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Next Gen consoles. What console looks promising?

Discussion in 'General' started by Wiztick, May 21, 2013.

  1. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    For VF5FS from experience XBL craps all over PSN. a 3 bar connection plays on PSN like a 2 Bar connection on XBL. The difference in latency is pretty noticeable at times and PSN also has this weird thing where matches randomly drop.

    The only other fighting games i've owned on both are Tekken 6 and Blazblue:CS. On both the connections seemed to be better on XBL, though the gap was small on BB:CS, probably because their netcode is just superior.

    3rd Strike uses GGPO as it's netcode and it's pretty shit.
    Gernburgs likes this.
  2. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I think it's been pretty well agreed upon that XBL provides a superior multiplayer experience, whether it's fighting games or anything else. Microsoft is upgrading Live to the next generation to match their next gen console. If you spend the majority of your gaming time online, the XB1 will probably be a better, more satisfying system for you. That's just the impression I've gotten.
  3. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member


    But how? What do you mean by "superior multiplayer experience"? I'm genuinely curious because every time I have played online on PSN there haven't been any issues with lag or dropped games or anything like that. Even VF matches against people with only 1 bar have been fine. Two bars and upwards it feels great.

    Only problems I have had have been trying to play Duel of the Planeswalkers online but everybody knows that's because the game is so poorly programmed.

    So what's the deal? If you are just talking about quality of the connection then to be honest I am not seeing that because it works fine for me and this is the FREE OPTION. It can only get better now it is revenue supported.

    If you could highlight some features or something that are missing from PSN then I could understand.
  4. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Online on PS4 won't be free. PS3 is free and i'm not saying it's bad. Ultimately though the thing i'm most interested in when playing online is the connection quality and in this, you get what you pay for.

    I'm a fan of Virtua Fighter rather than any particular console and all other things being equal, will go where the best quality connection is. That said, i won't be getting a XBone unless changes are made. I expect connection quality on PSN to improve as it becomes a paid service.
    Pai~Chun and ToyDingo like this.
  5. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Actually , very little. Just little things, like you can send someone voice messages on XBL, while on PSN it's text only. The voice quality overall is better on. XBL. Really I think the perception that XBL is better is just a coping method people use to convince themselves they aren't being screwed over a barrel by Microsoft. I've put countless hours into XBL in shooters , fighters, co op gets and they all experience just as much lag as PSN games.

    The real strength of XBL over PSN is the wireless connection. That's not a credit to XBL, it's the Xbox wi if adapter itself. My girlfriend used to steal wi if from a medical center over 8 blocks from her house. No bullshit. Mind you when I played her in games over XBL the lag was there and noticeable . The thing is, a PS3's wo fi adapter can't make a decent connection to a wi-fi source next door, much less 8 blocks away.

    Saying XBL is going to be so much better with 300,000 servers is just propaganda. If you play competitive online games you know anybody in a clan uses LAG SWITCHES , that will disrupt your connection to them and give them the edge. 300,000 servers , 600,000 servers, 1 million servers won't save you from those lamers and their lag switching .

    As for VF FS, it sucks online period. Fuzzying is sketchy, people 2p when they are even at -7. The whole VF online comparison is moot, really . There are so few players (less on XBL) in order to even find players on a consistent basis you have to set your custom game settings to "world wide". Doing that means you have to accept the inevitability of lag.

    I have hundreds of hours logged on FS on both systems , and on both , you can't connect a death scythe leg bomber combo by hit confirming. You have to telegraph the leg bomber online, which can have disasterous results.
  6. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I've played the same people, same connection both ends same wires same game. And the difference is noticable. I don't believe it's just a myth. It is true that a higher proportion of people on PSN use wireless connections, but this won't be true of the next gen as both consoles will have wireless built in.

    Infact, since it seems many of the "hardcore" players are veering towards PS4, it may have a greater proportion of users using wired connections.
  7. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    I won't pretend to have acess to the PSN-Network, The VF-Source-Code or any documentation on how it connects players, no matter how deep i am into net-tech in general.

    The PS3 has no particular issues with it's WIFI from what i have seen (depending on how much control they have over their own network, hardware and configuration)
    - neither do i see much issues being online in the few other games i have been playing that is not VF.

    I can only speculate, and my speculation leads me to that either:

    A. PSN servers are lacking, meaning that they do not have as many as MS (being the company they are, no matter what i think of them, or they are located badly - if there are central servers in between the players to keep/store stats and/or trophys and syncing the fights in virtua fighter.

