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Next Gen consoles. What console looks promising?

Discussion in 'General' started by Wiztick, May 21, 2013.

  1. DurViener

    DurViener Well-Known Member

  2. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    ... But Microsoft has already said they don't get money from it... Not sure why people are still drumming on about this....
  3. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    I didn't watch either the MS or Sony conferences live, but watched the replays.

    MS had the better conference all around. Metal Gear started it off was smart then games like Sunset Overdrive, Killer Instinct and Pan..Crimson Dragon were shown. The new Forza looked awesome as well despite not caring for "simulation" racers (although I did enjoy the first Forza). Spark looked pretty cool as well as the indie platformer where you have to save your little brother. I wasn't really expecting that. They have the exclusives which I wasn't expcting at all, but the system is still STEAM Box with some bad decisions, that can be rectified. Their ideas about Quantam Break sound awesome as well.

    Sony's conference on the other hand had good news but nothing on their that made me jump at the exclusives. The one game from the Scott Pilgrim guys looked cool, as did FFXV which (despite the character designs) had me go "I want a PS4" I ended up fast forwarding to parts where they talked about stuff we already know about and just went to the parts they showed the games. I'm glad I didn't watch it Live as I wouldn't have been able to skip all the "blah, blah" about their Sony movie and music brands being integrated with the PS4 and it would've been that much more boring. The price point is awesome though!

    The pics of the PS4 made it look like Xbone, but after seeing the reveal, it's an ugly system. The Xbone looks nice, despite it being boring.

    The WiiU has me pretty excited. Wonderful 101, Sonic Xtreme, Bayonetta 2 and X look fantastic and me make me want the system. The Wii Fit Trainer sold me on Smash Bros as well!
  4. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    FFXV is also coming on Xbox One.... I agree that here weren't any PS4 exclusives that made me think, wow.
  5. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    I mean conference wise as to what was shown during them. MS was smart about having two conferences, one about console features and extra fluff, and the E3 one about games. It's just gamers are retarded and were like "WHERE DA GAMEZ" when MS said E3 would have them.

    WiiU and Xbone have the exlusives, but the feature MS is using are really a turn-off. Before I was like "What a bunch a stupid decisions, oh well...I'll see what PS4 has going on..." now I'm like "FUCKING M$ PLLLLLLLLLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE CHANGE YOUR DECISIONS ASAP, WTF!!!!!", lol.

    All the systems should have worthwhile games for everyone eventually, but at this point in time I'm more impressed with what I've seen on WiiU and Xbone. The games I like on PS3 could be had on the 360 while the 360 had the exclusives I couldn't get anywhere else. At this point in time I'm thinking it's going to be the same for the PS4 except I'll be going with the PS4 because of MS's decisions not necessarily because I'm wowed by Sony exclusives (The Order, lol, really?)
  6. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Yes, so far it's the end of next year and I couldn't believe it.
  7. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

  8. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

  9. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Yeah but if it's not in Sony's hands then they bullshitted right? That quote from the article implies publishers can create and implement whatever 'new' restrictions they want right?

    All this is still way too vague for me, someone break it down :(
  10. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Google is awesome....
    ExzetyXat1 likes this.
  11. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    It's old in the sense that it's the way restrictions on used games currently work. All a matter of semantics, though it's certainly better than what Microsoft is doing.
  12. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    SONY is not doing a "24hr" check in or publishers. Now, if they want to add codes(Like the way it is now)They could. Put it like this, Capcom has this dumb DRM on Bionic Commando on the PSN. The only way to play this game if you're signed in to the PSN network. If companies want to do that, they could. But Capcom and EA(Sim City fiasco)learn from that mistake. Especially during the PSN outage were customers couldn't play the game at all.

    The Order looks better than all of those "exclusive" Just on Art direction alone. The few exclusive that I saw that I care is Panzer and D4. RYSE looks boring as hell. Is an orgy of QTE events. Titan's fall has uninspiring art direction and gameplay. They should have look at Planetside 2 for reference. Destiny is a better game. FORZA is FORZA, so no big deal there. Killer Instinct is LMAO all the way, done by the infamous "Homecoming" developer, lol. MGSV is coming to the PS4 as well.. No idea what conference you was watching. All those indie games that SONY showed is what really got me. But from a AAA aspect. FFXV, The Order, Destiny and MGSV were the good ones. Everything else is "okay"
  13. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    The order didn't show any game play... Not from the footage I saw. Destiny is also on Xbox one...

    [edit]didn't have time to type the rest as I was getting off train. Anyway, The Order looked good, but I haven't seen any game play footage of it yet. It'd be interesting to see how it plays.

    I didn't see anything else from PS4 that stood out for me. The one that stood out from Nintendo for me is Bayonetta 2. They've even included a 2 player mode!
  14. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Nothing that I have seen makes me want to buy any next gen console. MSoft seems to be doing their utmost to alienate me from Xbone however.
    ShinobiFist likes this.
  15. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Killer Instinct.



    Games that got me pumped

    Killer Instinct - especially the streams afterwards. Game is only 5% complete at this point and like FUCKING. WHOA. JUST. WHOA. Those particle effects from Jago's fireball. OOOHHHHH!!! The announcer, the stage, the speed. I thought Jago was cool, but in a "This gross, but it loops back to being sick" type look, but I actually like it. That sword of his, oh man! It's funny because this game really ushered in the things I rag about 2D games now, but oh man, the exception gets made for this one. NEVER thought I'd be this pumped for KI, especially after KI2/Gold was.

    Wonderful 101 - game needs more hype. 5-player multiplayer. Platinum Games. I can forgive them for Anarchy Reigns, because their other games are just :kreygasm:

    Bayo 2

    X - really liking the design

    FFXV - Game looks gorgeous and it's an action-rpg to boot! Like Sony fucked up not getting this exclusive, as well never buying Rare just to get the right for KI. This is how I've always wanted a FF to play.

    Smash U- the Wii Fit Trainer sold me on Smash.

    Sonic Xtreme - Game looks like gorgeous, and you actually play it!

    MGS V - it's MGS.

    Sunset Overdrive: Insomniac is one of those developer that's always cool and their games are fun, but they still aren't a go to developer. I was digging the art style a lot though and that tipped it for me.

    Other games:

    Infamous: Second Son - looks like a lot of fun. Never cared for these games but there is a gameplay trailer that's nothing but, and it did a better job of convincing me that this game is awesome than the reveal trailer did.

    I'm really pumped for next-gen. I actually want to buy a big screen tv the size of my wall and play these new games. I'm more than happy with what I have now, but these games got me pumped. I haven't been this excited for E3 since the Dreamcast. I went into this E3 really looking forward to it, but man, Killer Instinct, WiiU games and FFXV really nailed it for me. I'm really hoping MS changes their policies now at the very least make it STEAM Box with good parts. Fighting games are going to look R I D I C U L O U S!
  16. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

  17. Kidvid711

    Kidvid711 Well-Known Member

    I'm going to stay on PC gaming. I lean more towards the PS4 but I am getting tired of the online fee. Especially, when you pay a fee and there is no one online. That gets me upset. Only if Virtua Fighter would come out for PC with online play. That would be a dream come true.
  18. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    That's the fault of the console but the game for not being popular though... I don't know, I grew up playing consoles and did play an MMO at University. It doesn't feel right to play a fighting game on a pc for example. But each to their own.
  19. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Why does it feel different to play on PC? identical to me. I even play with the same stick
  20. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    Maybe cause I used the keyboard... my inputs for a fireball was actually better doing 236 (literally) on the keyboard haha.

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