Northwest VF (Pacific NW, North America)

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Chanchai, May 8, 2007.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the update man! That's awesome that the fights go on! Rooting for those at Evo and those at Thursday Night Fights!
  2. shinryu_returns

    shinryu_returns Well-Known Member

    It sounds like a big chunk of the Best Bout crew is off to Evo, so does anyone know if they're doing tomorrow night's X-Factor? Kind of don't know if it's worth going in any case since so many will be in Vegas.
  3. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    X-Factor Friday will be happening because there's a good chunk of people who are not going to Evo also.

    That said, I don't think I will be able to make it, but I really think you should go. You will get a lot of human competition still and you'll also get to work with players who are developing their games and probably a few people at the same level of you in VF. I really think it'll be worth it!

    The only reason I don't think I'll go is because of family.
  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Wow, so much has happened and Northwest Players represented VF well at Evo! That said, I'm going to let the players that went to Evo speak for themselves and open the thread up for that!

    (I still am trying to catch up on the stream archive, I have a long way to go as I had a loaded weekend, but so far I'm really enjoying watching the matches from Evo!)

    All that said, a lot of good VF action is to be had in the Northwest this week!

    For the Portland and surrounding area players, this week is an important week for Best Bout so definitely check-in if you can!


    Tuesday - July 10th, 2012
    (Portland, OR) Throwdown Tuesdays at Best Bout Gaming (they also have a Facebook Page)
    Event Type: Fighting Sessions
    $5 for all night fighting! Some of Portland's best VF players are planning on being there this week! I usually plan to be there with the intention of helping newer players get better (and training too). These sessions begin at 7pm and often run past midnight!
    (Located in East Portland on 49th & Division)

    Thursday - July 12th, 2012
    (Lynnwood, WA) Thursday Night Fights @ Gameclucks
    Event Type: Fighting Sessions
    Casual Virtua Fighting! If you are in the Seattle area, I highly recommend you go and show your love of Virtua Fighter! This week's Thursday night fights will be casuals but it looks like a tournament at Dante's will happen on Saturday. I will update with details!

    Friday - July 13th, 2012
    (Portland, OR) X-Factor Friday the 13th @ Best Bout
    Event Type: Fighting Sessions
    $5 for Portland's regular night of fighting action and then some! Whether your goal is just getting better at VF or you want to squeeze in more competitive matches before Saturday's tournament, Friday is a great night for fighting in Portland!
    The session begins at 7:00pm and generally runs past midnight!

    Note: If you plan to have any open-to-the-public VF Event or Session in the Pacific Northwest, please let me know so I can help spread the word!
  5. MalahkAngel

    MalahkAngel Active Member

    Repping Eastern Oregon here. La Grande, specifically. Not much of a scene out this way, but I'm hoping to change that. A gaming lounge called Wired started up here recently, and they do Thursday Fight Nights so I'm gonna see if the dude there would be up for running VF in those. SSF4 and MK are the big things out here, but I figure most folks would be willing to give VF a go.
  6. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    That is awesome, I hope we can help with that too as I would also love a scene from Eastern Oregon!

    BTW, feel free to post your events here and on SRK's Northwest VF thread (in the Northwest regions board) and I'll also make sure to remind people about the events!

    Also - If there's anymore information on Wired such as a facebook page, webpage, twitter presence, whatever... please let me know so I can help spread the word!
  7. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member


    Saturday - July 14th, 2012
    (Seattle, WA) Gameclucks Saturday Slugfest @ Dante's Seattle
    Event Type: Tournament
    This week's tournament will be on Saturday and it will be at Dante's Seattle! More information can be found at the above link, but if that's not enough just let us know right here! This tournament should be awesome and should be filled with well-rested players fresh from Evo! Be there and support the most competitive VF action this week!

    ***Special Deal: If you go to Thursday Night Fights this week, you will get a discount for your entry at this week's big tournament SATURDAY SLUGFEST @ Dante's!***
  8. MalahkAngel

    MalahkAngel Active Member

  9. airthrow

    airthrow Member

    I will be going to Dante's, it will be my first FS tourney (I've played Vanilla VF5 in a few tourneys before, I got somewhat non total sucktackular at vanilla VF5 with El Blze cus Femto used to be my roomie and I just copied him, LOL)

    Anywho, what time is the earliest I can arrive at Dante's and get some VF casuals in? I need lots cus almost all of you guys have played a ton more games than I have (true story bro). Should I bring an xbox or do you guys have everything?

