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Next Gen consoles. What console looks promising?

Discussion in 'General' started by Wiztick, May 21, 2013.

  1. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    Yes, it's the dream of every console manufacturer to hit the mainstream like the Wii or PS2 but it's not such an easy trick to pull off. If Microsoft can do it with this box then fair play to them. But one thing for sure is that if you plan to launch a games console you need the hardcore gamers on your side at launch. The risks Microsoft are taking by pissing hardcore gamers off are insane.

    Also it's not "one machine" solution since you will need your existing cable equipment. If it replaced the cable box maybe it might be onto something.
  2. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    I was comparing the controllers of Xbox One and PS4 to see if there's any difference.

    There's only one difference between the 360 and One controllers (they say new plug and play, etc... but that's already available) is the headset. Or rather where you mute and control the volume of the headset. Before, these controls were on the cable of the headset which meant you had to look for it. Not useful when trying to unmute your mic so you can shout "behind you"! If it feels natural to adjust these settings, then it does mean less time spent playing one handed and more time with both hands on. On the Xbox blog page, they've even listed third party hardware that will come out along with the console. I thought that was pretty cool.

    From the PS4 website, the controller looks the same. But they've added more functionality to their joypad than Microsoft (is the headphone/mic jack new?). There's a new share button... not really helpful for gaming but if you like social media then I guess you'll love this? There's a touchpad!! I love being able to just tap and swipe at stuff to make it work. Hopefully, you can navigate menus or do something cool in game. The "Light bar" they've included is.... pointless? From the pictures, it seems you'll have to bring the controller towards so you can peak at the top back bit of the controller. Plus, usually there'll be something on screen displaying health being depleted or your army is being attacked so not so big on this one.

    From the features from the two controllers, I think although MS added only one feature, the thought behind it is to make a smoother gaming experience. The PS4 controller seems to have some good ideas, but at the moment, it doesn't seem practical - it'll require publishers to make good use of them.
  3. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    I was just chuckling away at my own unfunny joke -> GoW is also an exclusive for 360. So I was just saying that there are still some exclusives on the 360. Nevermind me.

    I don't think they set off to "piss off" a small minority when they did their conferences. Plus, it's just purely a digital distribution thing that made them decide what they're going to do. I don't think any companies would take swipes at it's potential customers for any reason. I guess they genuinely didn't think it'd be this much of an issue.

    They know that they need the existing machines. It's the transitioning of one thing to the other that they like - operating their cable TV without touching the TV remote and just changing channels so seamlessly. I understand what they're saying because if I wanted to watch the apprentice on BBC1, I need to go to "digital" on my TV. When I want to watch my Chinese channels, I need to press a button, scroll to one of my HDMI ports (I have 4 different input ports), select, wait for it to load. I have to repeat that process if I want to watch BBC, Channel4 or any of the other channels. So I can see why it will be useful. Oh they also have a Kinect but only play games once in a while.
  4. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I'm planning on doing that, hoping that modern fighters get PC ports since it will be easier to port them over. If the PC gets enough fighting games- console is over for me, it just won't be necessary at all.
  5. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    When I get PS4 I will get it about 1 year after its release to see how it holds up and I will be asking alot of questions about the netcode as well. Since I am not a major PC gamer I don't care to get a gaming PC and I will stick with my basic PC for all the fancy features people talking about like watching TV. I really hope to hell that KI makes its way to PS4 because I will not get a Xbox One if internet is required to play it, I can't always guarantee I will have decent internet so having a system that requires it isn't what i want. I want to play KI badly though but not enough to make me want to buy Xbox one though.
  6. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Killer Instinct has about a 0% chance of making it to PS4, same for any other console since Microsoft owns the IP.
  7. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    Ah okay. I forget Gears came out this year...

    Yeah pretty sure they didn't plan to. That would be pretty stupid. But that's what happened. They blatantly thought people would be cool with it. But it's obvious that many people aren't but they're still pushing ahead. That's mental. I've never seen any company receive so much bad PR in the space of a few weeks. It's unbelievable. And it's not a small minority. Even journalists and mainstream news sites are questioning this. Indie devs are putting the boot in. You've even got US military dudes and veterans piling in out of nowhere. They're just trashing their brand they worked so hard get where it is. For what? It's like a slow motion car crash. Truly remarkable.

