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Online 3D Fighter

Discussion in 'General' started by martialfanatic, Dec 27, 2003.

  1. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    KTallguy said:
    Virtuapai: I refuse to believe that people just refused to discover the fact that DOA had depth. I also refuse to believe that no one in Japan played DOA extensively before you.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    -Japanese Fighting game players as a whole disregarded Doa3. The majority didn't get into Doa3, that also means that the majority dont Know as much as the people who do play the game on a regular basis.I dont Doubt out of the 50,000+ people who Bought Doa3, someone played it extensively. Amatter of fact, I believe a good amount of them did and this is the exact reason There was and still are few tournaments being held for Doa3.

    -Doa3 was released to the american market first, We were able to disect the game before the Japanese Could. So if I wanted to be technical, We Americans disected the game before the Japanese did(but most of them didn't so it doesn't matter).

    -I dont know why you making it the Japanes vs. Virtuapai. VirtuaPai is not an omnipresent vessel who sleeps breathes and shits Doa.VirtuaPai had learned everything about Doa from players who was discussing and playing Doa seriously long before him. Virtuapai had countless discussions and interaction amongst his peers to obtain what he knows.

    -You know what, you Dont have to believe it. Its the same people that didn't want to believe the earth was round, and continued living their lives thinking the world was flat.

    [ QUOTE ]
    It's been out for too long. I totally understand Zero-chan, that many Japanese didn't buy X-box or play DOA3, but some did, and someone would have discovered the depth, told other players, and there would be more of a following. You mentioned that DOA2 was popular in the arcade. Is it too farfetched to think that one of those fans bought an X-box and DOA3? Is it therefore, strange to assume that those fans would have discovered the depth already?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    1)Its not that simple. The people who played Doa2 and enjoyed it were people who played the game in the arcade and on ps2. Because Xbox is an American product, Few bought the system, which means Few people bought Doa3. Which means few were capable of playing the game extensively.The ones that did play the game extensively either liked it or hated it, but the ones that liked it played it competitively and found depth within the game.

    2) No one is going to gather 20-40 people in their homes to test a fighter when they can go to an arcade and play a fighter that everyone else has the chance to play equaly, especialy a fighter that is more prestigious(sp) and has a bigger fan base.

    3) People play Fighters to have competition(atleast Serious players do) I dont see why the Japanes(or any person), will pick up a game they generally dislike, Feel that its not a competitve fighter and still play it just so they cand find depth. If you dont take something seriously, your not going to find anthing special about it. Heruru enjoys Doa3, but think its not a competitve fighter. Im not suprised at all that he said what he said because he is not taking the game seriously, and its those serious players that find all the good techniques, strats, glitches, bugs..etc.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Also, VirtuaPai, you misquote me a lot as well. For example, when I said " Why release a DOA3 in the first place?", before that, I said "Ok... we'll see how many people jump on the bandwagon of an older game, technically. Right? It's just DOA1 and 2 with stepping and better graphics right?"

    So basically, I'm implying that releasing an online DOA1&2 is a step back for the series, in a revolutionary, or even evolutionary sense. Why would you want to play DOA2 when 3 is out? Where's online DOA4?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I understood you clearly. And this is the exactly why I said :"If your going to ask that, why is there a MGS2, or Resident Evil 2,3,Code veronica or why there is a Street fighter 3...etc..". They all had remakes in their series that took a step back to re-tell a story.

    [ QUOTE ]
    This is based on what?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is based on the character data and many discussions that were held on gamefaqs.Only Some of it was actually saved /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Your absolutely right, if you don't play the game, and think it's shallow, that's dumb. In the past, I thought DOAXVB was shallow based on the subject matter. It was stupid to think that, so I played it, and affirmed my beliefs. However, again, it's really hard to believe that DOA3 was released 2 years ago, and no one has discovered that it's deep yet/until now.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree, Doaxbv is not a deep game, its not realy a vollyball game. Its Barbie dress up. Umm, Doa3 was already discoverd to be deep, even Doa2 and doa1. You can find plenty of Reviews (like they spend lots of time with these games) that say Doa is a deep game.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Also, how do you prove depth? I think in general, the amount of players who are playing the game competively is a good measure. Look at the checkers/chess analogy one more time. When's the last time you heard of a checker tournament?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Depth is Measured by the amount of gameplay options given to the characters, and if these options are viable within combat. what also factors into depth is long gevity(sp) ie, do you continue to find new strats and techniques after the game has been released for a while.I cant forget, do the game provide more options or allow you to do more the better you get.

