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Next Gen consoles. What console looks promising?

Discussion in 'General' started by Wiztick, May 21, 2013.

  1. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I think MS can still provide the most stable online experience, but SONY has more interesting exclusive games to me. PC might become to priority if you are a heavy gamer. tough choice.....
  2. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    To be honest, I love my playstation, but the only reason I have it over an Xbox is because VF5 Vanilla came out on it first and at the time Sega hadn't yet announced the Xbox version. I assume the same will happen with VF6. First system to get it, wins...

    I don't really care for all the extra bells and whistles with these new consoles. I just want to play games. Which ever system makes it easier to simply play the damn game without having to float through 10 menus and pay X amount for subscription fees gets my vote.

    Though if I HAD to pick one now, it'd be the PS4, only because of Microsofts retarded fucking idea about paying a fee to use the same game on a different account. Who the hell thought that was a good idea?
  3. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    AFAIK, MS hasn't confirmed the pre-owner fee issue yet. Hopefully it's just a joke and never come true.
    ToyDingo likes this.
  4. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Sony went for the game's first while MS went for the entire entertainment audience, but mostly the non gamers. You would be foolish to think that Sony doesn't want the entire audience as well.

    I would assume the roles will be reversed during E3 where Sony will start to show the UI, the entertainment functions, etc..., and then end it with some games.

    While MS goes straight to the games and what the new features will do in the games. I just hope they haven't lost the thing that gamers want. The worst thing for them is if they show an equal amount of Kinect and hardcore games. It needs to be 10-20% Kinect, 80-90% hardcore games.

    In regards to used games, borrowing games, renting games etc... Well I wouldn't be surprised if Sony follows exactly what MS is about to do. EA getting rid of its online pass system is not a coincidence.
    Being a somewhat new PC gamer I have gotten used to this type of purchase system, but I am confident that both MS and Sony have a backup plan for what we use to know as used and rental games. They will eventually kill the Gamestops and Gameflys of the world, but I am sure they wouldn't bat an eye.

    My hope is Steambox surprises everyone. If you haven't noticed PC desktops have been slowly moving towards a smaller form factor. I'm sure Steambox has something up their sleeves and is ready to come in and take some market share.

    E3 will be quite exciting this year.

    In regards to Vf6. I pray for an arcade release in the States and then a PC version shortly after.
  5. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    "This" generation i went with a PS3, and it was totally driven by availability of games.

    Since i always needs an somewhat up to date PC, the most important factor tend to be to get as many games playable as possible, and to be honest a very large percent of MS/Xbox offerings has had better versions for my PC - that is why PS3 was the second device.

    Also, i tend to dislike MS business practices in general, but there is nothing i could say that has not already and flames on that subject is tiresome for me even if i cleary has a side in the "linux vs windows" debates aswell.

    I sort of like how they presented the PS4 this time around aswell, interface and convenience like, streaming of playing sessions and cloud-junk where it actually is a good idea (playing games before having them completely downloaded)

    The only reason for me to get an Xbox of any kind is if MS/Sega would put Virtua Fighter as a hostage on that system - but i would cry all the way to the store.
  6. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    They have said categorically 'no' to always online. There has been a bit of dancing around to secondhand games though...

    If they block secondhand game I will withdraw from the console race. I rarely buy used games but sometimes I do. But my mates and I are always trading games with each other. When we buy something and clear it we normally pass it on. It would just be really anti-consumer and not something I could co-sign.

    As for good points: the PS4 is a beautifully designed machine built by gamers with a pure gaming vision behind it. This thing is going to scream, trust me. Or check out some of the tech articles on it. The thing is a high performance sports car. I don't say race car because that would be a PC but certainly sports car. The Xbone is an SUV. Or maybe a gaming PC would be more like a semi truck or something...

    But mostly I just trust Sony. I've owned PlayStation since the first one and they have yet to let me down.
  7. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    The secondhand games won't be blocked by the console, but by the publisher on PS4. That's my prediction. I doubt Sony will be able to tell the big-boy publishers no. We will see used game shenanigans of some form on PS4, but I don't think it will be as bad as Xbone.

    To me the real question, and the more damaging one, would be online play fees, PSN should remain free for basic online play (like what we have with fighters) If it's free, PS4 easy (once a game comes out that I want), if it doesn't, I may just quit consoles.

