Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Chief_Flash, Feb 20, 2017.

By Chief_Flash on Feb 20, 2017 at 8:22 PM
  1. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    Thank you everyone for such an amazing weekend. I hope NMTC will remain in your memories for years to come. Love you all! In here you'll find all results, videos, and shout-outs! :holla:


    NMTC - A Virtua Fighter Movie

    Special shout-out from my wife and I!

    Tournament Full Results

    VF2 Singles Full Results (24 player Single Elimination)


    Supreme Champion: Jerky
    Worthy Adversary: Jacko
    3rd place tie: Akmaal, Frankie
    5th place tie: Bounty, Chief Gutti, Rodney, Virtua Kazama
    9th place tie: Onedia, Monty, Tricky, Rear Entity, Denkai, Shag, Shang, Tmog
    17th place tie: Tspam, Adamyuki, Jason Elbow, Flash. Shadowmaster, Darock, Kadaj, Kruza

    **Stream not available for VF2, but there may be some footage from mobile phones**

    VF3 Singles Full Results (26 player Single Elimination)


    Supreme Champion: Shang
    Worthy Adversary: Denkai
    3rd place tie: Akmaal, Adamyuki
    5th place tie: Tspam, Chief Gutti, Onedia, Flash
    9th place tie: Snakeboss, Akirazero, Tmog, Jerky, Virtua Kazama, Rodney, Jacko, Kadaj
    17th place tie: Monty, Kruza, Cobratron, Darock, Bounty, Shag, Frankie, Shadowmaster, Tricky, Jason Elbow

    No Matter the Cost | Now Playing VF3 part 1

    No Matter the Cost | Now Playing Virtua Fighter 3 part 2

    VF4FT Singles Full Results (25 player Single Elimination)


    Supreme Champion: Rodney
    Worthy Adversary: TMOG
    3rd place tie: Denkai, Shang
    5th place tie: Chief Gutti, Jerky, Akmaal, AkiraZero
    9th place tie: SnakeBoss, BG Akira, Harpooneer, DaRockReaper, Shag, KADAJ, Jason Elbow AKT, Chief Flash
    17th place tie: Silepai, Rare Entity, Virtua Kazama, Kruza, Monty, Jacko, Cobratron, TSPAM, oneida

    No Matter the Cost | Now Playing VF4FT

    VF5FS Singles Full Results (30 player Double Elimination)


    Supreme Champion: Rare Entity
    Worthy Adversary: Rodney
    Maybe Next Time: tricky
    4th place: Denkai
    5th place tie: TSPAM, AdamYuki
    7th place tie: Bounty, Shang
    9th place tie: Jerky, BG Akira, Chief Gutti, shadow master
    13th place tie: Shag, SnakeBoss, AkiraZero, Jacko
    17th place tie: Harpooneer, oneida, DaRockReaper, KADAJ, Silepai, Chief Flash, Akmaal, Kruza
    25th place tie: Cobratron, Virtua Kazama, frankie, Monty, Jason Elbow AKT, TMOG

    No Matter the Cost | Now Playing Final Showdown (START AT ~ 4:23:30)

    VF5FS Team Battle (8 Team Single Elimination)


    Supreme Champion: Double Hammer
    Worthy Adversary: Telemundo
    3rd place tie: The Birdmen, Heavy Duty
    5th place tie: The Bestuds, Ichi, Team Kingdom Heart, MotorCity

    Team Members
    Double Hammer =
    Adam, Gutti, Monty, Kruza
    Telemundo = Tspam, Cobratron, Kadaj, Chief Flash
    Birdmen = Tricky, Shadowmaster, Harpooner, Akmaal
    Heavy Duty = Shang, Silepai, TMOG, Jacko
    The Bestuds = Denkai, akira zero, Snake Boss, Darockreaper
    Ichi = Rare Entity, BG_Akira, Shag
    Team Kingdom Hearts = Rodney, Jason Elbow, Oneida
    Motorcity = BBounty, Jerky, Virtua Kazama, Cruz

    No Matter the Cost | Now Playing Final Showdown TB (START AT ~ 17:40)


    Rodney vs Denkai - Rodney wins, 5-2
    Jacko vs Rare Entity - Jacko wins, 5-4
    Tricky vs Chief Flash - Flash wins, 5-3

    No Matter the Cost | GRUDGE MATCHES (START AT ~ 3:03:00)
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2017


Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Chief_Flash, Feb 20, 2017.

