Northwest VF (Pacific NW, North America)

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Chanchai, May 8, 2007.

  1. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Re: NORTHWEST VF RECAP (Posted 5/25/07 - morning)

    Yosuke clear out your PMs!
  2. ppoint432

    ppoint432 Active Member

    Re: NORTHWEST VF RECAP (Posted 5/25/07 - morning)

    BC has some players, it's just that no one is playing VF5 yet, and no one talks online.
  3. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: NORTHWEST VF RECAP (Posted 5/25/07 - morning)

    Right on!

    Is Mutant, Tellure, or Moby still active and playing? Would you mind if I listed you in the BC roster?

    BC's a great place. Hope they do pickup VF5 soon, but I love the arcade atmosphere in BC (well, except for the one dirty arcade that used to have peep shows in the back--do you really want to play on arcade machines in such a place?).

  4. ppoint432

    ppoint432 Active Member

    Re: NORTHWEST VF RECAP (Posted 5/25/07 - morning)

    I'm new to VF and the scene over here, so I do not know much. I don't know who Tellure is. Someone had mentioned a Mutant to me before, but I don't remember who he is and where he went, but I'm sure he left like a lot of the players have, so I'm told. Moby is still around though.

    Listing a roster would pointless at this point, because there isn't much action going on. Maybe later when we start playing.

    How do the peep shows make Movieland arcade so dirty? The peep shows are so bad, hardly anyone watches them. And you can't even tell that those booths are peep shows unless you go inside them, since inside the arcade, there is no sign that indicates to you what those booths are. If anything, it's the location of the arcade, their cheap prices and types of games they have that attract the bad crowd that makes the arcade unfavourable. Even so, it's not much of a problem. I've been going to that arcade for over two years, and it's not that bad.
  5. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Re: NORTHWEST VF RECAP (Posted 5/25/07 - morning)

    Is the PS3 price mainly the obstacle with you guys as well?
  6. TheKinzel

    TheKinzel Member

    Greetings, I'm new to the site. I'm busy most of the time, but if there happens to be an event in the Redmond/Bellevue area (Washington), I'll try to show up.

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    I did it!
  8. ppoint432

    ppoint432 Active Member

    Re: NORTHWEST VF RECAP (Posted 5/25/07 - morning)

    Not really, but it's still a pain. 360 release = more setups.
  9. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    coolness man.

    On a side note: I could read (and understand) the kana & kanji in the shout box! Yay for me. I gotta get down on those Japanese studies.

    ppoint- thanks for pointing that out. I was just curious that's all.
  10. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member


    THE MEMORIAL WEEKEND MASSACRE (presented by Yosuke) IS OVER! And many Happy VFers in the Northwest is the result!

    On behalf of the Portland VF5 scene, "Yosuke, we had an amazingly wonderful time hanging out and playing VF with you (and KOF '98, CvS2, and Third Strike)! We can't wait until the next time we meet in Portland or Seattle!" We also hope your studies go well!

    Also, don't forget that you are an honorary Portland Player! (tee hee)

    The Massacre began on Friday afternoon a bit after I arrived in Lynnwood, WA. Yosuke and I setup some VF in the recreation room at his dorms and I enjoyed getting destroyed in VF and learning a lot of lessons (but it takes like hundreds of matches to break some really bad fundamental problems in one's game sometimes). After a good number of games, I created a new Lion character named Meatbag. Didn't want to destroy any progress I had in Quest Mode with Chanchai...

    Femto eventually joined us and he had great enthusiasm for VF and Zone of the Enders. Femto's lack of human competition shows in his game, but when you consider that particular detail, it's also impressive how far he's gotten in VF on just fighting the CPU and his brother. I am really looking forward to seeing how his game shapes up. Especially when the Seattle scene grows and he's playing with others and Yosuke. Femto might become the excluvie El Blaze player of the Northwest /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Late in the evening, Yosuke and I finally hit the road to go to Portland. Hours later, we arrived at "The Art-House" where quite a few of the Portland VFers had been waiting awhile. RaybladeX (Lei Fei + others), @js (Brad), Thomas (Aoi), Kabukimono (Shun), and Raishinken (Pai) were practicing when we arrived. ShinryujinX showed up a little later. The real massacre began as Portland saw hints of what real high-level VF play is (it took Yosuke like an hour and a half for Yosuke to really warmup, but he was still destroying everyone with like a 200-1 record). Acknowledging that Yosuke hasn't played all that much VF5, that his game represents fundamental strength and natural ability--I think Portland got a good deal of perspective. We know that as scary as he was at the Massacre, when he comes back from two-months in Japan, he's going to be even scarier.