    [ QUOTE ]
    When will be proven? Why hasn't it been proven already?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Its already have been proven and Its been proven long before me, and I already said I can proove it to YOU .I not only showed you how the environments effect gameplay tremendiously in Doa3(moreso than Vf4), but how deep the environments are alone.The people who play the game Know its deep because alot of the Doa players have been playing fighting games all of their lives and played competitively. It seems that people refuse to accept that Doa is deep(like yourself), they use other people to judge how deep a game is for them or they say a game is crappy when they never took the time to play the game.
  2. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    How Odd.

    You know what? VF didnt sell to much in the West as compared to Tekken etc and still people / magazines / reviewers managed to make a correct judgement about it's depth. Go figure.

  3. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    Re: How Odd.

    Conclusion. It doesn´t tell you shit about game´s depth if you watch the sales figures alone. Players make a game.
  4. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    VirtuaPai: Why don´t you tell more people (like me) how to actually begin to look at DoA? I used to like it but still considered it more of a good action movie with anime characters than a real VF competitor. What makes it so hot in your eyes?!
  5. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Well now, I've read through this thread (well most of it) and I've had my share of chuckles and I guess I should throw my 2 cents in there.

    Why do people start playing VF?

    One good reason is that people have mastered a fighting game and want to go to another where they feel they can shine.

    Another good reason is that they love the fighting engine. There needs to be said nothing more of this area. Virtua Fighters Engine is THE MOST logically and reasonable fighting system out there. You play vf and lose, you know why you lost. If you don't know why you lost then you are either forgetting something or have something else to learn.

    Yet another good reason is that no matter how much you play the game, noone is truly marked as being THE best player in the world. Oh there will be tournaments and there will be winners, but noone, japanese or american or otherwise, has the balls to say they are the master of VF.

    Last on my list of top reasons is the difficulty. VF players when they first start playing really spend a lot of time on their character to become compitent in it, whether due to command inputs or timing or anything, there is something every VF player says gives (or gave) them a hard time when they first started doing it. We enjoy it. We live the difficulty.

    Why do pople start playing DOA?

    They love the character, stage, and costume design. I must admit that I too love the design and overall cheeryness of the game. The characters have a lot of feel to them (and they all feel cocky hehe) and the stages are a beautiful and useful tool in the game.

    Another reason is people love the fighting engine. Now every fighting game has its fans and each of them all point to other games fighting engines and say WTF, how can people play that garbage? I hear people say this about VF and gape. I hear people say this about TTT and gape. I hear poeple say this about SC and smile (lol jk) But thats all opinion. People really love DOA's fighting engine, but when people first play it they aren't playing it for depth, their playing it just to play it, much like MvC or SC or SF. This doesn't mean the game has no depth, it just means its outer shell is designed to be appealing to those who get overwhelmed easily. I respect that, its har to make a game that is both deep and not overwhelming.

    Finally, a lot of people like playing this game due to its speed (not to say VF can't be as fast). The speed turns a lot of players onto it due to the fact that from the beggining of playing DOA you are to trust your instincts on everything, while learning the system.

    If you want some proof of these reasons look to :

    The first five replies of this


    A couple of responses to this. (skip the bs)

    So, what does this tell us? People enjoy playing these two games for very different reasons. I personally enjoy VF much much more than I do DOA.

    If you play DOA in the US your proably gonna have more comp in your area, this much is true in most cases. But more so, if you play SC or TTT your gonna have much more competition than you would have if you played DOA. This reason does not make any of these games better than the others.

    It is true that Virtua Fighter has more players world wide than DOA. Correct me if I'm wrong on that, though I think not. Does that make it a better game? I don't think so.

    When it comes down to it your gonna like whatever you like and thats gonna be the end of it. SC'ers laugh at people who play anything else (besides maybe tekken). VF'ers laugh at everyone else who might dare post they think another fighting game is better.

