Discussion in 'General' started by Banshee, Oct 24, 2003.

  1. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: Modified palm?

    Are you sure? In my instructions book Brad's modified palm is as clear as daylight but I'm having such trouble pulling it off /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif The techical term is 'urusaib aka yaro' I think. Command is [6]>[2][P][P][P]
    What version of the game do you have then?
    Hey btw. I don't think anybody has given you a proper welcome to the board so welcome! You've made a strong entry so keep up the good spirit and don't let anybody pull you down /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  2. Banshee

    Banshee Well-Known Member

    Re: Modified palm?

    This baffles me.

    I am using the American version of VF4 Evo, version A to be more exact. It sounds like you might have a Japanese version, based on the Asian name that you said is in your instruction booklet. On top of this, I'm not finding the move in the site's movelist, either. If this is just some stupid mistake that I'm making, someone tell me. I just can't seem to make a connection. Again, if you have any more info, I'd love to help.

    By the way, TP_KiwE, thanks for the warm welcome. Dunno how long you've been here, but it's good to see someone out there who wants to be productive.

  3. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: Modified palm?

    Yah! Welcome Banshee. I'm honestly tired the garbage, the pointless flame and the constant noobie bashing going on on this board. I think Banshee would make a great moderator. I vote Banshee as a Mod.
  4. Banshee

    Banshee Well-Known Member

    Re: Modified palm?

    I thank you for the support, but I realize that I'm much too new to the board to become a mod. Not that I wouldn't wanna be! Besides, I'm no VF4 genius anyway. I've never been to a tournament, and I have trouble with pulling stuff such as throw escapes and evading throw escapes. Hell, I'm not all that great in general, just a guy who wants help, wants to be helped, and wants to wade through all the crap to the heart of the matter /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif!

    Thanks again, but I must humbly refuse such an idea.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Benefits of this Board

    Banshee, there are a lot of things which you simply do not understand.

    Your intention of helping others is good, and I'm on your side for that. But, the way in which you want to go about it is bad. A ONCE AND FOR ALL thread isn't going to solve anything, especially if you want everything to appear in there ("all in the same place at the same time"). Three heads are better than two? If everyone, from joystick to pad users, gave their opinion on how to do such-and-such a move, on almost every move considered difficult in the game, then just try to imagine what a thread like this would be like.

    It'd be like a cancer. Growing with no structure or form, uncontrolled. Good luck in trying to find anything within that thread too. You'd have to wade through pages and pages of posts you're not remotely interested in before you find that one post that tells you that you should lean on your right butt cheek when performing Akira's knee while you try to catch a fly with chopsticks held in the toes of your left foot. Hell, let's put the entire website in one post while we're at it.

    Are you beginning to see why your idea isn't such a good one?

    I don't know why you brought up my up post count, or me being an experienced player, only to call it pathetic? What has that got to do with anything? Do I intimidate you in some way, that you need to bring up these two points and discredit them?

    And with your reply to spotlite, you lead me to believe that you think I wrote every single guide and post on Akira that's available under the Akira section? And you consistently take the stance that you want more than one (my) opinion on a matter!! Are you dellusional or what? I'm beginning to think you've never really ventured outside the forum at all.

    When people tell you to search, it's because they usually remember a particular topic has come up in the past. Some may be even so kind as to give you a link or two. Don't take the search for granted, because if you do, then you're also taking for granted the efforts others have invested here, whether by answering questions or writing guides and FAQs for the site.

    Do you honestly believe people love to answer the same question over and over again, and have their past efforts ignored?
  6. Banshee

    Banshee Well-Known Member

    Re: Benefits of this Board

    Myke, I see what you're saying, but I still believe in the purpose of this forum.

    First off, I appologize for using your post number in such a way. That was low. The point I was trying to make with this comment was that new and old players and members of the site could all contribute, regardless of experience.

    Secondly, in my reply to Spotlight, I was in no way trying to say that you were the only one who ever wrote articles and guides on certain VF topics (such as using difficult moves). I DO have a brain in my head, and I DO go outside the forums fairly often. On top of this, I know that others have already attempted to contribute their advice in a meaningful way on these topics.

