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Next Gen consoles. What console looks promising?

Discussion in 'General' started by Wiztick, May 21, 2013.

  1. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it's just the "what's being sent" that I'm interested in.

    The scenario you proposed doesn't make sense - it'll be bad for you! If you simply disconnect your console and install a game (assuming this is possible?) and you let your friend install it before you do. Then he will be the owner of the game and not you! haha That's weird.

    Or it could be a syncing issue with the cloud?

    Update: Just found this:

  2. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    No, install it first legitimately with the console online so that it's properly authenticated. Then disconnect and give to your mate. Now as far as your console knows that game has been installed and authenticated so you are clear to play it. It can't communicate to the server to find out that Johnny has now also installed the same game. If it is able to get that info it will know you shouldn't be playing it also and the game rights have been transferred.

    The frequency is quite high but the system needs to authenticate the game every time you boot it up. MS is giving 24 hrs grace before it needs to check that everything is in order and authenticate any games on your system. This is full on DRM in action.

    As to what other data is being passed during this synch operation, god only knows :( . I would say usage data to feed marketing stats and drive targeted advertising campaigns would be in there for sure. Makes the presence of always on Kinect even more sinister. I work in ad tech and I can say that if MS can show for definite that someone was actually sitting down in front of the screen and viewing whatever advertising was on it, that would be a powerful hook for marketers. I don't know if MS would go that far but it's not beyond the bounds of probability.
  3. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    Hm... Maybe you need to authenticate the game before you start playing it? I don't think they wouldn't have thought of such scenario.... Anyway, who knows? But then most of my friends buy their own games. It's just when they are hell bent on me trying a game when they shove the game into my hands.
  4. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    The 24 hour check is the biggest kicker. Like, man what a bad idea, lol!

    I guess I'm just paying attention to see what Sony has planned. WiiU has to 3 games I'm looking at right now.
    ShinobiFist likes this.
  5. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    You wouldn't be able to do what I am suggesting in the example because that's exactly what this system is designed to prevent. That was an example to show why frequent synching is necessary for this DRM to work hence the 24hr requirement.
  6. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

  7. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    Yeah sorry the post wasn't that clear. I've edited it to clear up any confusion.:)
  8. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I finally got curious enough to watch vids on the specific details on the PS4 and Xboxone and I am disappointed in both of them. It is most likely I won't be able play old games on them at all and I might have to online just to play my games offline at all. Unless they really change their tone between now and E3 I might not bother with any of them personally except for VF6 and if I get it I will most likely get it on PS4 so I don't have to be online to play it offline. Things are getting stupid now and I don't have the money to waste on new consoles like I did before either.

    The specifics as far as processing power etc is something I don't even look at that they had better have games to make it worth my time (that is all I am looking at now games) because if I want all of the other features they talk about I will just stick to my PC for all that. I know it is still early and there are still plenty of things that need to be revealed so I won't get too high or too low at least until after the final specs etc are released.
  9. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I think it's more like you're purchasing a license to play the game. Semantics aside, Steam is the same kind of thing. Major differences are that you can play offline and can run the games through something other than Steam. For instance, you can boot Doom through Doom Legacy. My biggest concern was that a publisher might decide to take a game off of Steam, making a past purchase void. This has only happened once I believe, but I hope they at least refunded people's money.

    If there was some publisher issue where, for whatever reason, it became desirable to remove a game from a platform or market completely, could the same thing happen on the Xbox One? I guess only time will tell. But anyway, this DRM thing has been in the works for a long time. Ubisoft, for instance, has been developing an infrastructure that would store all of your saved games online. So something happens to their servers, you cannot even play offline. What if Microsoft's servers go down for a long period of time? Since you can't even play offline without a periodic check, would Microsoft at least offer some sort of compensation? I doubt it. And if so, it'd probably be laughable.
  10. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    All the consoles sound booty right now. I'm most hype about the Wii U now that I've seen what sony and xbone have to show at the moment. I would buy a solid gaming PC but those things cost more than 700$. I might try to skip this generation at least until we find out where VF6 is going. I did the same thing with the last generation too.
  11. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

  12. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

  13. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    No. This happen with Riddick and Outrun 2006 for example. If you already bought the games on Steam(Or activated)you're still able to re-download them even if they're pulled from Steam or Amazon. You just can't buy them unless a disc version was made. In my case, thats what I had to do for Outrun2K6, and GOG still had the DD version of Riddick(Dark Athena DRM free)And the thing about Steam is you can back-up your games.
  14. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    I aint gon lie. Some of those features look pretty dope on the Xbox. And I'm sure they'll come out with some nice games (I'm not into the whole shooter thing). But there's just too many red flags for me to get it.