    DOA'ers from what I have read are in a constant defense of their game, due to everyone else hating on it for various reasons. You could point to this and say that it is evidence of the games suckyness. But at one point or another everyone who visits a board such as this, will end up defending their favorite game, no matter how great it is. (e.g. Final Fantasy 7. How can't you like this game!? Well there are a lot of people who don't *shruggies*)

    Well thats it on DOA vs VF. I don't expect to change any opinions here, cuz I know you all love arguing so much /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif but please do realize the futility of it all. You're gonna like whatever you choose to like and there is no definitive way to say any fighting game is better than another. Except maybe in cases like MK : Deadly Allaince or Kokuto Chojin. *shiver* lol

    Back to the subject of Online 3d fighters. I don't see myself ever getting a PS2 internet and hard drive thingy until it starts having a lot more support. To tell the absolute truth, after playing a lot of different online games I find the prospect of a VF online would give us people in the US something else other than VFDC to find some players on. I know there would be frames lost and it might result in some VERY minimal timing issues, but thats what the single player, quest, and training mode is for. I don't see online play destroying VF, but at the very least it would be a fun diversion from the norm of VF. Look at quest mode in VF4. I think the interface pretty much blew. But in VF4 Evo it really turned my opinion of it (and the game in general) around. If they put online in VF5 and test it out, I think it will be totally AMAZING in VF6 or VF5: evo .

    I congragulate DOA in taking a step in this direction. I can't wait to see other fighters like tekken and SC taking steps in this direction. And as for VF I dont think a little setback like timing or losses due to some lag is so big an issue that it should hinder AM2 from trying it.
  6. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    Re: Mmmmmmm Pie

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:

    SC2 is nowhere near as easily accessible to Newbies, nowhere near at all. Have you even played the game?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have Sc2 for the xbox. Both games allow you to spazz on the buttons and Causual players can easily jump into the game. But Newbies will get their asses handed to them in both fighters.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Because you are in an extreme minority while there's a general agreement in the world over that VF is the deepest fighter there is. I can go around claiming that apples are pears and pears are infact apples but the general conception would be that cause my PoW is against everybody elses the explanationpart would be in my hands.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So because im in the minirioty I must be wrong. Thats hillarious, So it must be true that the world was flat when the minority said it was round..Give me a fucking break.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Great, but what's being discussed are character specifics whilest your complains (and everybody elses) against DOA is against the games engine. Still don't see any difference? Many people, myself included, would have a hard time even thinking about what should be changed within the Virtua Fighter engine. If the foundation is shite, what's built on top of it will follow.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wether its character specific or system related, they are still changes wanted within the game.

    [ QUOTE ]
    You don't see the difference between this and the fact that if I get you in a string I can do a reversal in it allthough I'm stunned and make it so I that your efforts of stealing healthpoints from my character was nullified? It would be closer to if Characters could perform sabakis / reversals in midair of a combo then to compare it to TE's.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    the same thing can be said about throw escaping..eg
    if you get me in a throw I can do a throw escape in it allthough I'm thrown and make it so that your efforts of stealing healthpoints from my character was nullified?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Why are you still trying to sell Sidestepping as something that occurs alot in DOA when you know it's not so (you should know how flaky they are)?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So your going to tell me what I know. Give me a break with this bullshit. I might as well say Reversals in Vf4 are flaky if thats the case.

    [ QUOTE ]
    If you're trying to sell sidestepp as such a great tool you must also recognize that it's a great advantage for a character to even have the ability

    [/ QUOTE ]

    See this is exactly why I say people should know What they are talking about before they speak. Having SS in not a great advantage over those who dont have it. Those who dont have it can evade attacks with FS(free stepping). SS has the advantage of being faster= evade more attacks. The characters that dont have it are balanced by having advantages in other areas.

    [ QUOTE ]
    (how would VF look like if only a few chars could [2][P]?).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You tell me, And why only a few characters can reverse every attack or have catch throws, ground throws..etc? Maybe because Am2 wanted to diversify the cast and balance them by using other options..

    [ QUOTE ]
    See "If the foundation is shite" above. Who gives a fuck if you can sidestep to a weak punish as compared to a sidestep to a Yoho in VF without being tracked anyways?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    SS +attack /FS+ Attack = weak punish? I didn't know that. I thought that damage was determined by the attack you do. But I guess SS/FS is flakey and I dont know what im talking about.

    [ QUOTE ]
    That's really nice and I laugh right back at you. See your own clip for reference over how nicely the Throws>Holds work in real life from a selfproclaimed master of the game.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good for you, now When did I ever say I was a master? I didn't.