    But Sony also got a huge backlash this gen and managed to come back so MS can get through this. They just have to get it together.

    I'm sure the Xbone will be able to do that. Can it have input from multiple cable boxes?
  8. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    Playing fighting games on PC feels a bit unnatural to me though...
  9. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Are You Stupid? Ever Play resistance 2? Killzone 2 and 3? Uncharted one, two and 3? Right there thats six exclsuives that kicked the 360's ass. Infamous one and 2 come to mind. The entire YAKUZA series. Heavenly Sword. Heavy Rain. To say PS3 didnt have great exclusives means you don't know shit.

    Basically all 360 had was 3rd party games, RROD that you couldn't even play them for 6 weeks while you shipped your system to M$oft to get it fixed. HAlo Series sucked and had been stagnamt for years. COD left it in the dust in terms oif narrative and gameplay. Then there's the fact that Halo reach and ODST used HAlo 3's outdated graphics engine that could only muster 640p at 60FPS.

    And plerase stop talkin g bullshit about PSN being bogged down with lag, as if XBL is a lag free experience. The internet has laggy players period. I played Day in DAy out on XBL and that shit is full of laggy players, just like PC or anywhere else. a West coast to east coast connection has lag, whether its PSN or XBL. What kept me subscribing to XBL was only one game: VF5 Vanilla.

    It's just brand loyalty determining which system you prefer. It's all moot now anyway, Xbox One is an impressive system technologically speaking, but M$ofts policies have made it radioactive. I'm not going to touch it. I bet it RROD 's One month after purchase like its predecessor.
  10. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Libertine likes this.
  11. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    You don't need a constant internet connection. Also, I don't think any details have been released regarding how "good" the connection has to be for that 24 hr "ping"(?). If it's just a few kb of data, I doubt you'll need the best of connections to do that. The irony is that if you plan to play KI online then you'll probably need a decent connection for online play...

    The bad will always speak out more often than the good.

    I used to work at a place where despite holding many user input sessions before the release of a software update, there were a lot of companies whom didn't like the update. They resorted to posting bad things on social media sites - facebook, twitter and even some press sites reported on this too.

    The thing is, even with these high number of businesses' negative responses, they didn't even account for 0.2% of the actual customer base. So on the face of it, it looked like the company was in trouble for upsetting so many of its' customers. When really, looking at it from the inside, it wasn't even close to being a disaster. Although it was a headache for the marketing team as they had to deal with it, it didn't mean our competitors were going to blow us out of the water.

    The thing is, the rest of the companies who either liked the update or didn't really care about it, didn't post anything online. This was because they were just getting on with their usual work and just trying to get on with it. So I'm saying minority because many people who either don't care about it, or think it's a good idea, probably won't say anything anyway. Just something to think about.

    An easier example of this is everyone likes to "bitch" about that colleague everyone hates but rarely talks about the people who are really nice :)

    I'm not sure you know... what's a multiple cable box? (As in which service provider does that? Sky? Virgin Media?). Anyway, I'm just getting my info from here: http://news.xbox.com/

    Wow... calm down there... He was merely pointing out that Xbox 360 and PS3 both had exclusive titles and one didn't really have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than the other like suggested by someone up thread.

    My first Xbox 360 developed a graphics card problem when I was in the middle of playing FF13. So I bought a new one the very next day (it's my current one). I was quite unhappy about it but managed to sell it off as "parts" for £50? So I wasn't too upset - plus I could continue to play games. :) I think I heard from somewhere that Halo runs 30fps... but don't quote me on that since I don't play Halo. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you about The Dishwasher. It's an amazing game - kind of a 2D ninja gaiden game. You should definitely check out some of the Xbox arcade stuff. There's some real gems in there. Also, I think it's unfair to say "crap graphics = crap games". It's really about the gameplay for me.
  12. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    RichK, what an advocate for PS3 huh :rolleyes: Still no sign of Yakuza 5 over here, and frankly the whole downbeat series lacks all of the charm and innovation of the Shenmue games. I'd much rather play Tales of Vesperia on Xbox, even if it has got Namco stamped on the cover. Resonance of Fate too, that looked and loaded better than the grainy PS3 version.
    As for Killzone, well, Jesus, could there be more of a "Joe Dirt" series? *smh*
  13. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Cheeky, why are you ignoring the fact that it's not just the haters hating, it's serious Xbox fans like myself who are completely shocked and confused about what MS is doing to the brand we fell in love with.
    ShinobiFist, Shinobi and Feck like this.
  14. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

