Philly Tourney Report

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Jerky, Mar 10, 2002.

  1. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    It's very rare that players face each other twice early in a double-el tourney. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    I had a somewhat bad placement in the bracket. Facing you first then Rich right after. And both losses came to the last round. Eh, that's life. /versus/images/icons/crazy.gif

    I think Julian was the only person to get a bye, I guess Eric did that because Julian won the last tournament. I was eliminated before he played his first game. /versus/images/icons/frown.gif
  2. Hyun

    Hyun Well-Known Member

    Oh you were that Vanessa player. Yes, as we were driving back I mentioned about you, that you gave me trouble in the first round and you deserved to get farther than you did in the tourney. Clearly belonged to the better half among the tourney participants and did not deserve to lose so soon. Again, sorry for not being too social while we were there. We were all tired and hungry too. But then of course, VF often became a cause of bad sleeping and eating pattern for us. Ah, what you give up for this game.
  3. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    "Something the entire Boston crew still are not able to do after months"

    .......I CAN TAKE HIM!!!! /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  4. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    As a side note, Shang did continue his bitch Akira streak, including the rounds that had nothing but two HCB+P,bodycheck combos.

    Was he adding the dodge before the bodycheck? IIRC on the PS2 the dodge doesn't increase the damage, so Shang hasn't bothered doing it that way... On arcade Ver B, the <font color=orange>QCB</font color=orange>+P, dodge, BC can do over 100 pts damage.
  5. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    No sir he executed the combo without dodging.... Ver. C mindset - go figure. It was the same with me when I wanted to do MC backfist, b+K+G, pounce. In Ver. B the MC Backfist knocks down (whereas Ver. C it head crumples) rendering the combo useless. I really missed the combo does about 85 to 90 pts (and I landed a good amount of MC backfists that were already worked into my game)
  6. Eric

    Eric Member

    Yo i like give out THANKS to all you guys for coming i hope to see all of you players again at the next big tournament.
  7. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Eric I knew you were really busy that day so I didn't mention this but in setup, under "GAME ASSIGNMENTS", when the "VS FINISH" value is set to "1 WIN", both player's game will end after the match. With this setup you do not need to unplug the machine after every match everytime in a tournament. This is what some people refer to as the tournament mode. This will save a lots of unplugging!!
  8. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Hey, this is guaranteed, the next Philly Tourny? I am definatly there then (going to try and drag along Phil and my friend Ben).
    Sounds like you all had an awesome time at the tourny! Congrats to Omaha Jeff!
  9. RIZ

    RIZ Well-Known Member

    When do you guys think you can hed back to UP? I'm a regular there and was at the Tekken 4 tourney, I had passed by to see the tournament, since I like VF but really, at the time, knew nothing.

    I'm very good now, pretty standard, and would love to meet and play some people. i think part of my interest into teh game is that the vf community is a small one but with good players.

  10. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    My brother and I go to school in rochester, but during the summer we live in south jersey and are planning to make it out to UP a decent amount during the summer. We get out of school in May (and that's a bit far away), but after that we should be up there a decent amount.

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