    [ QUOTE ]
    If you want something to really laugh about that would be you suggesting to others to counter command throws by throwing yourself

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That must be funny. Considering how doa has a counter throw system and all, and it encourages you to counter throw by giving you 120% damage revision. Why not tell people to use it, its not like it works or anything /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

    [ QUOTE ]
    or how you seem to define the only difference between VF and DOA as throwescapes.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Did I say that, or Did I say the big difference that I see between both fighters is the throw escape systems. I dont see how saying big difference = Only difference.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Go back and minamistep with Bass or Leon for a while - Goly, those guys are probably overpowered. It shouldn't be a problem since "I realy dont see why Doa is always put down, considering how vf4 is no better in the control aspect." right?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow, this realy shows how the control aspect in Vf4 is better.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Bs it's not. In VF you get one command input to get out of the throw. For reference, imagine how great Goh's Tsukami throw pulls would be if every command you inputted to escape registered. P.S; if this is so fine why did you put it on your own site in a discussion over things you'd like changed for the next game?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So you did not read what I said. I said "Escaping link throws is not easy if your opponent is bufferring the next command. The opponent getting more than one chance to enter the throw escape is a problem when you dont buffer.But I guess you knew this.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Hmmm, I wonder what that means VirtuaPai? Could it be that moves Like Jan Lee's dragon cannon are now [P][P][P][P] instead of [P][P][P][6][P] to make it more accesible to scrubs etc? Wow, this game must really have great hidden depth when the game designers keep pulling back on complexity of the fighting! I think you should go to Japan and educate them aswell over how wrong their statements are, you probably know the game better.

    [/ QUOTE ].

    Its funny how I already quoted the man saying that He made the game more accessablef or the casual player yet you needed to quote it again. hmm lets see, rising attack breaks must be easy, what about throwing/attacking a rising opponent with a crouch throw/mid attack, hey what about succesfully pulling off helena's bokuho evasion or her Bokuho Teishitsu Evasion, what about just frame reversals, tag juggles and set ups, getting a limbo stun +set ups,Hayabusa's inzuna otoshi combos..etc Yeah the game is realy easy, its not like doing a [P][P][P][P], cant be reversed and all. and not Force you to mixup, use hold resistent moves and not use too many strings.

    [ QUOTE ]
    To show just how scrubby the game is, even with a self proclaimed master - wasn't it obvious? To show how your dialog of throwing people who do holds is BS.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How smart, you can find dedicated Vf players saying how throws are used to stop holds in any of the Doa threads here. Do you know whats exactly going on those vids are you just assuming. cause you know assumtion is the mother of all fuckups.

    I want you to find where I proclaim myself as being a master or an expert. Dont simply go to my site and say but look you have expert under your name. Since your so clever, you can find where I disputed the fact of being an expert.

    [ QUOTE ]
    To show that you can infact be a great threat if you're new to the game, have basic knowledge, and someone has told you where the hold button is while DOA players say "I've never lost to a scrub in my entire life!". Do you want me to go on?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How is that vid showing you can be a great threat if your new to the game? What your not mentioning, Or dont know,there was alot of bating and mixups going on(in those vids), where either me or my opponent fell into the trap. But I guess it will be easy for you to mistake that for low level play..considering you dont play Doa. I was watching some great Vf4 clips the other day and I think it was the Nyc clips, I think it was lau vs. Akira. If I didn't know what was going on I would Have mistaken one player was randomly throwing out attacks while the other was evading/blocking/counter attacking. I know both players were skilled, and I senced how there was alot of mind game being played. Anyway to each their own, you say it was crappy while I had another Vf player tell me that he liked the vids.

    [ QUOTE ]
    [P.S; What the fuck has you saying something positive about vf, dated September last year got to do with my question about if you had a PS2 (which you still haven't answered) after reading your "p.s. Hub, I was using my brothers Ps2 to play Vf4evo. He left and took it with him." that is dated in January this year? It's not like I think you believe VF is a bad game, I just think you honestly believe DOA3 is up to par with it gameplay wise or something (why is this debate being had otherwise?)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You made it seem like I was putting on some front with liking Vf4.As for the PS2, I dont feel I should pay $150+ to play only one game. I might end up getting one, but thats if I get the funding.
  7. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: Mmmmmmm Pie


    I would like to add my two cents.

