NYC VF Team Xiao Long Bao / 小籠包

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by kungfusmurf, Jan 12, 2007.

  1. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Re: Team XLP (Xiao Long Pao)>> {NYC VF} thread

    Damn, I'll miss the joint. I hope it springs back up in Williamsburg.
  2. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: Team XLP (Xiao Long Pao)>> {NYC VF} thread

    anyone buying MK9 today? i called J n L in chinatown right now and they have it!. im leaving NOW. i know rodney is getting his at midnight. Ill prolly stream it on my JTV page [​IMG] laterz
  3. Yuki-sensei

    Yuki-sensei Well-Known Member

    Re: Team XLP (Xiao Long Pao)>> {NYC VF} thread

    yo. i've been hosting bi-weeklies for various other games. and seeing as there might be a restart, i want to add VF 5 into the roster. there's a nice(but small place, cap is just about 30 people) in flushing. let me know if you or any of the others like the idea.
  4. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Re: Team XLP (Xiao Long Pao)>> {NYC VF} thread

    Tell us more. [​IMG]

    What days do you meetup and when?
  5. Yuki-sensei

    Yuki-sensei Well-Known Member

    Re: Team XLP (Xiao Long Pao)>> {NYC VF} thread

    usually on a Friday. the time limit for the tourneys i usually do is from 4pm(4:30pm latest start time) until 9pm when the close.

    that's where we(me and my friend, Anti-shoto) hold our events.
  6. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Re: Team XLP (Xiao Long Pao)>> {NYC VF} thread

    I'd be down for some VF5 tourneys in Flushing. I couldn't do this week but next Friday is up for grabs.
  7. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Re: Team XLP (Xiao Long Pao)>> {NYC VF} thread

    Ahh, I thought flushing mall was long since dead. They closed most of its stores they used to have years ago. I only go there for food now but if I'm by the area I'll check it out
  8. Yuki-sensei

    Yuki-sensei Well-Known Member

    Re: Team XLP (Xiao Long Pao)>> {NYC VF} thread

    this place is still actually pretty new. they opened in the mall last year.

    @Tricky: we'll fit something into the openings we have. pretty sure it'll be within the next few weeks.
  9. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Re: Team XLP (Xiao Long Pao)>> {NYC VF} thread

    @ Denkai: I used to hit that mall up when it still had an arcade machine in there. I'm glad to hear there are still stores in there. The food in that place is AMAZING, once you breech the language barrier.

    @ Yuki: Sounds good to me.
  10. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Re: Team XLP (Xiao Long Pao)>> {NYC VF} thread

    There are a lot of good food in Flushing area!!
  11. Yuki-sensei

    Yuki-sensei Well-Known Member

    Re: Team XLP (Xiao Long Pao)>> {NYC VF} thread

    I'll let you guys know when the tournament date it.
  12. Dasiatic

    Dasiatic Active Member

    Re: Team XLP (Xiao Long Pao)>> {NYC VF} thread

    Yeah, I miss CTF.

    Big shout out to the drug-dealer guy who actually sold his stuff RIGHT IN the arcade. lol.
    The guy knew all the infinites for Xmen Vs Street Fighter. Taught me a bunch.

    Yeah, I'm looking for a gathering sometime. My Throw Escapes need WORK!
  13. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    Re: Team XLP (Xiao Long Pao)>> {NYC VF} thread

    I want to go back to a gathering soon
  14. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    Re: Team XLP (Xiao Long Pao)>> {NYC VF} thread

    Long time no see guys. I'm done with regular semesters and taking summer classes. I would like to visit NYC in 1 or 2 months if Rodney can let me stay at his room. I feel I always visit NYC in summer
  15. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Re: Team XLP (Xiao Long Pao)>> {NYC VF} thread

    Yosuke it shouldn't be a problem to host you for some time, but I need to know how long you plan on staying. I am currently dating and my girlfriend spends a reasonable amount of time at my place, so I have to take her into consideration when it comes to allowing people to stay for an extended amount of time.

    Please PM me your information so we can work out the details as soon as possible. As usual rent for staying at my place is VF tips! [​IMG]
  16. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: Team XLP (Xiao Long Pao)>> {NYC VF} thread

    " As usual rent for staying at my place is VF tips! "

  17. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    Re: Team <<Capote La>> {NYC VF} thread.

    give me 2 or 4 weeks. my visit is more likely to be july 1st-3rd or 15th-17th. I could be able to visit there weekends after 15th. just let me know when you guys can come to rodney's room!
  18. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Re: Team <<Capote La>> {NYC VF} thread.

    Less etch-n-sketch, more stone chiseling! Let's gooo
  19. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    Re: Team <<Capote La>> {NYC VF} thread.

    I was very busy with my classes this summer, but now I guess I can visit NYC from next weekends. It's pretty much up to Rodney and you guys which weekend would be good for your schedule. which weekends works for you? please post it!
  20. DaiAndOh

    DaiAndOh Well-Known Member

    Re: Team <<Capote La>> {NYC VF} thread.

    So yeah, this game will actually be available. I'm pretty damn hype.

    I'm just going to need players. Because I'm already running tournaments for the less popular and mainstream (ie anime games), and VF is ALWAYS welcome.

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