NYGX post mortem: your feedback is needed!

Discussion in 'News' started by oneida, Aug 17, 2015.

By oneida on Aug 17, 2015 at 12:14 PM
  1. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    This past weekend was a significant one for the VF community, and before the dust settles on NYGX I'd like to get a discussion going about everyone's experience with the event. this won't be the last NYG, and your feedback can help us improve future events and the scene as a whole.


    Firstly I feel like we need to get an idea of how NYGX appeared to viewers. @Jerky raised some concerns about professionalism and respect that I think are worth discussing; I'd love to get a consensus of the event from the perspective of those of you who watched the stream.

    But that by no means should drown out the experience of those who attended. If you are an NYG vet or if this was your first time, please offer your thoughts on the experience.

    With NYGX behind us, let's appreciate all we were able to accomplish in a year of on and off planning, while still understanding that there is always room for improvement.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2015


Discussion in 'News' started by oneida, Aug 17, 2015.

    1. VFhayato
      I would also like some people to share the "Like page" of VF so we can get some new players in. I made the 'Like page' and also the group page so people can participate in the events and also times on when we have a meet up.

      Pai~Chun and Craigbot like this.
    2. Jacko
      I only have feedback regarding the Tournament itself. In terms of rules for the tournament, they need to be made clear and concrete to ALL players and if there is a feeling of violation, it falls upon the player to challenge said violation.

      In terms of how it was ran: It prolonged only because we tried to give everyone screen time. The on deck system, with all due respect, is a waste of time. While players are on one side playing, the other players can get right into the match and report their results to a bracket runner. We also had so many side set ups, that at least maybe 3 or 4 more set-ups could have been used for the tournament. Not every match has to be streamed, and it should be up to the bracket runners or even the stream viewers to choose which match to stream. I know it may sound conceited, but I'm pretty sure the streams can be saved for players that are well known in the community that the viewers WANT to see.
    3. SDS_Overfiend1
      Jacko... Great observation.. That is currently being discussed
      Jacko likes this.
    4. Harpooneer
      Yeah, we went with on deck again this year because last year the big complaint was that we didn't stream all matches. It was a cool thing to try, but it's unrealistic from a time-management perspective in my opinion, especially since we have the ability to swap between stations when one match ends if the other is going on. We'll decide on that one based on equipment and planning for next year.

      Edit: biggest lesson of all I learned is that megaphones are the shit.
      Last edited: Aug 19, 2015
      Mold_Monkey93 likes this.
    5. MadeManG74
      I think Jacko makes a good point that the tournament could be run faster if we didn't stream every match, but considering there is only one tournament running (as opposed to multiple games at big events running simultaneously) I actually really liked that every match got streamed/on the big screen. I know that I'm glad we can all go back and review our matches rather than just the top players. I know there are times in the past when I hear about a match that happened off stream and wish I could have seen it for example.

      I say this as someone outside the organiser's circle, so if the tournament went longer than expected, I understand if you want to cut it down next year.

      I thought that having the 'on deck' rule being enforced so well meant that the tournament flowed quick with near zero down time.

      As for Casuals being exhibited on the friday, I kind of liked that too, but maybe some more organised 'FT10/FT3' exhibitions should be arranged rather than just whoever wants to play at the time. Again, it feels like it's just a casual day, so streaming anything at all is a bonus for those at home I guess.
      Harpooneer likes this.

      I think i'll give a more thorough rundown of my thoughts later. Maybe. But for now i'll just make quick comments.

      First, thank you @cruzlink2 and all of those responsible for NYGX, this year. I came through, after being angry from missing out on last year, and its by far the most fun I've had. I really needed it too, since I'm honestly going through some real life issues right now, it was a great distraction from the norm, so thank you all for that. I definitely DEFINITELY understand all the time, effort, money and hardwork that goes into something like that, and I can only wish I could do what you guys did this year.

      Second, I want to apologize to @Chefboy_OB for being a childish ass on Saturday. The pressure got to me and i simply cracked. Chefboy will know what I'm talking about. We were cool after he had to leave on Saturday (unfortunately, wish you coulda stayed longer), so I'm sure its not a big deal, but I still feel i had to let you know, man.