    Also is there a wide character variety in WA so far? Who is most popular and least? I am using Jean and I want to start learning Sarah (no idea if she's good in this game). Does anyone use Jeffrey?
  10. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I think it helps a lot to bring a setup! The stated start time is Noon on Saturday. I just posted information about the event in the Tournament boards, here is the link.

    Seattle area has a good variety of characters:
    * El Blaze
    * Wolf
    * Goh
    * Akira
    * Lion
    * Shun (though mostly online - MasaRED is really good but professional and family life limits his time to play, I will notify him of the Slugfust!)
    * Eileen
    * Aoi
    * Jean
    * Jacky
    * Taka

    These are characters I know (off the top of my head) have representation in just the Seattle area!

    Good luck at the Slugfest!
  11. Loz

    Loz Member

    Hi, Airthrow!

    You can arrive as early as you want, although I would recommend finding out when others plan on getting here first. I will make sure a setup is available for casuals throughout the entire event. I would appreciate it if you could bring your Xbox. Go ahead and let Chris know on the Facebook events page.

    Chanchai hit most of the characters. I think The Show is trying to pick up Jeffry, but he usually plays Sarah in tournament.
  12. airthrow

    airthrow Member

    Cool I will bring an xbox (I play on a huge ass tube TV though don't have an LCD to bring), see you guys!
  13. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I did forget to mention Sarah (and Jeffry)! I am enjoying watching The Show's progress in VF! Keep it up Show!
  14. MalahkAngel

    MalahkAngel Active Member

    Just a heads up for anyone near the La Grande area. Wired on 4th Street in La Grande is doing a free fight night tonight from 7PM to 10PM. Not many VF players down here, but if we get people playing it I doubt they'll stop.
  15. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I think it's awesome that they are doing Free Fight Nights!

    I really wish I could make time to coordinate a La Grande Trip in the near future for community outreach and good times!

    Good luck at Wired tonight!

    (BTW, don't be discouraged if people don't reply as much as you like on both SRK and VFDC, there are so many lurkers who read but almost never post--I meet them at events often!)
  16. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    TONIGHT: Event Reminders
    Tonight there are two premiere events where you can get your Virtua Fighter training and casuals in. Support the best local VF experiences in your area by going to offline events!

    (Lynnwood, WA) Thursday Night Fights @ GameClucks!
    This week's Thursday Night Fights is all casuals, all serious offline training. Starts at 5pm and only costs $3 for the evening! Also, as a real special bonus, for training at this week's Thursday Night Fights, you will get a discount at Saturday Slugfest @ Dante's Seattle this weekend!

    (La Grande, OR) FREE Fight Night @ Wired Gaming!
    Fight Night is FREE in Eastern Oregon! Let's make Eastern Oregon another center for serious Virtua Fighting, show your support and make the Fight Night a regular part of your schedule!
  17. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    Hey Portland area VFers, I wanted to see if there was interest in bonus sessions at my new house in downtown Portland, very close to PSU (about ten blocks West of Jeromie's place, if you know where that is).

    I have a large open basement that I want to turn into a game room, and once things are set up I'd love to start having sessions whenever people are interested. I have two systems and two basically lag free tvs, though neither are Asus standard, one te for each system and I'll be using my hitbox.

    Is this a location and idea people might be interested in? Just trying to get more offline times going, because that's when you're going to level up.
  18. shinryu_returns

    shinryu_returns Well-Known Member

    I'd definitely be down. PSU is a much easier commute than Best Bout for me at least (though I'm going to be down there, this week's just been shitty). Might be able to bring a 360 along (girlfriend hijacks for Netflix sometimes, and I don't have a VGA adapter unfortunately) and I've got a couple of 360 TEs; no ASUS yet unfortunately.
  19. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    I should have a monitor we can hook up to your setup, if not an entire setup myself. It's old and low-resolution, but lightweight and has no input lag. Fine for some casuals, at least.
  20. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    A late reminder that:

    TONIGHT (Friday the 13th) in Portland the VF Action is happening at Best Bout's X-Factor Fridays! It's already started, but it's probably going all night!

    TOMORROW (Saturday the 14th) in Seattle the VF competitive action is happening at GameCluck's Saturday Slugfest @ Dante's in Seattle, WA. This event is a tournament, some players have already committed to going, and from what I hear it's a good environment with good atmosphere!

    The Slugfest won't be streamed, but it'll almost certainly be archived!

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