    B. SEGA has their own servers, but it does not play well with the PSN servers in between.

    C. VF/Sega is truly p2p (person connecting to other person) rather then europe going to the europe server and then connecting to the main server of the other player (the US for instance)
    - and XBOX live might actually have a larger percentage of American players then PSN, MS being an american company and all, while there is much more diversity (by percentage) on PSN - leading to generally "longer" connections (more server-jumps from Player A's ISP to Player B's ISP with PSN localized servers in between)

    D. The issues on PSN with VF is actually a "bug" or fallacy with the PS3 itself, on how it maintains and deals with connectivity and timeouts, and that could definetly improve, likewise if it is a PS3-VF5FS issue.

    I also now that not everyone is very involved with their choice of ISP, router, configurations and whatnot.

    In conclusion though:

    I Myself have a stable 24MBit Internet connection, running trough a neatgear router that i have set up myself to a very large extent - especially since i run an Arch Linux server on it at times
    - And this does not at all help with connecting with everyone.
    With People from Europe i tend to get 3 to full bars,
    and US is 1 to 2 bars - with some having 0 even.
    People from Japan tend to be, with close to no exception 0 bars to no connection at all.

    (on a side note though, there can be 0 or 1 bars seeming perfectly non-delayed, and 2 bars that suddenly quirks and skips slightly at random intervals.)

    - This leads me to the conclusion that their is a lack of servers and resources between the main regions on PSN.
    But i wholeheartedly do not believe that SONY are as dumb as not having, hiring or capacity to get the server-infrastructure better.​
    And i also _really_ believe that it will be a whole other thing for them maintaing a customer-paid service, even if companies can be arse-holes sometimes,​
    it would be very bad for sales/marketing/life of their service if they did not work towards improving things when they make it a subsciption.​
    (This is IF the main issue lies with PSN/Sony and not how Sega runs the infrastructure of Virtua Fighter)​
    Oh i might just put a last conclusion, which is that i think there can only be speculation as to what is the real reason for VF5FS connections issues, coupled with some general knowledge in the IT/Server field when guessing. In general i think we just don't know.​
    ... Gah, i need to stop being the resident text-wall'er here :p
    ( same disclaimer inserted here as my previous post ;) )
  8. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    I don't have both systems so I cant compare. So if someone is telling you they notice a difference, then I guess all you can do is take their word for it.

    I don't know much about the psn+. Do you get better connection with players on psn+ too? I know about the free games but apart from that, I don't know anything else about it.
  9. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    I do not think the PSN+ has any difference in how it connects as it is
    - but i believe they will make the ntwork structure much larger/well maintained when online gaming becomes moved over to being only to PSN+ subscribers and thus paid for,
    it stands to reason (even though we all know companies can lack reasoning sometimes :) )
  10. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    PS+ does not affect your connection. It is simply, as of now anyway, a service that provides free games, discounts, early demos, early access to betas, and other little goodies.

    I'd expect on the PS4, since PS+ is going to be required for most online play, that Sony will use that money to improve their online service.

    In my experience, PSN has been pretty good for online gaming. But, with certain games, like VF5FS, it is subpar.
    Ellis likes this.
  11. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    Oh I thought it was like a premium service of some sort + the games.

    Sony has already said all games will require PSN+ to play online with the exception of free to play games.

    Oh Destiny is an online only game, you need to be online to play the "single player" stuff also. Wonder how many games will follow this model.
  12. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    On an unrelated note - Crimson Dragon plays very similar to Panzer Dragoon games! http://www.joystiq.com/2013/06/18/crimson-dragon-is-panzer-dragoon-with-a-side-of-laser-gravy/

    Also, they said if this does well, they'll seriously consider an RPG!!! Panzer Dragoon Saga (the RPG) was an epic game on the Sega Saturn. It's easily one of my favourite RPGs of all time. There weren't many copies printed as it was released near the end of the Saturn's life... But I've got a copy and know how great it is!! I was going to hold off buying the Xbox One until the price drops... but this makes me want to support it and just buy everything day one!
    ToyDingo likes this.
  13. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    People say how great Panzer Dragoon Saga is. But I'll probably never be able to play it!
  14. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    It is EPIC!!! I can only hope they make an RPG as good as what I remember though.
  15. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I'm so excited for the next generation FPS games that are slated to come out, it's not even funny. So many of the games look so good, it's almost hard to believe (and even harder to have to wait to play). These are the games that I'm going to buy as soon as humanly possible.....

