Patch request list

Discussion in 'Console' started by Alstein, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. Burning_Typhoon

    Burning_Typhoon Active Member

    Um... You guys...

    If Tekken 6 has a 20 second timer, and a character/stage select, and super long loading screen if the other person doesn't have the game installed.... are you really saving any time?...

    Character selections are done right in VF5:FS. It's quick, you do it once, and you can change on the fly. When the 35 seconds are over, you go right into the vs. screen. And, EVERYONE has the game installed.
  2. AAK

    AAK Member

    I'm not comparing the games overall. I'm just saying how other games didn't have a stupid timer that forces you to idly wait. There's 0 logic. There should be an option like every other fighting game such that when both players are ready, they can jump into the game without some artificial barrier preventing them from playing for no good reason.
  3. Burning_Typhoon

    Burning_Typhoon Active Member

    I think the timer should be cut down to 10 seconds, but, only when the room is full.

    But, since the character select works in the way it does, I'm fine with the timer. And, seeing all rooms, playing or not, would be a good thing, because online looks drier than it actually is.
  4. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    There is a reason. A player can only join the lobby during the 35 second period in the lobby. Why? I dont know, maybe there is a technical reason they did it like that.
  5. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I dont have a good headset. I listen to game sounds via headphones always (I like it loud, but I dont want to trouble neighbours), but all xbox-eligible microphones seem to have a built in headphone in them which is normally terribad. Cant combine the two effectively, thats one reason.

    Second is that xbl voice sucks. The voice volume is really low. For the most part I dont even bother trying to use voice since I hear maybe 30% of what people say. This is the main reason. The only way to hear more than 50% is to set all game sounds and music to zero, voice to maximum (which it always is) and TV sound volume to maximum. Then I maybe hear more than 50%.

    Third is that there is no way to quickly mute the xbl voice in a match if theres some retard that spouts nonsense or has his entire 15 children kindergarten making incessant noise in the background or whatever. EXTREMELY DISRUPTIVE AND IRRITATING. I dont wanna lose a round going thru the xbl menu to switch the sound off.

    Personally I cant understand why people even bother with xbl voice. The bad points greatly outweigh the good points.
  6. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Being able to queue to get in a room as well as being able to see full ones would be sweet.

    Also player matches need the option to invite/host. Maybe they did this so people would go into rooms and rooms are great but if you just want a 1 on 1 session with some one then the 30 sec timer swiftly becomes pretty impractical.
  7. SicilianVizzini

    SicilianVizzini Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if I'm understanding you correctly, but you most definitely can host/send invitations to player matches on Playstation Network at least, like you would for most games since the days of Uncharted 2 multiplayer.

    I've only played one session in Player match on PSN, and that was when a friend setup a room, exactly as you described and invited me to it with the system sending the invite message to the Xmb for me to read, accept and get transferred directly to the player match room. I assume there is a similar system on Live.
  8. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    There are room matches, player matches and ranked matches. I'm after the ability to host and invite in player matches were there is no countdown clock.
  9. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Only thing i'd like to see is the ability in room matches for both players to ok the match somehow to stop the timer and go into the match. I'm not sure how to do it since hitting A chooses the side or to skip your turn. This seems to be stopping A LOT of people from playing room matches. So VF5:FS online, feels like vanilla VF5 all over again where we left off, for the most part. (At least when searching for/hosting rooms)

    I personally don't mind waiting for the 30 seconds, i'm ok with it. But we're all different [​IMG] It's there so people can join without distrupting the match that's going on. This is pretty much known now. The extra 5 seconds is to sync the players that are about to play i'm guessing.

    Why the the timer is still 30 seconds when the room is full is anyone's guess [​IMG] you'd think it'd cut down to 10 so people can still have time to switch characters or outfits. Which is an awesome option to have while in the room.

    I enjoy the room mode more than all the others. And for it to be so dead so early kinda sucks. I like how the stages change each match, I like how players rotate each turn/playing different players every match, I like watching the other fights while I wait for my turn, I like being able to switch my outfit, I like that if I have to do something, I can just leave my queue thing empty and let someone else play and not being sent to the bottom of the list, but having priority to play the very next match when I get back. All that stuff is great to me, and it sucks to not be able to use it to it's full potential cause of a 30 sec wait/not being able to bypass the wait between matches.

    Some days at certain times you can get lucky and find some rooms.
    But other than that, it seems like in order to play people you have to play ranked or have/get a special invite.
  10. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    You probably don't want to come into a room with me then. The verbal diarrhoea from me may actually give you real diarrhoea.
  11. Tryston

    Tryston Well-Known Member

    Maybe its for the godlike online connection to come together?
  12. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I'm fairly certain this is the reason.
  13. shad

    shad Well-Known Member

    No, i guess online is godlike cause the game doesn't allow players to join lobby room when the game is runing.

    The timer could be 5s or 10 seconde or less (with a ok buttun to start the game by both players), that wouldn't change anything about the godlike online aspect, and it will encourage more players to use the room mode.

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