NYC VF5 Replays (USA version)

Discussion in 'Console' started by _Denkai_, Mar 7, 2007.

  1. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    Alli got to say is being a 215 lb full contact karate fightermeans never having to say your sorry. If you want to see one of my fights go to click on competition 2002 ,and clickon battle of the amateurs August 17,and look for the fight titled Mike Wilson. i dont go to NYClan to make friends I go there to compete. And In case youre wondering I dont go to Karate tourtnaments to make friends with the people Im duffing out. Like the guy in the fight I just refered you to. They stopped the fight because I split him open right over his right eye socket with a left hook and he wass bleeding all over the mat. I gaurantee you we werent"friends for years" after that and he's not on my buddy list. If Vf5 was in the arcades in the US NYCLAN wouldnt even be necessary. ANd never in 20 years did I try to make friends in the arcade.

    By thewayt srider i heard that Im a n00b huh. No wonder youre from San fran. I thought I sensed a lisp. Dress up like Eileen much? I was only using the stick to be accommodating and quicken the pace of the match transitions,. But FUCK that next time.Its on . This is WAR.
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    wow, you areth so sssshtrong. Thatsshh one hot video.


    Can I be your friend big boy? I'm not shhure if you are the one getting it or giving it, let ussh know ok?
  3. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    So did anyone download the replays? I really would love some feed back. I am having a tough time with VF5 and would really love some input on how to improve my game. Thanks!
  4. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    Man all i have say is this,i think this shit is fuck up i can see you dont get along with other people i mean what you want to be?
    mr tough guy or something? and the guy you was talking about, you was talking about tech! wtf did he do to you? if he was screaming you should had told him a nice way to lower his voice but not make a speech over here and insult him i mean how would you like it if someone did that to you i bet you will be mad, he was learning also about VF on a stick and was doing pretty well....all i have is say you must be piss about something
  5. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    lol,i might have a to get cruz U.S game to see these replays
  6. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Dude, I am not even in NYC (though I consider all the nyclan people family, and I want to choke you silly. Either stfu and play and be civil or go try to catch some panty shots playing SC or point karate tournaments.

    Oh yeah, Konj_akira might be above it, but I'm not - suck my balls.
  7. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    Damn dude this is back firing it was put up to show you where Im coming from and why ilike Vf, but now the Eileen Mangina is after me. Dude you ever see what happened to Robert downy Junior when he tried a gay come on in the Movie "BLACK AND WHITE" ? Take note. Im jamaican you know. Batty boy fi DEAD.
  8. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Most of us are very competitive too. But we don't act the way you do. There people in the scene I don't particularly like, but I act civil because we do have something in common and that is the love for the game.

    I'm one of the fairly new blood in the scene, I didn't start playing until VF4 version C. I bought it for nostalgia reasons. Then Evo came out, I decided to seek out competition. The first tournament I went to was the "I Love VF" tournament it happened to feature some of the top Japanese players such as Kyasao, Burunburun, CYC, and Heruru. I was using a pad, my inputs we're perfect but I got beaten silly. That didn't put me down instead it motivated me to learn more about the game. Later I decided to save up for a stick since I wanted to stick around be a part of the scene even if it was just competitively.

    I attended my second tournament which was held in Boston. I just got my sticks at this time and was still having trouble with my inputs but I've decided to use the sticks during the entire gathering and during the tournament. I may have put myself in a disadvantage, but the experience of playing with something I wasn't comfortable with in the heat of the battle helped me alot. It meant that I had to clamp down and rely on my knowledge of the game more so than usual and be more patient. I didn't do well in the tournament, I was 25th out of 30 something participants. That did not bring me down whatsoever.

    I became more motivated and praticed as much as life would permit me to. I've discovered a game that became an outlet for my competitive nature. The best part of all, just like Konjou Akira's sentiments, I've met people all over the world and made really good friends along the way.

    You may not follow the same path that I have followed through this game but the hostility is unnecessary. Why can't be all civil and be competitive at the same time?

