Petition: We want Virtua Fighter 6!

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 19, 2016.

By Myke on May 19, 2016 at 5:24 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    There are two types of people in this world. Those who think online petitions are a waste of time, and those who think that however slim the chance, there's no harm lending their voice to the cause. VFDC user @cmase1989 has taken some initiative to start an online petition to let SEGA know that We want Virtua Fighter 6! It'll literally take you a few seconds to fill out if you feel so inclined. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?


    Link to petition:


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 19, 2016.

    1. Kohlrak
      I'd quote individual parts, but the reply system doesn't seem to like that idea when it comes to bullets. For the first point, that's probably not world wide numbers. I'd love to know the method of calculating the numbers you cite in the following post, for reasons specified in the top comment of this reddit post: steam isn't the entire PC market, and to guess on the percentage of the market that steam has would be pure speculation. Not that it matters, since this game could easily end up being the first game on a given PC. Just because one does not normally game on a PC does not mean the game cannot run on it. PC ports of PS3 quality games generally do run well on modern "family computers." I don't see why FS would be different.

      Point 2 helps my case more than yours. If fighting games for the PC are rare (especially the 3d games), demand for such a game is high for someone who would be looking for that type of game. I'm still tempted to buy DoA:LR when i get a computer that has a CPU that can clock over 2GHZ, broken support and all. I don't want anything to do with DoA anymore, but at least i'd have a 3d PC fighting game that has content (EF-12 i'm looking at you).

      Point 3 is a strawman fallacy. I clearly stated that i don't understand why, outside of my two stated points, companies would focus on consoles. I didn't say that i didn't understand why we didn't port the existing game to a new platform. That has a whole other list of reasons why that would be a pain.

      Point 4 is irrelevant to how it would do on PC.

      Point 5/6 is valid, aside from the fact that a PC can do more than just play games without being "jail broken" or "CFWed." Most people will buy one without the intention of playing virtua fighter or any games, yet when they discover they can do so, they don't actually have to add the cost of the PC to the cost of the game like you would a console.

      They released alot of games for the PC, though. They seem to be plagued with issues on not knowing how to port or something. They seem to prefer to port games that they can wrap an extra HAL around.

      But your numbers are inaccurate. I would sooner trust numbers regarding pot smokers in the US: they've been extrapolating small data for a lot longer than PC gaming data.
    2. Shang
      This is a PSA:

      @Shang has decided to quit VFDC.

      @Myke please delete this account and IP ban @Shang.

      I hope the amount of stupidity and ignorance displayed here doesn't not represent humanity as a whole. You can all thank @Libertine for accomplishing this feat. In the face of overwhelming evidence, logic and facts. He was able maintain his ignorant composure with adamant conviction.
      Other than a few vets lingering around here, this place is a magnet for rejects from other FGCs.. I mean.. look at this guy posting above me. If he spent a tenth of the time actually playing the game, he'd be decent. Probably doesn't even where the G button is.
      Then you got guys like @Blitzball Champ, calls himself a Wolf player but can't pass a Wolf 101 test. You got @Tricky, the hot USA champ when everyone's already quit. You got @BLACKSTAR, can't beat a P throw mix up after 5 years. @Stl_Tim, who hates gays and people in the military. @Unicorn, the VF bookworm. The one thing you guys share is that none of you could place in the top 10 in a real tournament during VF hay days. GFG!
      gastinell and Chief_Flash like this.
    3. Libertine
      This thread is to much fun. Lollllllllllllll.
      Libertine likes this.
    5. Libertine
    6. Stl_Tim
      Welcome to vfdc, ggs.
      Chief_Flash likes this.
    7. leftylizard
      Didnt Tricky come in 8th place at Sega Cup? And blitzball and blackstar did a lot for the community with raw and arena. And none of these people berate others.
      Zekiel and Blitzball Champ like this.
    8. Blitzball Champ
      Blitzball Champ
      Wow, returning after 3 months of absence only to be insulted. This community hasn't changed a bit. But to stay on topic, let's go VF6.
    9. kungfusmurf

      All a bunch of thick books with blank pages except for the disclaimer.
    10. Marlow
      Does anyone have any ideas on how to get the petition more exposure? Any well known personalities in the FGC that we could lobby to give a shout out?
    11. Unicorn
      Spam eventhubs to post this on front page
      Tweet it to known (esp japanese, esp those known in other games) players and ask them to support
    12. Tricky
      I came out in 5th place thank you very much.
      Blitzball Champ likes this.
    13. Dragonps
      Been sending the petition to friends although most of my friends think you need 20 fingers in order to play it (although that would help)

      Not sure if they will share it around or not, @Unicorn mentioned eventhubs? Would it be a good idea to send the petition to a few websites?
    14. ShinyBrentford
      You guys know it a petition right? Not a secret club.
    15. Dragonps
      Trust me feels like the whole VF match making and franchise is a secret club :p
    16. ShinyBrentford
      I agree that we are very clickie, but I think under the rules of like all petition it ok to post it on SRK, Eventscrubs, Adult friend finder, IPlayWinner, PornHub, Polo World, wherever you choose.
      Ellis likes this.
    17. Myke
      G0d3L, MadeManG74 and MarlyJay like this.
    18. kungfusmurf
      <<< I'm done too & please delete my account also.
      MarlyJay likes this.
    19. Kamais_Ookin
      VFDC is done without Shang.
      Dark Nova Void likes this.
    20. VFhayato
      I love you guys muah

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