    1. Tricky

      The Grapes were all a part of the plan. I'll give you the white one if you win. If I win, you gotta buy a pair of grape smashing running tights and wear it to the next gathering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      P.S. Thnx it felt good beating Denkai in two sets at the tournament.

      PPS you were kicking some good ass out there too. You've changed as a player in ways that are impressive. . . You still aint gonna win my Stole of Power

      Last edited: Feb 26, 2017
      tonyfamilia and Ellis like this.
    2. Chief_Flash
      @tonyfamilia - fyi the projector we used at the venue is the very same projector in my basement. Maybe it was the console? Idk bro....
      tonyfamilia and Rodnutz like this.
    3. G0d3L
      The problem with the projector could be about its native resolution and how was set the console's resolution.

      If we are taking about xbox 360 then set the console to the monitor/projector's native resolution and let do the scaling (the game is in 720p) to the really good xbox' scaler.

      If you let the monitor/projector doing the scaling the input lag would be more.
      How much depending on the scaler quality.

      If it's a PS3 then let the monitor/projector do the scaling 'cause the scaler on the PS3 is pure shit.
      This way, with the display doing the scaling, it will not be a good as with the xbox 360 doing the work but most probably better compared to the PS3.

      I have both have the game on PS3, Xbox 360, and tested on multiple "lagless" gaming monitors, 32" old CRT and a ZERO LAG projector.
      No matter which display I use on the PS3 I feel always a little bit (or a lot depending on the configuration) more of input lag.

      BTW you guys put up a really good show!

      Thanks to Flash and all the other people who helped him.

      And thanks to all the players who made this event really fun to watch.

      And of course a special thanks goes to The Poncho!
      Last edited: Feb 26, 2017
    4. Rodnutz
      Everyone stop talking about the projector. You are ruining my memories of what was the greatest event. Should have said something when you noticed any kind of problem. I know did during my match with Adam. Please don't derail this wonderful thread!
    5. Mrs_Flash

      Mister Telemundo!!!

      Always good to see you! Gotta hang out with you more often and bring the waifu next time!!!! Youre just a an awesome guy and I'm so glad you got to spend time with eddel and I!
    6. _Denkai_
      It was a pleasure to see old faces and new faces at this event. To me this event was more about getting to see everyone in one setting for perhaps one last time(?) than it was to play the game. Thanks goes to Flash and Mrs Flash for opening their time and space for getting this down. A special thanks also goes to Oneida and Cruz for organizing things from behind the scenes.

      @tonyfamilia the projector was fine it was that modded Xbox that was a bit wonky but it's water under the bridge at this point. This was the best VF related event so it makes sense that there's a hyperfixation on the event itself rather than a mere hardware malfunction.

      Thanks to everyone who participated!
    7. Chief_Flash
      Here it is guys. Enjoy. Thanks again!

