OK I gotta ask why....

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Chunbelievable, Nov 18, 2007.

  1. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member


    when choosing quick match you can scroll left or right to see who is hosting matches. This allows players the option for a rematch without setting up a private match. What be a little annoying, for me at least, is when someone who is way way way better than me keeps challenging me to hand me my ass on a platter. Just me and I'll live, I just was venting a little.


    If you come back there are some serioulsy great VF players here and there are gatherings as well. If you end up visiting again announce it in the Matches forum under Colorado or at coloradofusion.net. It's a cool community here and players like JunoSynth are crazy skilled.
  2. CapnKill

    CapnKill Active Member

    O'Rly? Huh... I'm so tunnel visioned with just Play Play Play!! I don't pay attention to anything else. I'll check that out, thanks again!
  3. Duckguin

    Duckguin Active Member

    I know there's been a few times I've sought out good Akiras (or at least ones that should be able to rough me up) just for the experience and whatever I can learn. I remember one time I kept fighting a guy because each match I could tell I was getting closer to understanding how he/she/it was thinking. There's something about Akira that makes him interesting to fight against, too.

    I'll keep that in mind. It's just that every time I've seen someone keep hitting me after the round it really irks me. I lost, I get it. Move on man. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/whistle.gif
  4. anbujustin

    anbujustin Active Member

    haha know what you mean about the pouncing. for me i do it at the end of the round cus im so used to the hes down and not gonna try to tech so im gonna do this to get some dmg in. its almost second nature i cant stop it at times.

  5. OneHitCombo

    OneHitCombo Well-Known Member

    If you die on your feet, it's kinda cool to pull off a throw as a finisher or something. Something just kinda irks me when somebody barely beats you, or you were going kinda easy on them and they heavy pounce you. Wtf? It pisses me off because I sandbag and play alot of characters when I get bored of main. I sometimes end up playing Ranked because nobody will be in Player.

    So I'm 4th Dan, and like a 5th Dan will join with his main and I'm using a character at a mediocre level. I guess he just thinks I suck. I'm weird.

    I only let the replay run if it's pretty. I like doing Brad's 4P+K versus someone's canned PPK strings. So slick.
  6. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    OH COOL!

    It's good to know that the heavy puncing doesn't irk just me. It's not an atrocity or anything like that but yeah, it's kind of annoying Like combo said, especially if I was letting up on a player or if the lesser got lucky and won the round.

    Of course if this happens to me I kind of get fueled to come back at them hard and for the most part I have won the matches when I have been bothered by the pouncing.

    If I get owned by a highly ranked player do what you want to me wwhen I loose. If I can't put up a decent fight I have no room to bitch about the celebration hits.
  7. Dash

    Dash Member

    I'm one of the people who likes to join games vs better players. I'm sure many of you have beaten me down a few times. However, I try not to fight someone who just destroys me more than 3 times in a row. If I do, then I'm sorry, but there were probably nothing but low kyus or such hosting other games. I myself don't like hosting because I get too many people who have just picked up the game. And I like the 2p side practice.
  8. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    Dash we have had some great fights so no apologies needed here, in fact I think you have the more wins on me and if I remember correctly we are the same rank. Of course I think it's OK for players to challenge higher ranks, bought I sometimes get challenged like 10 straight times by someone who thinks the block button is uneccesary. That's a bit much ain't it?

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