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North America VF4 Evo Clips

Discussion in 'General' started by Rodnutz, Apr 27, 2003.

  1. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

  3. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    crewnyc-vf4 - andy wins
    NYC_CrewNYC_Lau_vs_AdamYuki_Lion.avi - andy wins
    CrewNYC_Lau vs Adam Yuki in nyg3.wmv - andy wins
    Pai (is that you?) against Omaha Jeff - andy wins
    CrewShun vs Mikenyg3 in nyg3movie.WMV - andy wins
    CrewShun vs JediFei in nyg3movie.WMV - andy wins
    CrewShun vs Shang in nyg3movie.WMV - andy wins
    pai vs adam's goh in pai1.wmv - andy wins
    pai vs omaha's akira in pai1.wmv - andy wins

    You never once show yourself losing a game, and only very rarely show yourself losing a round. I'm not the first person to notice, omaha isn't either. Did seeing all those wins listed help you feel secure enough to post an interesting loss?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I guess Omaha did have a valid point after all. This kind of attitude is exactly what disgusts me about the fighting game community in general. It's sad that <font color="orange">some</font> people can't seem to resist the urge to prove how "good" they are, and just play the games for fun.

    99% of the NYC guys are ok as far as I'm concerned. It's unfortunate that the "trouble-makers" around here usually make the most noise.
  4. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    I think u have to understand...to reach the next lvl, U have to compete with players at 'the next lvl'.

    For example...Rich plays with a bunch of local footballers...easily is the best player in the little league.
    Talent scouts spots Rich n thinks Rich could be the next big thing in footy.

    So...do u think Rich can just stick himself into the little league can continue to improve? Sure he can...but his improvements will be nothing compared to what he would have been able to learn if he went n played with the big league.

    On the outside..it would appear that NA just lacks the 'competition' to improve.

    But there are more than just competition that are lacking.

    Information. players. arcade etc etc etc

    Just as Rich not joining the big league will miss out on alot from specialist trainers..a higher lvl of competition...better and more intensive training ...better info on how to improve himself.

    N trust me.

    Iack of information really hurts NA standards.

    Even the mighty internet cannot help NA overcome the lack of info.
  5. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    What information are we lacking?
  6. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member

    The stupidity amazes me...

    Spotlite, Mike etc. etc. etc.

    All I said was people quit so by process of elimination NYC kept striving for a "japanese standard" of play in VF3tb. Now where O WHERE do people start adlibbing the "I AM THE BEST" stuff from. It amazes me.

    How about doing a search for comments i've made about my own skill? The first thing you will see is that I said, I am absolutley 100% no better than anyone else at the game. I've said it publically about tons of players. In fact I say very very SUPER openly that most players have more raw talent than me. The only thing that keeps me any good is the practice I get.

    So all of us in NYC know what its like to keep trying and trying since we have the compeition. The only point that can be drawn from everything i've said is that it is quite possible to achieve a japanese level of play in the game if you have a few people that are dedicated or who are willing to make sacrafices to travel i.e. my example with ice-9.

    What the heck are you and mike and everyone else adlibbing about skill or inferring?

    I never said Mike, shang etc etc etc suck at the game they simply stopped playing!!!

    Even worse like 2 years ago when VG occured and Shota and Myke went, I even said publically if I beat Shota or even Myke its probably because I still play the game and they don't really get to play often. There must have been a 10 page subject on it. This was the time I bet the European players we could beat them at VF3tb not because we had magically better yomi or talent. Just from the fact thar Ryan Hart, Jan Pai etc. hadn't touched VF3tb for 2 years or so.