      Third, my only two pet peeves with the tournaments, were that the tournaments did not start on time. I understand maybe 15 or 20 min late, but we would start like 1-2 hours late. This is definitely not unusual in the FGC, but honestly I felt there wasnt much excuse for it, and its pretty inconvenient for us players. I understand all the particulars and issues that come up with running tournaments, so even if i had a right to be, its not like i'm angry at you guys or anything, just being bluntly honest with my feelings.

      Also, I think the dual setups for stream were a GREAT idea and was well done in practice. No problem with those at all. Now if you wanted the tournaments to go faster, you guys should remember you had like TEN SETUPS that weren't being used. That would run through a huge chunk of the bracket in about 10 minutes or so alone. I understand you guys were trying to stream every match, which is something else i really liked, so I know. This is simply just for future reference.

      My second pet peeve was COMMENTARYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. As disclaimer, I'm pretty sure my commentary wasn't all that great (and as a self-critique, i felt i have a few genuine areas where i need to improve in retrospect). I also think that people like @MadeManG74 and @_Denkai_ did a really good job, personally. I even liked @fortninety 's commentary alot, though I also think he was the epitome of the commentary problem (not his fault tho, since he's new to the game), which is:



      You wanna know why @Shidosha and @L_A 's so good at commentary? Is it witty personality? The lovably recognizable voice? Is it, dare i say, the shirts tied on top of Shidosha's head??!?


      It's because they are great at dissecting what's happening on screen (which is really fast paced) and describing it in a simple-enough way to where even people who don't play VF will understand and appreciate it just as much as us "maniacs".

      There were way too many times, including grand finals, where the conversations would veer way off of the actual match. This makes it look like to the average viewer, that YOU ARENT INTERESTED IN THE MATCH. C'mon, guys. That's the entire point of commentary, to show why the actual match is interesting....otherwise, why even have a mic????

      Color commentary is fine, but keep those for BETWEEN MATCHES!!! Or at least keep it at short as possible during a match!!!

      And honestly, other than streamer/cruz, noone other than two people should have a mic at a time. One play-by-play commentator, and one color commentator to back up the play-by-play. Both commentators can switch roles at anytime. But there should NOT be like 6 people commentating at once, then you'll get people talking over each other and devolving into chaos, or you will get people who won't say anything and are just watching the match with headphones on, while others jabber on.

      Aight, I'm done sounding all smug. I will try and be on VFDC in a bigger capacity later, but only after this RL storm finally passes over. And once again, thank you all you guys at NYC!!! I'll be back next year for sure
      Last edited: Aug 19, 2015
      OK, so those weren't quick comments at all......oh well *shrug*

      Thank you all to the people I met in person!

      @og23 , fellow Melty Blood fiend! We SHALL meet again! Thank you for all of your lessons in Melty blood and for helping me finally understand the Vanessa matchup!
      @MadeManG74 , the classiest fellow! Hope to see you again!
      @J6Commander , such an awesome guy! thank you for the meat bun!
      @SDS_Overfiend1 , I finally got to meet you in person!!!
      @Shag , YEEEEEEEEAAAAAH!!! LOL, you're the best!
      @Rodnutz , thank you for showing me my place when you countered my wakeup kick!
      @Myke , I'm sorry we couldnt get games, but watching your Kage in the team tournament was mad inspiring!
      @oneida , watching your jump in skill as you took on players like rodney and other vets made me feel like i should be doing more to get better! Thank you for being such a cool guy!
      @Tricky , congrats man, you earned your win!
      @Mold_Monkey93 , you had the hypest match of the weekend with Hayato!
      @VFhayato , meeting you in person was awesome! Give this man another beer!
      TechMonkey, I can't say anything, other than you're the best, man, the stream looked great!
      @tonyfamilia , I'm glad to hang out with you in person, you're a really cool dude! My matches with you were the most tense (at least to me), and I hope we get to play more often, now that my online is better.
      @Jacko , you are just as cool offline as you are online! Hanging out with you guys at the venue and the diner was really fun.
      @Harpooneer , thank you for all your thankless hardwork with dealing with the brackets the whole weekend, you kept it smooth for all of us!
      @KADAJ757 , talking with you was really fun, man, I'm really glad you came through.
      @Terracrush @AkiraZero @kungfusmurf , you guys are really fun to talk to, i wish i could hang out with you guys more, lol
      @_Denkai_ thank you for giving me yet another beat down and the pointers to help me out afterward, plus I love your commentary!
      @fortninety , thank you for braving the four hours or so on commentary without any real knowledge of the game, I understand how daunting that can be
      @-BG- @cobratron I'm glad to have gotten some games with you guys, but i really hope we can play more often!
      EDIT: oh yeah, I can't forget mah dude @BBountyHuntyr !!! GG man, but I shall get revenge!!! It was good to finally meet you in person!