    More than NEW advice, the reason that I created this thread was that it could clarify the OLD. A document written five months ago just doesn't have the ability to speak, no?

    Following the last paragraph's ideas, that means that this is not a thread you should search to find the answer to any problem you have. It is a thread which can use human interaction to (hopefully) answer any and all questions you have within this field of query.

    By the way, I have attempted to rectify the problems that you wrote to me about in your last post. You should have recieved an e-mail at the site yesterday requesting that this thread find its way permanently onto the site, whether in the form of its own forum, or on the home page, and such. Therefore, the name could be changed and found in the search (your favorite thing in the world, I know) and would no longer dissappear after a few weeks, allowing it to give continuous advice and support to those who just can't find it in an essay written a year ago.

    You are all taking my ideas MUCH too literaly. The purpose of this board is to be flexible, and hopefully to hold all of the advice that one might need at any moment. This is my dream.

    Now, would you all please SHUT THE HELL UP about the thread so we could at least ATTEMPT to accomplish what this board is suppossed to? THANK YOU.

  7. PGhacker

    PGhacker Well-Known Member

    This is not Gamefaqs.com in case you're confused.
  8. Banshee

    Banshee Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry PGHacker, if you have a point, please make one.

    Besides, I am trying to get everyone else to SHUT UP about the stupid board already. You could at least let me TRY to be productive and accomplish what it is meant to. You are wasting my time with all of this "this is a stupid idea" crap.

    Humor me or get OFF. /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif
  9. Banshee

    Banshee Well-Known Member

    Look, since no one else seems to be able to look past the thread, even to realize that if it fails, it fails, I will get back on topic.

    I have been having some trouble with the way my controller reads circular movements, such as in Aoi's [4][1][2][3][6][P]+[G], [6][2][P]+[G], [8][2][P]+[G]. Any advice on how to complete this motion more reliably than it is now?
  10. Banshee

    Banshee Well-Known Member

    As long as I'm replying to myself, I figured this can't hurt.

    Look, I just realized that the argument that I'm having with Myke and others, while intense, is pointless.

    Myke, if you're out there, I don't think we'll ever agree on this. This may seem terribly cliche, but would it not be a good idea to "agree to disagree" here? At the very least, you do recognize that I am doing something I think could help others in the long run?

    I realize that you are only trying to keep the site "clean" but I still don't see the point of fighting over it. You don't flame me, I don't flame you. What do they call that? Ah, yes, a TRUCE.

    Furthermore, if you just leave the thread alone, it will either succeed or fail on its own. Your opinions, while valid, have very little impact on what happens here unless you decide to act on them.

    Oh, and if I seem to be too pacifistic in this message, then this sentence should remedy that: "Myke, I hope you end up in a gutter somewhere while the only reasons hobos haven't burnt your arms and legs for heat is the smell." LOL! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    Well, thats my spiel. Again, If you think I sound too nice, resort to the above quoted statement for support. This should handle all problems regarding this thread, and I pray that I don't have to reply to any more of these things.

  11. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    lol man someone needs to turn this thread into a script and create some kind of VF tv series. banshee I welcome you, but it amazes me that you can't see the bs that your being fed. especially by the people you really think is on your side. good luck though, you got lots heart and i am sure it will take you far someday. sorry that your posting advice just to yourself, if i was a pad user i would definitely help you out.
  12. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Benefits of this Board