    Anyway a 7 page thread shows me what i've always known, this stupid thing is a game. I care about playing the game. VFDC is idiotic idle chat. If I meet you we'll play. Regardless of all the opionions you guys have of me online do any of you have any negaive opinions of me in person, i'd like to hear them /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Creed: PFFFFFFFFFFFFF thank you for eliminating about the other 10 or so clips that show me getting BEAT, vanessa.wmv, akira.wmv, the first and second NYG3 preview, just on those 4 clip counts I lost 5 times out of 11 matches, I won 2 out of 11.
    Of course of the multiple Gigs of footage you seem to have thanks for saving the clips of me winning!! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif


    Also about your posts going waaaay back, what does that have to do with quitting will you enlighten me? HYUN QUIT Active VF3tb playing mid way through the games lifecycle. You didnt write anything on VFDC, and I MEAN NOTHING toward the end of VF3tb (Probably over a year) and you are the, I better make a 100 posts a day or people wont know im here person. You and kbcat should stop adlibbing. I actually expect you to burn out and stop posting about VF4 sometime 3 years from now or so if the game has the same kind of 5 year span that VF3 did.

    But really whay the heck did making a comment about how far back your posts go have to do with my comment about quitting early, is it any less TRUE? Quit jumping on the VFDC bandwagon and adlibbing extra comments.

    Anyway this is my last post.

    To Spotlite, sorry if this was all miscommunicated, seriously though I didn't hear the sarcastic tone of the post, since I met you in person it was hard for me to picture you saying anything sarcastic like that. I was upset enough to register u see, so it must mean I like you alot as a player!!! LOL

    BTW my VF carrer started with me seeing and playing VF2 with Mason practically on a regular day to day basis over a year.

    To Shang:

    Baby you know I love a good flame, keep it coming!!!!

    LOL /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  7. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member

    Reaching the Japanese Standard

    In addition to the above post /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif I really wanted to point one more thing about trying to reach the japanese standard:

    "From your own words, it seems like the thing you're most interested in attaining is a fat win streak, but in and of itself, does that mean you're a truly great player? Or an interesting player? Or that other people enjoy playing VF with you? For me, that last one is most important."

    Spotlites quote is very important here. You see if your primary goal is to win and keep winning, you'll constantly search out that competition and keep trying to do nothing other than win. If your key is to have fun at the game you will likely stop playing because there is lack of players.

    I am definately not alone when I say, Adam, Hiro, Myself, Nelson etc etc. of the NYC players care most about winning. It is the #1 thing we play vf for to attain that fat win streak.

    When you played adam last at VF3tb in year 5 believe me the one thing he cared about was attaining a big fat win streak. In VG the one thing I concentrated on was getting a Big win streak. Winning is the #1 thing we want to do.

    "Here in LA, because we play with each other all the time, we're all about even almost all the time, amost EXACTLY 50/50. The only person I'd give some egde to is Joey, and even that isn't so much, maybe about 10% more when he's "on". That's what happens, you can only be as good as your comp is forcing you to be, and here since our scenes are so small, we all end up playing in certain ways against each other. But when you have to compete with 10 different skilled Kages or Jackys ina given week, or day even, it's different."

    Because NAVF scene is so different from Japan's we really need to play with a different philosophy. We play with each other all the time but its often not 50/50. It jumps around by very large margins practically several times a month since all we care about is beating the other person. We have fun trying to do this and as a result talk about it with each other all the time. Discussions about who's winning, win%, who beats who and strategies of how to beat certain players is probably half the conversations we have about VF and i'm not adlibbing for the others at all. Hiro likes to play with me adam etc etc because we take the game seriously and our goal is always to try and win.

    Bottom line is if you play for fun other social reasons you'll probably stop playing VF in NA mid way through the game just due to lack of competition. The scene in Japan can support this because of the large number of players.

    If you play to win and simply enjoy everything else that comes with VF, you'll probably end up playing till the end even if the game is out 5 years without any revisions.
  8. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    I don't know where you get this "adlibbing" from.

    My point is the TO crew has been around since the begining of VF, and playing competetively. I'm only making that point to refute your claim that "Llan hasn't been around long enough to understand what the Japanese are capable of". Stop taking nonsense man -- TO has plenty of experience with VF.

  9. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member

    "Most of you have not been around long enough to know what is and what isn't achievable by japanese vf standards. "

    This is my quote

    "Llan hasn't been around long enough to understand what the Japanese are capable of"

    This is your quote

    I did not say LLan did not *understand* what the japanese are capable of. BUT all of you virtually disappeared from VFDC not a peep about interest in NYC gatherings etc year 5. Actually playing 3 or 4 times a week Year 5 and maybe i'll understand you. Even once a week.

