Preparing for Final Showdown!

Discussion in 'Console' started by nou, Apr 13, 2012.

  1. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    That's where it mentions Circulars are what you want to use against Failed Evades.

    Another thing I need to work on in defense specifically, is my oppenents 2nd Move. This is a an important piece for choosing what defensive option you should use to negate most of your opponents choices(ETE vs TEG, Guard vs Counter Attack, etc.).

    Old news for VF heads but for "n00bz" reading this thread hopefully they can get something out of this.
  2. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    I'm not doing much except waiting, if I had a 360 i'd be mixing it up online. I did get FS a potential new player via youtube yesterday though. It appears there are some serious fighting game fans that aren't even aware of VF5FS coming to consoles. Had to let em know it's coming soon and point them to some match vids.
  3. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    Trying to finish quest mode with every single character before FS arrives for basic move knowledge and strategies. Not too worried about practicing certain basics since they've drastically changed.

    Also setting up a youtube channel solely because FS, hopefully others will do the same and upload some great vids!
  4. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    If there's a way to gift the game over PSN or Xbox I might try some kind of raffle. Not too familiar with how that all works. If PSN game-sharing still works I'll try that maybe.

    I think there are a few people here vaguely interested. Call it defeatist, but I really don't see the game having much staying power with most new players because of the glut of new and re-releases these days of more popular games.

    I didn't play much VF5C but I understand the changes to the system. FS seems like a totally new game so it'll be nice to start fresh.
  5. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Some of the Portland players already began practicing a bit of VF5 in anticipation of Final Showdown.

    Recently, I've taken it upon myself to help with the effort. Part of that is the cross-posting (across boards and facebook groups) about events and public sessions.

    Another part of that has obviously been trying to participate in public sessions myself.

    However, right now, I'm working on getting the more competitive players to practice with one another and most of all improve. And also improve myself! This last bit has been more through direct contact and not so public, because it's a direct facilitator role--but I think the Northwest has a good pool of strong players.

    I've already started reaching out to Seattle players (don't worry, I'm not forgetting you Femto, I'll try to schedule private practices with you if possible) and getting them connected with some of the competitive Portland players. Assuming this works out, I also plan to reach out to Vancouver BC.

    Online practice is not ideal (though it's awesome on good connections), but it does and can work and to a good extent stronger players can adapt their game to lag and still play competitively.

    The offline sessions have been awesome though, and my most recent offline session was greatly helped by two days of online sessions before it. Of all things, my spacing/footsie game was much much sharper and I was reacting much more.

    Anyways, I'm trying to prepare the Northwest scene, and I'm trying to make some special effort to connect the more competitive players to one another--because those players have a difficult challenge in this game (finding peers they can grow with and really compete against).

    The people that know me, know that I won't neglect the "less competitive" players either. I've just found with experience that the competitive players require a bit more special attention but they can ultimately help form a backbone for a consistent and longer running scene. At least if they're not A-holes :p Fortunately, everyone here's been really really cool ^_^

  6. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    Genesis Malakh
    My 360 Red Ringed on me, so I guess it's playing VF4 in preparation (besides fixing the problem/getting a new console).
  7. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    VF4 should help some, throws are faster than high punch once again! [​IMG]
  8. SEGA_Fan

    SEGA_Fan Member

    I'm only watching old japanese videos funny, that tv show with BunBunMaru and Daimon Lau. And also that Fighting Vipers tournament, with 100 girls dressed as Honey lol.

    But that's the only thing i'm doing. Can't wait to play.
  9. jrcma

    jrcma Well-Known Member

    Playin VF5 & watchin the VF anime.
  10. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    play vanilla every day and see fs videos..and refreshing some advanced techiques!!:)
  11. mahmood1982

    mahmood1982 Well-Known Member

    continue playing VF5 and taking care of my girlfriend
  12. jonasg33k

    jonasg33k Active Member

    Clearing some space on my hard drive and buying some Microsoft Points should be enough.
  13. NewChallenger

    NewChallenger Member

    I just can't believe that this game is actually coming to consoles... in less than 2 days. I had essentially removed myself from VF because no one played it, but I'm just so hyped right now.
  14. RLC1984VF4LIFE

    RLC1984VF4LIFE New Member

    Like finding an old favourite pair of shoes, but with two new soles - Taka and Jean!

    And when I slip these babies on, I'm a run with them! Bring on Tuesday!!!
  15. JackyB

    JackyB Well-Known Member

    Lols at having to clear space on harddrives for games. #360worldproblem

    Clear at least 3 GB by the way, unless you plan to only buy the base game (it's roughly 2gb).
  16. jonasg33k

    jonasg33k Active Member

    It sucks but I have an old 20GB HD.
    Anyway I'm ready for FS. If I was in Japan, I'd be playing FS on arcade to prepare myself but here, there is nothing else to do IMHO.
  17. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    im a little mad cause yesterday hackers hack my xbox and steal my points..fifa hacks:( so from the moment until get a new card not vf5fs on xbox.but for sure i will buy it on ps3 6th june..anw.. those 2 last months prepared for fs with playing vanilla and refresh some advance techiques like eteg,fuzzy guard etc.i cant believe that vf5fs coming in 2 ready!!!
  18. KillaKotti

    KillaKotti New Member

    Man Just have 2 get today and tomorrow over with. But, in the mean time its just me and my brother working out on vanilla vf5. Really getting the rust off before FS comes out.
  19. JackyB

    JackyB Well-Known Member

    The main reason I'm waiting till the day of to put anything money on my PSN. 45 bucks is alot of money to have jacked.
  20. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    what can i say!!!im very unlucky and stupid guy..not again add points before game arrived..anw..:)

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