    I really would rather have an Xbox than a PS. It really sucks that it's coming to this. It's like they've been setting us up the whole time and are now deciding to pull the trigger since they feel the gaming population is at it's peak. So it's like a be locked in or locked out of it all.
  15. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    Xbox One will have a Panzer Dragoon-ish game!!! Enough reason for me to buy one... only thing making me think twice is the price tag of £430... :eek: Oh dear...
  16. Lygophilia

    Lygophilia Well-Known Member

    There is a chance that I will mostly likely not bother with the new consoles, because I've grown indifferent with the available ones for some time, so I sold it. It depends on the games for PS4, because there isn't much that they can do with them in an eccentric way, moreso with the fighting and shooting genres. So, I wouldn't get another Virtua Fighter if it was a typical appeal to stagnation, as it wouldn't be a fresh experience for me. This usually leave puzzle games from a personal interest, because there is room for more imagination.

    Aside from the unnecessary politics from the increase of big brother surveillance, while improving graphics and ram performance for a system are fine, it doesn't balance the more bigger picture.
  17. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Been in development for ages, was supposed to be a Kinect game for 360. Guess it and games like Ryse got pushed back to sell the xbox one at launch.
  18. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I love Xbox, and have since the original Xbox came out. Xbox LIVE has easily been the best platform for online, multiplayer gaming throughout the last two generations, and that's been the #1 selling point for me. I love playing online, and so far, Xbox LIVE has been the best place to play. WITH THAT SAID, I'm not sure what the hell Microsoft is thinking right now...

    I DO NOT WANT to watch TV on my Xbox, I have a TV for that... I WANT to play the best looking, most impressive and immersive games that today's cutting edge hardware can run!
    To me, the whole point of releasing a next generation console is to up the computing/graphical power of the system to make the next generation of games possible. There is absolutely no point in putting energy into features like watching TV with your hands and browsing the internet if you're not going to be able to compete with the competitor's next gen console in the GAMES department--that is why people buy gaming consoles.

    WII was successful for a time, but it crashed and burned REALLY hard at the end. I would attribute that crash almost completely to the fact the system was under-powered compared to the offerings of Sony and MS; thus, the games just couldn't really compete and the system nose-dived.

    I was/maybe-still-am a huge Xbox fanboy, but MS is going to get a rude awakening if they're planning on ignoring the wishes of the hardcore crowd. If I'm going to buy Xbox One, it's going to be because it has the best games and the best online gameplay; that's been the Xbox brand's selling point since the beginning. However, I can't say their ever more vigorous overhauls of the dashboard haven't foreshadowed a possible move in this direction. It's almost like their trying to make the next "VCR" instead of a gaming console. They seem to want "the One" to be a household necessity or appliance as opposed to something that's actually fun and used to play games... It honestly doesn't sound worthy of the name Xbox so far.

    I've been swearing I was going to get the next generation Xbox on day one for years, but now I'm worried; I'm even a little stunned by what I'm hearing/seeing. If PS4 ends up being the definitive hardcore system, I will be forced to abandon Xbox and I will happily buy the PS4... Whichever system definitively offers the best all-around gaming experience will be getting my video game money for the next 5-10 years.
  19. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    I think the XBOX One will sell with a price of only $500 thats not bad considering the potential it has to be a all round good device. If I know Microsoft history from the mobile space almost always after they release a product it basically weak but they do push out updates to address some problems based on user feedback unlike some other companies like Apple. For example recently users complained to Microsoft about the Start button removed from Windows 8 or (Windows 8 RT i cant remember) something that small. Sells are bad right now for Microsoft in the Windows 8 department after a lot of user complaints they are going to bring back the Start button. I guess what i trying to say is that there is benefits to waiting to right time to buy it's not always when something is freshly released.
    Heres where I got the price thing from...

  20. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    $500 is too much imo. As i type we don't have a PS4 price point yet, but if it's $400 then MS are pretty screwed.

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