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Online Rank Fighting is Street Fighting (no hope)

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Nov 5, 2010.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Online Rank Fighting is Street Fighting (no ho

    Two seperate entities... I get that.

    @Tricky R U saying that VF5 online can't be improved in anyway? Its the best that can be done 4 online fighting?
  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Re: Online Rank Fighting is Street Fighting (no ho

    No, I'm saying gamers will exploit whatever they can, whenever they can. Always.

    My concept transcends online, offline or genre. It's a way of playing games that fighting game fans (since we're talking about fighting games here), who excel, utilize.
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Online Rank Fighting is Street Fighting (no ho

    So its all about gettin one more in the win column by any means necessary, even if you have to take advantage of lag and online frame anamolies to do it. Doesn't matter how cheap, how repetitive,how dirty the online abuse is, as long as it nets you the win in the end.

    So it seems that the Tekken players have more sportsman like conduct that we do. I was just checking out one of their threads on TZ on the same subject matter:

    Tekken Online Etiquette

    If you read through the thread it appears that it least some Tekken players try to play the game with honor and fairly online. OMG Tekken players more honorable than VF players tell me it can't be.

    Many Soul Calibur players also try to play with some sportmanship, although as you can see in the thread many do not, but it seems like most do.

    Soul Calibur IV Online Etiquette

    I would have assumed that VF players had the most online sportmanship, but wow it seems like most ppl agree with Tricky
    on the matter.

    If you can exploit it to your advantage then do so. Beat your opponent with lag, beat your opponent with online frame anomalies, beat your opponent with online glitching, beat your opponent with hacked sticks that F with your opponent's router, use any means at your disposal to beat your opponent [​IMG]

    This my friends is by my definition online-street fighting
    and is the reason I'm suggesting that ranked matches be dropped altogether from online fighting games....
  4. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Re: Online Rank Fighting is Street Fighting (no ho

    Your definition is stupid. You don't even have to go far into the xbox forums to see how pissed people get when they think others are using online tactics. There are multiple threads about it. The bad games thread is like, 400 pages for fucks sake.

    You seem to have read the online threads at TZ but not here? But you still feel qualified to comment on it and offer your ridiculous comparisons.
  5. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Re: Online Rank Fighting is Street Fighting (no ho

  6. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Re: Online Rank Fighting is Street Fighting (no ho

    At 21 feet, you can subdue the "gunslinger" thus winning the fight... /sidebar

    Play some damn player matches, or just do offline sessions... If you're playing a game in which all there is are ranked matches, then host some player matches, and matchmake on some forums, unless you feel the urge to use lag-strategy to attempt to win...

    This crap is old... I mean people were doing this crap in Halo 2; so many bugs, glitches, hacks, tomfoolery, and a host of other shenanigans were used by many to achieve a rank they got that required no skill, per sé... Online modes are grimey, that's just something that you gotta deal with (so choose your battles wisely)... I'm personally wondering how this "online Evo" is gonna work out...

    I'm reminded of Sirlin and how he whored (SFZ2) Rose's low strong and basically crushed with just that move...
  7. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Online Rank Fighting is Street Fighting (no ho

    What is the point of this thread?
  8. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Re: Online Rank Fighting is Street Fighting (no ho

    To compare online VF to a street fight. Yes, really. A Street fight.
  9. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Re: Online Rank Fighting is Street Fighting (no ho

    Just another thread with many masterposts. Nothing unusual, just some troll fighting training [​IMG]
    Trolls have always been like fat chicks. First, man the harpoons, then kill it with fire [​IMG]
  10. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Re: Online Rank Fighting is Street Fighting (no ho

    If fire won't kill it, then nothing will!

    About honor code and other gentlemen's agreements:

    Good games don't require players to make up imaginary rules about how to play the game, because the programmers designed the game to have rules. Those are the rules of the game.

    Does that mean if I'm playing my 6 year old niece in street fighter IV that I'm going to fireball them to death because they haven't learned how to defend against that tactic? No. I find that style of playing BORING as dirt. Games are supposed to be fun, in my opinion. The second they lose that, I check myself.

