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Next Gen consoles. What console looks promising?

Discussion in 'General' started by Wiztick, May 21, 2013.

  1. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Is it completely anathema then for you guys to play the game you love on a Microsoft console?
    I get plenty of full green bars off my wired line in the UK to east coast USA players, meaning I can play the game all through the night if I like. Kinda makes up for the lost decade of the VF offline years. Some people will be surprised if I speak to them on there, as they've assumed I'm US based. Do people talk reasonably over PSN, or even play in 4 or 5 person rooms much? In the chatbox here, the PSN matches always seem to be one on one, and then people complain about them, or the whole service goes down. That's not cool.

    Also, just on the point about "abusive wankers"... which console do forum baiting, drop-champs like SB use to commit their carnage on? ;)
  2. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    I agree with most of what you said. FPSs do a good job of being early tech demos to get more people to buy a particular console (look at Resistance as a launch title for PS3 for example). I'll still get the new Killzone and whatever else...

    Doesn't mean I don't want something new :(
  3. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    PSN rooms are usually full. The problem is actually finding a room. Most PSN rooms now are the same group of regulars that play on a semi-nightly basis. Every now and then you'll get lucky and find a random room with about 3 or 4 people in it, but it's usually mic-less and scrubby. And lord help you if anyone in the room isn't in the same region as you. Might as well have the characters swimming in tar while they are trying to fight...

    It sucks, but it is what it is and I'm not going to buy a new console for a game I already own. I do wish that PSN was better, but.....meh....I'll deal with it.
    ExzetyXat1 likes this.
  4. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    I don't like fps and only ever played Duke Nukem and Doom on the Saturn. But after watching Titanfall I'm definitely going to get that. I liked everything about the demo - especially getting your own mech!!!

    The game I'm most hyped about is Crimson Dragon. (Did I mention Panzer Dragoon was epic?! )

    Coming a close second is Killer Instinct - I've never played the original because where ever I went, they seemed to have sold out back in the day. So someone said it doesn't play like the original, I don't mind since its free to play. I think you only get one or two characters free and get a discount for a pack. This doesn't bother my since I've got most of DoA5 DLC anyway...
  5. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    There are more games on the XB1 look more interesting to me than on the PS4. Personal opinion.

    Going on past consoles, I prefer Microsoft over Sony. Again, that's my personal opinion.
    I don't like what Microsoft are doing with a lot of their policies though, which as you all know is where most of the backlash is. I don't really mind some of them, but some of them put me off which makes me reluctant to get the XB1. However, if any of you think that Sony wouldn't have also thought of these policies too at some point, you're delusional.

    Basically, Microsoft doesn't love you and neither does Sony. And Nintendo's happy churning out the same franchises with new hats every year because they sell, so they don't really love you either. They do have Bayo 2 though, so they automatically win right now.

    Long story short, if you're going to get a new console, get the one that has the games you like and don't go around slagging other people off for their choice. After all, it's all just personal opinion.
    CheekyChi and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  6. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member


    Yeah I suspect it's just one of those things people just say without much basis in reality. Probably it was true at one point. But, as I said, I have never had any issue. I'm sure the service can only improve when they start charging for it.

    For VF I am not really playing at the level yet where a few frames of lag would affect me so it's all good for me. Luckily I also have some offline comp also.
  7. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    I think the game I am most hyped for right now is The Division.

    Sadly nothing to get exciting about on the fighting game front. I don't really count 2D fighting games.
  8. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member


    It is not completely impossible that i would, no - i am in fact strongly driven by that softests of spots which contains the luv' for VF.
    But i would not go MS/Xbox if i can avoid it, so even if the PSN/whatever setup is less then optimal because of (my guess, lack of servers/infrastructure) i would rather go there then to Xbox.
    The reason for that is the general picture.

    Honest and _personal_ pro-cons list:

    Xbox interface (system menues) VS PS(x)
    - i like the general look on the PS3 xmb for instance, it feels less cluttered - and the one for PS4 looked very nice aswell, and it will most probably be more smoother next gen with the abundance of Ram.