    Tell me how my quote has anything to do with yours again? Did I say you dont understand? I SAID ACHIEVE. (Attempt at least by not stopping short)

    You are adlibbing your own quote into mine.

    Thank You.
  10. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    Jesus you semantic little twit. Just because I didn't go back and "copy paste" does mean that I didn't know what I was talking about.

    Please note: "Understand" is a synonym of "Know" (take some reading comprehension courses).

    We never stopped playing VF. Just because we don't post, doesn't mean we're not playing. Just because we don't travel to see *you*, doesn't mean we're not competitive. Do you still play VF2 or VF3? Soon the TO crew will also be playing VF1 regularly again.

    When it comes to "knowing" what the asian players can achieve -- I think we also have a good idea. Toronto was on of the first NA places to have a top level asian player come over to play. Remember "number 4" in the first MoaT? Of course not, you weren't there. In it's heyday the TO crew had 3+ players that would visit HK/Taiwan/Japan on a regular basis. Don't try and tell TO what we do and do not know.

    What I really don't understand about you is that you seemed to be a great guy when I met you the first time you came to TO. Now you're just an egocentric jerk.

  11. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member

    Sorry if I made my point all too clear.

    The copy paste was very blunt.

    I can also use VF4 EVO as a prime example.
    When was the last time you played VF4:EVO with the group. When was the last time GE got together with everyone to play? (once a week?) Last weekend? The weekend before that? If right now the game is being played the most (since it is in the beginning) how can you expect me to believe that you, GE, plasma, LLan etc will meet and play just as much in 5 years as right now?

    I feel for LLan since I know he has the heart and probably tries the hardest to establish a strong scene. Simply put a function of striving to be as good as the japanese is playing with some regular frequency.

    It's not exactly unknown that Robertson is played less and less VF3tb as time went on to a point where he hardly played at all. In Year 4 when the NYC'ers came over to T.O to play with J.O. Shun he even told the NYC'ers he played far less and didnt practice a whole lot of VF3tb anymore. Emil would tell us over the phone that the scene (arcade) was virtually non-existent and that he hadn't heard of you guys gathering too often.

    Now if I make Point A

    Don't go from A >B >C >D

    To summize I made a point about reaching japanese standards

    so I made point A which was basically: A part of reaching a japanese standard is playing often and trying not to quit. I presented some true facts about people slowing down or outright quitting and how it effected their long term gameplay or lack of gameplay.

    My supporting argument was that I myself have a lack of talent and that my talent comes from frequent playing and seeking competition. I used Shota as an example seeing that he probably is a much better player and at the very LEAST a below average vf'er by JAPANESE standards.

    It seems that you guys made it:

    A) Play often don't quit and you will have a better chance at achieving japanese like gameplay and be closer to reaching a japanese standard. -->B) If you Quit you suck ----> C) Since you suck I am the best. ---> D) If you quit you havent been involved in the VF scene long enough or understand the japanese standard or made any contributions VF wise.

    How did you guys get offended or start thinking I think anyone sucks?

    Maybe your ego's did get in the way then cause I didnt say anything even remotely close.

    Spotlite, Mike, and everyone I never made points B, C, D.

    KBCAT You are still adlibbing, you obviously took it a few steps ahead.

    You took it in your last post from LLan to all of T.O. to 2 other generations of VF games did I involve all of T.O? I used VF3tb to support a statement I made. I never said anything in your last post. The last paragraph was an entire huge adlib, I never mentioned any of the other players, time frames etc. I think your ego is getting in the way.

    VFDC is the only place where a person can make a simple statement and it can be adlibbed to doom.

    KBCAT you've just invented a new VFDC move called the ALOD, Ad Lib of Doom.

