Northwest VF (Pacific NW, North America)

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Chanchai, May 8, 2007.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Had an awesome time at Best Bout last night (err, this Morning) ^_^

    Thanks to everyone who showed up and all the good times including tons of great games! Among the VFers for the night:

    And I'm sorry if I missed anyone.

    Very good times and lots of good games.

    I really enjoyed the training sessions including my personal following sessions:
    * Akira mirror matches vs. Fatbear
    * Lion training and mirror matches vs. Travis
    * My Akira and Jean matches vs. R_Panda's Brad
    * Jean mirror matches vs. Jetay
    * My Jean matches vs. Yangsing's Kage and Taka

    It's too bad I did not get matches in with Taziri, AJS, or Ross--I'm really looking forward to next time!

    Yangsing's Taka-Arashi was extremely tough and were often my favorite matches of the night out of my own personal matches ^_^ I'm looking forward to more bouts against Taka!

    Thanks again to everyone, I had an amazing time!

  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member


    Tuesday - June 12th, 2012
    (Portland, OR) Throwdown Tuesdays at Best Bout (they also have a Facebook Page.
    Event Type: Fighting Sessions
    $5 for all night fighting! Some of Portland's best VF players are planning on being there this week! I definitely plan to be there with the intention of helping newer players get better (and training too). These sessions begin at 7pm and often run past midnight!
    (Located in East Portland on 49th & Division)

    Thursday - June 14th, 2012
    (Lynnwood, WA) Thursday Night Fights @ Gameclucks
    Event Type: Tournament & Fighting Sessions
    Tournament & Casual Virtua Fighting! If you are in the Seattle area, I highly recommend you go and show your love of Virtua Fighter! More information can be found on the Tournament Listing.

    Friday - June 15th, 2012
    (Portland, OR) X-Factor Fridays @ Best Bout
    Event Type: Fighting Sessions
    $5 for Portland's regular night of fighting action and then some! Whether your goal is just getting better at VF or you want to squeeze in more competitive matches before Saturday's tournament, Friday is a great night for fighting in Portland!
    The session begins at 7:00pm and generally runs past midnight!

    Saturday - June 23rd, 2012
    (Portland, OR) Best Bout Beatdown 13
    Event Type: Tournament (and likely to have Fighting Sessions before and after)
    This is Portland's big fighting tournament before Evo! Many games represented, including Final Showdown! Furthermore, expect to have training sessions and discussions (maybe even workshops too!) after the tournament too!
    You can find out more about this tournament at its Tournament Listing.

    Damn, this is a good week to be a Virtua Fighter in the Northwest!
  3. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    My mistake and too late to edit. When this hits as Counter Hit, it knocks opponent down and leaves them face-down, head-toward.
  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Thanks! Going to edit my clip of this accordingly ^_^
  5. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Tonight is Thursday Night Fights @ Gameclucks and they will have both casual and tournament Virtua Fighter!

    Support your local area VF! If you can make it to this event, you should definitely go!

    Get some games in, try some new stuff out, enjoy the game with others, and maybe win a tournament!

    Event Information Page
  6. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    hey fellas, long time fighting gamer first time serious VF player here. I'm in vancouver and play Aoi on PSN.

    Doesn't look like too many canadians are up in here but hey you guys know how close vancouver is if you want a non laggy match online [​IMG]

    I am new but I've practiced hard and played honest since the jump, I'm not afraid of good players and will adapt when getting beat down by said good players [​IMG]

  7. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Kamais Ookin and Mackfactor are both in Vancouver but I'm not sure what their schedules are like, I would hit them up with a PM as I know they are looking for offline comp, especially KO.

    I'll be at GC tonight.
  8. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Correction, I'm in Victoria!!! Don't lump me in with dem vancouverians. [​IMG]
  9. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    cool thanks alot, I'll pm mackfactor

    but I want nothing to do with this kamais ookin character, he seems unsavory, I am thankful for the body of water that separates him from me.

    j/k [​IMG] but damn looks like you are on xbl and said body of water will prevent alot of offline play [​IMG] but hopefully one day we can do some games.
  10. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    hey complexz, feel free to add me on xbox CLUTCH7 GOH
    Duno how often i play vf anymore. I've been kind of out of VF for a bit, i do play once in awhile, but not as much as i used to. im hoping in the near future i can play alot more.

    I prob wont be making it out to seattle.. im working
    ) :
    but i wish i would have known earlier bout this event. I havent been posted or updated on VFDC lately.
  11. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I plan to post the week's upcoming events on Sundays/Mondays on VFDC and SRK. I do know that's not advance enough, but it keeps local people checking at the appropriate times.

    For further advance notice, I do tend to make early announcements as soon as I can on the Northwest VF Group* ^_^ (Which you are a part of hehe)

    But yeah, I will try to keep you up to date on events. And I would like to see more people go to Gameclucks too because they're trying VF now but they're really looking to see if they can get a pulse on it ^_^

    So far, it's looking good, but I think it can be great. There are a lot of people seriously training VF in Seattle, much of them are pretty quiet though (like Duncan who played awesome in this tournament).