    VF4 evo is good


    JUST JOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Now comes the honest part.

    I think KT n Kiwie should back off now.

    Imo, no one here is at fault. Everyone is entitled to their own views.

    For me, I am very much in love with the new 1080. While main stream mags/online sites all are bowing to SSX3, I prefer 1080.


    I prefer the control in 1080, I like the tracks more in 1080, I like entire package of 1080.

    But if you were to ask me, yes SSX3 is indeed a better game. Customization is a plus. Multi player is a plus. Mad Mad Mad tricks, Mad Mad air attacks. EA gave personality to their characters.

    Yet personally, I still prefer 1080 becos of racing. 1080 is all about racing. Yet If anyone were to diss me and go on to 'brag' abt SSX3....let em do it.

    I personally think 1080 is harshly reviewed. It reminded me of all the old nightmares of reading VF3tb Reviews. I especially dislike IGN's comment...in terms of 1080 supposedly having 'sluggish controls'.

    Sluggish controls....I have heard someone describe VF in this manner as well.

    This whole 'arguement' between the 3 of you reminded of the time back in Melbourne.

    I was playing VF4 and right next to me was a T4 cabinet. My god, they ridiculed me out loud and basically laughed at my face for playing a 'inferior' game. I suppose it's basic consumer behavior at work. Endorsement, Endorsement Endorsement!

    The point I am trying to make is...

    If u enjoy a game...great!
    If u find someone to share the enjoyment, that's even better!

    But there is absolutely no need to go around 'educating' why the other party is wrong....Because it is ultimately a most futile thing to do through the internet!
  8. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Well he's driving me insane(r).

    What I have a problem with is him proclaiming great depth in a game when even the game designers didn't intend it to be so (wanted DOA to be a sort of Virtua Fighter lite / go it's own path) and everybody and everybodys cat (see the quote / reversal system / other articles) knows that DOA3 was a step towards even easier gameplay (why not play DOA2 then / why post a great list of gameplay enhancements?) and how he himself thinks of himself as not even good in the game (hasn't ever been in a DOA tourney ever) and doesn't even own a PS2 but still passes judgement about how everybody else must be wrong in the world (including progamers and apparently virtua fighter players) cause he has found the magic bean in the box cause he's played it alot more then others (Huh? But I thought he was not an expert?) while spamming reversals like everybody else in his own matchvids (and asking for the holds to be cut by atleast half in his own forum and be more counterable) while proclaiming how holds get beaten by throws all the time and that's just the icing on the cake.

    But Yeah... fuck it - I'm done. Just get mad when he claims that it's hard to breakmultithrows etc when I know it's on his own list of things he'd want changed for the next game etc. Everything feels totally helpless and feels like I'm the only one here exept him who have an experience of both games so he can get away with Murder. Half of this thread is just quotes and "you quoted me wrong!" at this point and loading all of it is about a MB worth. Have a smile and a cookie on me.


    /KiwE (Understands that airthrows just lead to abusement and not a gameplay enhancment and that it's fucking harder to gaurd impact in SC2 then to do a Hold in DOA).

    P.S; Love you VirtuaPai - gonna freakin' buy DOA:U, play it to death, and pray to god I can play against the US (not likely) just for a chance of beating you up virtually and have a screenshot of it /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  9. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    1080 versus ssx.

    Great analogy on the two games. I too am one who prefers 1080. It's just more fun to me. I hope to get the warppipe thing soon so I can play mario kart, 1080 and kirby online.
  10. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    Re: Mmmmmmm Pie

    [ QUOTE ]

    But there is absolutely no need to go around 'educating' why the other party is wrong....Because it is ultimately a most futile thing to do through the internet!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Your right Mr. Summah. We'll be here forever going back n forth thinking one of us is correct. Back to the subject. Do you think Vf4 should be online enabled? would you play it if it was?
  11. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    Re: Well he's driving me insane(r).

    [ QUOTE ]
    P.S; Love you VirtuaPai - gonna freakin' buy DOA:U, play it to death, and pray to god I can play against the US (not likely) just for a chance of beating you up virtually and have a screenshot of it

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Love you as well Kiwe, and I hope Itagaki plans on having trans-continental play succeeds so I can kick your ass, and Post the vids up for everyone to see.