    Yosuke also played some hilarious CvS2 showing off that it really isn't his game, but his energy and enthusiasm made some hilarious moments. While playing VF5, he watched some of the MvC2 action going on in the next station and it sounded like he was getting into the "drama" of the matches. He played some 3S with his jump away and setup c.MK-Super Chun Li against Portland's top players and saw that they indeed play the game at a very good level, "They are too strong."

    The first night at the Art-House was pretty crowded. Even after I setup a second VF5 station, the lack of space sort of went against the idea and people were still pretty much playing on one setup. At the end of the night though, all of the Art-House critics of the night were very impressed (how could they not be?) and I think it made a memorable evening for us. Even the non-VFers seemed to be digging the beatdowns.

    The second day began as a study session. Yosuke and @js were studying and doing homework. It's Memorial Day Weekend and Yosuke has a Massacre to perform, but gotta get the school stuff out of the way. I studied some VF /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Not enough, but I got some studying done ^_^

    On Saturday night, we went to Thai Orchid, Chipotle, Lloyd Center Tilt, and then to the Art-House. I'm really glad Yosuke and @js really enjoyed Thai Orchid /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Things began very slow. It was Memorial Weekend Saturday, so some people were with family, some were camping, some were partying. Fighting Game Sessions were delayed a lot. In the first hour and a half, RaybladeX, @js, Yosuke, and I were playing some VF5 and watching the Black Book DVD (on another station). Yosuke took a nap and we knew some more players would eventually arrive, but very late.

    At around 1:30am ShinryujinX, Thomas, Hellsap, and his friend Matt (who only plays Guilty Gear) arrived. We setup a second VF5 station as well. The action commenced, Yosuke woke up, and momentum would build for hours as Professor's Yosuke's "learn by getting destroyed in VF" lessons continued.

    At around 2:45am or so, Yosuke played some KOF '98 on MAME with Hellsap. The matches were entertaining, but I can't follow KOF worth a damn. But I really want to play it now. I did some combo practice (it's so dumb that after all this time, I still do the weakest combos in the game when given the opportunity--but that's been fixed 80% already by the time I write this), Rayblade took a break, and @js and Thomas were doing a lot of VF5 sparring.

    At some time around 3:40am, Yosuke came back to VF. The MAME station turned into the Big Bang Beat station. And the massacre went on and on. It was great! Yosuke's energy was super high at this point too and you could tell by seeing his crazy input control get sharper and sharper.

    The Art-House closed a little after 5am, but Yosuke and @js wanted more. Back at Chanchai HQ, @js and I did more blunt-force-training with Yosuke. Mindful of the fact that I would be driving to Seattle later on on Sunday, and that I had not slept much in the days before, I had to go to bed at around 6:45am. It was tough, I really wanted to keep playing, but I certainly wouldn't want to accidentally kill some great VFers if I fell asleep at the wheel (though the vehicle I drove was like a tank, so I'm clearly exhagerating). I woke up a little after noon. @js woke up around 1:30pm and Yosuke at 2:30pm. I found out soon afterwards that Yosuke and @js played until 11:00am! My word! Now I felt bad about waking them up...

    More studying ensued, more food from Thai Orchid, and then Yosuke left us with a wonderful present... MORE BEATDOWNS FOR HOURS ON END FOR CHANCHAI AND @JS!!! But boy did we appreciate it. @js and I have our own individual laundry list of things to work on. If it wasn't explained in english by Yosuke, it was illustrated by his gameplay.

    Sunday night, it was time for Yosuke to go back so we went up to Seattle, had dinner at a 24-hour restaurant, my wallet was getting massacred by the Memorial Day Weekend Gas Prices, and we enjoyed a nice long drive with some "H-interesting" conversations.

    This was a great Memorial Day Weekend! It reminded me a little bit of the old E3 Gatherings at Spotlite's (AkiraLove) house, except instead of E3, we had studying ^_^ But I'd rather study VF anyways.

  11. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member


    That must have took a ton of money, patience and time bro. But damn you are lucky to have Yosuke. Hope that pushes the level in your area to the next dimension lol.
  12. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member


    It was very well worth all the effort and yeah, we all know how lucky we are that Yosuke's around ^_^

    I am getting a bit jealous of Seattle though. I'm seeing a subtle ripple effect from the event, more of the Seattle players are talking about VF a bit. So they are going to finally be building their VF scene soon (and I've been doing what I can to help). I just hope Yosuke forsakes Portland after that happens lol. YOSUKE IS AN HONORARY PORTLAND PLAYER! (Honorary SoCal Player too, I know).