    I look for players of similar skill level because those are the most fun fights to me. If I'm just going to play and run though, I don't really care how my opponent fights, as long as I believe they tried their hardest to win, I don't really care how I managed to beat them. There are quite a few times when I would be at the arcade cabinet with next to no health left and beat my opponent down from a huge lead. The reason is because I figured them out and was just playing to have fun with them.

    Yes I still lose, but I find the rush of beating someone when I'm inches away from K.O. the most fun part of playing these types of games.

    About online play:

    I want to fight my opponent, not my game or the technology involved in playing the opponent. Lag is not my opponent, it's a property out everyones' control, and it's an "opponent" I don't want to fight so I choose not to play online. The only game that I can bear to play online are SSFIV and BB:CS. SF because I have learned of tactics to work around the lag, and BB because I'm not good enough to notice it.

    I choose not to fight in the arena of online VF because I don't find it fun, plain and simple.
  11. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Re: Online Rank Fighting is Street Fighting (no ho

    The real question to ask here is this: Would Masterpo be so uppity about online if the PS3 version had it?

    I don't think he would.
  12. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Online Rank Fighting is Street Fighting (no ho

    LOL, Outside of drawing an analogy between online ranked matches and street fighting(anything goes in streetfighting), I'm asking a few questions and I'm wondering about a couple of new innovations.

    1) Would online fighting be more fun and fair, if ranked matches
    were dropped from online altogether?

    2) Could online tournaments be used to replace the concept of
    online ranked matches?

    3) Would resetting the leaderboards for player matches once
    a month or periodically make things more fun.

    4) Would online quest challenges work. where you and your
    opponent each have quest challenges to pull off on each

    5) Would having team battle online with spectators deter
    competitors from abusing lag

    6) Would the underground tournaments from VF4 EVO work online
    for example mirror matches, venus matches, Iron man etc?

    7) EA's MMA has this new feature where they broadcast ranked
    online matches for everyone to see. I watched a few of the
    broadcast matches, the competitors are not abusing lag
    or using cheap gimmicks to win. Would this broadcast
    feature work in a VF world? If your ranked match was
    being broadcast with potential to end up on you tube would
    you still use cheap tactics to win, or would you be on
    your A game?

    I'm wondering how the online fighting experience can be improved.

    People who say its never going to change, and it will always be this way are wrong. THQ's UFC 2010 and EA's MMA have already added new concepts to online fighting games. For example Fight cards, tournaments, and internatinal broadcasting of online ranked matches.

    There is no way that online fighting game options will be in 5 years exactly what they are today. Things will change. I'm just wondering what the best changes would be.

    Lot of you cats trying to shoot me down, just for the sake of trying to shoot me down. Haven't you learned by now, it can't be done. To bring me down, to really bring me down you would have to be from the Shaolin temple, non of you cats are from Shaolin and therefore you lack the skillset necessary and requisite knowledge to successfully attack me [​IMG]

    I have some honest questions about online fighting. I've made some observations. I posted those questions and observations on VFDC one of the premier fighting message boards in the world, in hopes of getting feedback from knowledgeable and experienced players. Do I get honest answers from the people that I respect so much. Nope, I get flamed, ridiculed, blasted, mischaracterized, character assassinated, and impaled.

    If it were not for my superior monk training I might have been injured in all of this : But once again I've emerged from my skirmish with you demons unscathed [​IMG] In the Shaolin temple, there are three kinds of men. Students, disciples, and masters. Development of the mind can be achieved only when the body has been disciplined. To accomplish this the ancients have taught us to imitate God’s creatures. From the crane we learn grace and self control. The snake teaches us suppleness and rhythmic endurance. The praying mantis teaches us speed and patience. And from the tiger we learn tenacity and power. And from the dragon, we learn to ride the wind. And my VFDC friends I am from the order of the dragon. Life sustains life. And all living creatures need nourishment. Yet, with wisdom, the body learns to sustain in ways that all may live. Between the supple silence of the snake, and the eagle’s claws, there is only harmony. As no two elements of nature are in conflict, so when we perceive the ways of nature we remove conflict within ourselves. And discover a harmony of body and mind, in accord with the flow of the universe. It can take half a lifetime to master the ways of the Shaolin, and I have spent
    such time.