      Jacko, tonyfamilia, G0d3L and 12 others like this.
    8. Chief_Flash
      I've added all participant names on the video description on YouTube. Additionally, I've added timestamps for easier navigation. Thanks guys :holla:
      Mrs_Flash, tonyfamilia, G0d3L and 2 others like this.
    9. Tricky
      The feels, the video gave me all the feels bro. Good Fing Games
      Mrs_Flash and Chief_Flash like this.
    10. Jason Elbow
      Jason Elbow
      This was cool!
      Mrs_Flash and Chief_Flash like this.
    11. Jason Elbow
      Jason Elbow
      Although i practically got little to no face time! Lol. Its all good tho!
      Mrs_Flash and Chief_Flash like this.
    12. Chief_Flash
      Yo yo i couldn't find a cool shot of you bro! Ur match vs tmog made it tho hehe :holla:
    13. BlackGeneral
      Bruh... The aftermath video was a tear jerker...
      Anyway, I don't know most of you all as well as the oldest friendships here, but being at NMTC gave me a glimpse of how family-orientated this community is. I felt welcomed just like meeting old friends again. Here's to hoping that not only you but all of us in the VFDC can band together to organize not tournaments... but experiences just like this one.
      @Chief_Flash and everyone involved, thanks for making my first traveling VF experience the best one. You guys will see more of me in the future.
      Mrs_Flash, Ellis, Kruza and 4 others like this.
    14. Shag
      Phenomenal event! Had a great time seeing old and new faces, playing games and breaking bread together.

      Too many feels right now from Blitzball's and Flash's videos. I love this game and this community and these just helps relive the hype and energy this gathering brought.

      Sega may you please bless us with VF6? :holla:
    15. Chief_Flash
      Glad you could make it BG. thanks for your support :holla:
      Mrs_Flash, Jacko, Ellis and 1 other person like this.
    16. Blitzball Champ
      Blitzball Champ
      WOW! What a movie!! I tell you @Chief_Flash , you really made a gigantic impact with everything you have done with this event and your presence in general! So many memories captured! A great way to start 2017 off and close out the winter season! 3 days of 100% pure awesomeness and fun! Meeting all the players and putting faces to names was super sweet! LETS DO IT AGAIN!!!!!
      Mrs_Flash, Jacko, Ellis and 1 other person like this.
    17. BlackGeneral
      Here's how to get even more support out of me... IF you come out of retirement (Partially or Fully) Organize with fellow VF TOs and create a VF tournament season. I'd be like

      Attached Files:

      Mrs_Flash, VFhayato, Jacko and 3 others like this.
    18. BlackGeneral
      Oh! @Blitzball Champ , Thanks for the shoutout boss! We'll hang out again if you make it to NYG!
      Mrs_Flash, Ellis, Tricky and 2 others like this.
    19. Blitzball Champ
      Blitzball Champ
      Yes of course!!! Look forward to it!
      Mrs_Flash, Ellis and Tricky like this.
    20. tonyfamilia
      As usual, you're right, Professor Konjou.
      Denkai, thanks for clearing that up. You're right too, this event was so good that people are still reeling. VF players ain't used to so much goodness. For seriously.
      I hope more people keep sharing their experiences.
      TMOG, thanks for the shout. I can tell that you're a good guy. You got strength and the humility to keep it all in check. Keep up the great work.

      Flash, that vid was epic. You've become a regular Lou Diamond Phillips, Dante Basco, or John Woo ;)
      I agree with Rodney again, got your back, fam.
      Sooo, as Chief Mash showed in the vid, one of my favorite part of this event was the food. Not sure if anyone has mentioned that Wang and Mash (lol Wang Mash) provided us all with some of the best food and drinks. From KK donuts that made me turn into a Dominican Homer Simpson, to a bunch of us (all?) eating at this BBQ spot that had some of the best Southern style plates I've ever had. These guys were so generous that they didn't accept our money. That's right, they paid for EVERYBODY. Shit was crazy! Then there was Pam and Mash's food at their home. These two can cook! Power couple for sure.
      I'm immensely proud to know you both. Pam, you should write a book on how to properly support your husband and host gatherings. 10/10 EXCELLENT (in golden letters). Flash, I've told you before and I'll tell you again: you picked a winner. Congrats again ad may the universe keep blessing your hard work with more success.
      Lastly, I have to give thanks to Chief Gutti for making that long journey. What a player. Such strength, but don't forget there are many fighters like you all over the world (old school lol). Nah for real, a pleasure to meet and play you. Also please thank your supportive GF for joining and enjoying with us.
      I got the VF bug again too. Hopefully I'll see a few of you again next month in NY. Play a few games, drink a frew brews, maybe some mamajuana, juno?

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