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Osama bin Laden Killed In Pakistan

Discussion in 'General' started by Krafty Matt, May 1, 2011.

  1. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Porn found inside of Bin Laden's hideout

    "Three other U.S. officials familiar with evidence gathered during investigations of other Islamic militants said the discovery of pornography is not uncommon in such cases."

    Hypocritical pieces of shit [​IMG]
  2. Darthminion

    Darthminion Well-Known Member

    Why do people dislike him?
  3. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    What are you talking about? Nobody dislikes Osama and everybody likes you [​IMG]
  4. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Tengu, I'm sorry man but you don't know what you're talking about. The bailout happened under Bush, it was Bush's bailout, not Obama's.

    That's why both McCain and Obama were initially involved -- the elections hadn't happened yet -- Bush's reputation was in the garbage and as a lame duck, he needed some more relevant voices to gin up the support needed to get the bailout through.

    Regardless, I do think it was an unfortunate, but necessary evil. However, the fact that the despicable, billionaire-pandering snake-oil-salesmen of GOP are already doing everything in their (limited, not that they seem to realize that) power to try to roll back all of the financial reforms that resulted from the meltdown (meant to prevent another one) is really terrible, not to mention immoral IMO. It once again makes me wonder, for the millionth time, whose side are the Republicans on??? It's definitely not the side of the American people, it never is -- not at all. There's something deeply disturbing about today's Republican party, it does NOT pass the smell test.

    Further, if you want to call what we have today "socialism" I think you're way off base (and it immediately reveals to me the fact that you're likely just another brainwashed, FOX Lies-watching mouth-breather.) But I also have to ask you, would you rather have us go back to the system we had in the late 1800's where there were cruel robber barons, no workers rights, no child labor laws, horrendously long hours, no days off, extremely low wages and much, much more bad things as well??? If so, why the hell do you want that? Who would that system help, other than greed-fueled monsters like the Koch brothers, who don't need any more help than the dishonest, pandering GOP is already giving them???

    Get a clue buddy, seriously, seriously get a clue and wake up. The middle-class is under assault by the GOP and brainless, naive Tea Baggers; the future they THINK they want for this country would be an extremely dark future. If the right-wing did get the future they wanted for America, it wouldn't be a country that I would want to live in.

    I don't want to be even more of a slave to billionaires than I already am... We'd be living in a broken and even more rigged system, where we'd have absolutely no rights in the workplace, and we'd all be forced to work for pennies, work 14 hour days, just to afford the rent to live in a shack.

    All that needless suffering, of MILLIONS of people, just so these greed-fueled animals could make another million to add to the pile of money that's already too big to ever spend.

    Their greed it sickening, and it's most definitely hurting our country, it's truly despicable IMO. I'd like to remind you that the top 400 highest earning households pulled in more money last year than the bottom 60% of the ENTIRE COUNTRY COMBINED. Honestly Tengu, I think you're fool.
  5. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

  6. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    We here at VFDC have political views as varied as our Virtua Fighter game playing styles. It's fascinating to me that I could totally enjoy playing a game with someone, but as long as we stay away from politics I would never have known how much I disagree with them on that level.

    I can't just write people off as fools because I've come to respect them through our fighting game matches. Maybe politically foolish works better than just saying someone is a plain fool.
  7. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I'm not even talkn' about conservative or liberal. I'm just talkn' bat shit insane shit compared to logically reasoned arguments.
  8. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Bwhahahaha! I'm sorry man but this cracked me up. QFT and for lols.
  9. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Dude I'm not here to argue about politics over the internet. I come to this forum to talk about videogames. I'm not going to get in an internet argument over this shit.

    I've already said my bits about what my views are on the topic of this thread and the little bit about science that was completely off topic. The only one I think looks foolish here right now is you, so get off it.

    I'm not here to argue with you about your opinions man. I disagree with you very much in most of what you've said politically (not just you mind you) however I have no desire to try and sway the opinions of people who seem pretty set in their views. I've been here long enough to know a lost cause when I see it.
  10. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Here are some US historical facts that most people are unaware of (all have happened since World War II:

    1. US military interventions and covert CIA interventions have killed over 7,000,000 people.

    2. The US has launched over 201 military actions across the globe.

    3. The US has overthrown more than 30 governments around the world, many of which were democratically elected.

    4. The US recruited top mafiosi to assassinate the head of state of another country.

    5. The CIA was involved in narcotics trafficking through its proxies in Taiwan, Laos, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Nicaragua, and Haiti.