    I think there's a chance the Xbone could flop hard, especially if Sony keeps free PSN.
  8. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

  9. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    I don't know what to think about this if true. The last thing MS wants to do is piss off the brick and mortar shops like Gamestop. If Gamestop has to settle for a measly 10% on a used sale, I don't see them saving much shelf space for Xbox One products. Plus if the customers are still going to get screwed on the pricing because they have to pay a 35 pound fee in store just to purchase the used game....no....

    I really really hope MS is just playing a very elaborate joke, because right now, I'm not laughing...
  10. Dragonps

    Dragonps Well-Known Member

    MarlyJay and ToyDingo like this.
  11. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    I don't think they can afford to provide decent servers to rival Live and keep it free. This was their achilles heel this gen, if you enjoyed playing fighting games online, and indeed, took netplay seriously as a whole.
    Maybe SEGA didn't put the old VF5 onto PSN, because they took one look at the infrastructure, and realised it would make their precision game a mess? Six years on, really, what has changed?
    We can't all be lucky enough to have offline scenes... so having the best way to play great games like VF online becomes such a critical deciding factor for purchase.

    CoD dogs, NFL games, Halo TV, "digital permissions" etc., don't even come into it, however appalling they may look to traditionally Japanese orientated gamers. No one is claiming at this point XBL will degrade in stability, and we all know Ms sure have the funds to maintain such a network. They also have a ten year strong pedigree with SEGA, playing host to games that never appeared anywhere else, some of which had amazing internet multi-player (such as OutRun2) back when Sony consoles barely even had ethernet ports on them, let alone in-game connectivity.
  12. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Lol, and you know this because they people selling it to you told you so? Sony's blown smoke up people's asses before with ridiculous claims.

    The only way MS can save face and still keep this policy on used games is by making the games suuuuuuuper cheap, since that what Steam does. I really hope they re-think the online connectivity thing as well if that's true.

    One scenario I saw brought up was the companies like EA, Capcom, Activision etc. would put more content and make their best versions of games on the One because of MS's stance on used games.

    Seeing Phil Harrison working for MS now and this being a cluster, so far makes sense, lol. Like Bernie Stolar with Sega.
  13. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    That's anti-consumer... but the flip of that is lower sales of games. I do that as well with my friends and I'm pretty sure most people here do as well. So if there's me passing a game I've bought to a friend that's one sale gone. Might not seem like a lot, but if 40% of gamers did that, that's a very high number. The lower the sales for something, the less likely it will be stocked by shops in the future. This leads to less sales and developers investing less into publishing titles of that genre. This means less gets released to us. So in the end, we're being very selfish by hurting the profits of a company and in the long run, ourselves...
  14. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    As far as buying goes I'm pretty much anti used games but for me lending/renting games often leads me to purchase games I normally would have skipped. So in my case it could severly limit the amount of purchases I make per year.

    Also, looks like MS are the selfish ones ...developers and publishers are the ones that suffer due to used games sales and piracy. MS are simply making sure they get their cut of the pie.
  15. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I would bet they don't like companies like Game Fly either. Those services are essentially designed to replace buying games all together. The reactivation fee will kill all renting unless they make special rentable versions. I rarely buy used games so I don't really care THAT much, but I see why it's wack all the same. The one thing that concerns me about Xbox One is that it looks like it's designed to be anything but a system for hardcore gamers. I don't watch TV on my Xbox 360, I have a second, dedicated TV for it. All the innovations looked non-game related. That makes me nervous.

    Honestly, the best way to avoid the issue would have been to not include a disk drive and just make everything on-demand. I would rather not even have to go to the store to be honest.
  16. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Dennis0201 likes this.
  17. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Fucking DRM built into the system.
    MarlyJay likes this.
  18. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    That's what I thought at first, but then again, how much time can you spend saying "this play games"? Might as well show off it's features... But then look at the DVR, that's game related. Might help people making tutorials/walkthroughs without the need for expensive equipment.

    I don't know what people expect from a games console, it basically runs a program written by third parties. There's not much else that can be said about it apart from it's features.
  19. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    So what did companies used to talk about in the past when revealing new consoles?

    Oh yea, they used to hype how awesome the system was because of it's games and the features it had that would make the games even more awesome!

    "Here's our new console! It plays games! It uses CDs, why? Because CDs allow us to store more stuff so we can make bigger games!!! It has a hard drive, why? So uses and developers can save more stuff on the system that can make their game experience even more awesome!"

    That's what a reveal should be. If MS wants to hype it's systems features, ok cool. But tell me how those features are going to be used to make my GAMING experience better...
  20. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    I advise to just wait until E3. Nothing to freak out about until after that show.
    nou likes this.

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