    [ QUOTE ]
    Banshee said:
    Myke, I see what you're saying, but I still believe in the purpose of this forum.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think the purpose of the CT&T forum, and the VFDC in general, is to look through it for stuff that's already there. I think everything anyone needs to read has probably been posted already in there or in the character pages. New stuff generally comes from experienced, active players, but that's not a hard fast rule. Sure, not EVERY controller manipulation technique has been covered. The game does have a setting to show your own inputs so you can see if your technique is working. If it isn't try something else.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Banshee said:
    First off, I appologize for using your post number in such a way. That was low. The point I was trying to make with this comment was that new and old players and members of the site could all contribute, regardless of experience.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Considerate of you to apologize. I think that new and old players HAVE contributed. Why should they have to reiterate in a new thread? Spotlite, Myke, Hiro, and others have spent hours playing and hours typing in helpful information. Why can't you just look for it instead of asking that it be posted again?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Banshee said:
    More than NEW advice, the reason that I created this thread was that it could clarify the OLD. A document written five months ago just doesn't have the ability to speak, no?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't get your point. Good advice that's 5 months old is still good. If it was clear then, why does it need clarification now? Five month old documents speak as well as five second old documents as soon as you click on them.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Banshee said:
    Following the last paragraph's ideas, that means that this is not a thread you should search to find the answer to any problem you have. It is a thread which can use human interaction to (hopefully) answer any and all questions you have within this field of query.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think you're describing some kind of "live chat" feature. I imagine if VFDC could employ someone to man this position and pay for it with funds collected from you, who doesn't want to spend TIME searching, well maybe it would work. My time is valuable, some times I pay to have my car washed instead of doing it myself. I would not pay for VFDC live chat. If you think that kind of service should be FREE, just think about it this way... it would be like requesting a free phone line direct to Shaq 24/7 for basketball tips. This board is stocked with info from the best players across the globe and you're put out to have to look for it yourself. I don't want to hear "my idea is for everyone's benefit." Bullshit. I think your idea is designed to serve Banshee.


    I think you're asking for the benefits of live chat without any responsibility from yourself. You can talk to people on IRC live and for free. I think they'll ask you to search this board.

    Spotlite was pissed off enough to write paragraphs JUST FOR YOU on how to navigate this site and FIND the info YOU are looking for. He TOLD you exactly where to look. Did you THANK him for it? He actually wrote instructions on HOW TO USE THIS SITE. What more do you want?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Banshee said:
    By the way, I have attempted to rectify the problems that you wrote to me about in your last post. You should have recieved an e-mail at the site yesterday requesting that this thread find its way permanently onto the site, whether in the form of its own forum, or on the home page, and such. Therefore, the name could be changed and found in the search (your favorite thing in the world, I know) and would no longer dissappear after a few weeks, allowing it to give continuous advice and support to those who just can't find it in an essay written a year ago.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't think a thread like you describe merits a sticky. Myke already compared that to "putting all of VFDC into one post." You want to call it "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Virtua Fighter Right Here, Right Now, No Delay, No Search Needed, What Ever it is You Want to Know Answered Immediately?" I don't know how such a thing could exist with current technology. This board IS continuous advice and support unless Myke turns it off. The info is ALWAYS here. You say: "those who just can't find it in an essay written a year ago." I think this translates to: "I can't be bothered to go SEARCHING for what I want so just stop what you're doing and tell me right now."

    If I want to learn a new character, or suggestions on how to position my fingers on a controller, I can find what I need already here. The rest is just practice on my part.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Banshee said:
    You are all taking my ideas MUCH too literaly. The purpose of this board is to be flexible, and hopefully to hold all of the advice that one might need at any moment. This is my dream.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You have literal ideas. You are asking for something very specific. I'm responding to them in kind. So what if you don't agree with my response. The board IS flexible. It might hold all the advice YOU (stop with the "one might need" bullshit immediately - you're talking about YOURSELF) need at this moment right now. Realize your dream.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Banshee said:
    I have been having some trouble with the way my controller reads circular movements, such as in Aoi's... Any advice on how to complete this motion more reliably than it is now?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If your CONTROLLER has trouble reading circular inputs, get a new one. It's either broken or it sucks. I'm not being an ass here. We had a pair of ASCII joysticks, thought they were great. Then we tried Hori Evo sticks and liked them much better. Now the ASCII sticks feel like stirring glue. If YOU have trouble making circular inputs, you anatomy may be incompatible with the controller you're using (I'm being serious here), or you need to practice more until you teach your hand to do it. Maybe you need to spend an hour practicing the move you described.