    P.S/Virtuapai understands how Guard impact is harder to do and is pratically useless considering the great risk for no reward and when whiffed puts you in a 40 frame disadvantage(which does guarantee your opponent using a guaranteed attack to fuck you up /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif). But I guess you knew this /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  12. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Just have to...

    [ QUOTE ]
    P.S/Virtuapai understands how Guard impact is harder to do and is pratically useless considering the great risk for no reward and when whiffed puts you in a 40 frame disadvantage(which does guarantee your opponent using a guaranteed attack to fuck you up /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif )

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, that might be hard to you to grasp - it being counterable hard and non abusable if used to much that is - coming from DOA and all.

    *Badabing Badabong* (Hits the cymbal).

    /me does cartoony exit left leaving dust in this thread
  13. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Re: Just have to...

    I'll quit this too. I'm also quitting the online VF discussion because everyone knows my opinion on that one.


    [ QUOTE ]
    I understood you clearly. And this is the exactly why I said :"If your going to ask that, why is there a MGS2, or Resident Evil 2,3,Code veronica or why there is a Street fighter 3...etc..". They all had remakes in their series that took a step back to re-tell a story.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's fine, taking a step back to re-tell a story is fine. Look at MGS3, taking a step back to the Vietnam War era. However one thing that I see is the fact that DOA1&2 are older games, gameplay wise. MGS3 takes a step back to tell a story, and so does MGS: Twin Snakes. However they both have new gameplay: MGSTS is an enhanced version of MGS2, with new stuff that you couldn't do in MGS2 in it along with the story of MGS1, and MGS3 has a completely new gameplay style, especially from looking at the trailers.

    DOAU is DOA1&2 with multiplayer support and DOA3 style stepping, am I correct? So isn't this a "step-back", gameplay wise? Again, who cares about the story.

    I'll also stick to my belief that although anyone can like a game, think it's fun, think it's deep, whatever, but if is considered deep, fun, whatever by the majority of the gaming public, then people will play it, and play it in tournys.

    If you believe that DOA is deep, and you want to gather more and more of the gaming public behind you, then yes, your claims will have weight. But until more people are behind you, playing DOA competively because you proved it to them, your opinion doesn't matter.

    It's a matter of modern technology and science to prove that the earth is round. But proof that DOA3 is deep enough, fun enough, and rewarding enough to have a large tournament following is still not here. If DOAU has a competitive following of more than a handful of people, then great. If it doesn't, it'll just fade into obscurity.

    So we'll just have to wait and see.
  14. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    Re: Just have to...

    KTallguy, Looking at it from your point of view I can see why You or anyone else may think The way you do. Before I was into Doa, I had the same view as everyone else. Instead of falling victim to the media and the masses, I learned to pick the game up for myself. I conversed with those who played the game and they taught me the whole concept of the game. It was my choice if I wanted to continue or Not. after some thought I chose to play the game seriously and I started to see how the game is more than a T&A demostration, but as a very good fighter.

    Anyway, I wish you the best and I hope one day I get to play you in an Arcade perfect Online Virtuafighter someday(I know how you need to play under perfect conditions /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif ). Or Maybe one day you and I can play in a Vf gathering or something.

    To Kiwe:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Well, that might be hard to you to grasp - it being counterable hard and non abusable if used to much that is - coming from DOA and all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Its not hard to grasp that You dont recieve any damage, Its also Not hard to grasp that your not given an Advantage of any sorts. Its also not hard to grasp that nothing is guaranteed after its sucessful.

    So you end up doing a semi difficult technique when whiffed, can put you in a disadvantage just because you can. As a person who plays Vf, you should know the riskier the technique the greater the reward. But in this case the reward = 0.
  15. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: 1080 versus ssx.

    stompy : I'm doing the same thing myself...ready to see ya on easylife cliff! ^___________________^

    VP: nowadays, we're talking abt broadband, T1 3G, wifi-wimax connections....

    back then, I bought a vf2pc n went online to play with ppl!~ n all I had was a 56k! With keyboard only! No combos, no CD, no this n no that.

    Yet I still played.

    I think when ppl bring fighting games online....the focus should be on 'fun'.

    Of coz, the age of discussion of 'what is fun!' comes into the picture here.

    just like when I go online n play 1080 with stompy. He knows I am not out there to win him. Rather, the focus is on 'playing' with him.