    He really did push the level of Portland's VF further. We're not at the SoCal or NYC level yet. But I think there was an amount of clarity in a lot of the things we each have to work on. I have a big laundrylist of things to work on. So do the other players. And Yosuke also gave us enough comments to guide us in which things took priority over others.

    Portland's VF will definitely improve, but how far it'll go obviously depends entirely on us. Hopefully, we will also be able to create and coordinate a good fellowship so that the Northwest scene overall has some good dynamics going.

    Heck, I would love it if the West Coast could have a good strong dynamic in VF. SoCal has a great scene that is alive, Northern California has some great players but they all seem to be moving on in life in different directions (that will be a great pity in one sense, but I'm proud of each person moving on to potentially great things), we do have a scene in Oregon, Seattle is on the verge of having a scene (it is for sure going to happen), and Vancouver has a scene for the VF4 games and I can't wait to meet up with them (especially if I get to see Moby, Mutant, or Tellure again).

    Side Note: I just recovered today from that weekend lol!
  13. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Vancouver, BC VF

    It's so great to know Moby is still around. If you see him, tell him Chanchai says Hi and hopes to get back in touch with him.

    I talked to Yosuke about probably making a Vancouver BC trip in the Fall or end of Summer. Vancouver is a great area and I hope he gets to see it sometime. Keep us posted on the scene there though, and if possible, get Moby to send me a private message or something.

    As for MovieLand, I just thought it was a funny arcade. That it has classic retro games, at least from what I remember, is cool. I really liked Lion's Den though. The owner there was nice enough to let us go with a one time fee that let us play all night without tokens. And the machines seemed well maintained. But that was way back in 2000 or 2001.

  14. ppoint432

    ppoint432 Active Member

    Re: Vancouver, BC VF

    Sure thing.

    Well that's a shame about Lion's Lair. It definitely is not like that now. Just recently LL got rid of VF4b along with a lot of other fighting games they had, and replaced them with Playstation cabinets. Personally, I think they're better off just adding more computers since that and the Beatmani games are probably the only things making them money. Even though I have no connection with LL compared to you, it's sad to see the place get worst, because already Vancouver arcades are terrible compared to the rest of the GVRD.

    Okay, enough off-topic stuff.
  15. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Vancouver, BC VF

    It's not that far off-topic /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif This is a place to talk about community stuff and what concerns there are for the VF Community in the Northwest. And the arcade scene in Vancouver is definitely a concern.

    That is too bad though, about Lion's Lair. Arcade scenes are changing around the world though. There's a lot of good and bad about it all.

  16. TheKinzel

    TheKinzel Member

    Potential Redmond event

    I'm thinking I might have a VF5 night this weekend at my place in Redmond. I'll probably only keep it limited to my immediate group of friends this week, but if all goes well, I may make it a regular event and open it up to others from the forums.

    The reason I'm posting about it this week is to see if there's interest among the Redmond/Bellevue players in having a small event that doesn't require driving 30 minutes into Seattle.

    Anyone who would be interested should send me either a PM or reply.

    I'll post later if it goes well.
  17. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    Re: Potential Redmond event

    I am not familiar with geography around seattle... oh my gosh I don't know where that is. the only thing I know is that it takes 3hours to get to Portland.... hahha
  18. TheKinzel

    TheKinzel Member

    Re: Potential Redmond event

    Redmond is about 20-30 minutes from Seattle via 520 East. Time is, of course, dependent on traffic. With good traffic, you can probably get here from the University closer to 17 minutes.
  19. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Potential Redmond event

    Nice to meet you Kinzel!

    I think this is a great idea. It might be slow to start, but I think it would eventually pickup. I think this thread here on VFDC will be the best thread for Northwest VF discussion, but I'll give you the links to help your outreach efforts for your future Redmond events.

    Northwest VFers Thread (SRK)
    The SRK equivalent of this thread. I keep them both updated on the rosters, news, and reports.

    Preppy's Twice Monthly Poker/Games Night
    This event seems to be a staple for the MvC2 (and probably T5DR) crowd in Seattle. However, there also seems to be some VF players in the bunch.

    As always, I'm very happy to see more VF community developing. You do have players in Seattle, but it would be great to expand into Bellevue/Redmond.

    Good Luck and keep us all posted!

  20. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Re: Potential Redmond event

    Wow, is that all? I thought it was longer. I'm in South Park so that's not far at all. I'm down for some VF. I'll send you a PM with my cell and all that jazz.

    Yosuke - when will you be going back to Japan? I thought you already left.

    Chancahi - when do you sleep? lol

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