Petition: We want Virtua Fighter 6!

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 19, 2016.

By Myke on May 19, 2016 at 5:24 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    There are two types of people in this world. Those who think online petitions are a waste of time, and those who think that however slim the chance, there's no harm lending their voice to the cause. VFDC user @cmase1989 has taken some initiative to start an online petition to let SEGA know that We want Virtua Fighter 6! It'll literally take you a few seconds to fill out if you feel so inclined. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?


    Link to petition:


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 19, 2016.

    1. Shang
      That's pretty dumb logic, we must try? Pls...

      This guy used to know who played with me once said vfers are crack whores, you can abuse them to worlds end and they just keep on coming back. Well, fuck that!

      Face it... This company doesn't give a fuck about people who play their games, nor they give a fuck about you. There's a bean counterer sitting somewhere counting numbers, if they add up.... They will make something. Otherwise fuck off. You think they give a shit about your stupid petition? LOL wake up and smell the coffee.

      Quality??? They will make it if it had quality???? LOL.. That's some marketing bullshit they are feeding down your mouth stupid! Taste the sega shit in your mouth and like it. Yeah I'm sure FS had "quality". So much quality...

      You guys need wake the fuck up from this self made delusion called I can make a difference and sega cares about me. Stupid!
      Chief_Flash likes this.
    2. Dark Nova Void
      Dark Nova Void
      HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You a fool for dat bruh!!
    3. shadowmaster
      I will play FS or whatever VF I have on the side but I would like to see some real quote from Sega directly with some serious backing before I begin to get excited about anything regarding this game. It will always be my favorite fighting game overall but the lack any changes from Sega's end leaves me very skeptical on how serious they are to make anything aside from sonic games outside of Japan.
    4. Kohlrak
      Look, if we were able to sway CAPCOM with a few fan pages to bring more Monster Hunter to the west, then I think we can sway SEGA. Unfortunately, we have too many people who are probably too afraid to put their real name on a petition, or some other wacky reason, to actually accomplish the same thing. Heaven knows, if we got enough signatures to cover the cost of making the game, then SEGA can almost guarantee profit, and would surely do it. Every venture is a risk, and if they are guaranteed success (even if it's marginal), that's a big deal. But i guess we're too busy making excuses. I can see now why SEGA would give up on us: we can't even come together with a handful of names. If i was brass in SEGA and i was seeing this, I sure as hell would not be worried about the west for anything other than re-releases at this point: paying to localize new titles adds too much to the risk and there doesn't seem to be any significant reward. Sure, you're mad at SEGA and want to punish them: well SEGA clearly understands it's being punished and it's not going to give you reasons to punish you further.

      I signed it, but that's all the more I can do. If we can't get together, then we guarantee the fears will come true. Your lack of trust in SEGA is no excuse not to sign it. Clearly you don't care enough about this game. It takes 2 minutes tops. The only justification for not signing it is a lack of interest, and that's exactly how SEGA is going to see it.
      Sonic The Fighters likes this.
    5. Tricky
      it puts the real name on the petition but it's only visible to the people who are receiving the petition.
      Kohlrak likes this.
      That is right and that is why you must sign the petition before that GTX 1080 drops. Or you will be really hating on your own damn self. Lol.
    8. Sudden_Death

      This was too good to pass up. enjoy lol

      ItSupah, ToyDingo, Ellis and 7 others like this.
    9. Sonic The Fighters
      Sonic The Fighters
      W T F !!!! Dude that's too good ! :D
    10. ultralewis
    11. Myke
      hahaha dude, how'd you make that? That was pretty awesome, and loved the ending! LOL
      Tricky likes this.
    12. VFhayato
      sal you made this! LOL! To good!
    13. Unicorn
    14. Kohlrak
      I'd say "nothing but excuses," but these aren't even excuses not to sign. It takes more time to shoot the petition down than to sign it, so it's not that you're too lazy to sign. It's just that you're so bullheaded you'd rather whine and moan than sign which does you no harm. I have more respect for those who don't sign and say nothing, for at least they're honest about being lazy, which they don't even have to say.
      @Shang *sigh* do we need to do this again? Don't directly insult others on here plskthx [one-time-only just for nice-guy shang free complimentary warning before the warning points start]
      leftylizard likes this.
    16. Shang
      @BLACKSTAR,you know what... Why don't you go fuck yourself?? @Unicorn goes on and posts a video calling me stupid, what do you do? You delete my response In like 2 mins.. And talking about mod had a life and don't watch this place 24/7? What a joke!!

      You think this place is better without people talk freely? You are dumber than you look. Everyone knows you are a joke with your power abusing warnings. Go ahead do your stupid ass shit. At the end of the day shit won't change:
      A, you still can't beat me in the game.
      B, people don't respect you.
      C, you'll move on to some other game and mod their shit.

      You are just a fart in the room, people waiting to go away. Fuck you. Ive seen enough shitheads like you and akai.
      Chief_Flash likes this.
    17. Shang
      @Kohlrak, can you comprehend anything you read after the 3 words? It seems you have the deductive reasoning somewhere in line with Mr. Potato head...
      Do you understand the analogy of VFers being crackheads? It means no matter how bad sega treats its fans, the fans always come back for now. Like a crack whore on crack. Get it yet?
      It's like this petition thing, you people know deep inside sega doesn't give a shit and yet the excuse is "well it doesn't hurt to try". It's like sega took a bit dump all your head and you all like when can I get seconds? Have some diginity, and some respect for yourself, your time, and your energy.
      Chief_Flash likes this.
    18. Kohlrak
      Any normal community would call this poison. This guy, whether he assisted the community in the past or not, is clearly doing nothing right now but insulting us. I'm not even a very active member of the community, I'm certainly no longer a SEGA fan, and this guy continues to insult the community by slinging ad hominems at me that suggest such. He suggests that this petition takes up lots of time, when it clearly does not. It clearly does not waste the energy he is suggesting. I don't see how a petition is less dignified than wailing about how we aren't even good enough to have our money taken. And this petition clearly can garner more respect by actually trying to accomplish something than giving up.

      If anyone truly wishes to prove that "SEGA hates us," then they'll surely take up this challenge to end all challenges. Get the signatures, and deliver the petition with an offer to run a kickstarter campaign (where SEGA can draw up the rules [money, stretch goals, etc] before the campaign goes live). If we make the goal to fund the development of the game and it ultimately comes as no cost to SEGA, then the only excuse SEGA can have is "it'll take away our developers from projects that will produce more profit," which we know will be absolute bull, because if this project is funded entirely outside of company, then they have to know that one of their other dying IPs will make more profit than it costs to make: an argument so absurd that it would ultimately generate enough negative publicity for the company to belly up. If you can't even support this motion, then you don't even hate SEGA enough, and are clearly nothing more than a troll, whom why continues to bother this community is beyond me.
      Tricky and Myke like this.
    19. Myke
      @Shang since you first decided to take a huge dump in this thread, you've done nothing but insult others. I don't know how many times you need to be reminded, but if you can't find a way to disagree while remaining respectful and civil, then the way will find you.

      And seriously, your complaint to @BLACKSTAR regarding the action he took to your post... are you for real? Did you really feel you were justified in making a personal attack regarding someone's physical appearance because they posted a video inferring you were "stupid"? Did you forget you called him both dumb and stupid, first? What are you, 6 years old?

      Your disdain for SEGA is no secret, and it's probably shared by the majority of people. But still, it doesn't give you a free pass to attack others for their views, opinions or intentions to support an effort like this one.
      G0d3L, KiwE, Zekiel and 3 others like this.
    20. Citrus

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