Petition: We want Virtua Fighter 6!

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 19, 2016.

By Myke on May 19, 2016 at 5:24 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    There are two types of people in this world. Those who think online petitions are a waste of time, and those who think that however slim the chance, there's no harm lending their voice to the cause. VFDC user @cmase1989 has taken some initiative to start an online petition to let SEGA know that We want Virtua Fighter 6! It'll literally take you a few seconds to fill out if you feel so inclined. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?


    Link to petition:


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 19, 2016.

    1. Virtua Kazama
    2. $ir JDE
      $ir JDE
      Signed. Here's to hoping that Sega hears our cries!
    3. Myke
      Keep all replies on topic and avoid personal attacks.

      ad hominem
      /ad ˈhɒmɪnɛm/
      adverb & adjective
      1. (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
        "an ad hominem response"
      2. relating to or associated with a particular person.
        "the office was created ad hominem for Fenton"
      Ellis and Kohlrak like this.
    4. DigitlSamurai
      If VF6 happens I'll bring back VFLive, but actually live this time.

      As if anyone remembers, or cares what VFLive was anymore. :(
    5. Blitzball Champ
      Blitzball Champ
      Signed! So when is the "sealed and delivered" part?
    6. Libertine

      BWAHAHAHAHA liked for the effort! I still think it's better to be asking for Final Showdown on Steam...
      MadeManG74 likes this.
    7. Shang
      I'm sorry.. but what is the point of FS on PC again? It's out on XBL and no one plays... what make you think people will play it on PC? I mean people who petition for VF6 online might be idealists and naive, but ask for FS on steam is plainly retarded... I mean seriously, wtf was on you mind when you typed this up?

      I'm sorry in advance if this sounded Ad Hominem, I'm not trying to attack you personally, but what you posted was so stupid, and the correlation became inevitable.
    8. Kohlrak
      More people have PCs. If it wasn't out on the PS3, if i wanted to try it, i'd have to first ask myself if the console is worth the purchase. Today, more people have PCs than consoles, it's cheaper to develop for, etc. The big scare with PC is that piracy and mods are easier with it, so companies are afraid to publish on that platform. That, and the inconsistent hardware can create a support nightmare. Outside of security and stability, i really don't see why anyone would want to develop for console.
    9. Shang
      More people have PCs because PC can do more than playing games. Let's are talking about PC gamers vs. console gamers, there are way more CONSOLE gamers.. and there are way WAY WAY WAY more people playing fighting games on the console than on the PC. If I have to spoon feed you on this shit, here:
      • There are more gamers on consoles than PC.
      • There are way (WAY) more fighting gamers on console than PC.
      • VF5/FS has always been out on consoles for years.
      • No one plays VF5/FS on console.
      • an Xbox360 / PS3 costs around 60$.
      • A PC to even run FS would cost 500$.
      Conclusion: FS isn't coming to PC, nor does it make any sense in any form of why it should. Please stop educating people here about consoles vs. PC @Kohlrak. People here knows more than you. Give some thoughts what you are saying before you start mashing on that keyboard.

      "i really don't see why anyone would want to develop for console."

      This is like @Libertine level intelligence here. Because there are way way WAY more console gamers than PC gamers, and you answer part of your question: there are very little piracy on console compare to PC. Why would anyone want to develop for something like the PS2 with a 100 million established base? ZzZ.... Jesus!
      Dark Nova Void likes this.
    10. Shang
      Before you hit that post button:

      PC games played by year
      2009 6,187,437
      2010 15,728,587
      2011 29,631,542
      2012 33,355,879

      Console games played by year
      2009 570,507,923 DSi, DSi XL, PSP Go, PS3 Slim
      2010 614,779,227 Kinect, 360 Slim, Playstation Move
      2011 578,873,094 3DS, Wii Family Edition
      2012 445,278,842 3DS XL, PlayStation Vita, Wii Mini, Wii U
    11. Marlow
      Just curious, where are you getting those numbers, and how are they calculating them?
      Kohlrak likes this.
    12. DestructionBomb
      Signed. I've always respected the series and I've always respected the players who plays and supports the game.
      Ellis likes this.
    13. Shang
      @Marlow, I googled "are there more pc gamers or console gamers", and you could've done the same and learned some thing in the process.

      Global Software by Platform 2015
      Platform Yearly (change) Total
      PS4 124,525,645 (+75%) 205,300,381
      PS3 65,012,370 (-31%) 937,175,837
      XOne 64,044,858 (+60%) 112,093,148
      X360 50,826,710 (-31%) 962,839,147
      3DS 46,058,873 (-18%) 225,230,370
      WiiU 28,221,766 (+17%) 71,942,436
      Wii 23,688,385 (-10%) 917,575,859
      PC 21,866,122 (-7%) N/A
      PSV 17,515,093 (+24%) 52,528,980
      DS 16,902,567 (+2%) 809,147,027
      PSP 5,361,283 (+6%) 291,816,522
      Total 464,023,672 (+4%)

      I understand it's human nature for people to reject the notion that they are vacuous... but I assure you... If I've replied to you on this thread: you are.
    14. Libertine
      Exposure, and the fact that it would cost less than a entirely new game.

      I agree that games on consoles sell better than on the PC. I'd also like to add that console manufacturers give some of the money in sales back to developers if they reach certain sales watermarks. Consoles make developers way more money than the PC for that reason alone.

      I can't imagine Sega losing more money than they stand to gain by releasing their games for the PC, though.
      Last edited: May 23, 2016
      Kohlrak likes this.
    15. Libertine
      Actually, I believe that there are more PC players than console players. It's just that PC players are more diffuse. It's rare for PC games to sell 1,000,000 copies, or at least it was the last time I cared about knowing sales figures.

      If your point is that consoles do better than the PC, then check my last post.
    16. Shang
      FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @Libertine, HOW CAN YOU SO FUCKING STUPID and manage to live this long without killing yourself by accident?????

      I just fucking listed all the reasons why there's no reason for FS to go to PC.

      A, It's already on a 60$ console
      B, no one plays it
      C, PC gamers don't play fighting games
      D, There are less players on PC

      If you want exposure, then make it for PS3/4.. oh wait they did that.. still no one plays it... THERES IS NO REASON to remake FS on any platform..

      and I just listed fucking real actually, #s on how console dominates pcs in games... in 2015 consoles sold 112m piece of software for 4.6 BILLION dollars. vs. PCs 5.8m pieces.. believe what you want, but you are WRONG!
      Chief_Flash likes this.
    17. Shang
      @Libertine, i'm not even trying to insult you. but you are really dumb. at this point this is just a fact. GG!
      Last edited: May 23, 2016
      Chief_Flash likes this.
    18. Libertine
      Alright, I'm dumb. But at least I understand where the dollar sign ($) goes in relation to a price. It's not 60$, it's $60. How long have you been a citizen here? Also, I don't know how I've managed to live this long without "getting killing" myself, as that doesn't even make sense.

      I'm not even going to get into how retarded your reasons are.
    19. Shang
      Yes you are, and when you are exposed you try to redirect to something trivial. Why don't you go into how retarded my reasons are? Oh wait.. you can't.

      Chief_Flash likes this.
    20. Libertine

      A - Who cares how much the consoles are? Most people already have a computer of some kind. They're not going to have to buy new hardware...

      B and C - How much would it really cost Sega to port Final Showdown to the PC? Even if it flopped, it would probably make Sega some money.

      D - No there aren't. They're just more diffuse. Again, how well would the game have to sell to make Sega a profit?
      Last edited: May 23, 2016

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