Online Character Ranking Competition

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Xzyx987X, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    I'll go against the..hmm, I don't wanna say "loser" lol. The person that didn't perform as well that day:) or the person that got their ass kicked hahah, between AZ and Xyxz. Then if I beat #2 person i'll go for the #1 person. As sort of a moving up the ranks type thing.

    Actually I just saw TWP claim Eileen too. So maybe, he plays the person who lost between AZ n Xyxz and I play the person who loses the match between TWP and ?.

    Also, just a suggestion/idea to maybe help keep the ranks changing.
    I think when a challenge goes down, only the first set of matches should count and anything after that is void. Cause chances are if I play x person for a spot, since we're both online i'll probably end up playing him some more that day. I bring this up cause say we go to a tournament and I win, then we go home and I lose the rest of the night, shooot let's go farther, the rest of the month. It doesn't change the fact that I won the tournament.

    I think this ranking thing will be fun. It makes me want to learn some other characters and it will help me and others that are trying to learn a certain character by having these mirror matches to see combos, when certain moves are used etc..Then mixing it in with your style. And it's a good way to get some matches set up. Even if it's only a few.
  2. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    I already fought Worst Player. Didn't go so well for him. [​IMG] When I post new ranks you can assume they are completely up to date, and TWP challenged me before I posted the most recent ranks. He just didn't want to challenge Akira Zero for #2, and didn't want to take #3.

    So if you are challenging Akira Zero I'll send him a PM.
  3. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    looks like i'm number 1 with Akira and number 2 with Lau, Sarah and Eileen. Damn Marly beat me with everyone except Akira [​IMG]

    Still got the rest of the cast to go, i'll get my revenge.
  4. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    You should tell the whole story feck [​IMG]

    Akira: Feck 3 - 1 Marly (Suprised him with my ability. I know i did.

    Sarah Feck 1 - 3 Marly

    Eileen Feck 0 - 3 Marly(dropped a single round [​IMG] )

    Lau Feck 2 - 3 Marly (Victory from 2 matches and 2 rounds down [​IMG])
  5. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Silent likely Wednesday, but ill let you know. Like the monkey boy you better win. If you've ever seen my aoi you would know why lol
  6. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    TWP when are you free? i challenge you with Jeffrey and Wolf also

  7. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    By the way, I think this definitely has the potential to exceed what I can keep track of, so I am writing a web app for people to use to keep track of ranks and challenge for matches. Hope to have it ready by the weekend. In the mean time I'm not sending out PMs, so be sure to check the thread at least once every couple of days.

    AkiraZero: As far as I know TWP still has a pending match for Jeffry with Kamais, so you'll have to wait until that's settled before challenging him.
  8. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    Wednesday it is then hehe. I'll send ya a friend request on live :3
  9. Rare_Entity

    Rare_Entity Well-Known Member

    Rare Entity
    TWP, I challenge you with El Blaze. I'll look for you Wednesday night.
  10. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    Infamous Geezer
    Based on these results I challenge Feck for #1 AK and challenge Marly for #1 SA

    Probably done this wrong? I`d imagine Feck&Marlys El Blaze, Wolf, Goh, Kage and Pai games are still pending. I wish to enter at w/e postion is available for these characters and challenge you suckers!
  11. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Can you challege feck for number 1 or do we have to play to determine number 2 first?
    I'm a bit confused as to how it works. Either way, i intend to keep Pai forever. [​IMG]
  12. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Marly, Seidon,

    I claim the N#1 spot for most versatile player in europe.

    I also claim N#1 spot for all characters, even Akira and Eileen. so we have a lot of games to play, I guess.
  13. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Damn everyone wants to get a piece of the TWP? Xzy you can thank me later. Believe it, when I give myself more than 5 minutes of Eileen play in a year I'll rechallenge that ass [​IMG]

    By the way folks fUUUuUUuuck the person that didn't perform. LOSER is what its called and I LOST against in an Eileen mirror match. Damned if I didn't try to win, why do so a thing with a character I don't play? It's called COMPETITIVE SPIRIT IN A GAME I LOVE. So f^%@ the noise, right now I'm the NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPION OF VFDC.

    Who's got more titles? NOONE BITCHES!
  14. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    Currently I'm saying you can challenge for any spot you want, if you think you can win it. I'm considering adding a rule that you need to hold a position in the top #5 to challenge for #1 (to avoid having an overwhelming number of people go straight for the top spot) but as 100% of the characters still have open slots, that would be pretty much pointless at the moment.
  15. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    Did anyone play any matches today? I didn't get any notification, so I'll have to assume yesterday's ranks are still current other than the new pending matches. By the way, I got started on the web interface this evening. Here is a link. Currently it only has the rank display, but new features will be added as the week progresses. If the page is giving you an error when you check it, don't worry, it just means I broke something during the development process. Happens a lot. [​IMG]
  16. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    I might as well take/go for Akira too since he's my main.

    I'm aiming for other cats mains.
  17. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    If Gerald would ever get his ass online (...=P...) I'd find out who the best American Shun player is. I already subside to None Other and Masa Red, but I'm talking Americans from America.

    Oh wait, I can't say anything yet until I play Worst Player I guess. Let's get it on!!!

    Actually I have quite a lot of fun playing the different Shuns out there. There are some interesting strategies to overcome. I haven't seem many of them on lately, and I can't seem to even remember some of the gamer tags. Can anyone provide a list of the Shuns they've seen in the past few years?

    Oh, and @ Xzyx987X, we should definitely have a get-together soon. I have The Feaucha's number, who I've known since the early '90s, and ETPharaoh (Lion player) would come too. Air Jacky and also a good Akira player that's played since VF2 will be there also. And if None Other comes we'd have 7 people, which should be a blast! I'll figure out the details soon and let everyone know. What day would work best for you? Sundays typically work best for me.
  18. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Damn looks like I'll have my hands full. JHow77 eh? I think I'm going to have a hard time with this one. The others? A piece of cake [​IMG]

    Oh and by the way. You guys can find me this Sunday after 8:00 PM. I have to be done by 9:00 PM because I have to prepare for the SHAKEDOWN ONLINE BEATDOWN! Otherwise known as the S.O.B. This Sunday at 9:30 PM eastern time. What? Act like you don't know? Previous Shakedowns starred such talent as Denkai, GentlemanThief, Konjou, Mekahineyhoe and MORE!

    Claim your title gents, then get BEATDOWN!

    This announcement has been spammed by the SuGar Alliance.
  19. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    I'm totally down for that. I've been starved for offline VF action for quite some time now. Weekends are usually not a problem for me, but I will be busy over Halloween. Other than that though, I should be fine schedule wise. Let me know if it would be helpful to bring an extra screen and 360. I have my 360 set up to use my PC monitor, which is great for VF and very portable.
  20. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    Just a little update on my progress with the site. I was too busy to work on it Thursday and Friday, but I got the login system finished today, so now all I have to do is make the user page and code the challenge system. I don't anticipate either of those things should take me that much time, so we should be up and running in a few more days I think. In the mean time, please try to get as many outstanding challenges settled as you can. I want to have a good idea of where everyone stands when the site is ready for production.

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