  15. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

  16. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    RRoD and YLoD was one of the biggest scandals in the history of home consoles. I don't want to go through that again.
    FaethonsNemesis likes this.
  17. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Console games running on PCs at E3 is normal behavior.
    I love how people complained about the RROD issues on the 360 but seem to forget how bad the PS2 system was . I loved how I had to turn my PS2 upside down in order to play games.
    It's a sneaky way for System manufacturers to increase console sales.
  18. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Yeah, don't understand why people are up in arms over it.

    PS1 and PS2 I had tons of problems with the disc drives, they just seem to stop reading games after prolonged use. I've had it happen on other systems but nowhere near as much as I did with PS1 and PS2.

    I've had RRoD about 4 - 5 times in total (one was E47 I think) but to be honest it's never been an issue for me, Microsoft have repaired or replaced them with no fees every single time, even when my console has been out of warranty.

    Then at most it takes two weeks to complete the whole repair process.

    Sony on the other hand, i've heard they charge up to £160 for fixing YLoD on the PS3? ...and on top of that there's no actual way to transfer your purchased content, so if they have to replace your console or you choose to buy a new one (possibly cheaper than Sony's fees for fixing them) then all your purchased digital content is gone, permanently.

    I'd pretty much get screwed over if my PS3 died as it's one of the original fat models.
  19. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    The difference is Ylod could be fixed with a $50 black and Decker heat gun and a $5 tube of arctic silver. RROD means you are out of a system for 4 to 6 weeks. RROD happens in as little as 1 year after purchase. Ylod happens after 3 years or more, and it was mostly with the Fat 1st gen PS3's.
    IcKY99 likes this.
  20. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Are you high? I'm an advocate of not getting ripped off and bullied by a game company. They are supposed to be working for me, not the other way around. Who the fuck does M$oft think they are bossing me around and telling me I can't buy used games, I can't have my system offline, and I can't upgrade my hard drive if I want to. I'm updating my PS4 hard drive to 2 terabytes day one, and Sony has no problem with that. I have a 360 for VF5 and VFFS. Originally I bought it in 2007 for Rainbow Six Vegas. How dare you call Killzone a "Joe Dirt" series? Killzone is a MAN's series, sphincter-boy! It's for real men who built the Eiffel Tower and Mount Rushmore, no fancy little fairy boys who have faux Mohawks and play tales of Vesperia.

    What the fuck is a " vesperia" anyway? You suck! You are just drawing attention to the fact that Xbox sucked and had a dearth of Jap RPGs. As for Killzone and uncharted , they pushed the PS3 to the max and left 360 in the dust graphically. The graphics on Halo 3, Reach and ODST sucked(640p). There was no way they could match the texture detail Bluray provided , or the amount of extra effects from passes per rendering passes the 7 core Cell could provide. To this day there is NO 360 game that can match the Graphical excellence that is God of War 3, three years after its release.

    To call Yakuza " grainy" are you on crack? "It is a down beat series" Bullshit! You have guns , knives grenades , lead pipes and chairs and bicycles for weapons. You slam people into the wall and toss them through plate glass windows. You have more karate moves than Chuck Norris and you call that "down beat" ? God, you are ignorant. I have yet to do all the side quests on Y4, and I'm less than halfway through Yakuza Dead souls. Yakuza 5 just came out in Japan , hold your horses. I agree Shenmue was better. That's about the only thing you said that made sense.

    The Last of Us will destroy your soul, it will make you weep in your Fable bedsheets. What you'd rather play Tales of Vesperia again? You might as well tuck your sack between your legs, draw a clitoris on yourself with a sharpie and dress like a woman.

    Just kidding.

    But you're nuts.
    BlackGeneral and Feck like this.

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