    BF4 looks beyond amazing, I've never seen anything like it; it's so sexy and detailed it's truly mind-blowing, especially when you see it for the first time. For me, every time I watch any of the gameplay footage, I just start drooling over the graphics again. The new Commander Mode feature looks really sweet, and the level to which the environments are destructible now is totally insane (skyscraper coming down!?!), DICE has one of the best FPS franchises in history with Battlefield and they keep making it even better. Not an exclusive title, but the Xbox One single and multiplayer gameplay footage looked absolutely beautiful; this day one purchase on either system.

    Titanfall looks so good I don't know what to say other than, "I need to play this game ASAP". I think this particular exclusive is actually going to be pretty big for Xbox One, it really does look that cool. First off, I love futuristic/sci-fi shooters; that's my favorite setting for a shooter. Just give me a compelling science fiction setting and back-story, give me some crazy sci-fi weapons, armor and a cool-ass jet pack (I love FPS games with a lot of different mobility options), throw in some futuristic vehicles--that happen to be huge mechs, which can be called in and piloted into combat where they make mincemeat of normal infantry, and go head-to-head in some seemingly epic battles. If this game's multiplayer (I say if because I don't know, this is just my wish) has some kind of CoD-style level-up system for the player and his mech, and both the player and mech have fully customizable weapon and armor loadouts, then forget about it; this game will be too dope to resist. If it's as good as it looks, it could be the next Halo IMHO, we'll see.

    Halo 5... I'm actually really excited for Halo 5 on a next-generation system. I really like Halo 4--made by 343 industries instead of Bungie--the developer definitely put mad TLC into this game and they made a really good game. The multiplayer in Halo 4 is excellent. 343 was able to more effectively balance some of Bungie's later creations (armor abilities) and add in some great new creations and gameplay ideas as well. The result was impressive and very fun; I still play it all the time. But, if we're talking about 343 getting (earning IMO) another shot to design Halo 5 on an all new, exponentially more powerful system, I think it's going to be an AWESOME game; it will be off the hook. This is another powerful exclusive IMO.

    CoD Ghosts... I love the multiplayer in Black Ops II, and I think CoD is very stylish and visually-pleasing in general; I really can't wait to see what they can do on the new hardware. I have to admit, from what I know of the series, the developer and from what I've seen of the game so far, this is another must-have on both systems IMHO.
  16. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Although those games do look pretty awesome (BF4 and Killzone are on my list...), I really really hope that the next gen can give us more than just another round of FPSs. I like my shooters, but damnit I've had enough of CoD and Halo and what not.

    I want more stuff like Journey, Alan Wake, Fez, etc etc etc...

    If the only thing devs want to give us with more powerful consoles is more realistic headshot, my excitement for this next generation will be even more subdued...
    Ellis likes this.
  17. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Lag switching on XBL is probably extremely rare. For most people, the vast, vast majority of people, it's not worth it and they would never bother. It's like boosting, how can that be fun? It sounds like work, not gaming.

    If they add 300,000 servers for XBL and their new cloud, it's going to be very powerful; that's not propaganda, that's massive amounts of hardware, computing power and memory. It's absolutely a strong selling point, so I would definitely keep saying it if was in charge of marketing for Xbox One.
  18. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I hear you, but there's certain classic video game genres that will ALWAYS exist, FPS games are definitely one of them. Plus, like someone else said, it's a great genre for showing off the power of a new console. It's an exciting, realistic/hyper-realistic way of displaying all the new physics, sound and ever-deeper sense of immersion that a more powerful console can provide.
  19. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I'm just curious. Do you know what advantages the cloud will give games? I'm not sure what Microsoft has been saying, but I'd be skeptical. It definitely won't be able to handle anything dynamic. Lighting, physics, etc.
  20. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Lol, you just disqualified yourself from this discussion. "Lag switching on XBL is probably extremely rare"? It's just the opposite. Lag switching is rampant on XBL and always has been . You just finished hyping up all these FPS and then you prove your ignorance of the realities of what really goes on in online matches. That's ironic. People have been lag switching chronically on XBL since the first Xbox. Back then they called it "stand by ing " because to do it they had to hit the "stand by" button on their modem. I played Rainbow Six Black Arrow and R6 Lockdown every damn day back in the early 2000s (2003-2006) , and there were legions of these stand by bastards and there still are today. They just improved their tech.

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