    Controller (might be controversial/noobish in regards to VF):
    - I heavily prefer the original PS-design on controllers, from the grey PS1 to the PS3 today.

    I know that an arcade stick makes the point moot - but i am not there yet.

    And since i have only ever controlled Vanessa (no other chars since VF4 vanilla),
    and also never holding anything else - i have my dynamics/moves in the fibers of my fingers, and i won't mess with that at the moment.

    Dem' Games again:
    - First off, i will never be a fan of FPS games on anything else then a computer, there is mouse, keyboard and also a great possibility to tweak and finetune.

    Secondly, since i will always keep atleast one of my computers up to date hardware-wise, there is no chance i would play a multiplatform game on any other system - not even if it would be on PS.

    Thirdly, no matter what different lists of games, and such people come up with - there has always thus far been more Games coming to PS(x) that are not available to the computer, then there has been for xbox, especially subtracting any FPS games (i.e halo).
    The only few games that have interested me thus far is; forza and that dead or alive volleyboll crap - but the latter is quite embarassing, and i am probably better of as a grown man having lacked access to those games :p

    The Shady Companies:
    - I do realise that no company is solely there just for me and should be followed blindly, and they all do bad decisions for users sometimes,

    But MS had a particular bad track record for me, console wise and computer-wise,
    and i have since a few years ago "freed" myself from Windows (i Run Arch Linux wherever i possibly can), and even if i still have to work with it when helping people stuck in it
    - it will never be a platform for me to return to,
    Linux (technical distributions in particular, like yeah Arch)
    gives me just so much more control under the hood - and i am not a victim to MS whims like deciding to move to another new "direct X" and keeping it hostage on the
    "Next Great Windows Version (TM)".

    This point is though quite a bit set apart to the topic of Consoles,
    but i just don't see what MS brought to the console market, other then a alternative to a computer for games, for ease of access to those not wanting to deal with setting things up in detail
    - and i am all about messing with any little detail whenever, personally.

    - A point or two can probably be argued against, but it is these views and personal likes alltogether that drives my current choice -​

    And again, i am sorry for turning out to be the community chatterbox when it comes to these issues close to heart, i have never been good at explaining things/vies without detailed motivation behind my reasoning, and that takes some wors and sentences and "walls" sometimes :$

    (Disclaimed in the usual fashion, please challenge me for my Vanessa needs the practice ;))
  9. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    Dangerous to assume anything...

    I guess if you've only ever played on one and will ever play on one you won't notice the difference and really don't need to. Its difficult to judge whether lag comes from, could be your router, your neighbor, flatmate, your opponents flat mate, etc... What matters is that you feel what you have is value for your money.
  10. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    I can say honestly that I will never buy a Microsoft console. If Sony went down the drain for some reason or they went to sh*t I would leave console gaming and probably move to PC and find some other way to entertain myself. I want to stress that this is my personal opinion so don't take it as a judgement of your taste or favours. If you like Xbox then fair play to you. I've felt like this for years, even before the DRM and always online nonsense.
  11. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member


    Yeah if it works for me then that is all I care about. :D
  12. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

  13. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    It's better than most of the mindless posts dotted around the web.

    To me, the bottom line is that these pockets of people just don't like change.
  14. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Say what?

    The only change MS is doing (albeit a decade after Steam) is changing our consumer rights. That's not acceptable. I personally like to own my games.
    .42. likes this.
  15. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

  16. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    With change, brings uncertainty. IMHO uncertainty is scary for a lot of people and that's why we fight it. We'd rather comfort ourselves and repeat a familiar cycle over and over again. But once we reach out and test something new ourselves, we think "actually, it's not so bad".

    I'm hearing all this consumer rights stuff but people seem to overlook the things that really matter. The gaming experience. I only care about games I enjoy playing, if I don't like it, then I simply don't touch it. I don't buy games so I can resell them. I buy games so I can play them.
    Gernburgs likes this.
  17. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

  18. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Mattrick probably re-tailoring his resumé right now.
  19. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    ShinobiFist likes this.
  20. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Good job Microsoft. They actually do listen to the fans. This news pleases me...

    Now we can start talking about the games again.

    Halo 5 looks pretty dope, eh?

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