    [8] [P] [+] [K] [+] [G] [K]

    Consider this my h8ters and attackers this is what I've learned, this is the Shaolin way,

    Perceive the way of nature, and no force of man can harm you. Do not meet a wave head on. Avoid it. You do not have to stop force. It is easier to redirect it. Learn more ways to preserve, than to destroy. Avoid, rather than check. Check, rather than hurt. Hurt, rather than maim. Maim, rather than kill. For all life is precious. Nor can any be replaced.

    When you can snatch the pebble from my hand it will be time for you to go, but until that time, watch, listen, and learn....
  13. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Re: Online Rank Fighting is Street Fighting (no ho

    If PS# had online this thread would've never came about.

    Thats what youtube does already not to mention SSF4.
    this is the reason why 90% of the people online play alike. Seriously get a life and stop trying to downplay the importance of VF online.

    Fuck Grabing the pebble. Put the 9 Milli to your melon and demand you give that shit up for free.
  14. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Online Rank Fighting is Street Fighting (no ho

    Your kung fu is no good here.
  15. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Re: Online Rank Fighting is Street Fighting (no ho

    I still don't get why MasterPo hates on Vf online so much. That's compounded by him having never been in an online ranked match.
  16. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Re: Online Rank Fighting is Street Fighting (no ho

    Really guys , getting mad at Po for his posts is like getting Mad at Sash Baron-Cohen when he's in his Borat character. He's playing you. Don't fall for the bait.

    No Online VF isnt street fighting. It isnt anything. It's just low grade Vf. Nobody has an advantage if both players are aware of the slight latency. Really, this topic is 3 years too late, but it's a slow news week (as usual).

    Hey Po, you were absent when the VF5:FS registered for console trademark thread came out, what's your reaction to that? Are you going to abstain from Online Vs on that too if a PS3 version is made?
  17. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Re: Online Rank Fighting is Street Fighting (no ho

    Too long, did not read [​IMG]
  18. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    Re: Online Rank Fighting is Street Fighting (no ho

    Online fighting isn't like streetfighting, and comparisons to real life sound silly when talking about video games (entertainment) done from the safety of one's couch. Online fighting is like an online competitive game - you do what you can within the scope of the game to achieve your ends (most commonly winning). That's it.

    Masterpo, meet William of Occam. William of Occam, this is Masterpo. If a theory seems silly at a glance, it probably IS silly and doesn't warrant its own thread. If in an open community you present your idea and it is generally rebuked, then while there *is* a miniscule probability that you are just a misunderstood genius, the more plausible explanation that it's your logic that is faulty will usually be true.

    Besides, most games have both ranked and unranked setting, great for fooling around - still, games are supposed to be fun - why don't you try relaxing and have fun?

    Look at this guy. It's ranked. Only people who care care.

    <object width="560" height="340"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/o-gImf_1YRY"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/o-gImf_1YRY" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="560" height="340"> </embed></object>
  19. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Re: Online Rank Fighting is Street Fighting (no ho

    Damn that sakura player couldn't punish for shit!
  20. SAMxz

    SAMxz Member

    Re: Online Rank Fighting is Street Fighting (no ho

    Have anyone played Dead or Alive 4 in online?

    DOA4 had many gamemodes that other fighters didn`t have.
    It seems like other game devoplers were "lazy" when they did
    online modes in other games.

    There was no ranked and player-matches separation, every match was ranked.
    This lead of course some silly abusive online tactics, like infamous pull the wire.

    Every fighting game devopler should play DOA4, and after that they should make their
    online experience better than that.

    I am not saying that anyone of you should play DOA4, but just pointing out that.

    DOA4 had:

    Tournament mode
    Team Battle mode
    Winners stays
    loser stays
    Tag battle mode

    And of course that great lobby where you could just spectate

    And you could do lobby where you can choose the rank who could join it.
    At higher ranks this removes much of those one-move wonders and button mashers.

    Only critical mistake was that you could not make a lobby where you can lock the

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