Online VF Tournament for PSN

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by shadowmaster, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    I was responding to SNAKE_BOSS. Relax.
    Genzen likes this.
  2. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Sorry for the tournament i waited to 2 but i fell asleep =(
  3. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    Sorry for not being able attend, my school went on lockdown and they didn't let us leave untill 5:30 pm.
  4. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Since we're all apologizing, sorry, my boss is a colossal disease ridden dick that decided we had to have a meeting at 6 PM on a friday.
    BlackGeneral likes this.
  5. Aoi_Pai

    Aoi_Pai Well-Known Member

    i was there :D so me n him did some pai mirror matches lol
    Libertine likes this.
  6. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    I'd gladly attend if there will be another attempt at this - light hearted room-match-tournaments is precisely what is needed as a balance to the pressures of ranked grinding-attempts at fighting people in good sport.

    Ranked seems to do something with peoples mood and behaviour - and i am not only talking about "crappy connections" or "button mashing", or even 3rd round sudden disconnects - but community-socially aswell.

    So i'll do anything i can to be able to join if there is a next time on PSN.
  7. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I am in deep thought here I am seriously thinking of just having an open PSN room with casual play and not a tournament so it doesn't matter when people show up they can come and go as they please when they have time. I don't know if I even want to do another tourny again but it isn't out of the question yet. It serves the same purpose as a tourny in that there aren't enough room battles on PSN anyway compared to XBL I find rooms all the time there.On PSN I never find them except for a few my buddies start up randomly to pass the time. I will start from there and see how things go from there.

    I will just see what I feel like doing on Friday night I will most likely just make an open room and see who shows up it won't matter what time too much but I will most likely start it at about 7 PM if I start it at all. If I get enough interest in the room overall I might start a small tourny then but that is a big if. I fully understand that things happen and you can't always play when you want to (I want to play more on Saturday and Sunday or during the week but I am so tired from going to and from work that I don't think about it) I don't blame you guys that have other things going on. I think an open PSN room would be better in this case the pressure isn't as high as it would be for a tournament. See you guys online if you see me screwing around online that is basically all I do online now so it doesn't matter if I win or lose personally:cool:
  8. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Open rooms are good, but they can be a bit boring for everyone else if there's one or two people that are quite a bit better than the rest. Whenever I'm in a room with my brother and a few other people, it's usually just a case of him sitting at the top bashing everyone else one at a time. When you have four or five other people all waiting in line, it gets a bit tedious waiting for 30 minutes to get one game, get mashed up, then go back to the bottom of the queue.

    If you did do an open room and this kinda thing happened (not sure who shows up or how large the skill-differences are), you might try to organise it such that everyone gets a fair amount of games, because that's one of the advantages of a tournament - no matter how much better the others might be, you are still at least guaranteed a fair number of games.

    Just something to consider.
  9. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    If you want fast matches go to players match or ranked :rolleyes:
  10. Do you welcome beginners?
  11. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    For now I am going to make an open PSN and I just had one today too and it was great too. I will look to host one every friday at some point in the evening time after 5PM EST. I left it small today but I will see how long the matches take when I try to run a 8 man room so for all you guys wanting in on this look for an open PSN room I start and I will announce it on the shoutbox too if you aren't on PSN when I start it.

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