    6. The US has over 700 military bases around the world.

    (I can provide an academic source for any and all of the above, btw)

    If you are all like most Americans, then you are unaware of these facts. The media downplays, obscures, and often simply lies about these things. The conclusions drawn should be obvious: The US is a global empire. It doesn't matter what party is in power, the broader policies are not up for revision.

    Some people may admit that we are an empire, while trying to assert that we are some kind of benevolent empire. This is not tenable. A professor provides a better definition of Empire:

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I define imperialism as follows: the process whereby the dominant investor interests in one country bring to bear their economic and military power upon another nation or region in order to expropriate its land, labor, natural resources, capital, and markets in such a manner as to enrich the investor interests. In a word, empires do not just pursue "power for power's sake." There are real and enormous material interests at stake, fortunes to be made many times over.</div></div>

    Since the US is a democracy (procedurally) it takes all manner of social control to bring the population along for the projects of empire. The media have to be controlled, as do politicians. Fortunately for the beneficiaries of Empire, it has been easy enough to this through outright buying - of politicians and media outlets.

    State secrecy also provides a way for Empire to avoid public scrutiny. All the CIA overthrow of governments have been conducted in secret, without public knowledge even in the aftermath. Ditto for the drug experiments, mind control experiments, the rescue of nazi intelligence assets, assassination plots, etc.

    To glimpse the truth of the US Empire like seeing evidence that one's father is a child molester. The natural reaction is to deny, to attack the credibility of the person presenting the evidence, to return to the comforting pretenses that distract them from painful truths.

    We didn't force UN sanctions on Iraq that killed a million people, mostly children, in order to keep oil profits high (under a Democratic President!).

    We didn't provoke a Soviet invasion of Afghanistan that killed 2,000,000 people(under a Democratic President!).

    We didn't kill 2,500,000 poor ass Vietnamese people for no good reason(under a Democratic President!).

    We didn't kill 1,000,000 Laotian peasants(under a Democratic President!).

    And so on, and so on.

    As it stands, no one should trust the government or media when it comes to matters of war and peace. They have long records of death, destruction, and lying. And if anyone thinks Obama is anything but a puppet, they are sadly mistaken.
  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I'm done with this thread ya'll. Have fun with Tengu trolling.
  12. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Lol, man, this thread went down the toilet really bad, really fast.
    Maybe we can get back to topic posted by the OP? ...
    Osama bin Laden killed in Pakistan? Yay!
    Funny how the number 2 guy is scared shitless of filling Osama's shoes, hahaha!
  13. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Thought you already got the number 2 guy. Meant to be some sort of power vacuum or something at the moment.
  14. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Osama isn't dead silly people...

    He's chilling right now as we speak in one of his numerous caves, or he's in the interrogation room right now protected.
  15. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

  16. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Unless you meant to say inches and not cm, no. No it isn't [​IMG]

    This made me lol

  17. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I never said anything about ethnicity. You did. White and black people been blowing shit up way before people in the middle east. (Guy Fawkes, lol).

    And you did say a specific length. 17 cm. My fault for not making myself clear. I'm saying it's not as big as mine [​IMG]

    Seriously Tengu, chill the fuck out. Picture is jokes. Laugh, the end of the world is nigh so enjoy while you can.
  18. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    It's you that needs to chill bro. All Tengu wanted to do is some trolling and you come and completely slam him on the face with your huge dick.

    Your such a damn show-off while on that topic, the biggest dick in vfdc perhaps!? [​IMG]
  19. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Nah he does KO. Maybe I do as well, but most people tell me I'm far too laid back as it is. Maybe I decided to share what I think is a hilarious picture while I ate my muesli.

    And who is generalising? What has skin colour got to do with being a terrorist? You never heard of Guy Fawkes?