    Seattle's sessions and tournaments are every Thursday though, at least for this month [​IMG]

    * At the moment, I am only letting Northwest players into the Northwest VF Group. At some point in the future I'll be more open, maybe even a slow rollout if such a demand existed. But for now, I'm just using it to work on various aspects of the Northwest VF Community.
  12. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    Can't believe I missed the one in Lynnwood it's like a 15 minute drive from South Everett, and I use to live there, sigh...
  13. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    There's one next week, I believe as well. I'll be there and we will hopefully have a station for casuals.
  14. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    well i'll have to pay better attention and see whats up with it.
  15. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    This coming week will be loaded with quite a bit of VF Events in the Northwest!
    Support your local events to keep your perfect VF experience alive!

    Personally, I plan to be at Best Bout Beatdown for sure and at least one of the Best Bout events before that (most likely Friday night, though normally I would pick Tuesday if it's before a tournament).

    Tuesday - June 19th, 2012
    (Portland, OR) Throwdown Tuesdays at Best Bout (they also have a Facebook Page)
    Event Type: Fighting Sessions
    $5 for all night fighting! Some of Portland's best VF players are planning on being there this week! I definitely plan to be there with the intention of helping newer players get better (and training too). These sessions begin at 7pm and often run past midnight!
    (Located in East Portland on 49th & Division)

    Thursday - June 21st, 2012
    (Lynnwood, WA) Thursday Night Fights @ Gameclucks
    Event Type: Tournament & Fighting Sessions
    Tournament & Casual Virtua Fighting! If you are in the Seattle area, I highly recommend you go and show your love of Virtua Fighter! More information can be found on the Tournament Listing.

    Friday - June 22nd, 2012
    (Portland, OR) X-Factor Fridays @ Best Bout
    Event Type: Fighting Sessions
    $5 for Portland's regular night of fighting action and then some! Whether your goal is just getting better at VF or you want to squeeze in more competitive matches before Saturday's tournament, Friday is a great night for fighting in Portland!
    The session begins at 7:00pm and generally runs past midnight!

    Saturday - June 23rd, 2012
    (Portland, OR) Best Bout Beatdown 13
    Event Type: Tournament (and likely to have Fighting Sessions before and after)
    This is Portland's big fighting tournament before Evo! Many games represented, including Final Showdown! Furthermore, expect to have training sessions and discussions (maybe even workshops too!) after the tournament too!
    You can find out more about this tournament at its Tournament Listing.

    Special Notes
    Event Types:
    "Fighting Sessions" are local events where you can challenge and train with others in Virtua Fighter. Otherwise known as "Casuals."

    "Tournaments" are basically, tournaments. Players pay an entry and/or pool fee, compete in the event's chosen format, and the top winners of the tournament usually win prizes or money.

    Note: If you would like to have your northwest Virtua Fighter event (whether it's at a public venue or is at a trusted but open private space like a home/apartment) listed and the word spread out to other Northwest VFers, feel free to post in this thread or send me a message ^_^
  16. ajs_

    ajs_ Well-Known Member

    I'm planning on heading out to Best Bout on Tuesday for the last stretch run in gearing up for Evo. Hoping to play some Final Showdown and AE. Won't be able to make it out on Friday or Saturday, but hopefully enough of the training sessions will get serious enough for some practice before hand. GG's to anyone I've played from NW online as well.
  17. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Just finished with my 300th Ranked Match, and yeah....ready for Offline sessions and Lobby sessions, in that order. I'm free tomorrow, for either or, but I'll be holding a Lobby session tomorrow at 5pm for those interested.

    I'll be at GameClucks on Thursday as well, for the tourney but mostly for Casuals, and I will have an extra setup!
  18. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    (Lynnwood, WA)Thursday Night Fights @ Game Clucks

    Here's the official facebook page for the event with all the information one might need for Thursday's fighting event in the Seattle area!

    Again, I highly recommend that anyone who can make it out there go and support the best VF experiences you can have in your area!
  19. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    June 21st Thursday GameClucks Tourney! NOTICE!!!

    Ok, this GameClucks tourney is NOT AT THE GAMECLUCKS STORE!

    It will be held at Dante's, but RUN BY GAMECLUCKS. IF YOUR UNDER 21 YOU HAVE TO BE OUT BY 9PM.

    VF5FS starts at 7:30pm


    5300 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105-3629
  20. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: June 21st Thursday GameClucks Tourney! NOTICE!!!

    I cannot edit my original listing, but as Femto said:

    Thursday Night Fights will be at Dante's Seattle

    5300 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105-3629

    Also, make sure to be there, it's going to be an awesome night of Virtua Fighter in Seattle!

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