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Post here every game released at 50hz when it's original speed is 60hz

Discussion in 'General' started by Nashi, Apr 10, 2004.

  1. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Leave me out of your fight with LM_Akira (You should be able to handle your first vfdc fight on your own as you really are 1.90 remember?) Or do you think he should know who you are based on the merit of you posting 5posts in that nick before I made you change it man? ^__^

    Besides I don't know what you two are even arguing as you agree on everything lol. Why go against LM_Akis post count I dont get (huh?); many have a high post count but LM_Aki has done a great number of even great posts on VFDC (and put effort into it), prob more then most ever will. Never seen him going bonkers / into "fuck of" mode like this over nothing before though and find it abit weird (wtf man?). Play nice /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    [ QUOTE ]
    I am KiwE's number 1 groupie

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nope, you got fired from that pos (if you ever had it) after I got 36-4 against your evade kp whore Sarah last weekend.

    /KiwE (Buys icecream of choice for everybody to bring up the mood abit).
  2. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    Well, I dont know how VF is coded to begin with, but it's possible that the framerate doesn't have anything to do with the actual speed of the game.

    If it runs at 50 Hz, what you'll see are alot of skipped frames, if you were watching every individual frame. It may be harder to read moves, I dont know. The game engine, however, should still be running at the same speed as on a 60 Hz system. The only difference is in how many times the system draws what's going on, per second.

    Of course, I may be wrong, and VF's engine runs off of framerate, although not many games do that. If someone actually knows, please share the info. The only way I could think to determine this is to cause the game to slow down graphically, and in a console fighting game, that may be impossible to do.
  3. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Actually no, I should be apologising really I wasn't in a good mood yesterday.

    The thing is, the original poster has made several threads on 50/60 hz already and those who've been here a while know that he knows what hes talking about. Well the whole 50/60 hz thing has been talked to death really. If you think about it though regardless of however many frames a move takes, in vf4 evo (and all other games I';m aware of like zelda, RE 1 and Re 0 etc on gc) 60 hz is faster simply because you're getting more frames per second. Akiras knee is infamously K + G release guard after 1 frame. Playing in 50 hz makes this seem very strange, same with DLC or SPoD or whatever. If you watch 2 machines running evo next to each other one 50hz and one 60 hz the differnece looks ridiculous. I played vf 4 in black and white for about a year cos my telly didn't support 60hz (and i didn't have the right cables).

    Still I guess I've nothing more to say on the matter. Take it easy /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  4. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    You can display 60hz mode in colour with a scart cable. I still have to play in black and white though cause I hate the display I get with a scart lead on my TV.

    I don't know why the PS2 is the only machine of this generation of consoles that doesn't do a Pal 60hz mode. DC, GC and Xbox all do it. The majority of TVs aren't NTSC compatiple only 60hz compatible so most of us are gonna have a black and white display. Bloody uninformed fools at Sony unlike the other 3 companies didn't bother to do anything about it.
  5. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Actually some ps2 games do Pal 60 like Jak & Dakter but i don't really know the rest. If your tv can display pal 60 it should display ntsc 60hz too ..
  6. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Re: Post here every game released at 50hz when it's original speed is 60hz *DELETED*

    Post deleted by Jide
  7. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    Really, so if one game can do it why aren't the other games doing it? Is it more difficult to do it on the PS2?

    All games with a 60hz mode on the other consoles run in colour on my TV in that mode. The instruction manual of a PS2 game with a 60hz option states that if the picture is black and white but stable your TV is 60hz compatible but not NTSC compatiple.
  8. Saurian

    Saurian Well-Known Member

    I REALLY hate these threads....


    That is a good FAQ regarding Playstion output signals -

    With regards about PAL60 on the machine; there is no dedicated hardware mode for PAL60 on the PS2 as I said before, with regards to Jak & Daxter it must be a software solution but as you know solutions like this are not common (60hz == NTSC in the majority of cases). There are modchips about with a BIOS code which forces everything to display at PAL60 but it's seriously not worth it, Best solution if you want to be rid of this stupidness is to do away with PAL and import.