    You are right, I seem to like and get along with everyone offline, so i'll make sure it stays that way from now on.
  12. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    <font color="orange">I can also use VF4 EVO as a prime example.
    When was the last time you played VF4:EVO with the group. When was the last time GE got together with everyone to play? (once a week?) Last weekend? The weekend before that? If right now the game is being played the most (since it is in the beginning) how can you expect me to believe that you, GE, plasma, LLan etc will meet and play just as much in 5 years as right now? </font>

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just to put things into perspective. When EVO first came out we were playing it - a group of 6 or so - at least 3-4 times per week. This went on for probably 7 weeks. It dies down, of course, but people still played - a group of 4 or so - once a week, often on the weekend. We had 2 Evo tournaments between January 2003 and the Japanese PS2 Evo release. Both tournaments had about 12 players - the second tournament included the Rochester twins. They had already previously travelled up to Toronto on a weekend night about 3 weeks prior.

    since the release of the PS2 version, things have admittedly died down. I've played with GE, kbcat, and BMF since the release. I've played with them (sometimes together, other times individually) on the time-scale of about once every 2 weeks. The last 2 weeks in particular have been more dormant - it's exam time and I haven't had the time to organize a mini-gathering. Once exams are finished - I am quite certain that the group will gather once a week or so - hopefully with greater numbers. I know that Plasma is playing Evo actively and would welcome a get-together soon enough /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif Do we play less than NYC? Likely. More than others? Likely as well. But we fit in VF as much as we can, within the schedules of our daily lives.

    As far as older versions of the game go. We still played off and on - say, every couple weeks - even in "year 5". In fact, I would say that our gameplay was at its best at the very last time we played VF3tb on the DC. When Myke was visiting Toronto (more than once) the sparring was as close to 50/50 if I remember correctly - and we all hated Plasma because I think he'd eek out more than 50% more often than anyone else. When Myke was in Toronto, the first occurence was February 2001. The second was in June 2001. We were still actively playing then - summer 2001.

    The first Toronto VF4 gathering was on October 15, 2001. So, we had stopped playing VF3tb on the DC (or in the arcade for that matter) technically only from July to October. A whole 3 months. So, hate to it, but were playing VF3tb during its entire lifespan - pretty much up until we had VF4.

    <font color="yellow">.cheers. </font>
  13. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    The only point I am contending in your post is:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Most of you have not been around long enough to know what is and what isn't achievable by japanese vf standards.

    This includes the sumeragi's, the creeds, peter, the shangs, the hyuns, the llan's, the Emils etc. etc. Most of you quit after the 3-4th year.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Note this has nothing to do with "We're Japanese level" or any crap like that. I'm only refuting the point: "Most of you have not been around long enough to know what is and what isn't achievable by japanese vf standards". I am refuting the idea that we have not been around long enough, and the idea that we don't have knowledge of Japanese standards of play. I believe I refuted both of those claims with evidence in previous posts.

    I don't give a crap about who is "playing at a Japanese level". All you're proving is that you still need to take those reading comprehension courses.
  14. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    I think this sums up a lot of the animosity being thrown about in this thread.

    Edit: pic deleted
  15. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Dear god, it IS the return of Chucky.
  16. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Zero, I am not, have never been, and never will be as bad as Chucky.
  17. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    You sure Zero didn't mean the picture? Not to insult the poor defenseless child whose picture was taken, but he does kinda resemble Chucky from Child's Play.
  18. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    The Chucky referred to was a user on VFDC who spammed a lot (with pics too) and subsequently ended up being banned.

    This is just a general note regarding to the posting of pics just to make a point: STOP IT!

    Some may have found it funny the first few times Shang did it, but I think it got old after a while, and I don't want others to start getting the idea that posting pics to make a point is OK. I have to say that Shang's latest VF2 pic post was hilarious though.

    So anyway, if people posts pics in this fashion again (yes, including you Shang), I'll simply edit their posts and delete them. And any persistent posters will be dealt with accordingly.

  19. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    fucking gestapo piglet.

    i have three long time vf players behind me on this, right at this moment.

    let us post our pics, cock.

    captain cock (aka mr bungle)
  20. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Just fuck off, Rich. And no.

    I had more than 4 people behind me when I was discussing it in #vfhome before making my post.

    But when was this a democracy anyway?

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