    Now to comment on your VF skills. I haven't really played you that much. However from what I've seen so far I don't see your understanding of the game, regardless if you we're making mistakes on your input or not. I hope you are as good as you say you are with a pad. And if you are, what's stoping you from switching to a stick?
  9. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Here we go again! Randomly calling everyone gay who disagrees with him. What is with this guy's fixation on gayness? Always "Gay this," "Faggot that." I wonder what that's all about.

    Lest we question his manliness he boasts about being a "215 lb. man-fighter who's always ready to tussle." Couldn't that also describe one of the Village People? I don't want to tell the guy how to live, but I sense a psychic conflict within him that makes him want to smash other men and accuse them of being homosexual.

    Apparently he sucks at VF, but I have heard that he is one of the world's best Great Brother Cho Aniki players.
  10. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    Yeah right I didnt see any of you execute any low throws, evade attacks, parries or ground throws . I was the one doing those techniques with Goh, so OBVIOUSLY IM THE ONE who does' nt understand the game. Whatever.

    I saw One guy, ONLY one use an AKIRA reversal 3 weeks ago after I did a couple reversals in an Akira vs akira match. The only guys that had any long winning streaks were 3 diff akira players. And after you guys were drooling over charts to know when youre at a disadvantage and need to do a throw escape, I think I only saw ONE throw escape executed when somebody was fighting that Jeffrey player that was moping everybody.
  11. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    I give up! Let's just play the game.
  12. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    You would score high from the Chiquanshu judges.
  13. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    I saw it fam. I love the Elvis looking Akira, LOL. One thing I notice(The third REPLAY) Is that your inside game is freaking tight, you didn't let him breath(I don't know why he didn't counter). Good usage of the Offensive Dash. You kept Akira very Aggressive. The 2player was good also. One thing you need to know(I notice that with a lot players here) Ya are very aggressive, and expect the person to attack back in order to dodge...JUST THROW the DAMN FOOL, LOL. But, hey, that's just my style. Good Stuff, and keep the replays coming. ONE!
  14. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    As far as diss master ab=ndShadow dean Go . Go fuck yourselves. You little punk bitches better hope I never go to EVO. You get spinning hook kicked so hard youll get whiplash. Got a lot of shit to say hiding behind a keyboard in reallife youd be looking at your feet and mumbling If you were in my presense. Suspect pussies. Talk realwreckless hiding behind your computer numbnuts If i confronted you on it you'd be on therecieving end of a fivew hit breakdown . Idknockthe pimples off of ya with a elbow to the face and a straight palm strike ti the chin.

    Mother fucker Ill cave in your hummin bird chest. Some asshole said he'd like to "strangle me" punk bitch you mean youd like to try. You catch a side kick to the face and be in a shimewaza until you passed out. I dont play that shit so you better just slow your roll. You want to jump into a slight disagreement between two players we may have to turn it to something else. You'll get knocked the fuckout tryin to play hero. I live for this shit! Dont start something you can't finish bitch.
  15. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    hi, im the jeffry player who played last friday, im just curious what you meant by this?

    "But FUCK that next time.Its on . This is WAR."

    you mean to tell me that next friday you might actually hit some of us physically? or you meant it as in-game?

    just curious man, you SEEMED like a cool guy, maybe we are confusing what you mean.

    peace ( i hope /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif)
  16. flood

    flood Active Member

    Karate's for chumps
  17. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    lol goku is hilarious
  18. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Yo GOD, relax. You sound just like the rest of them"tough behind the keyboard" bullshit. Just prove it, that's it. come with your own pad, and kick some ass, plain and simple. I'm not trying to diss you fam, but you talk a lot of game, and when someone talks, and plays like a rookie, prepare to get SON'd! I mean c'mon, you talking about EVO and shit, LOL.

    Just be easy, and get your revenge this FRIDAY to redeem yourself. Save the REPLAY to prove people wrong(Use your VFDC Name)
  19. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    BTW folks, can we swing this back on topic, this shit is getting rather annoying.
  20. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    ill post some more vids soon... the batch I have left is really old with super noob play. it will be amusing to watch.

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