    That's just my own mindset. Basically, I'm just happy to be able to share a game with another person, regardless of it being offline or online.

    This playful mindset of mine is kinda well documented among several members of VFDC. To the extend, it has now seriously affected my VF.........T______T


    The xbox's peer to peer system should prove to be quite an interesting experience.

    See you there! ^0^
  16. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    Re: 1080 versus ssx.

    [ QUOTE ]
    SummAh said:

    stompy : I'm doing the same thing myself...ready to see ya on easylife cliff! ^___________________^

    VP: nowadays, we're talking abt broadband, T1 3G, wifi-wimax connections....

    back then, I bought a vf2pc n went online to play with ppl!~ n all I had was a 56k! With keyboard only! No combos, no CD, no this n no that.

    Yet I still played.

    I think when ppl bring fighting games online....the focus should be on 'fun'.

    Of coz, the age of discussion of 'what is fun!' comes into the picture here.

    just like when I go online n play 1080 with stompy. He knows I am not out there to win him. Rather, the focus is on 'playing' with him.

    That's just my own mindset. Basically, I'm just happy to be able to share a game with another person, regardless of it being offline or online.

    This playful mindset of mind is kinda well documented among several members of VFDC. To the extend, it has now seriously affected my VF.........T______T


    The xbox's peer to peer system should prove to be quite an interesting experience.

    See you there! ^0^

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Exactly. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif We know its not going to be perfect, but its the interaction with the community that makes the difference. I have a couple of people I do get the chance to play in Both Doa and Vf4(maybe I should bother the NYC crew /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif) Having a wider fan base to interact with is what I want. We dont play fighters just for the comp, we play for fun + the competition(or atleast I think we do). I wanna talk smack and have fun with the people who enjoy the game as much as I do.
    Oh well, When Vf ever get online I will play ya n if you happen to be playin DoaU I'll play ya in that /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  17. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: 1080 versus ssx.

    will do.

    Being asia has this distinctive bonus of not having to worry abt challengers or peeps to play with.

    Instead, everytime I go online..it's about playing with western gamers. I meet some really kick ass gamers through PSO1 n PSO2.

    Sure there are lotsa assholes...but imo, for every asshole....there's 10 more good peeps!

    At least, that's how I convince myself anyway.
  18. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Re: 1080 versus ssx.

    Thank god another 1080 person who understnda that the game is not all about flashy over the top tricks, but mroe about the race it'self.
  19. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Please stop making me post ffs

    [ QUOTE ]
    Its not hard to grasp that You dont recieve any damage, Its also Not hard to grasp that your not given an Advantage of any sorts. Its also not hard to grasp that nothing is guaranteed after its sucessful.

    So you end up doing a semi difficult technique when whiffed, can put you in a disadvantage just because you can. As a person who plays Vf, you should know the riskier the technique the greater the reward. But in this case the reward = 0.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Gee, and here I was thinking it was the only way to get out of garanteed damage towards my character in many instances etc *Thumbs up*. Could you post something similar like this on a SC2 forum if I ask nicely m8?

  20. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    No one can make you do anything.

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:

    Gee, and here I was thinking it was the only way to get out of garanteed damage towards my character in many instances etc *Thumbs up*. Could you post something similar like this on a SC2 forum if I ask nicely m8?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You sure did prove me wrong /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif. Considering Im talking about reward recieved from sucessfully defending yourself.

    Lets see:

    Definition of reward: Something given or recieved in return or recompense for service rendered, merit, hardship, etc.

    -A player who successfully lands an attack is rewarded by inflicting damage on his opponent.

    -A player who successfully defends an attack is rewarded by:

    Reversals-instant damage
    Sabaki- instant damage or Frame advantage with guaranteed followup
    Inashi- Frame advantage with Guaranteed Follow up
    Block- Frame advantage with Guranteed follow up
    SS- Frame advantage with Guranteed Follow up
    Evasive movements- Frame advantage with Guaranteed Follow up

    **Note there are exceptions to the rules***

    GI - Nothing Guaranteed...No reward for your efforts...unless you consider stoping a Guaranteed attack(that must not be guaranteed if you can GI it) as a reward /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif

    I should go to the Sc2 forum and post something similar to this. But im too late, someone has already beat me to the punch.Gosh darnet. And they went into futher detail and some feel Gi is practically useless..you should check it out here:


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