      OK, I'm sure I'm forgetting some people, and if I did, i'm sorry! But like i said, this was easily the most fun i had all year, I will definitely be back next year.
      Last edited: Aug 20, 2015
    8. oneida
      trying to get a complete attendance list... please let me know if i've missed anyone!


      blackstar - team vfdc mods



      mademan - team toronto



      jacko - team nwo



      harpooneer - team nycvf1

      mold monkey


      terracrush - team katerratron



      rodney - team saaaaaaaal



      chefboy - team carry us chefboy



      hayato - team nycvf2





      sile pai


      vf trailers





      sudden death







      the worst player
      Last edited: Aug 20, 2015
      Craigbot and Jacko like this.
    9. Jacko
      Missing Dr. Familia, aka TFam (brad player of nWo)
      Craigbot likes this.
    10. oneida
      ah thought that was shinobifist. do I have a duplicate somewhere?
    11. Shag
      Folks who only showed on Friday/Saturday that I can recall
      People who showed up Fri/Sat not listed that I can recall




      The Worst Player

      There was another player on Saturday which I didn't get to meet, he stayed by himself
    12. oneida
      updated, thank you!
    13. cruzlink2
      There was a dude on Friday playing FT.
    14. oneida
      Yeah I remember him, asian guy. said he came just to play FT. did anyone get his name?
    15. Tricky
      oh shit the worst player was there?! I haven't seen him in forever.
      BLACKSTAR likes this.
    16. oneida
      that's 43 including mystery FT guy.

      pretty good, guys.
      adamYUKI and Craigbot like this.
    17. ShinobiFist
      Ya forget I'm the man on commentary and I don't curse when is a big event. Look at both Sega Cups and Summer Jam. Even Valle, Watts and Jeff from Sega love what I did and gave the kid props. I'll throw jokes but I keep them short. I wish I had the energy to do commentary but I was running on fumes the whole weekend working at my bar and home. We have a lot of talented folks in this community and we cannot leave it all to Cruz to plan this next year.
      Jacko, Rodnutz, Kruza and 1 other person like this.
    18. Chefboy_OB
      I swear @TheWorstPlayer came and talked to no one! As far as commentary I should've been on the mic!

      @BLACKSTAR I have no clue what you're referring to bruh. I wasn't upset with you at any point, and I don't know why I would be honestly.

      As far as constructive criticism: having the tournament rules set before the events would be good. It would allow people to put together some of their teams beforehand.

      I think hyping up grudge matches and trying to get them knocked out the first day before the tourney, or on the last day after the major tourneys would be a good move.

      I said it at the event and I'll say it now. I'm proud of the work Cruz & co put in and I'm really glad I had the chance to come play with erybody. I came for R and I nearly got my fill.
      BLACKSTAR, MarlyJay, adamYUKI and 9 others like this.
    19. og23
      NYGX was pretty dope. I guess I'll give all my shoutouts:

      @BLACKSTAR You're actually the best for letting stay with you the weekend, also, you helped me get my shit together in time for the singles tournament, I wouldn't have placed as high as I did without your help. The fact that you play Melty Blood on top of all that makes you that much more awesome. I hope you go back to your Melty sensei back up in georgia and body me the next the we play, but I'm coming for that white woman though.

      @Mold_Monkey93 and @Tricky The Eileen army, thanks for the matchup experience against Eileen and being awesome people in general. I look forward to our next games, whenever they may be.

      @ShinobiFist Your Lei-Fei is pretty godlike, all that tech you taught me is burned into my mind now.

      @Chefboy_OB You bodied me in the Vanessa mirror, and I didn't even ask for advice, thanks for teaching me to MTE though, I appreciate it

      @cruzlink2 @Harpooneer and @Shag Thanks for organizing such an awesome event, I hope I can make it out for next year, and that NYGXI is even bigger.
    20. Mold_Monkey93
      It was pretty dope to meet you, Spiderman feeling himself avatar guy

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