    Tengu, along with feck are the only penis reference points I have on VFDC. I do believe the subject was brought up by him before and he's only responding now, but if you can't Troll the Troll who is there to be Trolled by the Troll Troll? Not seen many KO, if you mean in a metaphorical sense KO, then yes, possibly [​IMG]
  20. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Since the US is a democracy (procedurally) it takes all manner of social control to bring the population along for the projects of empire. The media have to be controlled, as do politicians. Fortunately for the beneficiaries of Empire, it has been easy enough to this through outright buying - of politicians and media outlets.

    State secrecy also provides a way for Empire to avoid public scrutiny. All the CIA overthrow of governments have been conducted in secret, without public knowledge even in the aftermath. Ditto for the drug experiments, mind control experiments, the rescue of nazi intelligence assets, assassination plots, etc.

    To glimpse the truth of the US Empire like seeing evidence that one's father is a child molester. The natural reaction is to deny, to attack the credibility of the person presenting the evidence, to return to the comforting pretenses that distract them from painful truths.

    We didn't force UN sanctions on Iraq that killed a million people, mostly children, in order to keep oil profits high (under a Democratic President!).

    We didn't provoke a Soviet invasion of Afghanistan that killed 2,000,000 people(under a Democratic President!).

    We didn't kill 2,500,000 poor ass Vietnamese people for no good reason(under a Democratic President!).

    We didn't kill 1,000,000 Laotian peasants(under a Democratic President!).

    And so on, and so on.

    As it stands, no one should trust the government or media when it comes to matters of war and peace. They have long records of death, destruction, and lying. And if anyone thinks Obama is anything but a puppet, they are sadly mistaken. </div></div>

    Whoaa! Happy_Friend Your post is scathing. It makes the US look more like the bad guy than Osama bin Laden [​IMG] and according to your post Osama bin Laden is small potatoes [​IMG]

    I'm not going to challenge your facts. I would hope you're too smart to post propaganda.

    But I would like to comment on:

    "As it stands, no one should trust the government"

    Its not like the U.S. government is imported from somewhere else.

    We elect friends, family members, schoolmates to service on City councils, as Mayors, as secretary of state, as governors, as state representatives and state senators and judges. At least theoretically these are all people that come from our community, from our families, from our fraternities and sororities. Even the corporations that run the government[/size] [​IMG] are comprised of people in our neighborhoods, people we went to school with, uncle joe, etc. My point being, that in essence we are the government.
    I personally know my state senators and house representatives, they are from schools that I went to. I know my mayor, we graduated from the same University. He's the kind of chap that will run for governor (get elected) and then run for president (and get elected) He shops at walmarts and eat's at McDonalds like the rest of us.

    So if America is an Empire (and I'm not challenging that) then we are all responsible, because we are the government, we run for office, we vote for friends, family, schoolmates, favorite movie stars (e.g Arnold the terminator), Bono,etc, athletes, all kinds of people that we know are exposed to. If if the "empire policy" is something that is in place, since our government is not imported from somewhere else, we could change it if we really wanted to . Now the assertion tha politicians are controlled because they are bought off (I'm not necessarily challenging that either) is curious, considering who really makes up the U.S. government. Again its, our neighors, friends, family, schoolmates, military buddies, fellow football jocks.

    So when you say "the government" you're talking about Americans in general because thats where the government comes from and who elects it

    Either there is some horrible transformation that automatically happens, and happens without exception to everyone who gets into politics, or by nature Americans in general are predisposed to "the empire paradigm" and we are greedy, self serving imperialist parasites, or its not as black and white as your list of indictments of U.S. would have it.

    Happy_Friend ordinarily when citizens criticize the U.S and talk about the ominous "the government" those people tend not to participate in their local and state politics and tend not to vote in local and state elections or be aware of the inner workings and transfer of power of local and state governments, and how that relates to the U.S. federal government. Thats why its easy for them to view the government as detatched from themselves.

    In order for your basic premise to be true Americans would have
    to support the objectives of the empire, which in a lot people's minds justifies Osama bin Laden and the other terrorist that would attack the evil American Empire.

    So are you justifying Osama, or just stating facts that happen to justify Osama [​IMG]

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