    Then all this garbage written in this thread is totally irrelevant.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Saurian: I don't know if Namco are lying or just pulling off a bad joke, but Tekken4 sure tells me that it can be played in PAL60. I do know that the 60hz mode in VF4evo is NTSC and not PAL60. And when you are saying very few games are optimised for PAL format, do you mean very few PS2 games? Cus atleast the cube has plenty of them. Optimised for PAL60 that is, but it sure is PAL. PAL is the colour coding and not actually the frame rate (often misused)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Please dont patronise me.
  9. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Yeah i agree saur 100% sometimes i don't know what Sony engineers are thinking maybe there the same guys who work at troc /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    What i don't understand is why Pal 60 is so hard to software wise.. some developers eh!
  10. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yeah I should point out that was back in the vf4 days and I've been playing evo in colour since it came out after getting myself sorted with a GAME RGB cable.

    EUROTRASH Well-Known Member

    OK, LM_akira, apologies accepted, although I was enjoying the fight /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif You seem to be a cool guy, helpful posts and normally a positive manner. I've been reading the forums for some time before I regged here, and just like KiwE, I was a bit shocked by the "who the fuck are you". Maybe it's in place for me to apologise too but whatever, I have bad days all the time /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif BTW seem to remember you play in a band, I played in a band too although we quit and my guitar broke down, haven't played for 15 months or somethin /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif Mostly thrash metal, but lots of other stuff even pop, reggae influenced shit /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif. And yeah, you don't even need to have 2 evos at the same time, the difference is huge anyway /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif

    Kiwe: I went against his post count cus he said "who the fuck are you?" as if this is his territory and I'm not welcome or somethin /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    And oh please, get over that my evade -> kp fucked your Brad back to an italian gay bar for atleast 5 games /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif And let's not forget that my win ratio was significantly higher over at must's place /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif ah well, I'm a newb, what do you expect?

    Panty_J: In VF4 evo's case its very much the frame rate. The game engine speed is the same relative to the frame rate in both 50hz and 60hz, that's why 50hz is so much slower. No frameskips there /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif.

    Shoju: SCART or not doesn't really matter (scart is just the connector, not the signal), what matters if your tv aint ntsc compatible is that you got an RGB signal. So you need a cable with a scart connector that carries RGB /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Saurian: Ok, just fucking around abit. Sorry /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    All: Aint counter hits sort of hard to see playing in black and white? :p Hmm I'll try switch the rgb off and set TV at PAL to try myself someday. Better you guys just tell me.

    *dreams of becoming KiwE's fav groupie again* /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

    EUROTRASH Well-Known Member

    birthday today? grats if so. I'm goin 20 on saturday \^_^/
  13. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Wow. I stop posting for a 2 days and guess what? People start fighting..

    Mark: this post is not to talk about 50/60hz. It's to do what I asked for.

    If for some reason people think I'm wrong, or they think it's insane, then please, just fuck off will'ya? Because the only conclusion I can get is that you don't know shit about hertz or whatever.

    You there reading this. You know what I want? You know what I mean? Then please! Post... You're so welcome..
    You there reading this post. You THINK you know what I want? You don't really know what I mean? Then please! Just go read another thread okay?

    Thank you very much!

    PS: I bought an XBOX. I noticed every game on the xbox can be played at 60hz just by turning 60hzPAL mode on the console's dashboard. I never noticed XBOX rulled so much.

    EUROTRASH Well-Known Member

    It's not your thread just because you started it mate. Fights are good. I and LM_Akira are best friends now. Err... maybe /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

    Anyways I just wanna clear things out about framerates and video modes / colour encoding since quite a few people started talking about them and didn't seem to have it all clear (including you imho).

    Have a nice day (as opposed to fuck off).
  15. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    Game accelerator boosts EVERY 50 crappy conversions to their full speed and glory!

    Like that horrendous TTT PAL conversion... Talking about raping one of the best games ever made...

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