROs).

    Just my current thoughts on the whole thing.


    P.S. I certainly will play VF4 quite a bit, but I know there are going to be many of us who stick and many of us who will leave... In any case, it's always a new game, but I'm glad for the memories I currently have. Hoping for more, but I'm happy.
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: impressions

    Hope to get in touch w/you regarding costumes under my real username soon... am encountering problems with logging on under my preferred handle, Raoul Duke. Hopefully SysAdmin will fix. Until then:

    Your posting seems to have an unusual sensitivity to costume/character identity... art/advertising background?

    Anyways, have scoured the internet for Sarah pics and have found none so far... shameful. She is my keystone character (I am a "day one" VF fan), but VF3tb dressed her like a godd%*mn $50 hooker... was highly displeased and want desperately to know what plans are for her in VF4. Can U help?

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