    Good luck.
  13. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    I honestly don't see how 1 thread to keep all the information people are asking in will not keep the board "clean". It's a great idea where people can access the information easily and quickly. I mean think about it. using search you will have to click on "search", the type in what you want to find, then click some more to get the results. Isn't that a waste of time compare to just click one time on the "ONCE AND FOR ALL" thread.
    Anyways Banshee, just so you know there are people supporting you. Keep up the good fight, we cannot fail. Soon we shall revolt into a new world order!~
    Power to the People!~
  14. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I think we need something that does not even require us coming to the website!! How fucking inconvenient is that? Having to sit at a chair, look at a monitor and move my hands? WTF?
  15. Banshee

    Banshee Well-Known Member

    For all of you out there that support the idea of this Once and For All thread, thank you. For those of you who don't, I have long since ceased to care about your opinions on it. I consider everyone who debates the very existance of this thread a cancer on it, and will no longer reply to your worthless quibbles. Leave it the hell alone. If you've got a problem, take it up with me personally or keep it to yourself.


    "It's a great idea where people can access information easily and quickly." And they WOULD if you would shut up unless you have some advice on the moves themselves.

  16. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    For all of you out there that support the idea of this Once and For All thread, thank you. For those of you who don't, I have long since ceased to care about your opinions on it. FOR THE LAST DAMN TIME, IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, GET OUT! JUST KEEP YOUR DISEASED THOUGHTS TO YOURSELVES!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Hmm, you seek active participation from forum members, but refuse to consider any opinions other than those aligned with yours, deeming contrary viewpoints to be "diseased"? Way to make a grand entrance in a community. Good luck.
  17. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Information is easily acessed on this site if u use your brain. Seriously trying to clarify how to do akira's knee and his other moves have been done many times before.
  18. Kimble

    Kimble Well-Known Member


    People here really have nothing against newbies but as we all know, rules are a necessity in order for things to function properly. We all want freedom, but imagine a day with the law? Not only do you want to "ignore the laws", you also want to "change the laws"? That's like me going to a nobel prize winning scientist and saying that their lifetime work is bullshit without any evidence. Would you be annoyed if that happened to you?

    It's good that you're trying to help but don't you think the forum is structured this way for a reason? If you can't appreciate other people's work and advice i'm pretty sure you won't be welcomed on this forum.

    Good luck!
  19. Banshee

    Banshee Well-Known Member

    I am saddened by all of this. All I am saying by telling you to get out if you don't like it is such: if you don't have an opinion on any of the topics of this thread (pulling off difficult moves for all of the characters) why must you insult the PURPOSE of the thread? Your off topic discussions are a disease (the root of the other thing I said) on the thread. They make it meaningless.

    I would LOVE to see more people on here trying to get help or give help. That's why this is here. Please, if you have a character technique question or advice for other players, PLEASE, by all means, come in and share. If you just want to gripe about why this is here, you're only polluting the thread.

    I am really getting sick of people fighting over the reason I put this thread up. I am considering asking Myke or one of the other mods to just shut it down so that people will stop arguing about it. Nothing productive is getting done, and the reason I'm here is dwindling.

    Kimble, please explain to me what you mean by my trying to destroy the laws. I have never attempted such a thing, I wouldn't want to and I don't think at all that anyone needs to.

    For the last time, I DO RESPECT ALL OF THE WORK THAT HAS COME BEFORE. I am in no way trying to undermine anything written in good spirit that was already here. I just think that this would be a great place to answer any questions anyone might have concerning techniques, IF they couldn't find it elsewhere.

    PLEASE listen to me and stop this meaningless discussion. PLEASE..! You're making me think that this web site (which I otherwise find is great) is just full of people who seem to have good intentions, but only want to argue about things and not get any work done. If you don't like the above statement, PROVE ME WRONG!!!!! Put advice on this thread. Clean it out, and make it a great place to look for advice without the worthless discussion behind it.
  20. Ragnafrak

    Ragnafrak Well-Known Member

    If you have big dreams for this thread.. why don't YOU start it off with some discussion.

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